Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 61: The Alchemist's--Fate

Chapter 61: The Alchemist's... Fate

The fragile part was suddenly hit hard, and the strange wolf let out a long howling and blood splashed.

"...waiting for the abyss of fire in the distant sky." Li Jing's spell chanted to the end.

"73 of breaking the road · double lotus fire fall!!"

The double lotus fire pendant of No. 73 is more powerful than that of No. 33, but the power is more restrained. A blue flame is burning and falling on the tiger's head on the left side of the strange wolf.

The tiger head of the strange wolf was burned into a ball of coke in an instant, and even if the T virus was powerful for a moment, it could not recover!

Li Ji's dark green flash shot out almost at the same time, turning into a dark green beam of light, hitting the leopard's head on the right side of the strange wolf and swallowing its head. Li Ji's virtual flash is characterized by corrosion. A few seconds after being hit by the virtual flash, the strange wolf felt that the leopard head he had just grown had completely disappeared.

At the end of life and death, the strange wolf had nothing to do with anything else. The energy conversion system that had not been completely integrated with itself was overloaded by it. Suddenly, it saw its size shrink rapidly, just like a balloon with a hole in it. A few breaths shrank again to the size of a pony at the beginning.

The size became smaller, and the steel thorn that originally bound it became a decoration. The strange wolves with great increase in strength leaped and escaped more than ten meters. The body drooped, and the deep roar came from the staggered fangs, and the blue eyes were full of anger and murder.

Li Jing also pointed to the sword, continuous virtual points, and white thunder and lightning fell like a rainstorm, attacking the strange wolf, so that the latter had to avoid it one by one until it retreated to one side of the wall.

Li Ji turned around and flashed. The next moment, he appeared on top of the strange wolf's head, clenched his fists, and punched the head of the strange wolf.

The strange wolf's body did not move, and the three bone tails were attacked repeatedly. The offensive was sinister and vicious, specializing in the weakness and selfishness of Li Li, which made the latter have to make up his mind to guard against it, and the brave and advanced offensive was slow.

The strange wolf is surprisingly flexible. Under the joint attack of the two sisters of Li Jing, although it seems dangerous and suffers minor injuries from time to time, it is actually easy and even gradually dominates the rhythm of the battle!

It is consuming the spiritual power of two people!

The strange wolf has a more terrible perverted combat intuition than Titan. Although he does not understand the reason, he has keenly found the best solution. In the underground city, the spiritual power consumption speed of the two women has increased, but the recovery speed has been greatly reduced. If the strange wolf really consumes its spiritual power, the form will immediately reverse.

Zhang Shen maintained a trace of spiritual connection with the formation, with a pair of sharp eyes to the battlefield, looking for the best time to take action.

"It's now!!"

Suddenly, his pupils shrank and his heart turned at will, urging him to refine into a formation.

The strange wolf's hind legs are about to fall on the ground with inexplicable waves, and it sank several inches out of thin air!

The strange wolf stepped on it, shook his body slightly, lost its center of gravity, and its movements were stagnant.

How can the two women let go of this great opportunity?

"One of the bound roads!!"

In the advanced textbook of the "Central Spiritual Academy" exchanged by Li Jing, Fuzhu Shilang solemnly pointed out that the majority of the godless people think that the number, the more powerful the ghosts are, the better. This view is obviously wrong. In fact, among the captain-level god of death, anyone who has dabbled in ghosts know (Gem Jianba is obviously excluded). In fact, among the 200 open ghosts, the top 50 are exactly the most used, and the top 10 are the most practical.

Although Li Jing has not yet reached this level, he can also choose the right spell at the right time.

At the exit of the "plug" sound, the four legs of the strange wolf immediately seemed to be tied by an invisible rope, and the two front legs and two hind legs had a tendency to be in the middle. At the same time, those who were bound were also the three bone tails that caused a lot of trouble to Li Ji.

Li Ji shook his body, wiped the sharp bone piece around, appeared in front of the strange wolf, hit it hard on its jaw with a hook!

With a click, several bones were broken, and the upper and lower jaws of the strange wolf were forcibly bridged together by external forces, and the blood flowed out moneylessly along the gap. The indescribable pain made the strange wolf want to howl but could not make any sound.

Zhang Shen made another move.

Three steel snakes suddenly burst out of the floor, as fast as lightning, quickly wrapped around the three bone tails of the strange wolf, tightly wrapped around the bone tail like a dodden, one black and one white twisted together, as if they were born like this.

The strange wolf was hit on the jaw by a heavy upper hook by Li Ji, and its survival instinct made it intend to break away from the circle with this punch. Unexpectedly, it was tied to death by three steel "ropes" emerging from the ground, and then fell heavily on the cold floor, and several bones on his body were broken.

"The fourth of binding the road · gray rope!"

"Thirty of the binding road · Three flashes in the mouth!"

Two binding techniques were used from Li Jing. A rope-shaped light rope tied the three bone tails of the strange wolf again several times. After that, three diamond-shaped light sheets came, locking the head, body and limbs of the strange wolf respectively.

Zhang Shen controlled the nearby steel, refined several enlarged handcuff-like restraints, put several on the strange wolf, and banned its neck, body, limbs and tail in a circle, and could not even move.

"Finally caught this guy." Zhang Shen came over, wiped the non-existent sweat, and sighed, "If you two hadn't been severely suppressed, how could this monster be so troublesome?"

Li Jing squatted down curiously and poked the wolf's ragged membrane wings that became rags in the battle: "It's real wings... The long-winged wolf can also concould produce three heads and three tails. Tutut, it's up."

"Hey, don't be so reckless, be careful!" Zhang Shen was shocked by her behavior, quickly pulled her away and scolded, "What if this guy has any special escape skills?! Just now, I suddenly reduced my body shape in exchange for strength... But speaking of which, it's really an interesting creature. If I'm not busy now and don't have time, I must study it carefully.

Li Ji has been silently observing the reaction of the strange wolf and suddenly said, "It can understand us!"

?!! Zhang Shen was stunned and shocked.

"When it heard you say you wanted to 'study' it, there was obvious fear and despair in its eyes, feelings similar to human beings... Moreover, I have a feeling," Li Ji focused his eyes on Zhang Shen, looked directly into his eyes, and looked at the latter inexplicably, "It knows you!"

"It will appear here because of you!!"

Zhang Shen was dumbfounded.

"Me?!!" He opened his mouth wide and pointed at himself with an incredible face, "Sister, are you kidding?"

Li Jing looked at the strange wolf who simply closed his eyes and waited to die for a while, thinking: "Captain, didn't you say that you tried to refine a dog when you chatted before, but failed? Come and take a closer look. Although this monster looks like a wolf at first glance, it actually has many similarities with dogs.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Shen began to use his own methods to detect the similarities and differences between the strange wolf and the failed product.

Gradually, his expression became strange.

Although many places are different, a strange feeling tells him that the strange wolf in front of him is clearly his own failed to explode!!

"Don't say it, it's really..."

"How to deal with it?"

A cold light flashed in Zhang Shen's eyes: "Of course, get rid of it!"

"Are you sure?" Li Jing's eyes were scratched with a strange color, which was a little playful. "If I'm right, you seem to be a little reluctant."

Zhang Shen is speechless.

Li Jing is right! Although this emotion is inexplicable, in fact, Zhang Shen is indeed a little "reluctant"!

Especially when I said "handle it", there was a trace of "sad" in my heart!!

At the same time, Zhang Shen was entangled, and he felt a chill rushed straight from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, which made him goose bumps.

He is very sure that he has no feelings for this strange wolf! But...

Suddenly, he remembered the emotion and persuasion of an unknown senior in the [Alchemy Encyclopedia] that was exchanged at the beginning.

"Don't refine life at will..."

At this moment, he really understood the deep meaning contained in the fragmentary words!

Some pictures of the last world suddenly appeared in Zhang Shen's mind--

A huge meat ball full of deformed hands, feet and faces squirmed towards Yanbei and others...

The meat ball was burned into coke by the flame, leaving only a few pieces of charcoal residue, mostly turning into dark dust and sinking into the cold ocean.

Pictures flashed by quickly, and suddenly, an inexplicable chill gushed out from the depths of Zhang Shen's heart.

A mysterious and mysterious idea flashed like lightning. Zhang Shen wanted to catch it but found that it had already disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

There was a trace of awareness in his heart.

"Is this... the fate of the alchemist?" A line of some fragmentary words in the [Alchemy Collection] suddenly appeared clearly in Zhang Shen's mind and lingering.

Thinking like this, Zhang Shen is a little crazy.

Shishan, a lonely cliff.

The strong smell of blood from the wind and the endless roar of the beast gave up and down in Lichen's heart and could not be quiet.

I don't know what nerves the migrating herds have had. In the past few days, they have continuously launched attacks on the Titans again and again regardless of loss.

On the side of the herd, several fierce beasts that escaped from the wild area made up for their lack of high-end combat effectiveness.

The Titans suffered.

In order to protect their homes, they chose to fight to the death! No refund!!

In fact, the Titans couldn't hold on to yesterday's battle, but the sudden loud noise from the distance scattered the herd, thus delaying the time by one day.

This crazy fight has continued from the morning until now, when the sun sets.

The biological clock of the herds - whether they are herbivores or predators - are unexpectedly accurate. When the last ray of sunlight is pressed by the horizon and silent under the horizon, they retreated very "consciously".

Leave the remains on the ground.

Blood dyed the area around Reyes black and red.

Near the herd, a large number of corpses have become the food of carnivores and omnivores, and near Reyes City, it has piled up so high. If it hadn't been for late autumn, the weather would have been cold, and I'm afraid it would have rotted.

After the war, the world was desolate.

This special atmosphere makes Bu Lichen particularly frightened.

[PS: The network has been restored, haha]