King of Martial Arts

Chapter 388 Tree Man

Since discovering the secrets of snakes, Jiang Hanye seems to be able to deal with them.

The snake broke a wing, and its body's balance suddenly became unbalanced. It swayed left and could no longer maintain stability in mid-air. It fell upside down with a bang, and the green juice kept flowing out of the wound behind it, and its head fell lightly, and its eyes were full of stars.

Jiang Hanye was not vague. He carefully avoided the ground splashed by poison, rushed forward, stepped on the snake's head, raised his hand with a knife, and cut off the snake's head with a click. So far, two of the three snakes have been removed, leaving only the last one.

In terms of size, the surviving snake is the smallest of the three snakes, and its wings are also large on one side and small on the other, so its mobility and speed are also greatly reduced, which is why Jiang Hanye put it at the last one to clean up. Seeing that the two companions were dead, the snake couldn't help flapping its wings and hissing to the sky.

"Are you in a hurry? Don't worry, it's your turn soon!" Jiang Hanye wiped the dense layer of sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, rubbed the stone machete on the snake skin, rubbed off the poison splashed on the back of the knife, and then turned around and fixedly held the snake.

Calculation time, from the time he began to attack until now, although he did not dare to waste a moment, it is unknown when the tree man will appear, whether it must follow the law of half an hour, and the strength of the snake in front of him is unknown, so Jiang Hanye While confronting the snake, I was thinking about these possible things quickly.

The snake's whole body is crystal clear, showing a light blue color, and even the snake scales are shining against the firelight. The light gradually began to be dazzling, creating a tight feeling.

Jiang Hanye shook his head, because he seemed to feel that the snake's body shook a little, as if it had become bigger.

"Is it my illusion?" Jiang Hanye muttered, but in the blink of an eye, the snake suddenly doubled and thickened, and the whole skin developed from light blue to red little by little. Before long, it became transparent and fiery red.

The snake stared at Jiang Hanye and suddenly opened its mouth and spit out something bigger than his head. The thing was very fast, and it was not until Jiang Hanye approached that he found that it was a fireball. He quickly dodged away. As a result, the fireball actually seemed to have long eyes, turned around and chased him to 'bite'. Soon he smelled a burning pig's hair.

"Oh, my God, what kind of fireball is this..." Jiang Hanye was slightly shocked. He calculated the time and waited for the opportunity to attack while dodging the fireball.

At the same time, the snake on the other side is not idle. It is like a nail to the ground, with its tail as the axis and always turns towards Jiang Hanye. After spitting out the fireball, all the light green juice comes out of its mouth. Soon, with the snake as the center, the area about a foot in radius was eroded by the poison spit out by the snake. There were some deep potholes everywhere, and the ground became black, and if you didn't pay attention, you would step on it.

"Smile! It hurts!" Well, Jiang Hanye only cared about the snake and didn't notice that there was a pit under his feet that had just been filled with poison, and he stepped on it with one foot. The pit was very small, so Jiang Hanye was just touched by poison. However, he immediately felt uncomfortable. First of all, he had difficulty breathing, so he immediately stopped moving, because he knew that it was poisoned. The snake poison would swim away with the change of his body heat. The higher the body temperature, the faster the blood flow, and the snake poison went away. The faster it is, and when the snake poison comes to the heart, even the magic doctor reappears and becomes weak.

For good, Jiang Hanye is poisoned in the sole of his feet, which is the farthest from the heart. In addition, his cultivation is high, and his heartbeat and blood flow speed are very slow, so although the symptoms of poisoning appear, it will not kill him.

Jiang Hanye waved his hand and hit a palm. Because this was in Mengxiu, his strength and so on were greatly reduced, so although he used all his strength, he still did not produce great lethality, but slowed down the speed of the snake. However, this was only this, which still bought a little time for Jiang Hanye. He quickly raised his foot, sealed several upward acupuncture points with his hand, and then used the tip of the stone to bite his teeth at the blackened piece of meat on the soles of his feet.

A piece of meat was ripped off by Jiang Hanye's gritted teeth. Needless to say, the pain was absolutely heartbreaking. After the meat fell, Jiang Hanye peeked at it. The meat was black and smelled like rotten meat for a long time. As soon as the meat landed, it immediately made a rattling sound. The meat seemed to have become a new toxin and was eroding the ground.

"Good boy, it's so awesome!" Jiang Hanye resisted the pain when he was scooping out the meat. However, after witnessing all this, he even temporarily forgot the pain.

"Oh!" The snake suddenly burst out with a horrible cry, and then rushed to Jiang Hanye. Its wings suddenly became bigger, and its whole body looked like a huge bat with a long tail in mid-air. The fangs in its mouth flashed in the cold light and were extremely sharp. Jiang Hanye could even see the holes sprayed with venom on the teeth in the light.

Jiang Hanye was unable to avoid this attack in time due to a foot injury. However, this is not difficult for him. As the saying goes, he is in a hurry to make wisdom. That is, at this moment, Jiang Hanye suddenly lowered his body and lay down on the ground.

The snake lay down stupidly when it saw its prey, and couldn't help but be stunned, but it didn't affect its speed. It still rushed down as usual, just leaving a heart.

Jiang Hanye clenched the stone machete and said in his heart, "This is the success or failure. If it fails and everything will start all over again, then all the hardships and time and energy I have spent here will be in vain!"

The snake's eyes were large and small, and the eyes gradually changed from light green to dark green, empty and terrible. Jiang Hanye only looked at it and felt dizzy. Then he knew that there was more than one snake trick.

Jiang Hanye wanted to remove his eyes from the snake's eyes, but he found that his eyes were like being glued by a strong paste, and it was difficult to move away from the snake's sight. Fortunately, after so many years of practice, Jiang Hanye's mind was strong enough. After struggling for a moment, he finally looked away. From this moment, he only used the corner of his eyes to look at the snake's every move.

The snake saw through Jiang Hanye's plan, but this did not disappoint him, because the one that floated up from the bottom up was originally a false move. The real killing move was not on the stone in Jiang Hanye's hand, but... his fist. The snake spit out the core and dodged left and right in an attempt to blow away the stones in Jiang Hanye's hand. However, how could Jiang Hanye be so flexible? In this way, he attracted the attention of the snake with stones, but in an inadvertent moment, he punched the snake in the jaw.

At this time, Jiang Hanye knew that his opponent had such a hard skin, and it was also at this time that he knew that the 'knife' in his hand was so sharp. In short, after hearing a short and crisp sound, the snake shook its body and fell crookedly.

Jiang Hanye was out of breath and was still in shock. He lay and gasped for a long time before pushing the snake away. After getting up exhausted, there was another heavy footsteps in his ear.

"It's really in a hurry. As soon as I finished, you came..." Jiang Hanye wiped a handful of sweat on his forehead and didn't care about the snake's body. He only inserted the stone piece in his waist, and then quietly retreated to the river and hid behind the stone pillar. Although he knew that the final monster in the dream cave he was about to face was a tree man, he was not sure if it was the tree man, so he did not dare to take risks easily. Everything had to make a long-term plan and lose all the game if he was not careful.

Jiang Hanye hid behind the stone pillar and patiently waited for the tree man to appear, turn around and leave. At this time, he suddenly felt a chill on his back, and a very strange feeling hit his heart, which made him very uneasy.

The tree man finally left again. Originally, Jiang Hanye planned to take this opportunity to follow up and see where he was going, but now he changed his mind, because he always felt that there was still something around him that had not been done.

Jiang Hanye turned his head and looked around carefully. The river is gurgling, and there seems to be no other creatures except some frogs and toads. However, just as Jiang Hanye turned his head again and was ready to track the tree man, his eyes suddenly swept into two bright lights in the water.

It was two beams of light, short but very cold. Although Jiang Hanye just glanced at it inadvertently, his heart felt as uncomfortable as ice.

"Green... Is there still a snake in this water?" Jiang Hanye was shocked. He subconsciously moved from the water to the shore, holding a sharp weapon and staring at the river.

The river flows calmly, making a faint sound, which is the normal sound of running water, so Jiang Hanye is not surprised. He stared at the river for half a cup of tea. There was no movement on the surface of the river, and gradually his vigilance was not so strong.

"Maybe it's my illusion, but what's wrong with the light?" Jiang Hanye was gradually relaxing his nerves and muscles and preparing to temporarily put down this suspicious scene. He slowly turned back to the place where the tree man disappeared, and after he finally fell into the darkness, the two rays had never appeared from the water.

After turning the rock screen, the tree man entered the depths of the cave from an arched cave and disappeared, which was different from this hall. There is at least a fire here, and it is completely dark and there is no light. Fortunately, Jiang Hanye's eyes were good enough. After adapting to this environment, he was soon able to see the scenery in front of him vaguely.

The winding, slender and slippery passage leads to the distance. One side of the passage is a cliff, and the underground river is estimated to be below the cliff, while the other side of the passage is a rocky cliff. From time to time, one or two abrupt rocks cross the shoulder of the river.

This passage is narrow and can only be passed by one person, so Jiang Hanye stood at the entrance of the passage and frowned and meditated, "Even such a narrow road like me is a little reluctant. How did such a huge body of the tree man pass through here?"

Although there was some doubt in his heart, Jiang Hanye continued to walk forward after thinking for a moment, because the tree man patrolled for about half an hour. If he could not walk through this narrow passage in half an hour, there would be a tragedy of meeting on a narrow road.

This road is very slippery, and if you don't pay attention, you will stag. Therefore, even with Jiang Hanye's skills and strength, you still have to concentrate on all the spirit and attention to walk safely. I don't know how long it took. My eyes were finally bright. It was an open downhill. Although there were still abrupt rocks blocking the view in front of me, people couldn't know what was hidden behind it, but it was much better than the previous section of hundreds of feet of sheep intestines.

Uphill, sheep intestine path, downhill, so far, Jiang Hanye finally has a little impression of the place he has walked through the dream cave. The cave has a very complex level, and the layers seem to be independent, but in fact they are secretly connected. But it was also because of this that Jiang Hanye's heart began to cool down little by little.

"With such a complex terrain, I have to find the year of the monkey to find the tree man... Wait, will the patrol tree man be the one I'm looking for?" Jiang Hanye said secretly.

However, there was no way out what he was thinking. The tree man never appeared again, and Jiang Hanye also carefully surveyed along the way. There was no secret road or fork in the road. What about the tree man?

There is only one answer. The tree man is still moving forward, but it seems that the time is not right. Half an hour has passed, and the treeman has not come back yet...

Just as Jiang Hanye muttered in his heart, suddenly a roar of footsteps came from behind him, which shocked him: "What's going on? The tree man is clearly in front of me, but why is there also one behind me now?

Jiang Hanye turned around immediately after quickly confirming that there was no danger in front of him. Behind him, a huge brown figure suddenly appeared and disappeared out of his sight. Jiang Hanye was angloating at this scene. He rubbed his eyes and blamed himself for always looking at it today.

"How come? Did he penetrate the wall? When the tree man's figure completely disappeared into the abrupt rock cliff, Jiang Hanye hurried to check. He stretched out his hand and patted the wall. He thought there was a secret road here, but no matter how he looked at it, it was just an ordinary wall.

Finally, Jiang Hanye gave up groping, because it was indeed just an ordinary rock wall, with no secret passage and no organs, but the tree man did pass through it like this.

"Well, forget it, it's always a dream. Maybe it's possible no matter what happens in the dream." Jiang Hanye sighed.

In order to make sure that he was not blind, Jiang Hanye hid in the dark and waited patiently. Sure enough, half an hour later, the tree man slowly and little by little came out of the rock wall. In fact, the word 'drill' should not be used to describe his movements. He seems to be integrated with the rock. What he peels off is so natural that there is nothing to say. After coming out of the wall, he turned his back to Jiang Hanye and walked towards the established route with a roaring heavy step.

"It's actually true, I didn't look at it..." After witnessing this phenomenon twice, Jiang Hanye is now sure that he is not looking at it.

"What on earth did this guy come from?" Jiang Hanye frowned and said secretly, but anyway, he already knew the tree man's way and where he came from. After he left, Jiang Hanye immediately ran to the wall to study for a long time, and finally confirmed the route - the tree man probably went through the wall to somewhere behind him, and behind him was probably his current position. It's connected.

After figured this out, Jiang Hanye finally felt a little excited. He put aside all distractions, remembered the path, and continued to move forward.

As expected, not long after walking, a big curve appeared at the bottom of the slope in front of him. After turning from that corner, Jiang Hanye was blown by a cold wind that hit his face and trembled several times.

From the sheep intestine path to now, Jiang Hanye has not encountered any trouble, and even seems to have few living things. Therefore, standing behind this curve at this moment, he is still very uneasy, because according to his past experience, calm is often accompanied by potential dangers.

It is very open and dark here. Perhaps the places that Jiang Hanye passed all the way were narrow and narrow, so he suddenly felt a wide sea and sky when he stood here. The wind blew from his left, which was strong and humid, which was probably the origin of the cold.

is on his left side, where the darkness is so thick that he can't see the situation there at all. What is hidden in the dark? Jiang Hanye is not known that he is actually afraid of darkness as ordinary people, but his fear of darkness does not mean that he can retreat. If he retreats, he is not Jiang Hanye.

Jiang Hanye took a deep breath and cheered himself in his heart: "Well, maybe this is the success or failure. Jiang Hanye, you must hold on anyway!"

hiss! Whew!

There was such a sound in the dark, and there was a long gap between hissing and shouting. The sound seemed to be breathing, but it was not exactly like it. No matter what the sound was, Jiang Hanye knew that there was a big guy hidden here.