Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 88: A World Shock 2 Peaceful Day

Chapter 88: Shocking the World (2) A Peaceful Day

Golden Triangle, Modarapdo Village.

This is a poor and quiet village.

Except for several white European-style buildings in the middle of the village, there are low huts. Because it is located in the subtropical and humid climate, the bottom of the hut is supported by thick logs. The floor is paved with woven bamboo mats, the walls are tightly arranged from bamboo, and the inside is hung with felt woven with some kind of plant for moisture insulation.

Because of the heavy rain, the huts are made into inclined roofs and covered with a thick layer of hay, which can not only block the stormy sun, but also maintain a certain temperature and humidity in the room. The small hut condenses the wisdom of thousands of years of workers and still plays an important role today.

Such a small village full of folk customs, if it had been in Xia, would have been hit by vicious developers and signed a contract to turn it into another "folk culture tourist attraction"...

However, here, in the Golden Triangle, the secular noise is doomed to have nothing to do with it.

There are only about 30 families in Modarapdo Village. For the vast majority of residents who grew up here, the farthest place they have reached in their lives is the town of Doniasa, which is more than half a day away from here.

Borried in Si, grew up in Si, and died in Si - this is a true portrayal of 90% of the villagers of Lapudo Village.

Maybe brave, cowardly, strong or weak... These villagers who know no more than 100 words other than their names, are simple and kind.

Like the ancient people of the State of Xia, they served the land and watched the sky eat.

However, compared with the rich varieties of crops in Xia, their crops are quite monotonous, with only one--


Originally, there were many kinds of plants in the windy subtropics in the depths. Naturally, they would not be so. However, under the coercion and lure of carrots and sticks, almost only this terrible plant can be seen in the whole Golden Triangle.

As for the controllers of carrots and sticks, they are naturally the famous drug lords and criminals in the dark world of the whole earth!

They cheaply buy poppy fruits from these villagers, crush them, pulp them, purify them, bake them, shape them, package them, and sell them all over the world through tacit roads to the majority of long-awaited addicts...

The world's annual drug trade volume is as high as $400 billion to $700 billion, second only to the arms trade.

Below this huge number, there is a hill-like *, *, *......

The disappearance of every drug hill has brought endless pain and blood to the world!

Spiritual depravity, property loss, family breakdown... Stealing, robbery, killing, **... and even countless indirect soft chain reactions derived from it...

The villagers don't know anything about all this!!

For them, who don't even have a TV, anything outside the town of Doniasa is like a ghost legend told by old people. Although it is interesting, it has nothing to do with them.

Even if I knew it, I was just amazed for a while and used it as a chat after tea and dinner. After a period of time, it was forgotten. It's like hearing about the special tsunami in Indonesia. After expressing their condolences, most of the people of Xia are more interested in not how many people have died, but who took the opportunity to make a fortune in the national disaster, two or three things that the governments of Indonesia and Xia have to say, how spectacular the tsunami is and so on...

What they care about is the recent climate, whether the poppy is lush, how the harvest is... and silently pray that the "masters" can raise the price of buying poppy, so that their income can increase this year.

East of the village.

A tall hut.

An old man sat at the end of the corridor, and her wrinkled hands full of old age spots were neatly weaving something with a plant. Her hair is gray and neatly combed, bound by a simple tree-like branch. Her face was yellow and dark, covered with copper-like age spots, and the deep wrinkles made her look like a ten-year-old man. In fact, she is only in her fifties.

Weird syllables chanted from her withered lips and listened, but they were filled with a faint solemn melody. It was a sacrificial song to pray for the blessings of the gods, to the intention of praying for the gods and Buddhas to bless the wind and rain.

The shallow and long melody coiled, and the old girl's feet shook back and back, beating the beat. At first glance, she looked like a naive little girl, unconsciously shaking her feet with the wonderful melody. On her side, a baby who can't walk is wearing shabby clothes and quietly lying on the yellow bamboo corridor, not crying or making noise. His little head seems to be flattering with the old girl's singing.

Sunshine, thatched huts, ancient music, old women, young babies... converge into a beautiful and suffocating picture.

The sun gradually drooped to the west, as if the light suddenly dimmed, making the old man stop the movement in her hand.

"Ah~~" I don't know when the sleeping baby seems to feel the stop of singing in his dream. His little head is crooked, and his pink mouth chirps a few times, making a pitiful and lovely dream.

The old man stretched out her dry palm and stroked the top of the baby's head. The faint warmth passed through the dry skin, making the baby's sleeping face more peaceful. She pouted and slept more deeply.

The old man slowly raised her head, and her eyes looked more cloudy under the dim yellow light.

Her vicissitudes of life fell on the blooming poppy field not far away, and a soft smile appeared on her face. Judging from the current growth of the poppy and the recent weather, the poppy will definitely be a bumper harvest this year!

This means that the family can have more money than in previous years to buy statues that they have always wanted to buy but have no money to buy!

The smile on the old man's face became stronger at the thought that she could worship a new god statue.

"Thanks to the gods, thanks to General Brava Girou..." The former gave him a bumper harvest, while the latter gave him a way to survive.

After praying silently, the old man raised her head, and two figures appeared side by side in her sight and walked this way.

That's the owner of this hut, the old girl's son and daughter-in-law.

Once again, she made a brief prayer and blessing. The old man got up with difficulty, carefully picked up the little one who was still asleep, greeted her, and welcomed her son and daughter-in-law who had been working hard all day home.

The old wife loved her children and had already prepared hot water to let them wipe their sweat to avoid getting sick.

The man looks 30 or 40 years old, looks loyal and honest, and will show his big yellow teeth when he smiles. He obediently took the suspected towel handed over by the old girl and walked into the inner room with a smile.

Although the day's work is very tiring, as soon as he comes home and sees his mother's kind smile and the child's lovely face, the man will feel tired and disappear, and his whole heart is filled with warmth and happiness.


This is a day for ordinary villagers, the daily life of the vast majority of villagers in Moda Lapudo Village, and the daily life of people in the villages in the Golden Triangle area.

Simple, plain, boring and boring.

Maybe they don't even know what "happiness" is, and no one comes to ask them "Are you happy"... However, they are like a round life, which is undoubtedly envied by many people.


All this fell into two eyes.

Li Jingli sacrificed to the two sisters.

Li Jing smiled at the corners of his mouth, and a light called "moving" flashed in his bright eyes, which was also mixed with obscurable yearning...

In fact, she is similar to Zhang Shen. She has no good impression of the vigorous life, and she also looks down on money and power. She is completely a typical example of "eating and waiting to die". In the old society, she will definitely be dragged out and criticized to death...

The scene in front of her touched the strings and echoing syllables in her heart, making her silent heart quietly wave.

Li Ji also looked at these pictures.

Li Jing was about to open her mouth, but she was rushed by the sudden coldness of the former. She was stunned and reacted, afraid that this warm scene reminded her of those childhoods that had nothing to do with "beautiful".

For Li Ji's mother, she was just a rope that tied Li's father, because she knew that Li's father felt guilty about his wife and daughter, so she secretly gave birth to Li Ji without telling him, and finally managed to stay with Li's father...

Because of this, she is not good to Li Ji, or only shows the "mother" side in front of Li's father. At other times, she is like a passer-by and is very indifferent to her. Although she has never beaten and scolded, that kind of indifference is more harmful to the gradually sensible little Li Ji, like a sharp knife. Enter your heart fiercely and stir it a few times to smash your heart...

Despite this, Li Ji still tried her best to be a good daughter, loved her father and mother wholeheartedly, and made everything perfect... Perhaps it was this attitude that infected her mother, who unconsciously had a much better attitude towards her, and at least she finally had the feeling of "mother and daughter".

Just as Li Ji was excited to continue to encourage himself to continue to work hard, Li's father began to take drugs, and then...

"Sister~~ they are all innocent..." Li Jing bit his teeth and looked at Li Ji, who exploded with a complicated look, trying to persuade him.


"Oh, it's ridiculous!!!"

With a wave of his hand, a chaotic light and shadow emerged from the palm of Li Ji's hand and shot out at Li Ji's eyebrows.

That contains a large or complete or broken picture.

They all come from the remnant souls and wandering souls swallowed by Li Ji, which is their last obsession, or evil thoughts.

After browsing like a horse, Li Jing was silent.

Those shocking pictures, even if they experienced more tragic scenes, Li Jingfu Middle School turned around for a while, and his little face was white, almost spit out.

"All sins will be punished!"

"The poison producer, die!!"

"Ignorance has never been synonymous with innocence!!"