Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 10: Desperate!

Chapter 10: Desperate Situation!

Compared with the other two areas that have fallen, Hina District is not large.

In the middle of Hina District is the royal palace. The royal palace covers a large area, about one-seventh of the whole Hina district. If combined with the circular moat that has been widened several times, it occupies almost one-sixth of the area.

Originally, the palace was only the residence of the king and his family and the office of the kingdom. Now it is also the temporary residence of the important ministers of the kingdom and the headquarters of all military and political departments.

As for why the ministers and nobles are willing to give up their gorgeous and spacious mansions and run to the king's eyes, not to mention the reason why they live far less than the original--

There's nothing we can do. It's too messy outside!

In such a large place, more than a million people were forcibly brought in, causing the consequences...

It's like demolishing all the more than ten-storey buildings in Shanghai, and then force them to stay in the Shanghai area and not to leave, and it does not guarantee the necessary food supply every day!

Hina District must ensure a certain "order", but the garrison regiment that usually performs this task is basically left with the establishment. In desperation, after discussion, the kings and ministers decided to expand their recruitment and recruit a large number of "healthy" young and middle-aged men to be recruited as reserve soldiers of the "Revolutionary Army". After a short time The training - really short, about a day or two, and most of the time it was still explaining military discipline - after each of these reserves was issued an identification sign, they were arranged to patrol various areas at the streets and alleys to maintain order in Hina District.

Originally, this idea was understandable. However, except for the tack in execution, many ruffians who have no courage to fight with giants but bully others and form a party for personal gain have been recruited into the Rejugation Army...

You can imagine what kind of life the civilians live in Hina District!

There are not enough food and clothing, there are giants outside who are besieging and going to enter the abyss of death at any time, and there are villains rampant * plundering everything... Every morning, the soldiers of the Restoration Army have to sweep a large number of bodies that have committed suicide or killed or bury them on the spot.



When the wooden boat carrying Zhang Shen and his party was still hundreds of meters away from a waterway gate, they heard the shouting to slow down and go for inspection. From the man's voice, Zhang Shen heard a strong sense of surprise. It was probably incredible that someone could survive in the fallen area of the giant and still reach the Hina area smoothly.

Zhang Shen was about to slow down and dock the wooden boat to the designated place according to the man's intention, but was stopped by Li Ji: "Don't forget that we are here to save the world. At this time, we should show our absolute overwhelming strength and obtain absolute leadership on the human side, so as not to fight with giants. When fighting, you should also beware of knives from the rear.

These words made the three blue phoenix more curious about the woman wrapped in a black robe around Zhang Shen, and there was also a trace of appreciation and convincing in their eyes.

Zhang Shen thought that this sentence was very reasonable and immediately took her suggestion. The speed of the ship did not decrease but increased, and drove straight to the gate.

Morland Swick is the commander of the Third Corps of the Restoration Army. At this time, he happened to be here. When he learned of the existence of Zhang Shenmu, he ran over excitedly. As a result, he encountered such a thing, and he was depressed and annoyed.

With his orders, the soldiers around him gathered around and pulled out the bright weapons against Zhang Shen, which was fierce and evil. The wooden boat was slightly closer, and its new hull and distinctive part of the structure attracted Morland's attention.

Just as he felt something was wrong and wanted to stop the docking of the wooden boat, he only heard a scream. Morand's pupils shrank, and dozens of soldiers seemed to have been hit head-on by a speeding carriage, and all this was just a change in the shape of a young man with a huge sword on the wooden boat!

"It's them!"

"They're back!!"

Morland, as a head-level nobleman, naturally knows about the guards. In fact, within the top of the kingdom, the guards are also known as "divine people". From this name, we can probably see the status of the guards in the minds of the rulers of the kingdom... Unfortunately, all this is just their unilateral imagination, and the source is probably because the defenders have not been able to show their "cruelty" due to time problems. "The other side.

Morland was so excited that his cheeks turned red and he trembled all over. This move fell into the eyes of other soldiers, thinking that the patriarch was so arrogant by Zhang Shen and others. After being stunned, they pulled out their weapons, shouted the slogans of the National Army, and launched a new charge to Zhang Shen and others.

"It's really troublesome." Yi Chao frowned and looked at the swarming indigenous soldiers, muttering, and then raised his sword eyebrows. The rock war spirit, sword spirit and evil spirit were intertwined into one, spewing out of his body, turning into an invisible spiritual shock and sweeping around.

There is a kind of domineering spiritual power in the world of One Piece, which is somewhat similar to this.

In an instant, the sudden sound of shouting and killing was silent, and then the sound of "ploping" falling to the ground rose one after another.

The gap in strength makes it easy for Yi Chao to easily solve the siege just by his own momentum!

"No!! He..." Morland reacted and wanted to stop his soldiers, but the scene in front of him made his unfinished words blocked in his throat and could no longer come out, turning into a strange "cluck" sound, like a chicken choked by the neck.

Ten minutes later, hundreds of soldiers at the waterway dock stood in place like eggplant beaten by autumn frost, spiritlessly, in a trance, as if they had been fighting for several nights.

Originally, in such an environment, although they were not desperate, their spirits were not enough. Now, after suffering from a strong spiritual shock and the truth after the Blue Phoenix, they are in a state of sleepwalking.

On the other side, the palace.

King Daris Zakary looked at the debating ministers below, rubbed his temples tiredly, picked up the teacup and gently decorated them, but could not taste the original sweetness, and the rest was only bitterness.

Another meeting.

A lively meeting is also a meeting that is doomed to be fruitless.

The theme of the meeting is how to solve a series of existing problems such as food, armaments, order, transportation and even the recovery of lost land. Such meetings have been held recently, not only the highest power center of the kingdom, but also almost every department, even every family, is discussing similar issues.

There is no answer, or there is no way out.

In fact, not only the highest level of the kingdom sitting here, but also the personnel of other military and political departments, and even everyone in Hina District is very clear -

Human beings have entered a desperate situation!

Yes, in the current situation, there is no way to resist the attack of giants, let alone repel them and recover the fallen land.

There has been a period of time when the turtle shrank to Hina District. Few people know that the kingdom's strategic material reserves have been consumed more than half. At this time, even if the kingdom wants to break the net and make a final struggle, it can't do it.

Counterattack! This bill was put forward by far-sighted generals when the people entered the Hina area when they contracted the defense line, but it was rejected by the high-level officials who were panicked like a homeless dog all day long. Ironically, now, even if they want to make a final struggle, they can't do it.

What else can I do?

All you have to do is wait to die.

Daris squeezed his lips, swallowed a trace of bitterness at the corners of his mouth, strengthened his spirits, and turned his eyes to a white-haired and excited old man with red face and arguing. A trace of irony flashed from his eyes. The old man's name is Naifal Torost. Although he is so repulsive and powerful now, he is one of the banners of the "anti-offensive". At the beginning, the old man was scared by the giant and even strongly demanded "strategic defense" to avoid the fierce offensive of the giant at that time...

"This country, no, it should be said that all human beings can't survive this winter~~" Daris turned his eyes to the heights and looked at the blue and joyful sky through the edges of the window. Unfortunately, I won't see such a beautiful blue sky again.

"This sky should belong to human beings."

"Giant, t�, giant." Daris remembered the shabby and yellow note in the secret room of the palace, and endless hatred appeared in the depths of his eyes.

It is a secret room that only kings are allowed to enter, and the contents of the notebook are only known by kings. The pages of the notes have become yellow and tattered, as if they will be completely rotten and broken at any time.

It's like a diary. The content is scattered and trivial, but it records a terrible truth!

This news is absolutely not allowed to be leaked, even if any corners are fragmented!

Historical records, the fifth king before Daris suddenly went crazy one day and killed all his 17 wives and concubines with a sword. After that, hundreds of guards and maids in the palace were affected. For a moment, the palace was bleeding into a river and was unbearable.

Everyone thought that the king was crazy, and only Darris knew the truth of the matter.

The king did this because he had the problem of talking in his sleep, but when he woke up the next day, he suddenly remembered the general content of last night's sleep talk.

is related to the records in the notes!

The extremely frightened king did not care whether he leaked the real core secret or not. He immediately pulled out his sword and inserted it into the heart of the concubine who usually spoiled the concubine beside him in his blank eyes... After that, he was a big cleanse, killing all the nearby bodyguards and maids and people who had contact with them that night...

Looking at the leopard in the tube shows the importance of the secret.

In Darris's opinion, that is the truth that will pull the world into hell once it is leaked!

"However, is the current situation different from hell?" Daris sighed faintly and was full of panic.

"General Swick, you can't go in without your majesty's call!" Suddenly, the low drink of the bodyguard woke up Darris.

Then, there was the sound of the collision between the iron armor and the ground, as if someone had been pushed to the ground and made a muffled hum.

"General Swick, what do you want to do with so many people to the palace?"

"Get out of here, I want to meet Your Majesty!"

"Let him in." Daris's voice resounded through the royal palace.