King of Martial Arts

Chapter 367 Two Beasts Fight

The sound receded, and the whole cave suddenly seemed empty.

"Wang Huayang..." Jiang Hanye shook his head and smiled. This is really the funniest thing in his dream today, but no matter how funny it is, he knows that he is facing a difficult problem now - how to hurt a guy who is not threatening at all?

Over the past many years, there have been many people and beasts killed by Jiang Hanye, especially in the demon world, but today, he doesn't know how to deal with this turtle king Huayang, although Wang Huayang has not appeared at all so far.

Jiang Hanye walked down the steep slope. In the whole circular cave, the underground river divided it into two halves, with two stone bridges connecting south and north. Entering the middle of the river, Jiang Hanye found that the water here was really shallow, and even his ankles could not be submerged. Will there really be large aquatic animals like turtles in such a shallow river?

There is a curve not far ahead, and there is an arch bridge above the curve, which is the upper reaches of the river, because the water flows from that direction.

Jiang Hanye decided to go against the current and see how big the cave is.

"The next time that sound appears again, I have to ask how I can pass this level and enter the next level." Jiang Hanye thought secretly as he walked.

A cool breeze came along the middle of the two hillsides. The wind and the tide of the underground river hit Jiang Hanye's face, and he actually felt a gloomy coldness. Jiang Hanye couldn't help shivering and said to himself, "Then should Wang Huayang appear?"

"Oh!" A fierce roar came from the curve in front of Jiang Hanye, and there was also a fierce sound of water slapping. It sounded as if something was rushing through the corner at a very fast speed and rushing in the direction of Jiang Hanye.

"Is it it?" Jiang Hanye stopped and clenched his fist. He found a problem. Since he got the spiritual ring, he has not felt so uncomfortable in this cave. In the past few years, almost every time he practiced here, he would have a sense of fatigue, when fighting, and when breathing, but now he is not. He is energetic at any time. Perhaps this is the role of mental power.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something." That voice suddenly appeared when Jiang Hanye's nerves were most tense. "Although Wang Huayang is kind, he is very powerful and nosy, so sometimes you have to be careful."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Hanye looked up and asked, but the sound never appeared again. At this time, after a sound of water, a huge shadow that was more than ten feet long suddenly jumped from the bend.

"Good guy!" Jiang Hanye was actually blown back by the gale caused by the huge shadow. If he hadn't been flexible, he would have fallen into the water awkwardly.

Jiang Hanye wiped away the river splashing on his face and fixed his eyes. What kind of turtle is the huge guy in front of him? There are pimples on the thick skin, the eyes are as narrow as willow leaves, the eyes are yellow, the mouth is as long as a wooden board, and hundreds of teeth are arranged in the wide mouth. It is obviously a crocodile!

Jiang Hanye always thought that Wang Huayang would appear next, so when he saw that it was a crocodile, he was immediately stunned and thought to himself, "That guy told me that the next thing to deal with is the turtle, but what happened to this one?" However, no matter how stunned he is, the situation still has to be dealt with.

Just as Jiang Hanye was ready to deal with the crocodile, suddenly there was another roar from a distance. The sound was exactly like the spirit turtle he met in the secret cave of Kunlun Mountain. For a moment, he thought it was really a spirit turtle. Shortly after the sound appeared, a cold wind came to his face, and Jiang Hanye only saw a gray-green round shadow floating quickly to them from a distant curve.

"I'm afraid this is the turtle? One hasn't been finished yet, and the second one is coming again..." Jiang Hanye cried secretly in his heart, "It seems that there will be another hard battle."

However, the development of the matter was greatly beyond Jiang Hanye's expectation. The later guy was indeed a turtle. The turtle's physique was not too big. It was probably about the same size as the big iron pot in the countryside kitchen, but the turtle had a special feature, that is, it had horns on its head and its eyes looked fierce, but Give Jiang Hanye a warm feeling, and a good impression arises unconsciously.

The turtle must be Wang Huayang, and Jiang Hanye secretly guessed in his heart.

As soon as the turtle king Huayang appeared, he rushed to the crocodile. It seemed to protect Jiang Hanye and punish the crocodile. The crocodile is very large. The steel-like tail alone is as long as Jiang Hanye's head. Although the four claws are not too long, their nails are sharp and their toes look thick and powerful. No matter how you look at it, Jiang Hanye doesn't think Wang Huayang has any chance of winning.

The crocodile's teeth and claws are very sharp, and the bite force is huge. Every time it shakes its tail, it will give people a feeling of shaking. However, the crocodile is more powerful than this. Every time it bites, it will produce a strong fishy wind because of the fanning between the upper and lower jaws. This wind is actually stronger than the ordinary wind in nature. Every time it bites the turtle, there will be a very loud click sound, which makes Jiang Hanye can't help but be surprised: " Is it going to break the turtle shell?


This time something was indeed bitten by the crocodile, but it was not the turtle shell, but the hard rock next to it. Jiang Hanye knows the hardness of the rock. Over the years, he has suffered a lot from these stones. The crocodile can actually bite the stones with his mouth, which shows the hardness of his teeth and the strength of his mouth.

This crocodile not only has strong and sharp teeth, but also seems to have another habit, that is, it likes to shake its head every time it bites something. The power generated by this shaking makes it easy to tear off anything it wants to tear off, but it seems that except Wang Huayang.

Jiang Hanye gradually found that this was actually a wonderful battle between two fierce beasts. At this moment, he had changed from the protagonist to a passer-by. After three steps back, Jiang Hanye began to watch seriously. After looking at it for a moment, Jiang Hanye found that the turtle was indeed extraordinary, first of all, the hardness of its shell.

Compared with the crocodile, the turtle is very slow and obviously lacks flexibility, so it has been hit many times, either swept by the crocodile's tail or bitten by the crocodile's mouth. However, although the turtle seems to be very passive and defeated, every time it can survive the crisis safely, the crocodile can not cause any harm to it at all.