Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 43: Zhuoming Valley 2

Chapter 43: Zhuo Minggu (2)

Zhuoming Valley, a five-story building of a single-family house.

This is the headquarters of the [Ministry of Electronic Science and Technology], a department affiliated to Noah. "Noah" belongs directly to the special department of the coalition government, which can only be summoned by the five giants issuing orders at the same time, responsible for the construction of the ark.

In principle, everything related to the construction of the ark, "Noah" can be inserted, and it is also a powerful one. Obviously, "Noah" is so powerful that people can only look up.

Unrestrained power will naturally breed corruption, and "Noah" is no exception. Many people take advantage of this name to make profits and eat a lot of fat. However, the real senior management of "Noah" has no interest in these powers.

For example, Adrian, the supreme officer of Noah.

For example, Gong Yu, the minister of [Ministry of Electronic Science and Technology].

Gong Yu is a guard, a guardian who takes the scientific and technological route, and is also a scattered person. He has not joined any team and has been alone. He admires Tang Tian, who will be his idol in the future. If Tang Tian represents the peak of biotechnology to some extent, then Gong Yu is the king of electronic technology.

After he came to Zhuoming Valley, he decisively joined Noah's [Department of Electronic Science and Technology].

It still needs to be hard to hit the iron. Gong Yu, who has strong scientific and technological knowledge and capacity reserves, quickly stood out and soared all the way (naturally used some small means to avoid being "rolled by some villains" or "rules") and finally became the minister of the [Ministry of Electronic Science and Technology].

Gong Yu came into Adrian's sight.

Sometimes, the "fate" between people is so wonderful.

In just ten days, the two have developed a deep friendship, just like an old friend who has known for decades, which is extremely wonderful.

At Adrian's request, Gong Yu sat in the [Ministry of Electronic Science and Technology], on the one hand, giving strong support to Adrian in science and technology, and on the other hand, "monitoring" the whole Zhuo Ming Valley!!

Don't think that Adrian doesn't know anything about the construction of the ark. In fact, he is very clear about all the "big events" that happened in Zhuoming Valley and even the world!

Even Adrian is vaguely aware of the "speciality" of the special group of "guardian"!

On this day, Gong Yu still sat on his "King of Science and Technology".

The so-called "Technology Throne" is actually a silver-white seat that almost wraps the whole person of Gong Yu. It is derived from hundreds of thousands of small electronic parts, but there is no trace of card connection on the surface, which is amazing.

This throne is powerful.

With the power of the throne, Gong Yu was able to control everything in the whole Zhuoming Valley.

At the same time, this throne is also a weapon with strong combat effectiveness! If it hadn't been for a certain amount of force, Gong Yu would have known in which world she would have become scum.

This day, he still closed his eyes and swam in the electronic world to "peep" the words and deeds of millions of people in Zhuoming Valley...

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and showed a pair of blue eyes, and a trace of curiosity flashed by.

"A new companion is coming, or a lone walker... It seems to be a little interesting..."

"Luoyang profes, go and meet our new friends." Gong Yu's full-cover helmet cracked on both sides, and the strange sound was a little hoarse and with a sense of mechanical friction.

Luoyang's profane, one of the five people around Jin San, also took the same scientific and technological route, but more inclined to fighting.

Under the operation of Jin San, Luoyang became a member of the [Ministry of Electronic Science and Technology]. With the help of stored knowledge and Jin San, he finally took the seat of "Deputy Minister".

However, under the powerful and barbaric ability of Gong Yu's "Technology Throne", his "vice minister" is completely a decoration!

Of course, he still has some effect, such as running errands...

"I know." Luoyang confessed to take back the toolbox and pulled down a necklace with a shattered light from his neck, on which hung a water-shaped dark blue item the size of a nail cap.

The belly rubbed the surface of the object several times, and a light blue light sprayed out from it and evolved into a channel.

With the ups and downs of the light, a robot at least eight meters high appeared out of thin air!

Another red light shot from the droplet-like object and fell on the robot's chest. With the slight sound of the wheel, a burst of parts flipped, and the robot actually split from it, revealing a space enough to stuff a person.

Luoyang made a leap and entered it.

For another while, the machine rotated, the parts were turned over, and Luoyang's corpion was tightly integrated into the robot's body.

There was a slight hum, and the next moment, the robot disappeared out of thin air.

At the previous moment, I was still in a valley with no sound. The next moment, the world changed and came to the bustling city!

The gate of the corridor is the connection between the two worlds. The moment it opened, the two independent worlds intersect, and suddenly there are unspeakable and wonderful changes.

This sudden and drastic change made Ouyang's heart suffer a considerable impact. For five or six seconds, he fell into a state of desolation, and his brain was empty and blank.

~~~ There was an inaudible sound of cold air coming from Ouyang Tianqi's lips.

Looking at the dozens of exits around, those who just came out were also stunned. Even those who were usually reserved were also staring at this moment with round eyes, their mouths wide open, and unconsciously breathing.

The scene in front of us is shocking!

In front of you is an incredibly wide road!

Strictly speaking, this is a bridge, a bridge divided into three floors, each of which is at least 100 meters wide!

If there is a bridge, there is water. Under the bridge, there is a river of flowing water.

The river is very wide and the river flow is very rapid, and it still can't stop the numerous steel ships on the water.

This river divides Zhuoming Valley into two parts.

Or, two cities look across the river.

Yes, it's two cities!

The city has only been built for a few months!

Tens of millions of people live in the two cities, which are far more prosperous than any big city in the world a few months ago.

In comparison, the city on the left (south bank) of Ouyang Tianqi is more lively because the people living inside are all "ordinary people" - compared with coalition government officials, they are naturally ordinary people.

At the end of the river, there is a mountain range!

Steel Mountains!

That's Noah's Ark!!

Ten arks are lined up, like the Optimus, and like the sea god needle, stabilizing tens of millions of uneasy hearts.

Far away from that steel mountain range, Ouyang Tianqi saw that more than a dozen arks were still under construction!

Zhuoming Valley was originally an inconspicuous valley surrounded by mountains. Now, its appearance has changed greatly and has become the hope of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people in the world.

Thirty Noah's Ark, carrying something called "Hope", move forward bravely!

I was fascinated, and a "grim" sound came from my ear.

"Please go to the destination under the guidance of the staff! Repeat! Please go to the destination under the guidance of the staff!" This voice sounds good, but at this moment, no one will think so, and all that comes to mind is disgust.

The so-called "staff" are basically elite soldiers from various countries, with big arms, round waists and powerful. Although they have changed into decent work clothes at this time, they still can't hide the strong evil spirit.

Some children and even adults who are slightly sensitive or timid are trembling with this invisible fierce atmosphere, but they dare not make any sound.

The blood stains, corpses and gunshots at the ticket gate have long been quietly engraved in everyone's heart.

Resentment, hatred, fear, murder... A trace of negative emotions quietly grow and condense, quietly waiting for the day when the shell comes out.

No one knows what came out of the shell at that time.

Ouyang Apocalypse is still mixed in the crowd. Accompanied by many staff along the road, he walked along the road to the second floor of the bridge.

After walking for about 13 minutes, the unfinished ark in the distance became clearer.

"Sir, this way, please."

Six burly men crossed the stream of people and walked to Ouyang Tianqi.

The leader spoke quite politely, but when he spoke, the other five people vaguely surrounded Ouyang Tianqi, with a great momentum of "doing to come hard".

Seeing this scene, when the faces of the people next to him changed greatly, they dodged the surroundings one after another. The eyes of Ouyang Tianqi were simply like looking at the plague god, sympathizing with it, disgusted with it, and gloating.

" lead the way." Ouyang Tianqi stretched out his hand and held the hat that covered half of his face in the vigilant eyes of the six strong soldiers, and said quietly.

Ten minutes later, Ouyang Tianqi, escorted by six soldiers, came to a platform that seemed to be an emergency apron.

The six people retreated together, leaving only Ouyang Tianqi.

The terrain here is high, almost on the same level as the third floor of the bridge. Cold winds blow over, blowing the bangs in front of Ouyang Tianqi's forehead.

With his hair swaying, his left eye loomed.

In the loom, the mysterious breath that ordinary people can't detect quietly breeds and spreads.

Sudly, a strong wind from top to bottom stirred up the nearby airflow into a paste.

The invisible electromagnetic boundary rises to cover this area.

A angular robot, wrapped in majestic and domineering, came powerfully!


A clear and Yue Zhengming spread away, and Ouyang Tianqi had an extra ordinary-style long sword in his hand, which was awe-inspiring and condensed all over his body and did not grow.

The atmosphere becomes stagnant in an instant, like glue, making the surrounding dust appear one by one.

In the silent confrontation, time passed quietly.

"You are not bad."

A three-dimensional half-body projection appeared, which was the face of Luoyang's profes.

He looked at Ouyang Tianqi's eyes and showed satisfaction.