King of Martial Arts

Chapter 389 Eye-opener

hiss! Whew!

The strange sound similar to breathing has always existed, lingering in this huge space, making people feel strange and terrible.

Jiang Hanye stood next to the rock and stopped for a long time, hesitating whether to go and have a look.

"Boom! Boom!" The familiar footsteps came again, which came from the other side of the wall several feet in front of the rock wall where Jiang Hanye was located. Jiang Hanye was shocked and knew that something that surprised him would happen soon, so he looked at it carefully.

Sure enough, not long after the roaring footsteps stopped, Jiang Hanye saw a huge head poked out of the wall, an arm full of branches and leaves, followed by the upper body and the other arm, and finally the lower body. It took about a few breaths. The tree man pierced through the wall. The wall passed and walked into the darkness opposite the wall, silent.

Almost subconsciously, Jiang Hanye followed the seemingly entity, but in fact, a very illusory huge figure and walked into the darkness step by step. Entering this dense darkness, Jiang Hanye realized how wide and tall it was. It was not like a cave at all, but like a black hole heaven and earth.

"Hss! Whew!" The strange sound came again, and this time it was accompanied by a hot breath. At this point, Jiang Hanye was completely sure that it was the breathing sound of some kind of huge thing. Will it be a tree man?

"Who is it?" A strong and low voice suddenly sounded, which tore the original silence of the surrounding environment and even shocked Jiang Hanye.

"Who are you?" Jiang Hanye took a deep breath, calmed down and then asked.

"Huh, you are so bold!" The voice snorted coldly and said, "How dare you be so rampant when you come to my territory?"

"Your territory?" Jiang Hanye looked up at the top of this cave. Where can I see it?

"Do you mean here?" Jiang Hanye pointed to this space and asked.

"The whole cave!" The voice said word by word, "This is a dreamland guarded by me, and the trespassers die!"

"Ha ha, what a trespasser died." Jiang Hanye circled with the sound and carefully surveyed the situation around him. It was dark and thick here, and he could hardly see anything, but he guessed from the roughness of the sound that his height was about five feet, mostly the tree man he was looking for. In addition, in addition to the voice of the tree man, there seems to be a faint sound of water here, and the sound comes from the darkness.

Although this is a very open area, it is inclined. The dark end is higher, while the end near the rock wall is obviously low.

The whole ground is very humid, and some places even grow mushrooms and moss. Except for that sound and Jiang Hanye, there is no living thing here.

Although the voice was very unfriendly, it was not fierce. Even he gave Jiang Hanye the feeling that he was an elder trapped here, and his voice was full of helplessness and self-repity.

These are what Jiang Hanye found in this short period of time. Although some things may not be useful, it is better to know than not to know.

As soon as Jiang Hanye finished speaking, a huge whip wrapped in a strong wind and beat him from the darkness. Jiang Hanye was shocked and quickly dodged, and the whip fell heavily on the ground a little far away beside him. The hard rock was smashed by the whip, leaving a deep mark more than ten feet long, three fingers wide and several inches deep.

This surprised Jiang Hanye again. What kind of whip is this? He has reacted quickly and dodged a distance, but the man in the dark seems to have calculated where he will dodge. The whip actually fell close to him. It seems that the man did not intend to kill Jiang Hanye. He probably just wanted to teach Jiang Hanye a lesson. And this manpower is so great that such a hard rock ground can be beaten like this by a soft whip. Even Jiang Hanye may not be able to do it here.

"What a strong force." Jiang Hanye couldn't help admiring.

"Thank you!" The man who was hidden in the dark actually thanked him.

"Who are you?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"I am the tree man, and the tree man Pu him." The man said.

"Oh, it turns out that you are really that tree man." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Do you know me?" Pu asked.

"Yes, someone instructed me to come to you... to kill you." Jiang Hanye Road.

Pu was silent in the dark, and it took him a long time before he said, "Kill me? You have been the first in so many years.

"I know that few people will pass through the whole dream hole when they dream." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Dream Hole? Ha ha, they actually call this place the dream cave... This is the dreamland, and it belongs to the place under his protection. When Pu said this, he seemed to be a little excited, or more appropriate to be angry.

"I don't understand. What does this mean? Isn't this my dream?" Jiang Hanye Road.

"Young man, this is indeed your dream, but it's not just your dream!" Pu said.

"I would like to hear from you!" Jiang Hanye bowed his hand to the darkness. Somehow, unconsciously, Jiang Hanye believed that Pu was a respectable elder, and he had always been very polite to the elders.

Pu was silent again, and he seemed to be considering whether the little man in front of him was worthy of his entrusted thoughts.

"It's not easy for you to come here." Pu He finally said, "Well, I'll tell you this secret for the sake that you can get together here. I hope you have the opportunity and ability to solve this suffering."

"I would like to hear more about it!" Jiang Hanye bowed again.

In the dream cave, Jiang Hanye rarely has the opportunity to communicate with people so peacefully. Basically, he has been fighting with people in his dreams every night for several years.

"What do you think of when you face the vast starry sky in your world?" Unexpectedly, Pu didn't say anything, but asked Jiang Hanye such a question.

Jiang Hanye was puzzled: "What do you think of?" He thinks of the starry sky on earth. If Pu doesn't ask this question, he has never paid much attention to the starry sky.

"Ha ha, you can't answer, it's not your fault." Pu He said with a smile, "How many people face the sun, moon and stars all the time, but what they think is that they absorb the essence for their own cultivation, or spend their lives ignorantly. You are not the only one."

Jiang Hanye's face turned red. Pu was really right. At least he was such a person. When facing the sun, moon and stars, he just took it for granted that they should be like this, but he never thought about anything else. People who confine themselves in that narrow world, how many people can think about things outside the starry sky?

"I don't know how his predecessors understand it?" Jiang Hanye asked humbly, "The younger generation is not talented. He has never thought about such a far-reaching thing."

"People in the seven worlds only know the seven worlds." Pu said slowly, "Isn't it ridiculous that some people have never even heard of the seven worlds? How can this vast space be said to be common in the seven worlds?

Jiang Hanye frowned. He understood Pu's words, but after understanding it, he didn't understand what this vast space meant?

"If the world is not clear to the seven worlds, the younger generation will be a little unclear." Jiang Hanye said, "Isn't this world created by Pangu Emperor?"

Pangu? Ha ha, since you have mentioned Pangu, I will tell you about Pangu. Pu He smiled and said, "Since you know Pangu and believe that Pangu once existed, what did Pangu do?"

Jiang Hanye said: "The younger generation only knew that at the beginning of the world, the heaven and the earth were chaotic, and there was no way to distinguish the earth. The whole heaven and earth were chaotic like chickens, and the Pangu earth was like the yellow of the chicken... He tore the sky and the earth, so that the yang qi rose to the sky, and the yin qi sank to the earth, so that there was the world."

"Not bad! It seems that you have a good mentor. Pu praised, "What about anything else?"

"Others?" Jiang Hanye was stunned, "The world often says that this is a myth. The so-called myth is just some absurd talk about self-deception, so the younger generation probably knows so much about Pangu Emperor."

"hehe." Pu He smiled and said, "That's true." He sighed deeply, as if with endless regret.

"In fact, the reason why people don't believe in Pangu is that they think that life is what they live and the world is what they see. The vast majority of people work at sunrise and sunset. They believe in gods in their hearts because they are dissatisfied with life and have prayers. However, do they really believe in the existence of gods? Pu said, "If they really believe in the gods, life may not be like this."

Jiang Hanye lowered his head and meditated, echoing Pu's words. After Pu finished speaking, he looked up at the higher position in the dark. In his heart, that was probably the position of Pu's eyes.

"Predecessor Pu, please forgive the younger generation." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Say it." Pu He said.

"The younger generation knows about the seven worlds, and the younger generation also believes in the existence of Pangu Emperor, but when it comes to this god, the younger generation really doesn't believe it." Jiang Hanye said, "If there are really gods in the world, why do they still condone the demon world and others to act recklessly? Maybe you don't know anything about the outside world, especially the world, in this dream. In fact, for more than ten years, first there has been a walking plague, followed by earthquakes and volcanoes. Now the demon world has come to make trouble, making our people live a living. I want to ask my predecessors. If the gods really exist, do they know these things? If they know, why don't they be considerate of the people?

Jiang Hanye was very excited when he said this, because when he recalled his experience and everything in the world, his mood would inevitably sink down, especially when he thought that Linger's life and death were still unknown, and he was innocent here, all of which made it difficult for him. Believe and respect the gods.

"Young man, there is a fixed number!" Pu listened to Jiang Hanye's words, first he was silent, and then sighed deeply and said, "I think the gods know all the things you said."

"So, you believe in the existence of gods." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Yes, I not only believe in them, but also respect them." Pu said.

"Why?" Jiang Hanye said, "You are here, in a dream world, but you believe in gods so much."

"hehe." Pu said, "You just said that you believe in the existence of Pangu Emperor. In fact, you may not know that he is one of the gods."

Jiang Hanye frowned, and he suddenly found himself here arguing about a god with a man hiding in the dark, which was really ridiculous.

"I know you have doubts about me." Pu said.

"I have doubts about everything. I will neither believe it nor believe it." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Well, a typical skeptic, you are somewhat similar to some gods." Pu said, "Well, I'll show you my real body first. After all, hiding in the dark for a long time is also disrespectful to others, isn't it?"

Before Jiang Hanye could say anything, he suddenly felt the light in front of him, which was a soft, emerald light, which would not make people feel dazzling and uncomfortable when he looked at it. That's the color of the tree, the color of the branches and leaves, which makes people's eyes very comfortable.

Under the emerald light, a dense tree appeared. This tree is basically the same as the tree man seen along the way in Jiang Hanye, but he is taller, bigger and more lush.

"So you are the predecessor of Pu." Jiang Hanye bowed and saluted.

"Ha ha, seniors dare not say that I am Dashupu." Pu He stood there, and the light from his body shone on the whole rock floor, but to Jiang Hanye's surprise, there was still a thick darkness behind him, as if there was nothing there. A cool breeze came from his position, making his branches and leaves keep swinging. Compared with the darkness, Pu's current situation is more surprising to Jiang Hanye. His limbs are all stretched, as if they were fixed in the air and on the ground by something invisible.

"Senior, what are you?" Jiang Hanye was stunned and asked.

"Isn't it sad that I'm imprisoned in my own territory?" Pu said with a wry smile.

"Who did it?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"That dark doctor." Pu He said, "The powerful and unlocked but very evil dark doctor."

"Dark doctor..." Jiang Hanye said silently, "Senior, I'm also a secret doctor!"

"I know, of course I know." The bark on Pu's face was very rough and aging, and the layers of bark covered his gentle smile. He looked at Jiang Hanye and made Jiang Hanye feel guilty and forgiven, and the peace and peace in his heart were beyond bounds.

"What the hell is going on? I really don't understand, and who is the dark doctor you mentioned? Jiang Hanye asked.

"You should know that there are seven hidden professions in the seven worlds?" Pu said.

"Yes, the younger generation knows." Jiang Hanye nodded.

"Two of these seven hidden professions were formed after the fall of the gods in heaven." Pu said, "The dark doctor is one of them."

Jiang Hanye frowned. He believed what he said, but he was struggling in his heart, which made him unable to fully believe it, because he himself was a dark doctor, and in the process of cultivation, he also found various negative aspects of the shadow. The description of the shadow in Jia Lanye's Gudejing also made He has doubts.

"The man I'm talking about, his name is Taikan. He was originally a god in the sky. He is responsible for the world where Pangu Emperor is located. Oh, by the way, by the way, the world where Pangu Emperor is located refers to your seven worlds." Pu said.

Jiang Hanye frowned. It was the first time he heard that the seven worlds turned out to be a world.

"Pangu is also an ancient god from the void of the universe. He came here for the six worlds, that is, the world, the demon world, the demon world, the ghost world, hell and fairyland. As for the world in that pot, it was an accident. Pu said, "After the formation of the seven worlds, Pangu disappeared. He became the dominant gods in the seven worlds."

"This is really new. Even so many of my mentors in the world have never told me about this." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Ha ha, this is very normal. After all, human beings are in it and can't jump out of the world, so knowledge, hearing and understanding will inevitably be narrow." Pu said, "But I was very surprised that you came here and said such words."

"So it is." Jiang Hanye said, "There are really too many things in this world that we don't know. For example, the whole martial arts has always thought that the fairyland is our ultimate goal. We practice to become immortals and live forever.

"Fairy? Ha ha, the immortality of the fairyland is actually false. Pu said, "They just live longer than people in other worlds. For example, they generally live about 70 years old, and they will probably be hundreds to thousands of years old, but those are rare. In the fairyland, even if they are born as the most ordinary members, their life expectancy is about two or three hundred years. After a little practice, they can be more than 1,000 years old. Time is extremely rich for them, but they also have bad times, but human beings don't know it.

"In this way, our goal has always been wrong..." Jiang Hanye pondered.

"It's hard to say, but in my opinion, the real immortality is the gods in heaven." Pu He said, "Only they are the masters of the void that rules the whole world, but want to catch up with and surpass them? Ha ha, this is difficult and almost impossible, because first of all, these gods do not allow such people to exist.