Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 52: White Bone Mountain, White Bone Sword

Chapter 52: White Bone Mountain, White Bone Sword

The wolf is a very vengeful creature. As the leader of a wolf group, the head wolf has a deep hatred for Bu Lichen after losing all his companions.

After recovering from the wound, it left the sad land of Reis City.

Its target is a wild area dozens of miles away from the city of Reyes.

The wolves designed and killed by the giants led by Ani and Lena came from the wilderness.

The wild area, as its name suggests, is a vast area with no one to set foot in. It is not desolate. On the contrary, it is full of vitality, in which countless life species reproduce and reincarnate.

To be honest, human beings have never been the masters of this world!

Even when human beings were at their peak more than a hundred years ago, they just stopped in the city of Reyes and did not dare to expand into the wilderness. It was not that they did not want to, but that they did not, and there was nothing they could do.

The wilderness is very powerful, in which a large number of powerful species have survived, which is beyond human imagination. If there is a fight between the two, the extinction of human beings will not be more than a matter of minutes!

They are not outside the wilderness, because this place is too desolate and barren...

Yes, the fertile soil of human reproduction is just a desolate land in the eyes of these lives, just like the difference between tropical rainforests and desert savannas.

The reason why the Wolf King led the tribe away from the wilderness and stepped from the food-rich paradise to the barren hell is completely forced--

It was kicked out!!

Yes, this strong wolf tribe, which has brought a lot of trouble to the Titans, is just a loser in the wild region. Because of the failure to grab the territory, it has suffered heavy losses. In order to continue the survival of the ethnic group and not be eliminated by other coveted tribes, it can only go on the "road of death" and get out of the wilderness.

In the simple thinking of each wolf, the idea of "strengthen your strength and return to your hometown to regain the territory" has been branded.

It's a pity that they were so unlucky that they settled down here, and the Titans came over. In order to survive, they can only fight with the Titans. As for the result, they all know...

The head wolf may be the last member of this wolf tribe.

Under this*, it especially hates the Titans and Bu Lichen - in its eyes, Bu Lichen is also a member of the Titans.

So, it made a difficult decision--

Return to the wilderness!

It's not to take a look at their hometown before death, but to find ways to bring out other ethnic groups and let them fight with the Titans!

With such a firm "belief", the wolf overcame his fear and embarked on the "road of death" again.

The so-called "road of death" is actually a long mountain road similar to a valley.

The overall terrain of the wild area is much higher than that of human-living areas, and the altitude change between the two is very sudden, so a mountain range rises in the middle and spreads for many miles.

The whole mountain range is covered with dense vegetation. At a glance, it is lush, like a cyan dragon lying on the ground, stretching to an unknown place.

At the top of the mountain, there is another deep ditch like a rift valley. You can't see the bottom at a glance, which is unfathomable.

This deep ditch also spreads from beginning to end, becoming a gap, abruptly dividing the two regions.

And the "road of death" is the natural channel to communicate between the two realms.

In fact, there is more than one road to death. They are all winding mountain roads, and their terrain is like a narrow depression between two steep peaks, which is very strange.

It seems that there are holes in this mountain range, and these "roads of death" are the result of the evolution of these "cracks".

Due to the terrain, these roads are very dark and humid, so they have become a paradise for countless snakes, insects, rats and ants. However, most of the insects are highly poisonous, which has also achieved the title of "Road to Death".

The head wolf still clearly remembers that in order to cross one of the road to death, nearly a quarter of its companions stayed in it forever and became fertilizer for plants...

It can't be fearless!

However, even so, it resolutely decided to take this road full of death again.



When it set foot on the familiar land again, the wolf was in a trance.

There is only one palm left on its tail, and its originally vigorous body has lost a whole circle of weight. You can see the ribs, and the body is full of crisscrossing scars. Several of the wounds are still fresh, and you can see the black and yellow flesh and blood inside.

In addition, its left eye was blind, leaving only a black hole, and one of its front legs was broken. When it walked, it was lifted and did not dare to touch the ground.

Despite this, it still walks steadily without any bumps.

After a short trance, the wolf reacted and felt something was wrong.

This land is a little too quiet!

If only in the past, such an injured prey would have appeared so carelessly, the creatures around it would have quietly approached, hiding among the thick branches and leaves and secretly observed it.

In that case, you should be able to feel a lot of malicious eyes.

This atmosphere... is too peaceful!

The head wolf turned around and did smell the breath of the familiar "enemies" in the past, and it was also sure that the latter also felt its own breath. However, somehow, after a slight movement, these "enemies" were silent again, as if they had hibernated.

Suddenly, the wolf sensed a different breath.

The smell of "delicious"!

As long as you can eat it, your wound can heal and become stronger, stronger than those guys with long noses and teeth... Such thoughts naturally spring up from the bottom of my heart.

Following the mysterious feeling, the head wolf moved three feet and walked towards the depths of the wilderness.

It didn't know that when it left, a faint green light ignited between the dark branches and leaves of the jungle.

The owners of these eyes took a deep look at the direction of the wolf, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes. Then, they came out of their hiding place and headed in the direction of the wolf.

Many former enemies did not have the interest in fighting at this time, but guarded their own tribes, sniffed all the way, followed the breath left by the wolf, and went the opposite way.

They are clearly... fleeing!!

On the other side, the wolf went straight to the center of the wilderness in a daze.

Although it is still injured and very tired, it is like eating dazzling and drinking vigorously, and can't stop.

Nearly a hundred miles away from the edge of the wilderness, the terrain here is low. It was originally a lake, a place for a large number of herbivores to drink water, and also a place for many carnivores to hunt, and there are fierce battles all the time.

This is a microcosm of cruel nature.

But at this moment, the beauty and cruelty of the past have disappeared, and instead, there are countless white bones!

Yes, white bone. Or, bones.

Herbivores, carnivores, large animals, small animals, flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in water, all of them.

Their feathers, scales and fur are still scattered on the ground, but all their flesh and blood have disappeared, leaving a white skeleton piled up on the ground layer after layer, making this a white bone hell.

It seems to be the skeleton hell in the mythical story. Looking around, it is full of white and miserable bones.

The layers of skeletons emitted an invisible strange smell, spreading around and stained with this smell. The vegetation and flowers began to wither, and then the original color faded and turned into a palpitating gray-black, as if carbonized.

The gray-black plants and white skeletons are intertwined and evolve into a strangely numbing picture.

I don't know how long it took, the wolf finally arrived.

All the way, it became more dirty and sloppy, with messy fur, and the injured front leg was completely useless.

At the moment when it stepped into the "white bone hell", its eyes, which seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, suddenly lit up and returned to their original state.

Then, the surrounding scene came into its sight.

A strong sense of life-and-death crisis washed its heart like anger.

With a cry, the wolf turned around and ran away, but was blocked by an invisible barrier. He inexplicably circled and returned to the original place strangely, just like a ghost wall in a folk novel.

This grewd situation made it more afraid and rushed out crazily.

It's just that its sense of direction has been confused. Obviously, it feels "outward", but in fact, it does run towards the center of the white bone hell.

The former lake has been filled with white bones, and the lake has become dark **, extremely thick, like oil, but without any smell.

The white bones continue to pile up and pile up into a hill.

On the White Bone Mountain, a sword, a pale white bone sword, was inserted.

The hilt, sword stalk and sword body are all composed of white bones, which are pieced together one by one, and very clear traces of stitching can be seen.

This is a two-handed sword, with a simple and elegant shape and no decoration. The part of the sword exposed outside the white bone alone is two meters long. I don't know how many parts are buried in the white bone pile.

Next to the white bone sword, there is a man kneeling.

Or, most of the people.

Because the man only has the lower part of his neck, not the small half of his neck and head. It's not the type of headless knight, but it hasn't "gone" yet!

Although he has no head, it can also be seen from his kneeling posture that the object he kneels to is the huge two-handed sword in front of him.

He is the sword slave of this sword and the slave of the sword soul in the white bone sword.

The wolf ran to the foot of Baigu Mountain.

A wisp of red light as bright as blood suddenly came out of the sword slave's body and shot into the body of the wolf.

The next moment, a strange scene appeared!

The head wolf's body dried up with a super-fastness visible to the naked eye, taking a few short breaths, demonstrating what skin and bones are.

A more bright red light shot out of its body and returned to the sword slave's body.

The fracture of the sword slave's neck has quietly increased a little, and a part of it has grown.

Looking at the head wolf, accompanied by a slight bone collision, it fell down in a frenze and fell on the original skeleton, doing its part for the White Bone Mountain.

A ghost wind blew through, and its dirty fur was blown away by more than ten meters.