Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 42: Zhuo Minggu [Add Update for "Gentleman in the Wind"]

Chapter 42: Zhuo Ming Valley

When Ouyang Tianqi left, it smelled like "hatred iron but not steel".

He asked himself if he was not a good man - otherwise he might have starved to death on the street one day or died in a conflict with others on the old street.

However, always adhering to the old man's teachings, Ouyang Tianqi did not completely sink and fall into darkness. He has his own bottom line and principles, and has been sticking to some thoughts over the years.

He longs for friendship and family affection but is very indifferent. He is brave and determined but never speaks frank to anyone. He yearns for an ordinary and peaceful life but can't let go of the inexplicable pride in his heart...

Over the years, although there has been no pressure on foreign goods, Ouyang Tianqi has actually been very difficult and confused.

Walking alone on an endless road, he has no goal and is physically and mentally exhausted.

Until you enter the guardian space.

Dozens of people entered with him. When they first arrived in a different place - and still in a different world - everyone was quite cautious, humble and polite. However, as time passed and I had a certain understanding of the world, myself and the great will, a sense of superiority quietly grew and spread rapidly.

Ouyang Apocalypse has always had similar emotions - although they have never been expressed deep in his heart. However, the "pride" inadvertently revealed between his companions' words and deeds was like a thorn, which plunged into Ouyang Tianqi's heart, which made him very unhappy.

The inexplicable irritability evolved from the sense of resistance from the inside out, and the cold image that has always made Ouyang Apocalypse gradually be rejected by everyone - despite his strength.

Aware of all this, Ouyang Tianqi left decisively and acted alone.

Until he met Zhang Shen at the home of the little boy Zeng Hao.


Ouyang Apocalypse cherishes the precious friendship with Zhang Shen.

Because of cherishing, so fear!

He doesn't want to see any one of Zhang Shen, Bu Lichen or Li Jing fall in front of him one day!

This emotion has become extremely strong, especially since entering the world.

Ouyang Tianqi hopes that his three partners can not only become stronger, but also change their current mentality and style of conduct, so that they can go further and go on forever.

The team can come together to this day, and Zhang Shen, a "core figure", has played an irreplaceable role - although the latter's combat effectiveness ranks fourth, and wisdom also ranks third...

Ouyang Tianqi made it very clear that Zhang Shen is actually a very stubborn person, although the latter has always been a little nervous and careless, and does not care about many things.

He is also a talker and doesn't know how to persuade Zhang Shen to change into what he wants.

So, he used his own method.

Unfortunately, it turns out that this method does not seem to work very well.

Excheation, anger, and some fear that he didn't even notice! In the mixture of emotions, Ouyang Tianqi chose to leave temporarily.

He is going to do something in his own way!

Or, show the "facts" to Zhang Shen and the others to prove the correctness of their choice.

The goal of Ouyang Apocalypse is also Zhuoming Valley.

In five hours, Ouyang Tianqi arrived at Zhuoming Valley.

What he saw in front of him made him stunned for a moment.

This is a "big scene" that only exists in the fantasy world of movies.

Only talk about traffic. From top to bottom, a total of six floors and dozens of hundreds of roads are intertwined, turning into a huge and complex three-dimensional transportation system that makes people dizzy at a glance.

On that overpass, countless vehicles pass through it, which is very "quiet" - all vehicles are not allowed to sound their horns unless it is urgent. This scene gives people the feeling of a fantasy spaceport scene in the movie, which is prosperous and orderly but quiet.

In the sky not far away, uniform helicopters fly from one side to another and then fly back, carrying all materials, including people, animals and plants, one after another.

Ouyang Tianqi, who was disguised, noticed that the helicopters that should have made a considerable degree of noise seemed to lose their voices and became dumb, and the whole flight was very quiet. He turned his mind and made sure that it had something to do with the guards who had already arrived at Zhuoming Valley.

"So blatantly... It seems that they have sufficient confidence to control everything. It's just that where does this confidence come from..."

"Zhang Tianxin... I'm afraid there are still a lot of 'spirit' realms who escaped from the disaster... This can explain it."

Ouyang Apocalypse is currently only located on the periphery of Zhuoming Valley. In addition to the endless flow of vehicles and helicopter formations flying around, there are also quite a lot of people.

Leaving aside all kinds of people from all over the world, Ouyang Tianqi saw the most patrol soldiers and workers in blue overalls.

In the exaggerated transportation system, there are wide avenues for people to travel back and forth - visual inspection of at least six lanes.

There are two kinds of roads, one is dedicated to traveling back and forth for workers, and the other is others. However, judging from the "peace of mind" of people on the second road, most of them have boat tickets.

Ouyang Tianqi mixed with the slightly dense crowd and slowly moved forward.

Half an hour later, the gate of the inner and outer areas of Zhuoming Valley arrived.

At the gate, more than a dozen "ticket gates" were set up in a row, surrounded by hundreds of elite soldiers from various countries with live ammunition. Although they all wore masks that covered their whole faces, through the glass on the mask, the pair of eyes were extremely cold, and even clearly showed a ferocious murderous atmosphere.

Ouyang Tianqi couldn't help frowning and had some doubts in his heart. Is the public security of Zhuo Minggu so bad that it can't be managed without killing people?

was wondering, and he immediately knew the reason.

"Du!! The ticket is invalid!!" A somewhat sharp electronic sound.

Following the sound, a couple stood in front of the card reader, and their whole body was dumbfounded. There was no trace of blood on their faces. They were white and oozed, and their bodies began to tremble slightly.

"Please leave." Several soldiers around looked over one after another, and the muzzle of the gun was faintly aimed at the two, which was very aggressive.

"This, this is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!"

"For these two tickets, I went bankrupt and paid everything!!"

The woman next to him just kept crying, while the man jumped his feet in a hurry and clenched his fists and shouted.

"Please! Horse! Go! Leave! Open it!"

The gun was pointed directly at the two and issued an ultimatum. The guns in their hands were bolted, and the black muzzle made people palpitate and exuded a cold and decisive smell.

The woman was afraid and pulled the man's clothes and motioned them to leave.

"No, I'm not leaving! I'm not going!!" The man's eyes were red and he roared very excitedly. He even stretched out his hand to grab a soldier's clothes. "Give me an explanation, give me an explanation!" You..."

Before he finished speaking, the sound of several bullets breaking into the skin sounded!

"Uh..." The man covered his chest with his hands, and there was a weak moan in his throat, with an unbelievable expression on his face.


The man's blood splashed on the woman. After a short pause, the woman made a sharp scream. Her whole body seemed to have been pulled out of her bones. She immediately collapsed to the ground and faintly came out urine*.

The anger in the eyes of several soldiers is heavier.

The gunshot sounded again, the blood splashed, and the woman followed the man and went to Huangquan together.

On the side of the ticket checkpoint, several people quickly ran out. They were quite skilled in put the man's clothes into the body bag. Several people dragged the body bag away, and the remaining people quickly wiped the blood-contaminated ground with their hands and feet, so clean that there was no trace of blood left.

This sudden scene came and went quickly, and I didn't know it was a little far away.

Someone around was scared, and a child was scared to cry, but his parents covered his mouth to prevent him from making a sound, for fear of angering the crazy soldiers in front of him.

This kind of thing seems to be a "normal", and Ouyang Tianqi noticed that a large number of people were quite numb.

Even, many people have a faint sense of superiority!

Especially those who have successfully passed the ticket counter, perhaps even they themselves do not realize that the expressions on their faces and the emotions in their eyes at this moment can scare children to cry before.

Ouyang Tianqi looked at all this, and his deep right eye looked particularly deep, and a trace of anger flashed across Gujing's face.

A few minutes later, with the flow of people, Ouyang Tianqi came to a ticket gate.

He took out a blue-green card ticket with a clear line of words "Noah 0021", indicating that this should be a ticket for Noah's Ark number 021.

The card is inserted into the card slot, and a row of status lights flashed for a while, and the top headlights changed from red to green.

The chimeric door in front of him was separated, and Ouyang Apocalypse entered it.

It is a semi-closed corridor, with light-analy stitched steel on both sides and at the top, which is written in several words such as "observe order, quiet and other arrangements, and believe in the power of the coalition government".

The corridor is very narrow and can barely accommodate three people walking in parallel. When people walk in it, there are dull footsteps echoing in their ears, which is extremely monotonous. For a long time, it makes people feel a little anxious.

After about three minutes, I arrived at a place where I would probably have a physical examination (check whether to carry contraband).

It is a separate room similar to an elevator. When people enter it, dozens of laser-like rays will be emitted from the walls around and above their heads, covering the whole body of the inside.

Ouyang Tianqi entered it and relieved the body's spontaneous body protection sword.

After about half a minute, the red rays disappeared and the wall in front of it was pulled to both sides.

only opened a crack, and the noise that could not be described in pen and ink came to my face!

Zhuoming Valley Inner District, here we are!

[PS: Update for "Gentleman in the Wind"!]

[PS2: Our manuscript...]