Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 4: Zhu Li [Add Update for "The Gentleman in the Wind"!]

Chapter 4: Zhu Li [Thank you for your support all the time]

Guancheng became very prosperous because of the opening of the railway between the two countries, as if it had the momentum to become a new economic center of Qing. However, the good times did not last long. When the railway was abandoned due to the change of desert weather, Guancheng also began to decline at an outrageous speed. Today, all prosperity has become yesterday's yellow flowers.

For the residents of Guancheng, the glory is like a dream bubble, like electricity, and now there are only memories left.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Zhang's mixed money when he first arrived here.

If Li Yaozu hadn't eagerly acted as a tour guide and said all this, Zhang Shen would not have known that this small town had such a past.

Since he saw Zhang Shen's means that day, Li Yaozu has tried his best to get close to Zhang Shen, talk about the world, talk about the past and the present, and try to deepen his impression in someone's heart.

Although he learned a lot of information about the Qing Dynasty about Ametorius from Li Yaozu and was so "argent" by an old man, Zhang Shen was still a little unhappy. However, the former has a good grasp of the degree, and can always stop or change the topic before Zhang Shen is impatient...

"Previous convenience is a place for me to rest at ordinary times." Li Yaozu pointed to a sign at the corner of the road, "Yuelai Inn, the largest and safest inn in Guancheng, has a lot of business dealings with our Li people."

Yuelai Inn... Zhang Shen looked embarrassed.

From the moment it entered Guancheng, the atmosphere of the whole caravan changed and was very active. Not only entered an absolutely safe place, but also because they returned to their hometown and could immediately see their families and relatives, everyone smiled.

The large desert area between the two countries is vast. Even if there is such an excellent ready-made business road as an abandoned railway, it will take a month or two, not to mention sand thieves, environment and other dangers on the road. For everyone, they tie their heads to their belts and fight for their lives.

Finally returned safely, how can they not be happy?

Reunion... Zhang Shen saw all this in his eyes, and his heart was a little sad. The images of Li Jing and Bu Lichen floated through his mind, covering his heart with a layer of dust.

Forget it, it's useless to worry, you'd better take care of yourself first...

In the inn room, after bathing and changing clothes, Zhang Shen stood quietly in front of the window, looking at the clear sky and his thoughts were flying.

"I came to Qing to learn alchemy. Although there is plenty of time, it can't be wasted in boring family disputes. It's better for Li Yaozu to cut off contact as soon as possible.

"The gossip during this period has become more detailed about the Qing Dynasty. Regardless of the domestic political situation, there is also a further understanding of the status and situation of alchemists and alchemists in the Qing Dynasty.

"Alchemists have a high status in the Qing Dynasty, because the elixir they refine can treat diseases that cannot be explained by secular medicine. In addition, it seems that those top alchemists have also mastered a considerable degree of extraordinary power. If not, I'm afraid that the alchemist would have been banned by major families.

"There is a big difference from what I knew about alchemy."

"I thought that the so-called alchemy was more of the method of refining lead and mercury by the ancient warlocks of the State of Xia, which is the germ of modernization. It is not very helpful to my own alchemy. I came here just to see and absorb some knowledge from alchemy to supplement its own alchemy."

"Now I know how ridiculous this idea is!"

"Alchemy has its own independent theoretical system and promotion system, which is unique."

"Unfortunately, now we only know that its theoretical basis is 'qi', and nothing else can be known. Alas, if I had known this, I would have saved some common points in space and exchanged a basic theory of alchemy..."

Previously, when the guard space was approaching separation, because he was worried about the safety of the women, Zhang Shen exhausted all the general points and world's contributions and exchanged all kinds of possible things for the five women. Instead, he was himself, because he only came here to learn and explore the origin of alchemy, and felt that he did not encounter any danger. Nothing has been prepared. If Bu Lichen hadn't toughly exchanged a few life-saving gadgets into his hand, Zhang Shen would have come here alone.

If it is always if, Zhang Shen will sigh casually. Even if he knows, he will give priority to Li Jing and the others.

Zhang Shen's current understanding of alchemy comes partly from chatting with Li Yaozu, and partly from some folk books.

Yes, it's a mythical and strange novel similar to Xia Guo's Journey to the West and Strange Tales of Liaozhai...

"Kunlun, whether it is Li Yaozu or those novels, they all mentioned such a place. It seems that it is necessary to go to Kunlun. Zhang Shen recalled the map in his mind, "My current location is in the westernmost part of the Qing Dynasty. Kunlun is located in the northwest of the Qing Dynasty, probably in the northeast of Guancheng. I just need to find Kunlun all the way."

"Well, now it's time to think about how to part ways with Li Yaozu and others."

Zhang Shen thinks he is a relatively cold and ruthless guy, but he cares about his family and friends very much. At the same time, he also esteems resentment and hatred, and does not want to owe others for nothing unless the two sides have a good relationship. At the beginning, he returned to Z City from the doomsday plant world. Because of embarrassment, he had no choice but to take some money from a certain road population. Later, Zhang Shen spent a lot of time finding the man and gave him dozens of times in return through various ways.

Li Yaozu felt that Zhang Shen had saved half of the goods of the caravan and his own future, so he was extremely grateful to him. However, Zhang Shen felt that the former's story all the way and the miscellaneous books he borrowed to read to himself made him know alchemy again, and did not miss such an ability system that was very helpful to his alchemy path.

In Zhang Shen's heart, he did owe Li Yaozu a lot of favor, just like between himself and Ai Ai Ai in the previous world. The kindness of the two little Lori has been rewarded to a considerable extent, and the two have now become their comrades-in-arms, which can be regarded as understanding.

Li Yaozu is a native of the world and has a family. Naturally, he can't repay him the same as the two sisters Ai.

After thinking for a long time, I still got nothing.

Suddly, the inspiration flashed!

"Yes... This is the Qing Kingdom respected by the family's secret war alchemists..." His eyes flashed, and Zhang Shen had an idea.

I was speechless all night.

The next day.

"What, Brother Zhang, are you leaving?" Li Yaozu's face changed dramatically when he heard a bolt from the blue, but then realized something and smiled bitterly, "Yes, after all, we belong to different worlds. We can meet and meet the Zhang brothers. I have accumulated virtues in my last life and have gone through great luck. No matter how much I desire, it will be rude..."

Zhang Shen shrugged his shoulders and did not answer to Li Yaozu's "bitter meat trick" self-talk.

"Xiao Yanyan, this is the farewell gift given to you by your uncle. Do you like it?" A crystal ball shining with colorful light appeared in front of Li Yanyan, whose eyes suddenly lit up and he couldn't put it down.

"Brother, this is my letter. If I encounter an unmanageable crisis and crush it, I will come as soon as possible." Before leaving, Zhang Shen took out a non-gold and non-wood message charm from the storage equipment and gave it to Li Yaozu.

"See you later." Li Yaozu and others waved their hands, and Zhang Shen turned over and jumped on a bought pony and gradually drifted away.

"Creasure all the way." After witnessing Zhang Shen leave, Li Yaozu sighed and was in a thousand mood.



Out of Guancheng, go all the way to the northeast.

Taking the sky as the bed and the earth as the bed, eating wind and dew, day and night... That's impossible.

Zhang Shen is not an ascetic. On the contrary, within his ability, he has always paid great attention to enjoyment, otherwise he would not spend money to exchange a large amount of useless knowledge of "wild survival" and "delicious cuisine".

It's quite comfortable to walk and stop all the way.

When you go to a place, the first thing to do is not to find a place to live, but to find the best local restaurants and the most lively stalls to taste the local specialties. Then, it is to collect various local books and enrich your library, which can not only increase the understanding of the country, but also increase the knowledge, and make the spiritual will more round and ethereal.

It is both travel and practice, which is what Zhang Shen wants.

Unconsciously, half a month has passed.

Zhang Shen rode his pony, swaying all the way, and finally came to the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

Judging from the world map (if there is such a thing in the world), Kunlun is a vast mountain area, spanning the Qing Dynasty, from the desert in the west to the sea in the east, dividing the Qing Dynasty into two parts: north and south.

However, Kunlun, the population of the Qing Dynasty, especially refers to Tongtianfeng and Yuxufeng, including hundreds of mountains, of which the twelve peaks are the most towering and are known as the twelve days of Kunlun.

Everyone living near here knows that this area is the Taoist temple of alchemists. More than 80% of the well-known alchemists in the Qing Dynasty live in this area centered on the 12 days of Kunlun.

Zhuli was originally just a small village and town, because alchemists are used to entering and leaving here, gradually developing and expanding, becoming a huge urban settlement covering hundreds of thousands of miles away today.

This is the junction of the world and the secular world of alchemists. It has a large population and is very prosperous, but strangely maintains a "perfect" order.

The order of Zhuli is maintained by the patrol composed of the joint of 50 surnames.

In fact, Zhu Li does not have the management agency of the Qing government, the only resident agency, and is only responsible for transmitting information.

Zhuli, in fact, has long been separated from the politics and military of the Qing Dynasty and is an independent existence. This has been acquiesced by the 50 surnames of the whole Qing people, and even the emperor of the Qing Dynasty has publicly recognized it.

Everything is due to the existence of the alchemist.