Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 5: Is this the legendary waste wood flow??

Chapter 5: Is this the legendary waste wood stream??

In the Qing Dynasty, the reason why alchemists are noble, in addition to their ability, is also a very important reason.

In fact, no matter which world you are in, scarcity will become a hundred times more valuable. For example, a giant panda in a certain time and space can become a "national treasure" except for slaughtering and eating meat (chi~~chi~~). In the final analysis, it is because of the small number.

Well, it's off topic, back to the point.

Alchemists are rare, but it is not because I cherish myself. On the contrary, the existing alchemists are very happy to see the scene of alchemists all over the world.

In Zhuli, alchemists' basic theoretical knowledge books are sold everywhere!

In fact, in other parts of the Qing Dynasty, as long as there is a little status and wealth, there are one or two books such as "Introduction to Alchemy" and "Extract from Dandao" at home.

In such a special place as Zhuli, even if you pull anyone on the street, he can completely recite the basics of alchemy...

Alchemists have never been stingy with the spread of Dandao knowledge, and even strives to promote it to let as many people as possible know about Dandao.

Unfortunate, the number of alchemists in the Qing Dynasty has not increased much today.

The reason is very simple.


In a certain country in time and space, children will hear the sentence "Genius is 1% inspiration plus 99% sweat" from an early age, accompanied by their growth, adulthood, aging and death. Most of them don't know until death, and there is a sentence after that "the most important thing is the one percent inspiration"!

It can be seen that talent is important.

The talent of an alchemist lies in "sensing".

Induction of the flow of "qi" between heaven and earth.

Zhang Shen has read most of the introductory books on the market and has a preliminary understanding of the knowledge system of alchemists.

Alchemists generally divide "qi" into "gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang". They believe that everything in heaven and earth has "qi". Even a stone and a tree has a unique "qi" existence and flow, but ordinary people can't feel it.

Whether you can sense the "qi" between heaven and earth has become the chasm to distinguish between alchemists and ordinary people.

99% of the people in the Qing Dynasty could not feel the existence of Qi, let alone flow.

That's why alchemists are so scarce.

However, it is also unintentional. Some people who do not have the talent of alchemists have developed another result - martial arts because of their strong unwillingness.

They aimed their eyes at human beings themselves. Through the stimulation of external objects, some people who are more sensitive but not enough to be alchemists can grasp the flow of their own blood and control it, thus becoming warriors with a strong body.

This achievement greatly increased the force of the Qing Dynasty, annexed several small countries around it, and made the Qing Empire, which is now a huge territory. Of course, this is a digression.

Zhang Shen is also an alchemist. In addition, as a guardian, he has a broad vision and has seen all kinds of strange power systems in the world. He has his own understanding of the "qi" of Dandao.

The so-called "qi" is the energy flow between heaven and earth.

In any world, even in a world with extremely low mystery, there is also heaven and earth energy, but in different forms.

When the energy of heaven and earth solidifies, it forms a variety of tangible and intangible things. If it disperses, it is free energy.

When free energy gathers at a certain concentration, it will form an energy flow, flowing from the filling place to the sparse place, which is the flow of "qi" felt by alchemists.

In the world of alchemists, there is a dragon vein.

The dragon vein, which has something in common with the "spirit vein" of the fairy world, is a relatively large-scale energy flow. The difference is that the spiritual vein is often presented in a solid state and cannot be moved, while the "dragon vein" is still invisible and can be moved in a few cases.

In fact, the twelve days in Kunlun is the gathering place of several dragon veins in the Qing Dynasty. Practicing on the dragon vein is of many benefits for alchemists who pay attention to the unity of heaven and man and understand the nature of heaven and earth.

The development of the first area of Zhang Shen's brain has reached 1556%. Although it is still far from being forgotten, its memory is several times greater than that of ordinary people. Under careful memory, it takes a few days to remember the basic knowledge of Dandao, which is imprinted in his mind and is difficult to forget.

In addition to his own alchemy skills, today Zhang is like an introductory knowledge bricklayer.

Here comes the problem.

When Zhang took a bath and calmed down and prepared to feel the atmosphere of heaven and earth, he found that he could not feel it!!

Damn it!!!

After several attempts, I still couldn't feel any "qi" flow, and Zhang Shen suddenly went to sleep.

For someone who has already planned for the coming period of time, this result is simply a bolt from the blue...

Zhang Shen's teeth were itchy, his teeth creaked, and the blue veins on his forehead were bulging... Naturally, it was useless.

After tossing for half a night, Zhang Shen fell asleep with his heart full of entanglement.

However, while Zhang was tossing hard, on an independent tower-shaped building in the center, a young man wearing a Taoist robe was also full of fire.

"Damn it, that bastard is messing around in the city?! Knowing that Zhu Li's veins were restrained, he still tossed hard and made trouble with me, right? Ya, it's better not to let me know who did it, I%¥@#%”

With a big scolding, the young man took out the toolbox with an iron face and repaired the gas vein restraint weapon that was broken by a "bastard" tossing.

One night,, speechless.

"Overnight, they were so haggard. How sad it would be for A Jing Lichen to see it." Early in the morning, after washing up, Zhang Shen looked at himself in the mirror, and Gu Ying felt sorry for himself (?) and muttered to himself.

Sensing the failure of "qi", Zhang Shen was a little depressed and decided to go out for a walk.

Speaking of which, since he came to Zhuli, Zhang Shen has been immersed in the introductory knowledge of alchemy and became a dead house at ease. Except for going downstairs for a meal, he hardly went out. Occasionally, he went out to buy books...

Zhuli is very large, but its center is still a small village at the beginning. Of course, today's small villages and towns have changed greatly, directly upgrading from villages and towns to international metropolises, which is a major economic and cultural center for the Qing Dynasty.

Zhang Shen's inn is not too far from the central area of Zhuli, and it can be reached within half an hour's walk.

When he came here, Zhang Shen unconsciously followed the seductive fragrance smelled by his nose and came to a rare five-storey restaurant. Looking up, the three powerful characters "Dan Yaxuan" came into view.

Although he didn't know anything about calligraphy, Zhang Shen couldn't help but admire these three words.

Zhang ginseng went up to the second floor and ordered all the dishes on the menu that he had never eaten and felt delicious.

"Well, that's all. By the way, give me two jars of snow-blow wine.

"Oh, I've already ordered food. Why are you still standing here?" Seeing that Xiao Er just looked at himself in a stunned way and didn't mean to leave at all, Zhang Shenqi said.

"Your son, you ordered more than 50 dishes. Well, you have... No, are you alone?" Xiao Er almost said the sentence "Do you have money to pay the bill?"

"Eh, I ordered more than 50? Well, there are more than 50 channels. Don't worry, although I'm alone, I will definitely not waste food when I finish eating.

Ghosts don't care if you waste it! Xiao Er cried with a sad face and had the impulse to throw the teapot in his hand on the face of the man in front of him.

"Haha, don't worry, uncle, I have a lot of money." Zhang Shenxian was extremely bored and suddenly decided to make a lot of money. He wiped his right hand around his waist and threw a money bag on the table, making a heavy sound.

The movement here has attracted a lot of attention.

Someone's rudeness and rusticity made many people frown. However, after a glance at an open corner of the money bag, a considerable number of people looked at a rich local rich and became hot.

Xiao Er's eyes were very sharp. After confirming that the guy in front of him did have money to pay the bill, his attitude became enthusiastic again. After spooning a cup of tea with a smile, he quickly ran to the kitchen with a small step.

"As long as this kind of brain-damaged local tycoon can satisfy him, the tip will not be less."

Dan Yaxuan's business is very good, and it has been a while since the order was served.

As someone Zhang expected, the second child left with his front foot, and several well-dressed princes came up to make friends with him.

Zhang didn't refuse to come and had a good chat with them.

He knew that he was not the kind of clever and eloquent person who could pull out what he wanted from other people's mouths, and he didn't have this idea. Anyway, he was idle, so he should be distracted.

As for the money in his wallet, it is naturally true.

The great will intends to raise the price of gold bars. In fact, it is more targeted at newcomers to prevent some dizzy guys from exchanging dozens of tons of gold and hundreds of tons of silver, and then being caught quickly...

This kind of thing has never happened before.

Wait for newcomers to calm down, spend several worlds, and become old birds. Naturally, there is a way to get what they want.

Others don't talk about it for the time being, just talk about Zhang Shen.

A little universal point is enough to exchange more than a dozen squares of fixed liquid.

The fixed liquid is a magic horse thing. It contains silver and its content is very low. Although the technology of the earth's space-time technology (non-black technology) can be extracted, the cost is many times more than the profit, so this thing can only become waste, and it is also a very polluted waste.

This is no pressure for Zhang Shen.

After drawing a formation, after a few breaths, the silver in the fixing liquid was successfully extracted by him, and it was 100% pure silver without any impurities.

However, pure silver sounds wonderful, but it is actually a little trouble.

Before using Zhang Shen, you have to dodge impurities into it.


Although he is a foodie, Zhang Shen can't eat more than 50 dishes. If you order so much, it's purely painful.

Several tables were put together, and more than a dozen princes came over, said a few good words, took the opportunity to sit down, and were staggered and lively.

These people looked at Zhang Shen's eyes and clearly wrote three words of injustice.

Zhang Shen doesn't care about this.

In Zhuli, the hottest topic is always related to Dandao and alchemists.

After eating 70% or 80% full, everyone began to gossip, bragging and bullshit.

"The last time I failed to attract gas, I worked hard at home for half a month, and decided to go to the 'pneumatic building' again this afternoon."

"I don't believe it. With my extraordinary talent, I can't become an alchemist!"

"I told you, when I was born, I invited Zhuli's most famous prime minister 'cloth god' to see the appearance. He said that I was amazing, and it was the material of the alchemist at first glance!"

After the man finished speaking, the people present looked at each other and laughed.

"Brother Qian, do you know that that guy also said that to my father at the beginning."

"Yes, yes, I also have such a comment."

Everyone laughed, but Zhang Shen noticed a key.

"Pneumatic building" "Excitation"

Is there anything else that can't be said to sense the air veins of heaven and earth?