Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 62: Feeding Blood

Chapter 62: Feeding Blood

That night, Ani came later, and he could clearly see one after another of lighter skin wounds. The wounds that can heal in a short time are relatively shallow. In addition, there are several bleeding wounds on her body.

Her look was full of fatigue.

As soon as she came over, she sat down, with some confusion in her eyes.

"...I can't keep it..."

"Lena said to retreat... I don't want to..."

"Hathaway and they also supported me and stayed at our home... They had a quarrel with Reiner..."

"...what should I do..."

"It's not easy to get out of hell, can you die like this..."

Ani said to himself, his mood was very unstable, and his words were intermittent, but Bu Lichen still heard the current dilemma of the Titans.

Simplified by four simple words: internal and external troubles.

External troubles are naturally a group of beasts that suddenly appear and don't know why they have to fight with the Titans. Listening to Ani's words, the Titans have clearly fallen behind and suffered so much that even Ani thinks that they can't keep it; internal worries - in fact, they are not to this extent, it seems that they are due to the concept of continuing to stick to or temporarily retreat. Ani and Reiner had a dispute, causing the newborn Titans to have a sign of division.

Ani is physically and mentally exhausted, exhausted, and his mind is chaotic. He doesn't know how to deal with this situation at all. He doesn't even have a formed idea in his mind, just a mess.

She looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and her eyes were out of focus, as if she were a person with a dead heart, and her eyes were empty.

At the beginning of Bu Lichen, she was still listening carefully to her broken words to herself, and she also tried to release the cool airflow containing the strange fragrance of nine-leaf fairy cloudzhi to make her calm her calm down, but soon, Bu Lichen's attention was placed elsewhere.

A few drops of transparent blood, after Ani sat down, gradually flowed out along the wound and fell to the ground, condensing into a few crystal clear beads of water.

Although she didn't have a body, Bu Lichen still felt that her breathing became heavy, her heart beat faster, and a wisp of light called greed condensed in her eyes.

She remembered the scene that night--

The next moment when the blood droplets fell into the green leaves, an incredible scene appeared!

The blood beads touched the green leaves, and immediately melted, penetrated, disappeared, and turned into a strange airflow flowing along the veins of the whole plant, without missing even the farthest small flower roots.

A magical force has emerged!

It penetrates the barrier that protects Bu Lichen's soul, enters the soul space between real and illusory, turns into a colorless airflow, and injects into Bu Lichen's seriously damaged soul.

"Uh-huh~~~" Bu Lichen then let out a loud moan that made her blush, and only felt extremely comfortable.

This power came and went quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only Bu Lichen, who was blushing and charming and her eyes, standing still in a daze and ashamed of her performance.

However, she soon threw this shame out of the sky.

She was surprised to find that her injury was much better!

According to the normal progress of absorbing the sun and moonlight healing, this mysterious airflow directly saved her more than half a month!

Bu Lichen feels better than ever before.

She soon realized that these benefits were brought by the drop of blood and was silent.

Now, she once again faces a strong **.

The problem that had troubled her all night was clearly placed in front of her again.

One side is the life of a friend, and the other side is the recovery of the person...

At this time, suddenly, Ani shook his arm, flew up with a blood bead, and fell on the bud of Bu Lichen!

The comfort that came to his face made Bu Lichen immediately trembling fiercely and couldn't help sighing with satisfaction.

Ani keenly felt the difference of the strange flower in front of him today. He came up and saw a scene where his blood was absorbed by the buds.

She was a little surprised, but she didn't care. Instead, she laughed: "Do you like my blood?" With that, she actually pressed hard on one of her wounds, and then the transparent ** converged into a stream.

"Blood of this color..." Ani looked a little trance again. She vaguely remembered that her original blood was red... Somehow, every time she thought of this, Ani would be a little irritable and shook her head hard, as if to throw out these useless memories that disturbed her mood.

"If you like it, drink more." Ani tastefully smeared his blood on the buds of Bu Lichen.

"Ye, I have to go. I hope to see you again tomorrow." Ani waved his hand, and his tall body gradually disappeared.

For a moment, Bu Lichen sighed contentedly and said silently, "There are still three or five times, and the injury of my soul can be completely recovered!" The original soul healed, and then it was to reshape the body and restore the body!

Bu Lichen looked at the mountain road that Ani left, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

She began to look forward to her next meeting with Ani...



The next meeting came early, and the way was unexpected.

At about * o'clock the next morning, Ani trotted up the mountain road, covered with blood and red blood.

It's obviously not her own blood, but from the herd that is attacking crazily.

Her expression was very serious, with a straight face, and there was a desperate silence in her eyes.

She ran to Bu Lichen, took a deep breath and made an amazing move.

Ani tore a wound on his body and squeezed it hard. Then, transparent blood continued to flow out and converged into a stream, dripping on the buds of Bu Lichen.

The originally transparent** was stained with animal blood on Ani's skin and mixed into a strange red, emitting an unknown breath.

"I know you're awesome... It's not as simple as a flower... Since you want my blood, I'll give it to you..."

"I don't know why you have become like this... My blood must be good for you... I hope you can save my people in this situation..."

"...I can't hold on...I really can't hold on..."

"I'll give you as much blood as you want... Save my people, they don't know anything..."

"They just came out of hell and should not accept such a fate..."


Ani stared straight at the buds that were struggling to swallow her blood, with a trace of deformed expectations in her eyes. Perhaps, any intelligent life will struggle to grab a straw that may not be able to bear its own weight at all in the face of such despair.

Although Ani is simple, he is not stupid. During the period when I got along with Bu Lichen, I also felt the peculiarity of this strange flower. In addition, after the recently discovered latter actually devoured his own blood, his breath became stronger, which gave birth to such desperate expectations.

Finally, the buds no longer absorb blood.

Ani smiled miserably and said no more. He turned around and staggered down the mountain. There, her clan, which she regards as the fetters for the only purpose of survival, are fighting a bloody battle.

And her unstable footsteps also proved that she lost too much blood and did not have as much impact as she showed.

When Ani watered himself with blood, Bu Lichen just stood silently without saying a word, but his bright eyes were already full of water and ripples.

She sat down and forced herself to concentrate carefully and guide this magnificent energy to repair her soul.

In the eyes of the outside world, this strange plant on the cliff suddenly produced strange changes.

Each of its green leaves seems to be waxed, shining in the sun with a faint luster.

Its buds collided little by little, and after reaching the extreme, they were in full bloom!

Layer after layer, dozens of petals bloom one after another, forming a transparent flower plate the size of a basin, crystal clear, like a flawless crystal carved by the hand of the sculptor.

In the middle of the flower plate, a cluster of pink stamens are extremely delicate and rippled slightly in the breeze. Every time it trembles, there is a pink glow, which is extremely brilliant.

Above the stamens, if you stare carefully, you will find a faint shadow, which is the original soul space between the virtual reality and reality, stepping into the real world little by little, from virtual to real.

When the soul of Bu Lichen is completely condensed into reality, entering reality, and integrating with flower plants, it is the moment to reshape the body and restore the human form!! line..................

This morning, when the first ray of orange sunlight emerged from under the horizon and tried to penetrate the clouds and fall on the earth, the herd launched another attack on the Titans.

They seem to sense something, very fear, and then extreme fear breeds the final madness.

The pungent smell of blood blinded every beast with a layer of red, which is the color of death.

Those who were injured before, and even those cubs who were born and were lucky enough to be regarded as the future hope of their own ethnic group through the road of death, also stepped into the battlefield and launched an attack on these huge humanoid creatures.

Titan is powerful, or bare-handed, or holding hard logs in both hands. Every time it goes down, the small and medium-sized beasts immediately break their bones and die on the spot. Those whose limbs are broken and fall to the ground before they howl a few times, they are trampled to death and trampled into a pool of meat mud by other beasts surging up behind.

The attack weapons of herbivores are generally hoofs and sharp horns, but in this crazy battle, the hooves are directly abolished. In addition, the usual cluster charge that even the beasts dare not take off the front is also abolished. Their role is only a cannon that consumes the Titans physical strength. It's just gray.

The real threat is those predators that mix into the herd, have sharp tusks and claws, and are good at biting. These cunning beasts, even in this crazy hanging field, still do not forget their prey's instincts. Almost every time it is the last attack, they will leave a mark of their own on Titan.

In fact, a large part of the scars on Titan's body come from this.

The other part comes from those super predators.

Those are some horrible beasts that can fight head-on with Titan without falling down.