King of Martial Arts

Chapter 366 Dream Turtle

The silver sea under the twilight is particularly beautiful, the moonlight is bright, the silver sea is snowy white, and the two are shining, and the whole world is like a layer of silver. Due to the unique geographical environment of the Silver Sea, there are no plants and ups and downs here, so standing in one place, the dark blue sky and the Silver Sea seem to be connected at the end of the sky.

Because that happened during the day, the Blood Demon God Church arranged patrol hands around the shrine, and from time to time one or two figures shook on the ice field.

"It's getting colder and colder!" A disciple of the Blood Demon God Religion rubbed his hands and said.

"Yes, my joints are almost unsistible. Our cultivation is all used to resist the cold." The other one also rubbed his ears and said blankly.

"Alas, you said our master..."

The two guys were getting ready to gossip and be lazy, but they didn't find that a dark shadow crossed the sky not far from them, like a meteor crossing the edge of the moon. The shadow was so fast that it came behind the two blood demon disciples from dozens of feet away almost instantly, and his breath was so peaceful that even the two disciples with their backs did not find him.

"How are you?" The two disciples of the Blood Demon God Religion were chatting together. Suddenly, a cold, gloomy and very low voice came close to their backs. This sudden voice shocked the two disciples of the Blood Demon God Religion. They really jumped up together.

A disciple held a magic weapon on his chest and asked the man nervously, "Who are you?" Because he was so nervous, he forgot to step back two steps. The guy who suddenly appeared was very slender, his face was like a horse's face, and his ears were like donkey's ears. He exuded an unpleasant smell all over his body. The man's appearance was unprecedented.

Another disciple was obviously smarter than him. He jumped back with a magic weapon and shouted by the way, "Brother, you deal with him first. I'll call someone!" After saying that, he turned around and ran away unrighteously.

"Hello!" As soon as the escaped disciple ran out a few steps, he suddenly felt a dark shadow flashing in front of him. Good boy, the strange man was actually blocking him like this, and he seemed to only say that sentence: Hello!

"Okay...good, who the hell are you?" The escaped disciple had no choice but to retreat and plan to stick with his brother. The two were stronger than one, but when he retreated, he tripped over something inadvertently. He looked down and saw that it was actually his brother. Unfortunately, he was now a dead brother.

"Hello!" The man bullied himself, reached out and grabbed the neck of the blood demon disciple, and still said that sentence. His movements were so fast and his strength was so strong that he had no power to fight back, and he was strangled to death.

The man in black bent down and lifted a corpse in one hand, as if he easily picked up two straws. He went to the ice hole not far away, threw the two bodies into the silver sea, and then turned around and looked at the Blood Demon Palace behind him. His slender eyes narrowed slightly and rushed to the Blood Demon Palace.


Although so many things have happened, Jiang Hanye knows that he still needs to stabilize his position. At this time, he can best test a person's patience. The more he can stand it, the more the enemy will gradually reveal his feet.

After arranging a response, Jiang Hanye checked Linger's homework. This child is really smart. In just three months, she has been very proficient in reciting the ice barrier and has been able to sacrifice three ice barriers. Although it is still rare, it has reached the extreme for a person who does not practice.

According to Jiang Hanye's instructions, Linger will leave for Baihua Valley early tomorrow morning, while Jin Danzi will continue to pretend to be ill. He didn't tell the two people why he did this, because what he wanted to do next was not up to him, but the other party.

Now Jiang Hanye meditated and slowly fell asleep, and Meng Xiu soon began.

It's still the dark cave. Since the two demon women were killed by Jiang Hanye, the fire has been extinguished, so the only light in the cave has also been extinguished. Fortunately, this darkness is nothing compared with what Jiang Hanye has experienced, so after entering the world of dream cultivation, he closed his eyes and easily integrated into the surrounding environment.

"Are you back?" The sound sounded again, and he seemed to be the guide of Jiang Hanye's practice and always served as a mentor. He taught Jiang Hanye more than Mei Hong.

"Well, I'm back." Jiang Hanye looked at the void and replied calmly, "But that spiritual ring doesn't seem to work, and it also makes me suffer a lot."

How can Jiang Hanye not understand the principle of 'Eating hardships before you are a superior'? He just wanted to know from the man's mouth why the spiritual ring entered his eyes.

The voice in the void was silent. He seemed to be observing Jiang Hanye. After a moment, he muttered, "Well, it seems that your fate with the deep ethereal ring is really not shallow... The spiritual ring and the master are combined into one, which is the best state, but for thousands of years, no dark doctor can do this. You can do it. That's good! But how do you deal with the inflammatory poison?

He is curious.

"Ha ha, is it the thing that makes me feel pain every day, like a fire?" Jiang Hanye smiled bitterly, "You don't have to worry about this. Just tell me why the spiritual ring entered my body."

"It is called a spiritual ring because of the word 'spirit'." The voice said, "Spirit, God! The spirit and the mind are inseparable and will be combined into one. This is the final destination of the spiritual ring. Since then, you are the spiritual ring, and the spiritual ring is also you.

This voice deliberately made a mysterious sound, so that Jiang Hanye still didn't understand why.

"You have to remember that from now on, you need to be always wary of these seven worlds, because many people will want to get you and get the spiritual ring." The voice said.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Hanye frowned.

"In the seven worlds, each has its own strange treasure, and the spiritual ring is the strange treasure of the demon world." The voice said slowly.

After hearing this, Jiang Hanye secretly shouted 'bitter' in his heart. He couldn't help thinking of the destruction of the gods and those enemies in the demon world that he didn't know who they were. The purpose of these people was to collect seven treasures in exchange for another treasure. So, he is also one of the treasures now...

"Well, no more gossip. I'm going to tell you the next step now." The voice ignored what Jiang Hanye was thinking and said to himself, "After killing the two witches, you have to face an animal."


"Yes, a turtle."

"Turtle?" Jiang Hanye smiled bitterly, "I'm really predestined to be a turtle."

"What?" The voice was stunned.

"Nothing, go on." Jiang Hanye Road.

"That turtle is called Wang Huayang." The voice said, "It lives in the water under this slope."

"Wang Huayang?" Jiang Hanye couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this. "The turtle still has a name and surname, which is really unheard of."

"If you can be in this world, don't be surprised and surprised by what happened here. Isn't the world a strange place?" The voice said somewhat reproachfully, "Listen carefully now. Wang Huayang is a very gentle turtle. It has always been kind to people."

"Then why should I deal with it?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"You really have a lot of problems." The voice became more and more impatient, "I said, it used to be kind to people."

"What you just said has always been!" Jiang Hanye corrected the way.

"Hmm!" The voice snorted coldly, "Wang Huayang is a very special turtle. It has an extremely hard turtle shell."

"The turtle's shell is usually very hard, and I also know many turtles..." Jiang Hanye said, "But this is not enough to show that Wang Huayang is very special." A turtle has a famous surname, and Jiang Hanye is really uncomfortable.

"Smile!" The voice made a very unpleasant sound, "You guy, your mouth is too tricky!"

"Ha ha, go on." Jiang Hanye smiled. In Mengxiu's cave, he really rarely would be as relaxed as he is now.

"Because its shell is hard, once it dies, the shell will become a powerful vest." The voice said, "All the people who came here know this, so they want to kill Wang Huayang. In fact, I'll tell you a secret that you didn't need to continue practicing through Wang Huayang at all, but later it was angered and came to tell me that all future practitioners would have to pass it, so you are less lucky..."

"Blessed and misfortune?" Jiang Hanye Road.

"Well, don't talk to me with your human literature." The voice was very unhappy, "Its second to deal with Wang Huayang. The key is whether you have the heart to kill a guy who is as kind as you. This is torture for your soul."

"Oh, it's so complicated..." Jiang Hanye looked down the steep slope, and a shallow river below curved along the cave, quietly without a sound.

"Well, that's all I have to say. Go ahead." The voice said.