King of Martial Arts

Chapter 230 Selected Prisoner

"Hahaha! Come on, ghost brother, you and I have done this cup, and from then on, we have formed brothers with different surnames to cleanse all walks of life in the world!" In the banquet hall full of guests, Meng and Ghost Life stood together in the main seat, holding a glass of wine in their hands. The glass of wine was not clear wine, but red blood.

"Brother Meng, that's what I think." The ghost is now wearing a red robe, and the lines on his face are looming, but it is more enchanting and beautiful. When he looks at him, his eyes have been unable to deal with it, as if he were looking at a beautiful woman.

"Hehe, don't worry, we can definitely do it, don't you?" When he said this, he didn't look at the ghost. He looked at the guests under the steps.

Under the main seat, there are steps made of emerald stone. Under the steps is a hall. The hall is more than ten feet high and extremely wide. There are hundreds of tables in the hall, and behind each table sits a nobleman, a new nobleman.

The so-called new aristocracy in the demon world refers to the group of monster families that rose with the support of the wolves after the demon war. In contrast to them, the extinct nobles such as bears and dogs are the old nobles.

Today, there are three most representative families of this group of nobles, the first is the hyena family, the second is the fear beast family, and the third is the tree demon family. The reason why their three families are representative is mainly because they have recently been favored with the wolf clan, that is, the demon god family. Therefore, this time the hyena family, the fear beast family and the tree demon family were invited as first-class guests, and some other small nobles are just sitting with them.

The leader of the hyena family is called hyena. He is a very young, excellent but cunning guy who is the same age as the demon god. He has only one eye and is said to be born with a natural disability. He was ridiculed when he was born. However, he was the weakest of hyenas and finally became the patriarch. It can be seen that He is very scheming. The hyenus is the closest one among the three major families to extinction. It is said to be a life-and-death friendship, but there is no way to verify it.

Unlike the cunning and treachery of the hyenism, the patriarch of the fear beast family is more upright or barbaric. No one knows what kind of beast the fear beast was before reaching the demon world. There is generally a legend among monsters that the fear beasts were born with the world, so they are very righteous and self-title themselves as aborigines, which is still untenable. No matter where the scary beasts come from, everyone knows one thing, that is, they are terrible and will often roast their opponents into charred and oily barbecues with the flames on their hair. In terms of his generation, he is afraid that he will still want to be a dwarf demon god and annihilation. He is the youngest of the leaders of the three families, and he is also the most hot-tempered one to do. Because of his youth, the fear beast family is now not close to the wolf clan.

There is no doubt that the tree demon family comes from the world. It is said that they are phoenix trees, each of which is tall and powerful and often shakes in the mountains. This time, it is not the supreme patriarch of the tree demon family, but his young son named Xu Xing. Yes, the tree demon family has a surname. Their surname is Xu.

Xu Xing's youth is relative to his father. In fact, it is said that he has lived for 5,000 years now. Compared with animals, plants have much less aura and less meridians and blood in the body, so it is very difficult for tree demons to practice. In the same realm, ordinary monsters may take 100 years, while they will take 500 years or more. But it is without the meridians and bloodlines that are easy to corrupt, so the tree demons are naturally very old.

Xu Xing has cultivated to the stage where he can turn into a human form, which is different from the small saplings around him. Those small seedlings are his servants. Although they are quite high in the demon world, they can only make their bodies about the same size as human beings.

Hearing what Mu Meng said, the hyenzong first stood up and raised his glass and said, "My lord, I would like to go through fire and water for the Lord of Meng!"

The hymen is a representative. Hearing what he said, many small nobles began to feel uneasy and ** at the banquet. They vaguely felt that this was a grand banquet. Maybe the food was not so delicious.

The fear son said carelessly, "I don't understand. All I know is that I have to follow the demon god for a lifetime!"

Afraid son's words aroused a lot of resonance among the crowd, which made Mu Meng very unhappy. The palm of the hand he held with the ghost sweated slightly, and the other hand holding the wine glass couldn't help working hard. I'm afraid that if he tried harder for a moment, the wine glass would break with a click.

At this time, the ghost gently pinched his hand and turned his head to look at the ghost. He heard the ghost whisper: "Patience, be patient! How can a person who wants to achieve great things do it without a certain patience?

The words of the ghost life were like the ice water in the dog days, like the quilt in the nine days, which instantly extinguished the dry fire in his heart. He took a deep breath, and the anger in his eyes dissipated in an instant. Mo Meng turned his head, raised his glass to the fear son, and said, "Cheers to the demon god!"

"Cheers!" The guests under the steps suddenly shouted like a tsunami, and they raised their wine glasses one after another, shouted with the shouts of extermination, and drank them all together.

In the middle, the only one who didn't really drink the wine was Xu Xing. He had a sparse brown beard on his chin, which was as thick and open as the roots of a tree. He quietly poured the wine in the glass to the ground, and his mouth shouted with the shouts of the crowd.

"I don't think there is anything good to say today." Xu Xing muttered. After hearing this, a young tree demon servant next to him immediately asked quietly, "Young master, what should we do?"

"Let's act according to the opportunity!" Xu Xing whispered, "It really doesn't work. We'll be back in a moment."

"Yes, young master!" The servant bowed.

The banquet carnival is still going on. After three rounds of drinking, with the order of extinction, a burst of enchanting music sounded slowly. With the soul-eating music, a row of exposed and charming women entered and began to dance among the guests, attracting those who were expensive from time to time. The clan's eyes rolled around and drooled.

Sitting on the stage and looking at everything below, his face finally smiled slightly and sincerely.

"Brother, what do you think? Brother Fool, my appeal..." He waved to the ghost's life. At the same time, he secretly pinched the back of the ghost's hand. The skin was smooth, and all the women in his harem did not feel good as well as ghosts.

There was a smile on the ghost's face, but his eyes were cold. He pulled out his hand from his hands and said faintly, "Calling power? I think it's a little suspense!"

"What?" The self-confidence that had just expanded was extinguished by the ashes of the blow. The smile on his face suddenly disappeared. After gritting his teeth, he asked, "How can I see it?"

"How many people can sincerely support you just now?" The ghost said.

"They..." Menggang wanted to point with his hand, but found that he couldn't point out any of them.

"Who? Brother Xian, I would like to know who here is willing to pay for you... that person?" The ghost pointed randomly to a guy who was holding the beauty in his arms and smiling, "Or that?"

He opened his mouth and sweated all over. He found that he was indeed too optimistic. The ghost life pointed to several people, but he didn't think that person would be loyal to him. Finally, he saw the hyena who was drinking during the banquet, so he finally came to his senses and pointed to the hyena and said to the ghost, "That's him!"

"He?" The ghost looked at the hyeon with a smile.

"Yes, he grew up with me, and we are a deadly friendship!" Extermination said.

"I don't think so!" The ghost said, "Brother, even I may not stand firmly on your side!"

"You..." Meng stared at the ghost. After a long time, you finally gritted your teeth and said, "How dare you!"

"Ha ha, I really don't dare, because you and I are in the same boat. If you die, I can't live!" The ghost drank the glass of blood wine leisurely. He gently wiped away the blood red on his lips and said to Di Meng, "Brother Xian, did I just tell you that to scare you? Ha ha, don't be afraid. In fact, I want to tell you that none of the people below will always stand firmly on your side, including the hyena!"

"Why?" He said, "If I come to power, I will definitely support the hyena family. He has no reason not to help me!"

"Oh?" The ghost said, "I think that once he has a chance, he will definitely support himself to rise to power. What else is higher than the demon god in this demon world?"

The words of ghost life were like a bolt from the blue, which made the blood of the extinct suddenly cool down. His face turned white and his eyes looked straight at the hyena sect. The hyena sect may have sensed that the destruction was looking at him, so he turned his head, smiled at the extermination alliance, and raised a glass to him. In the past, he would have accepted this respect with great pleasure, but now his mind is full of thoughts: "Is this guy sincere to me?"

When the ghost saw the extinction, he hurriedly replied in his place. When he met the four eyes of the hyphen, both of them smiled.

"Brother, please help me!" Meng suddenly grabbed the ghost's arm and said hurriedly.

How can I help? Haven't I been helping you all the time?" Ghost Road.

"Help me identify these guys!" Destroy the road.

"Ha ha, don't worry, do you remember the last demon war in the demon world?" The ghost said, "Do you remember how these guys became nobles?"

"At that time, I was not in this world, so I don't remember, but I was very clear about the family. At that time, almost half of the demon world disappeared." When Meng said this, he suddenly felt a chill between his teeth. He suddenly realized that what he was doing seemed to be no different from that in those years, which was earth-shaking? He? Even he didn't believe that he could do it.

"Ha ha!" The ghost smiled. He saw through the mind of extinction and ate him, so he said, "That's right, but that's not what I'm talking about. No matter how the world changes, the people at the top of the world are not necessarily the strongest in force. The demon god (the ancestor of thunder) in those years can be called the strongest in history, but What happened in the end? Didn't the demon god's seat fall into your hands? Therefore, Brother Xian, what matters now is to win people's hearts, obey, reward, disobedience, and kill without mercy! But even if you obey you, you should be more careful with them to avoid getting a mantis to catch the cicada and the yellow finch in the end.

He nodded as if he didn't understand, and his head buzzed into paste, but after the paste, he was extremely sober. He patted the ghost's hand and said with a smile, "Brother, it's my blessing to meet you in this life! Don't go back to the station tonight. Our two brothers fall asleep. The night is long and we can say a lot!"

Ghost smiled and glanced at him and scolded in his heart, "This guy actually has such a hobby?! But what should I do?"


"Okay, I'm leaving. I'll come to see you tomorrow." This is the second time that Ma Yao usually comes to send food to Jiang Hanye. Every time Jiang Hanye will secretly give him a silver cake, and every time he usually divides half of the silver cake to those jailers, so Jiang Hanye will receive preferential treatment on weekdays.

"Thank you, Brother Ping!" Jiang Hanye said, "What's going on in the house recently?"

"Hey, I was about to tell you that many nobles came to the banquet today!" He usually said, "But this is a scene for us, and for you, it may be..."

"What?" Jiang Hanye asked hurriedly.

"It's not good news, because after each big banquet, they will kill some prisoners for fun. I'm really afraid..." The smile on their usual faces faded and replaced by sadness.

"Hehe, it's okay. Everything is according to God's will." Speaking of this, Jiang Hanye looked up at the sky. He had never believed in God's will before, but this time he had to give his fate to God, which was an irony.

"Hey, you should be fine. We stuffed them with silver cakes. Even if we want to choose someone, we will avoid you. Don't worry." Usually comforted.

After leaving, Jiang Hanye's mood was quieter than the first day, and the whole prison seemed to become very quiet. All this seemed to be like the tranquility before the storm hit, which was a little scary. Those prisoners may have known about the banquet, so they were abnormal and didn't even whisper.

Jiang Hanye sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and began to meditate. In recent days, he has practiced in this way, replacing sleep with such practice. Although this is the demon world, although human beings will have many difficulties in the demon world, he will still do his best to cope with the upcoming storm.

Unconsciously, it was dawn, but Jiang Hanye did not know it. When he was awakened from meditation by the fresh air outside, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart that maybe the last moment was coming.

"Is it coming?" The prisoner asked.

"Hmm." A strange voice.

"How many do you want this time?" The prisoner asked.

"Forty." The voice said.

"Okay, wait, I'll mention the prisoner." The prison leader said that he stood up and was about to go inside. Obviously, he had done this kind of thing many times and was no longer familiar with it.

"Wait!" The voice said, "This is the list, just mention it!"

"List?" The prison leader was surprised and said, "Why is there a list this time? It's never happened before!"

"Who knows, this is what the superior means, and we subordinates have to do it." The voice said.

"Okay, wait." The prison leader seemed to unfold the list and read it before walking to the corridor.

Jiang Hanye heard all this in his ears without pulling a word. He smiled and muttered to himself, "Come on!"

The prison head walked through the door of Jiang Han's night room and walked straight to the depths of the cell. The doors of the prison opened one by one, pulled out the prisoners on the list, and counted them in his mouth: "One...two... thirty-four... thirty-nine..."

When the prison head reached 39, Jiang Hanye found that he did not continue to open the door of the cell, but walked out with the prisoners. When he walked to Jiang Hanye, he suddenly turned around and looked at him. His eyes were very complicated. Jiang Hanye read guilt from it, probably because he also knew that he had taken the money, but If you don't do anything well, you will feel guilty.

"Let's go, brother!" The prison leader said helplessly to Jiang Hanye, "It's your turn. It's not good... It's not like this in previous years..."

"Ha ha, it's okay." Jiang Hanye nodded to him, slowly stood up from the ground and walked out.


When he walked outside, Jiang Hanye found that it was only early morning and the sky was bright. Chizhou City leaned against the sea, so the air was very fresh. He took a deep breath and didn't know how long it would take. He had been breathing the turbid and smelly air in the cell. Now he suddenly breathed such air, and he was very happy.

I secretly stimulated the true qi and found that the true qi was unimpeded, and it was very abundant, even more abundant. As soon as Jiang Hanye came out, he suddenly saw a foggy shadow jumping down from the eaves next to him. That was Xiao Bai. Since Jiang Hanye was arrested, Xiaobai left alone. Although he did not see his shadow, Jiang Hanye knew that Xiaobai must be not far from him.

There are many monsters here. He can't talk to Xiaobai alone. He can only look at it gently and convey to it that everything is fine.

The little cat put its front paws on Jiang Hanye's arm, licked him with his tongue, and whined twice in his throat. The sound was so soft that no other monsters heard it.

"Don't worry." Jiang Hanye said softly.

"Don't worry? You can't say this sentence so freely for a while. The prisoner standing in front of Jiang Hanye heard his words and thought he was comforting himself.