King of Martial Arts

Chapter 231 Colosseum 1

Jiang Hanye, as the 40th prisoner, was escorted to an open space by a group of wild boar guards, from which he found that the city's mansion was really big, because at present, their place was very empty, surrounded by high platforms. On the high platform, there were rows of chairs surrounded by a circle, and they were in circles. Inside the circle, the lowest place. Around them, there is a circle of walls about two feet high, with four huge fence doors in the four directions of east, west, north and south. The fence gates are black and do not know where to go.

Jiang Hanye suddenly had a bad feeling. Although it is a clean marble floor, the air is filled with the smell of blood. Why is it so like a slaughterhouse?

After entering the open space, the wild boar guards opened the fetters on the prisoners. At this time, a bold guy suddenly roared, hit a guard beside him, knocked him to the ground with a bang, and then grabbed the weapon in his hand. Ah, he shouted, "What the mother , resistance is also death, and if you don't resist, it's death. It's better to fight back to his mother!"

Under his leadership, several prisoners nearby also acted like that entangled with the wild boar guards around him.

Jiang Hanye did not move. To be precise, he did not move clearly, but secretly slapped the wild boar who was holding a weapon and pounced on a prisoner. The wild boar hummed and fell to the ground.

There are 40 prisoners on the field, and 30 or 40 wild boar guards escorted the prisoners, so it can be said that they are evenly matched at this time, but there are hundreds of guards on the platform above the open space. Strangely, those guards are watching the bustle and not interfering, as if it were not their companions who were beaten and killed below.

The wild boars are fully armed, and they know at a glance that they all have hard work, but they can't stand these prisoners with a strong desire to survive. They all die, and it's good to have a few cushions before they die. It was with this mentality that the prisoners all gritted their teeth, fists, shackles, teeth, soles of feet... All the guys who could be used to beat people were used. Several monsters saw Jiang Hanye motionless (they thought it was like this), and scolded him with no guts, looking at him with that fierce look.

Jiang Hanye was calm about everything in front of him. He even deliberately went a little far away and hid by the wall to watch, helping the prisoners who were about to suffer from time to time. Before long, more than half of the people on the field were killed and injured. Most of them were guards, and a few were prisoners.

At this time when the atmosphere was warm, suddenly there was a loud bang, which was the sound of a huge gong. With this sound, Jiang Hanye heard a squeak. It was the sound of the wooden door being opened, but the wooden door must be very big and heavy, because the sound lasted for a long time before stopping.

Everyone stopped, there were only some corpses on the ground, and several undead guards were moaning. The prisoners straightened up and looked up at the sound.

Jiang Hanye also looked up. At this time, he found that it was directly above the ground, and there was somehow a huge copper gong in mid-air. The sound of the gong just now came from the gong. At this time, on the high platform behind Jiang Hanye, a door was opened, and some brightly dressed monsters fished out and sat in their respective positions. It seemed that they were the so-called nobles.

After those little nobles sat down, there were two strange-fashioned appearances, but very well-dressed people came out of them. One of them's eyes were blue. After the cold night of the river, he smelled the dog smell coming from him. The man was dressed in a gray robe, and he was hyena. . The other one, covered with a red robe, is afraid of children.

Xu Xing was not here, because he took advantage of his father's slightly unhapped and went back. The reason why Xu Xing was released is that he didn't pay attention to the tree demon family at all. What can a group of trees do?

After Hygie and his son came out, Jiang Hanye soon saw a person he thought about day and night - ghost life.

The ghost was wearing a big red robe and came out with a long and fierce man. The two actually held hands. The appearance of ghost life confirmed Jiang Hanye's speculation that this noble guest was indeed a ghost life, so the man who walked with him was wiped out.

Sure enough, after the ghost and the destruction came out, all the demon aristocratic leaders who had taken seats stood up and respectfully saluted the destruction.

"All sit down!" Destruction and ghosts reached the highest point, and after sitting in the seat with the widest vision, they looked around and stretched out their hands to greet everyone. Everyone thanked and sat down.

Jiang Hanye was surprised. Didn't they notice what happened here? Or is this kind of thing common for them? In fact, Jiang Hanye was not only muttering in his heart, but also the prisoners were generally muttering. The silence and disregard of the other party aggravated their fear.

No matter what Jiang Hanye and other prisoners think, the adults on the stage are calm, especially ghosts. Although Jiang Hanye stood on the ground directly below the ghost life, because the terrain here was like a bowl, it was completely possible for him to see Jiang Hanye below, but the ghost's eyes were always full of smiles and did not look at Jiang Hanye.

After making a brief speech, Meng said, "The annual carnival is about to begin!"

"H Long live!" Everyone on the stage, including those wild boar guards, began to tsunami.

"Well, come on, let's start!" The blind eyes finally glanced down, and there was nothing abnormal. He opened his mouth and ordered.

Jiang Hanye took a breath of cold air. The performance of these people was enough to prove their cruelty and cold blood, which showed that there were too many deaths they saw, so much that they saw the bodies as if they saw flowers and trees, as if they were talking.

After the order was ordered to destroy, a gap suddenly cracked on the wall facing Jiang Hanye. It turned out that there was an invisible door. From that door, a group of tall and fierce guards came out. There were a large number of these guards, more than 100. They rushed in and used their weapons and shields. The prisoners were beaten indiscriminately. One of the guards saw Jiang Hanye, who was outside the matter, and suddenly rushed forward and hit Jiang Hanye's head with a shield.

In fact, it is not Jiang Hanye that hit the shield, but the looming frost and cold barrier outside his body. There is no need to use too much true qi to deal with such shrimp. A transparent and thin layer is enough.

The frost barrier and the shield made a slight click. The guard suffered a sullen loss for this, and the tiger's mouth suddenly flowed blood, but he had red eyes and did not notice it.

Jiang Hanye pretended to hold his head and walked into the crowd and gathered with the prisoners.

The new guards dragged the bodies away from here and piled them on the other side. After a little cleaning, they lined up and walked out, and the stone gate was closed again.

"Brother, this year's wave of sheep looks fierce, and you will feast your eyes, haha!" Mo Meng pointed to the ghost and said to the ghost.

"Brother, you are blessed!" The ghost life is very low-browed in front of extinction. All this was seen by Jiang Hanye. He is very puzzled. Even in the demon world, human cultivation will be discounted, but with the strength of ghost life, he doesn't need to do this, right?

Anyway, it happened. In Jiang Hanye's long life in the future, he firmly remembered this scene. This day was the third dark moon in the spring of 36700 years.

The so-called clearance process lasted for a short time, leaving only a pile of prisoners and the pile of corpses opposite the prisoners in the field. Although most of the dead monsters are guards, no one seems to intend to get justice for these dead guards. Anyway, the iron gates and stone gates are closed.


Another gong sound, and the whole venue was silent. Jiang Hanye could even hear the heartbeat of the prisoner next door. He turned his head and looked at it. The man's lips had been trembling and seemed to be very scared.

"Belt, fierce beast!" This is what a command officer standing next to a huge gong shouted out. The command officer seemed to be a bear demon.

No matter what that guy is, Jiang Hanye heard a strange gasp of snoring. The sound was very heavy, as if it was a gasp when the nose of a giant was blocked.

All the prisoners gathered together. They stood back to back and cheered each other up. There were also those who were as timid and could not move in the crowd, but no one would laugh at him at this time. In front of the threat of death, the most glorious side of the demonic nature appeared.

This has been difficult for Jiang Hanye to figure out. Because in his impression, when human beings encounter such moments, most of them are selfish. In his killing career in the past few years, he has often encountered such times. Sometimes it is a couple, sometimes it is a father and son. Everyone wants to survive, and everyone wants to seek himself by selling the interests of others. His own interests, but in the demon world, at this moment, what he sees is that the strong protect the weak, the weak cheer each other up, and everyone joins hands to fight against the upcoming threat.

Gala Gala Gala!

The sound was made when the rusty iron gate was slowly pulled up. At the same time, Jiang Hanye and others suddenly felt that the shadow in front of him flashed. He couldn't help looking up and was surprised to find that about two feet above his head, that is, halfway through the air close to the top of the wall, had been dense and unknown. The big net is blocked. In other words, they can only move in such a bowl-shaped venue, no matter what they are about to face.

There was a sound of the chain. The chain was first dragged to the ground and made a clattering sound, and then there was a rustling sound. Jiang Hanye knew that this was an infinite thing trying to break free from the chain.

"Open the lock!" The commander on the gong platform above his head began to give orders again, and with a loud sound, the chain was unlocked.


Jiang Hanye felt the marble floor under his feet trembling, and the sound of a huge object falling to the ground kept coming. That was the footsteps of the fierce beast.

Jiang Hanye quietly held the Brahma ruler in his hand. His eyes stared at the black hole door of the opened iron gate in front of him, and the afterglow looked for Xiao Bai's whereabouts among the monsters. There was no Xiaobai in the group of monsters. He panicked, not afraid, but worried. He swept his eyes across the whole venue and didn't see Xiaobai. However, in his memory, Xiaobai came in with the prisoner team. Is it possible that he went out again when he didn't know? Anyway, Jiang Hanye hopes that Xiaobai can live safely.


A huge roar urged by the narrow space came through the dark door. The sound resounded through the whole site with a deadly threat. At the moment when this roar came out, a monster among the prisoners immediately collapsed to the ground and said desperately, "God, save me!"

"God can't save you." Jiang Hanye Road.

Jiang Hanye was actually excluded, because he had always been out of the melee, at least in the eyes of other prisoners, so when Jiang Hanye opened his mouth to speak, everyone looked at him with that kind of slanted eyes. Jiang Hanye doesn't care about this at all. What is this? He has always known how he did it and what his purpose was to come here.

"Well, coward is not qualified to criticize others here!" Among the prisoners, there was a chimpanzee-like guy. He was muscular and tall, half a foot taller than Jiang Hanye. He touched the ground with his fists and stared at Jiang Hanye with black fist-sized eyes.

"Yes, the black boss is right!" The monster group seems to involuntarily take the chimpanzee as the leader. This is the nature of the beast. Whoever is strong will be the boss. This chimpanzee is powerful. Jiang Hanye has also seen it before. He once tore up a pig demon with his hands, and the pig's water flowed all over the ground.

"Isn't it right? At this time, it's better to pray for yourself than to ask for partners. Jiang Hanye said, "No matter what is closed in it, it probably has only one purpose."

"What is it?" The black boss couldn't help asking curiously, and Jiang Hanye obviously had attracted his attention.

"Food." Jiang Hanye said. He looked around and pointed to the pile of corpses and said to everyone, "Well, that's our most powerful barrier."

Before everyone could ask what it was, Jiang Hanye smelled a trace of blood, followed by a gust of wind. When he turned around and said to everyone, "Dodge!" After that, a huge shadow has been killed in the group of monsters.

Jiang Hanye did not hesitate. He sacrificed the Brahma ruler and twisted the spell. Then the Brahma ruler dragged a long tail to the giant behind him and hit the chest of the fierce beast with a bang.

The footsteps of the fierce beast were temporarily slowed down, but its power was so great that it could not be supported by Jiang Hanye. When all the prisoners dispersed and avoided separately, he rolled to the side and took the opportunity to take back the Brahma ruler.

The fierce beast ate a blow. Although it did not cause any fatal injuries, it made it feel the threat of equal power, so it focused its full attention on the small figure in front of it. Yes, compared with the fierce beast, Jiang Hanye is small and exquisite.

After dodging, Jiang Hanye gasped. For the first time, he felt the threat of true qi on the verge of exhaustion. Human beings were indeed too small in the demon world. At this time, Jiang Hanye also noticed the fierce beast. It had a tiger's body, pig's head and fangs that were not much smaller than ivory, its tail was about one foot long, and its coat was very long, almost dragged to the ground, and it was dirty and gray-black.

Although the fierce beast looked fierce, Jiang Hanye quickly found its weakness from it - because of its huge body, it was slow and even turned slowly, comparable to the old turtle of the Leitian family.

Boom! Boom!

The fierce beast finally turned around and aimed at Jiang Hanye. Its back foot landed on the ground, and its front feet were liberated. The nails on the claws were hard and sharp, shining like hooks in the morning light. It looked at Jiang Hanye and approached step by step.

Jiang Hanye quickly recovered 70% or 80% of his true qi after a short adjustment. Now he knows that dealing with such a fierce beast cannot consume the true qi like in previous battles, otherwise the only thing waiting for him is death.

Since you can't rely on the power of the Brahma ruler (it takes a lot of real energy to stimulate the Brahma ruler), then everything can only be done by himself. Jiang Hanye put away the Brahma ruler, confronting the fierce beast, while closing his sleeves and trousers, dressed neatly, which made it easier for him to move.

"This guy doesn't look like a coward!" The black boss muttered.

" boss, what should we do?" A thin monster at the feet of the black boss looked up and asked.

The black boss is not a fool. On the contrary, he is still very smart. His eyes rolled smoothly and soon fell on the pile of wild boar corpses next to him. He ordered, "Turn around and get close to the body!"

Jiang Hanye was ready to go, waiting for work with ease, with his back to the wall, waiting for the fierce beast to approach, and the fierce beast also drooled and approached Jiang Hanye step by step. At this moment, in the eyes of the fierce beast, it seems that Jiang Hanye is the only one left, but it is not in a hurry to kill Jiang Hanye, as if it is enjoying the process of killing and hunting.


"Brother, this beast is much more wonderful than ever!" On the stand, he said to the ghost with a smile.

The ghost raised his eyebrows and looked at the huge thing in the field under the stage, and Jiang Hanye, who stood against the wall, and said with a sneer, "It's wonderful. I hope the stinky stones in those pits can be buried here forever."

"Hahaha, wrong brother, it's not buried here, but buried in the belly of that fierce beast." Mo Meng said with a big smile.

The ghost smiled. He twisted the new beard on his chin and seemed to see the darkness of victory. Yes, the light in his eyes was not a good thing. On the contrary, if it was dark, he would be very comfortable.