Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 51: Shadow of the Night

Chapter 51: Shadow of the Night

The next morning.

The golden red sunlight pierces the clouds covering the horizon, and the infinite light shines all over the earth.

This is a rare autumn sun.

There is a strange atmosphere over the whole Hina area.

The joy of the decisive victory and the sadness of the death of relatives and companions are intertwined and turned into a big net, covering the whole Hina district. Walking on the street, people have only two expressions, either ecstatic celebration or silent sadness.

After all, the cloud called "giant" that has been shrouded in human heads for 100 years is better than the sorrow of death and has become the mainstream of this ancient city. Or, they have long been used to death, and now they are so indifferent.

Today is a big day for human beings!

Happy days!!

The upper rulers of Monte, Morland and other kingdoms were particularly happy, and the smile on their faces never stopped.

If it hadn't been for the fact that there were giants patrolling outside the city wall, and the manpower was indeed not enough, they all wanted to take out the food and other materials in the reserve bank for a national carnival as a celebration.

What a great achievement it is to recover the land and eliminate the giants who have oppressed mankind for more than 100 years. They all began to fantasize that their names were written in the history books of later generations.

They didn't do this, and the displeasure of Blue Phoenix and others is also an important factor. The ability of government agencies to collect information is very terrible. They all know that the war would not have ended so soon if six people, including Blue Phoenix and Zhang Shen had killed the leader of the giant.

Although there is some admiration for the defenders' achievements, they are more afraid of their strength!

As for the large number of soldiers and civilians who died under the massacre of giants after the giant broke through the wall, they didn't care at all. One has long been used to death, and the other is that soldiers and civilians are just some numbers in their minds.

On this day, Hina City was shrouded in a strange atmosphere, and the atmosphere was fragmented and continuous noise.

The guard's small building.

Blue Phoenix is sure to tell everyone that there will be no giant attack in the next three days. After receiving this news, Zhang Shen was the first to turn around and leave, returned to the room, and slept soundly. With the help of deep sleep and other small means, he recovered the spiritual source that was seriously damaged by continuous overdraft.

Yesterday's bloody tragedy taught the newcomers a profound lesson. When they walked out of the small building hoping to share the joy of defeating the giant but sadly found that they and others were out of line with the city, they suddenly realized that they were just passers-by, and then returned to the small buildings to practice their abilities.

The five people of Li Jinglan Phoenix were not interested in running around and also returned to their respective rooms.

This small building exudes a different atmosphere, as if it is independent from this world and is incompatible with each other.

A peaceful day passed peacefully.

I didn't wake up until after 3 o'clock in the morning.

When he opened his eyes, he looked sleepy, his expression was wooden, and his eyes were focusless and blank.

It took him several minutes to wake up from this trance and figure out the situation.

Half an hour later, he came out of the bathroom and felt refreshed, with a refreshing feeling from the inside out.

This sleep has a great effect on the recovery of his spiritual sea.

Zhang Shen practiced the exchanged "Qianyin spiritual exercise method". In addition to the cultivation methods, tricks and taboos, there are also self-healing methods after injury. This kind of deep sleep is a relatively simple, convenient and effective method.

Because it is simple, the natural effect is limited.

After taking a shower and changing into comfortable clothes, when Zhang Shen entered the "interivision" again, he found that black spots appeared on the "surface" of the spiritual source of a bright ocean.

The existence of these dark spots makes Zhang Shen feel the same pain as tearing when he stimulates his spiritual power, and he can't continue to meditate and cultivate his spiritual power before they disappear!

Opening his eyes, Zhang Shenchang exhaled a long breath, and his expression was a little helpless.

"Although I know that most of them have no effect, let's try it." He said to himself that he took out more than a dozen bottles and cans from the storage equipment, all of which could "theoretically" slightly recover from mental injury.

Three or four o'clock in the morning is the time when people sleep most. In addition to the patrol soldiers, only a few people in the whole city did not sleep like Zhang Shen. Everyone else is sleeping deeply at this moment, immersed in good or bad dreams.

In a poor living area at the other end of the Hina District, which is far away from the small building.

At this time, all the lights in the rows of residential houses were extinguished and dark. Even with the help of the faint moonlight and stars falling from the sky and the sparks of other places, you can barely see the shape of the building and the lines of the road.

In such deep darkness, suddenly--

Two fires are lit!

There is a little green light in the dark blue, which is extremely strange in endless darkness!

If you take a closer look, what kind of fire is this? It's clear--


This is obviously an unknown beast. It has a pair of cat-like eyes. The darker it is, the more it shines, emitting a frightening and strange brilliance.

What's more strange is that the eyes of this mysterious beast clearly reveal the coldness and height of human beings!!

It looked around for a while and determined the target.

It is an ordinary house, with an attic on the first floor. With the help of the light of the beast's eyes, you can see the "patch" on the window lattice, and the dilapidated but clean walls. It should be a good-quality poor dwelling place.

In fact, this is a family of four, the parents who work for others to maintain their family expenses. They have a son and a daughter, the eldest son, who is 12 years old. In two years, she will be able to join the army. Her daughter is eight years old and helps her mother with some piece of housework at home.

The most ordinary family of four.

Today, during the day, his parents were still glad that they did not live near the city gate and waterway, and the family of four were able to escape the slaughter of giants, but he did not expect to be targeted by a mysterious beast at night.

The evil beast's movements are light and agile, more dexterous than cats. There is no noise between the marching, and it appears at the door of the house in the blink of an eye.

With the help of Xi's light, it can be seen that it is about the size of a foal and looks like a wolf, but it is a little different.

It circled around the house and stayed in place for more than ten seconds, as if "thinking" where to enter.

For a moment, it made a decision.

After that, it showed the climbing ability that makes all wolves and dogs ashamed.

It suddenly charged, and then jumped up. Ten cold and shining claws suddenly poked out and penetrated deeply into the cracks of the wall bricks, which were very strong enough to hang on the wall without falling down.

Its claws were so sharp that it didn't make any sound when it plunged into the wall.

With the strong claws and the coordination that is a little stronger than the cat, the beast quickly climbed to the roof.

It moves forward quietly, with a very clear goal, the chimney on the roof.

There was a meat pad on the soles of its feet, its claws were taken back, slowly crawled forward, and soon reached the chimney.

If it is a normal beast, even if it knows to enter through the chimney, I'm afraid it will stick its head in first, but this mysterious beast is otherwise. It, like human beings, knows how to stretch out a pair of hind legs first...

Using this strange way, its whole body gradually shrank into the chimney and disappeared.

A few minutes later, a faint smell of blood came from the house.

After a few minutes, the smell of blood became thin, as if the beast had licked the blood together.

There was a slight audible "squeak" sound, and the door of this family was actually opened a crack.

It squeezed out of this crack and looked around for a while, as if to confirm that its movements had not been seen by anyone.

After confirmation, it disappeared into the thick night again.

The second day after the decisive battle.

After Zhang Shen confirmed what he needed to finish today, his face was wrinkled with bitterness.

First of all, the five gaps in the city wall must be repaired!

This is not negotiable, and it can't be used as a patch as last time. After all, no one knows whether those "escape" four-level giants will make a comeback after splitting their property.

If it comes, the wall of Hina is the first and last line of defense, which must be taken seriously.

Zhang Shen intends to first figure out what kind of structure the original wall is, and strive not only to repair it, but also to be the same or even stronger than before.

The only expectation of Zhang Shen is that the upgraded wall of Hina will look like that, not because the previous group of guards used some super props.

After all, Zhang Shen's alchemy is still on the "scientific side" so far. If the wall of Hina contains the power of the mysterious side, he can only sigh.

Second, it is the weapons of the royal soldiers, especially the two cannons.

Hina's wall was broken, and all the cannons fixed on it were destroyed!

You know, that's the accumulation of the kingdom for decades!

It has been accumulated for decades and has been destroyed. If you want to recover in the shortest time, there is no other way but Zhang Shen's alchemy.

The cannon comes first, followed by the small cannon that can be moved.

With the strong idea of self-respect for the nobles of the kingdom, the small cannon still retains almost a quarter of the number. Compared with the unbearable wall cannon that the whole army has destroyed, it can be regarded as very lucky.

Walls and armaments are the first priority. Other things such as house ruins cleaning and road cleaning are trivial. They seem to be heavy, but in fact they are extremely simple and can be done casually.

Determined the planned itinerary for the next few days, and Zhang Shen went to the gate accompanied by Li Jing.

"After all, in late autumn, it became so cold at night, and I felt chilly even if I didn't open my window."

"Huh, was it cold last night? Why don't I feel it? I opened the window."

"Eh?? Is it my illusion?!"

"Hmm, it must be the captain who has done something bad recently. I feel guilty~~"

"Ah is that possible? Absolutely not! Besides, I want to do something to you, but unfortunately I don't have a chance..."

"Oh~~ If you have a thief, you don't have the courage!"
