Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 9: Giants are artificial species??[ Please subscribe!]

Chapter 9: Giants are artificial species??

Li Ji didn't know how to describe the fear that suddenly appeared on the giant's face.

It was as if when I was alone at home, suddenly a dark shadow flashed in the mirror on the wall, and it happened to be caught by the corner of my eyes. At that moment, the sudden fear grabbed all my body and mind, and I was almost screamed out!

However, when he summoned up the courage to look at the past, he found that there was nothing in the mirror...

That's almost the feeling.

In addition, because the giant's emotional system is relatively incomplete, this fear just flashes away, like a wild goose passing through the clouds without leaving any trace.

Nevertheless, this brief delay also makes their body movements uncoordinated. Don't forget that they have stepped on the ice, thick and slippery ice. What will happen if you are in a daze while skating?

Li Ji had not recovered from the doubts just now, but saw a group of more than a dozen giants in the front row slipping and falling on the ice!

The giant is light, but powerful. The huge force brought by the instinctive support action fell on the ice. The thick ice was smashed into pits one by one, and cobweb-like cracks spread around.

Sequently, the giant who was "prompted" by the leader fell on the ice one after another like a domino...

Finally, the ice was overwhelmed and collapsed with a click!

The giant's body density is low, but it is not low enough to float on the water.

So, in the embarrassing eyes of Li Ji and others, the giant shouted in horror and waved his hands randomly, as if the ignorant people suddenly drowned and lost all their reason. Obviously, with their height, the river could not drown them at all...

Looking at a group of giants with an average height of 10 meters struggling desperately in the deepest river, Zhang Shen smiled so much that his facial muscles were almost cramped and almost lost control.

This scene is really all kinds of joy...

In a trance, Zhang Shen seemed to feel a "entangled" and "speless" mood in the air. Then, the giants who had not yet entered the water stopped one after another, and the giants who were struggling desperately falling into the river also lagged behind, like puppets, standing up from the gentle water with stiff movements. Slowly walk out of the river.

"It has wisdom!" Blue Phoenix suddenly opened his mouth and came up with a word without end.

"They didn't have wisdom?" Zhang Shen heard a different meaning from a few short words.

"Let alone wisdom, there is not even an instinct similar to ordinary animals." Yi Chao took a few sword flowers handsomely, and then shook his wrist. The moon ghost drew a beautiful curve in the air and accurately fell into the scabbard. It's like..."

"The robot that crashed the program." Zihao said coldly.

"Yes!" Yi Chao's eyes lit up and hit his left palm with his right fist. "The robot, yes, like a robot that crashed the command program, is muddle-headed and acts on a strange shallow 'instinct'."

Zhang Shen looked incredible: "Their instinct or the original program is to eat people?" According to the description of the two, the robot is still taken as an example. Even if the original program collapses, there will always be some residues, and the robot's behavior in the following time is related to those "remes".

However, according to common sense, a species, whether strong or weak, must join an ecological cycle, or food chain, if it wants to survive in a world. Just like Bei Ye, although he lives at the top of the food chain, he is still in the huge ecosystem of the earth and can't live alone.

However, according to Yi Chao's description of giants, this magical creature does not need to eat or excrete, but is in a state of movement all day, and they don't know where their energy comes from. In addition, Yi Chao also mentioned that I heard that someone seemed to have done a special experiment last time to cut open a person's stomach at the next moment when he swallowed it to see how its digestive system works and how to completely digest a big living person. Result...

The man was extremely surprised to find that the man who was bitten off his head and swallowed did not appear in the giant's stomach, but found suspected human flesh and blood residue in the giant's head.

After all, there is still no clear answer to why giants eat people.

However, when he combined the description of the three with his own observations, an idea that even he thought was very incredible suddenly appeared in Zhang Shen's mind--

Giants are not naturally created species!

Alchemy life?!

Four big characters appeared in Zhang Shen's mind and then occupied all his thoughts.

The so-called "alchemy life" is actually a kind of artificial life, which can also be roughly understood as artificial life.

Artificial life needs to "live", and three conditions are indispensable - the recognition of the body, soul and heaven and earth.

The body is not necessarily a flesh and blood body, steel, wood and stone can be done, even the energy body and the spiritual body are a kind of body;

Soul, needless to say, whether it is the theory of the three souls and seven souls or the energy of consciousness, in short, the soul itself is indeed a unique particle aggregate. Even if the simple soul body reaches a certain extent, it can change the world and be called the ancestor;

As for heaven and earth to admit, as long as this artificial life does not cause damage to the origin of heaven and earth and makes this universe unable to survive, you don't have to worry about this problem. Of course, "creating man" is originally an act against heaven, which will more or less cause damage to the existing law and order. Therefore, when the first species appears, the "sky disaster" or the "counter-eating" and "test" of the origin of heaven and earth are bound to appear.

There are some similarities between the giants and alchemy life in this world, but if judged according to these three criteria, these giants seem to lack something, and they are incomplete!

This imperfection is not the incomplete beauty of Venus with broken arms, but a person with one eye similar to a three-legged toad. Although it can also survive, it gives people a "uncomfortable" feeling.

For giants, this imperfect external performance is probably wisdom. No, it is far from "wisdom". It should be said that it is manifested on "instinct"!

"A kind of imperfect artificial life..." Zhang Shen's eyes flashed and were blocked by his drooping eyelids. "The world is getting more and more interesting..."

The leader with "wisdom" gave up the act of continuing to order his giants and Zhang Shen and others to die (sell) (cute), or he/she had any "conspiracy" and was not willing to pester Zhang Shen for the time being... In short, on the way to Hina District, except for the sporadic giants, no boatman had met " Organized and premeditated interception.

The wooden boat accelerated, and soon, the tall wall came into the eyes of everyone.

Hina's Wall!!

Originally, the wall of Hina was the highest and thickest defensive existence among the three high walls. With the assistance of various "black technologies" of the guards, today's wall of Hina is even more amazing, and its height has been pulled up to 80 meters! Its thickness has also increased to more than 13 meters! In addition, the whole wall of Hina's wall is made of blue and black basalt that is comparable to steel (this world). The gap between the wall brick and the wall brick can hardly be ignored, and a slightly thicker blade can't be inserted!

If not, how can the human beings in this world be supported by the hard attack of giants day and night?! So, black technology is really terrible~~~

"Huh, fortunately, I came early. If I come a few days later, I won't be fine." Looking at the deep traces left by giants on the wall, Zhang Shenyou felt extremely happy.

Humans in this world are not stupid, and the giant's water-fear nature has been mastered by them. Therefore, a total of six gates connecting the outside world were firmly blocked by them. On the contrary, the waterway, which had not been paid much attention to, received the highest treatment. The four major human regiments - the Training Corps (Sword of the crusade), the Investigation Corps (wings of Freedom), the Gendarmerie (law enforcement unicorn), and the garrison Corps (holding roses) ) - At least 50% of the remaining troops were sent to guard the Unknown River and three wall holes leading to the outside world.

Perhaps because he has not yet suffered a special targeted attack by giants, the entrance of the waterway in Zhang Shen's sight is still intact, but the faint dark red color above silently tells Zhang Shen that there is not a lot of blood spilled here!


In the former four corps, the training corps has been equivalent to disbanding on the premise that the overall lack of materials can no effective training, leaving only one staff and a few civilian personnel still persist in empty and lonely positions;

In the battle where Allen Yeager fell into ambush, he buried all the elites of the investigation corps, leaving only three or two kittens. I don't know when the flag of the wings of freedom that everyone admired in the past became a sign of hatred; [You want to see the children's shoes of the captain and Sanli (he, there seems to be nothing wrong), you think too much. Hey hey]

The number of gendarmerie regiments is small, and they are responsible for the public security, laws, etc. in Hina District. Unfortunately, they have long been rotten from the roots to the branches and leaves. They only know how to be arrogant and luxurious* and bully civilians. They have scored the skills of public and private pockets one by one. They are also a member of the ruling class;

The garrison regiment has the largest number of the four major regiments and is responsible for strengthening the wall to defend various cities. At the beginning, it was the final place for soldiers who could not be admitted to the gendarmerie and were afraid of fighting with giants. In the two battles (slaughter) of the giants that broke through the wall of Maria and the wall of Ross, the greatest sacrifice was the garrison corps. They defended the name of "guarding the rose" with their blood after breaking their lives for others.

However, everything is in the past tense.

In today's Hina District, there has been no division of the four major corps. Because——

There is only despair in hell,

No police are needed.


[PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of "xiawei1013". Sure enough, saving manuscripts is a joke for me...