Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 89: World Shock 3 Broken [Please subscribe!!]

Chapter 89: World Shock (3) Broken [Please subscribe]

The gate of the largest and most luxurious white building in the middle of Moda Lapdo Village.

This is a villa-style building, covering a large area, surrounded by high walls, and only one main door connects the inside and outside.

At the door, two strong rough men wore gray-black uniforms and stood on both sides, with pistols around their waists. From the subtle movements they inadvertently showed, it can be seen that these people are all strictly trained to beat ten elites.

All this is meaningless to Li Ji.

With the sound of forwarding, her body flashed, and the next moment she crossed hundreds of meters and appeared at the gate of the villa.

What kind of person?!

With a sharp mind, the body could have allowed the two of them to skillfully take out the gun and point it at the front, and buckle their index finger hard.

Bum! Bang!

Two shots were fired, and bullets shot out of the muzzle with silky sparks, as fast as a meteor.

Puff! Poo!

The familiar sound of bullets loosened their tense nerves a little. I know that the bullet of this pistol on my body is not ordinary, but specially made. Such a short distance can shoot through an adult and make a big hole!

Unfortunately, the flesh and blood and screams they were familiar with did not appear.

As a superior evil spirit, how can Yachukas' defense be broken by such a joking attack? On the contrary, because it is a mixture of spiritual body and energy body, the secular bullet falls on the big virtual body, and only half of the power is left.

The bullet was catched by Li Ji, and the muffled sound the two heard was just the sound of the former's skin and bullet rubbing.

The eyes under the mask glanced at the two guards who were about to be dumbfounded. Li Ji snorted coldly: "Your things are returned to you."

With a flick of the finger, the bullet shell returned faster than when it came, accurately fell on the eyebrows of the two people, penetrated their skulls, flew out from the other side, and flew several meters before falling to the ground.

The roar disappeared before it could be emitted. With full of consternation and fear, the two fell to the ground.

Alarm bell masterpiece!!

is qualified to be a security guard here, at least among the elites in the former troops of various countries, among which there are several so-called kings of soldiers. The next moment the alarm bell rang, they hid for the first time, then took their weapons and marched towards the gate.


The wide iron gate was blown away by Li Ji's palm and smashed down heavily, and the sound made everyone feel united.

"Damn it, there are heavy weapons. How did those bastards get it!" The close guard of the villa owner - that is, the old man among the elderly and other people, the drug lords who control several nearby villages - heard the sound of the iron door falling to his ears. At the same time, he was more worried but angry.

"God, what the hell is this, this?!" Is this a demon from hell?!" Although they are all outlaws who don't believe in gods and Buddhas, the monsters in sight at this moment also frightened everyone.

Li Ji moved forward slowly, and every step seemed to step heavily in the hearts of everyone. Strong fear and fear from biological instinct made them almost suffocate.

"Fight, all the fuck fight for me!!" On the contrary, the drug lord, who should have been most afraid, was not distracted. He waved his fist, his eyes were round, and his face turned red and roared.

Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da!!

In the continuous gunfire, hot bullets turned into metal storms and rolled overwhelmingly to Li Qi.

Li Ji's body remained motionless, but the darkness revealed by the crack on the void mask became stronger and stronger.

The turbulent spiritual power spewed out of her body, like a huge wave that suddenly jumped. The waves rolled up, involved all the oncoming bullets into it, crushed them into endless fine copper powder, and drifted away with the wind.

The gunshot suddenly stopped.

The unscientific scene in front of us completely shattered the luck in everyone's hearts. The seed of awe of gods, demons and demons planted after receiving religious education from childhood quietly took root and sprouted and grew into a towering tree, destroying their resistance.

A strange scene appeared in the eyes of Li Jing, who maintained the boundary.

Only then did her sister block the first wave of bullet storm. Those tough security guards seemed to be enchanted. They all abandoned their weapons and even knelt to the ground, throwing five bodies to the ground, making strange shouts in their mouths.

Li Jing couldn't understand their words, but when she released a trace of spiritual knowledge to perceive, she knew that these people actually regarded Li Ji as a messenger of "god" or "god"... Since childhood, they have lived in a strong religious environment, and they have little resistance to these things...

Li Jing was speechless and had a entangled face. Only today did I really see what faith is...

Li Ji stopped slightly and continued to move forward slowly until he walked to the drug lord.

The latter's awe of gods and demons was washed away by drugs. The reason why he behaved like others and even more "pious" was that he was keenly aware of the current situation and knew that running away was the most stupid act. It was better to temporarily pretend to be obedient as a grandson, and perhaps he could save his own little Life.

"It's not good!!" The drug lord was keenly aware of Li Ji's undisguised murderous intent. He was slightly obese but still maintained a flexible and strong body that was more than ordinary people. He pedaled on the ground with one leg and touched the dagger hidden in the inner thigh with his left hand!

Li Ji's body shook and disappeared in place. The next moment, the drug lord suddenly felt that the terrible weight pressed on his back, as if a huge mountain fell from the sky and pressed himself under the mountain.

Bum! The drug lord lay on the ground like a bastard, and the red blood flowed out of his mouth and nose.

Li Ji floated in the air, and his right toe gently touched the center of the back of the drug lord, containing the spiritual power of deep evil into his body along his toes, destroying his flesh and bone meridians inch by inch!!

The unprecedented severe pain spread to the mind along the nerve endings and then to the whole body. The drug lord wanted to scream but could not make any sound. The worms kept wriggling, the whole face was completely twisted, the tongue and lips were chewed by themselves, and blood flowed all over the ground.

The surrounding security guards turned a deaf ear to this. If you look closely at their eyes, you will find that there is no focus in their pupils, as if they have lost their soul.

For a moment, the body of the drug lord was completely destroyed by Li Ji, leaving only a humanoid skin full of blood-red paste.

"Fifty-four of breaking the road, waste inflammation!!"

Li Jing couldn't stand it. He recited the spell and sealed it. The jade finger was a little, and the disk-shaped flame condensed, burning the only humanoid drug lord and dozens of guards, turning into a burst of smoke and dissipating.

Li Ji suddenly turned around, his anger came out, turned into evil spirits, and roared silently, describing horror.

"Sister~~~" Li Jing bit her lips tightly and made a cry full of pleading.

Li Ji's body, which was full of anger and evil spirits, trembled, and a trace of clear light passed by, making the evil spirits lingering around him dissipate.

The intermittent words of " up" came from under Li Ji's mask, as if every word took a whole body of strength.

"It doesn't matter." Li Jing smiled brightly and narrowed his eyes into a line.

"Sister, I told you to go to hell, but--

"Even if I fall to hell, I will pull you back!!" Swallowing the crystal of the bottom of his eyes, Li Jing secretly swore.

She is probably clear about the current situation of Li Ji. Obviously, her sister's main consciousness did not gain the control of the body. Instead, she was taken advantage of the evil thoughts at the bottom of her heart to become the master of this body, and she fell into the real "evil" driven by the hatred that had been accumulated in Li Ji's heart for more than ten years, thus making this kind of nothing. Compared with extreme things.

Although he knows that his impression of Li Ji is by no means the real "Li Ji", Li Jing firmly believes that if there is no bottom line and persistence of "goodness" in his heart, his two sisters will not be able to successfully get through those extremely difficult days and get to this day!!

"Sister, you have always protected me. This time, let me protect you."

In his mind, Li Jing's body moved. Under the package of spiritual power, he quickly took off, broke through the protection of the boundary, and appeared over the village of Moda Lapdo.

The old man just came out of the house and happened to see this scene, and she was immediately dumbfounded.

"Is it... the messenger of the gods?" The idea that emerged from the old lady's heart made her extremely excited. At the same time, her knees softened and she was about to kneel down and express the most pious belief in this body to the messenger of the gods.

However, what happened next destroyed all the pious thoughts!

"The King! Masks of flesh and blood, everything, flying wings, something named after human beings! Scorch and chaos, roll back to the south across the sea, and move forward!"

"31 of breaking the road, red artillery!!"

The spiritual power in the body is like a source of water gushing out of the breach, condensing along the mysterious trajectory, turning into red fireballs the size of a basin, hovering on the side of Li Jing, like a small sun. ( Suddenly I thought of Jiuyang Tianjue and laughed ^-^)

More than 90% of the spiritual power in the body was released in one fell swoop and condensed into thirteen red cannons. Li Jing gasped slightly, and the jade fingers were soft one after another. Suddenly, bright red flames were like falling meteors, dragging their long flame tails and falling!


Poppy field!!!


The violent explosion sounded continuously, and a mass of flames burst and spread. In the blazing fire, the growing gratifying poppies turned into ashes!

The old girl was dumbfounded, and all the village names were dumbfounded.

Her legs were soft, and the old man collapsed to the ground.

turbid tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, scratching her wrinkled face and the slightly trembling corners of her mouth.



The old man cried loudly like a child, and her whole body lay on the ground and cried loudly.

For her, these acres of poppy fields are of great significance.

It's not just a source of life!

From birth, the old lady was told that the most important thing in her life is to learn to serve poppies... How to sow, how to select seedlings, how to fertilize, how to pollinate, how to pick fruits... Her whole life has revolved around these poppies.

These acres of poppy fields are life!!

And now... everything is gone...


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the old man died on the spot.

Only a pair of empty eyes are left.


[PS: I haven't listened to Her Royal Highness's concert for a long time, and the faint touch remains unchanged]