Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 9: Alchemy, Alchemy 1

Chapter 9: Alchemy and Alchemy (1)

There are no twists and turns for Zhang's participation in Feixian Peak.

As mentioned above, the so-called alchemists are more often a combination of scholars and scientists. Their personalities are relatively mild and have no personal opinions. As a result, Zhang Shen has also become a member of Feixianfeng.

Alchemy information is not lacking in Feixianfeng's huge library.

The source is still the slaughter of the Western sages in the Qing Dynasty, and the great master himself has repeatedly emphasized compatibility.

Of course, no matter how detailed the records in the book are, they are not as good as the demonstration operation of a real person.

The exchange of Zhang's participation in Feixianfeng and the same rights as the normal alchemist is that he needs to "lehise" every two or three days so that the alchemist can feel the alchemy more intuitively.

From Zhang Shen's own point of view, he became a "guest teacher" of Feixianfeng, a "university". As long as he has one or two classes a week, he can enjoy the same level of treatment as professors.

This is really great.

Feixianfeng gave Zhang Shen ten days to learn some knowledge of alchemy, and this proposal was in his pocket.

Feixianfeng's management method is very interesting and is not the responsibility of the alchemist - no one wants to waste precious time on trivial matters. On the contrary, ordinary people are responsible!

Yes, the alchemist found some ordinary people who were innocent and knew how to deal with debris from the Qing Dynasty and handed over all the big and small affairs on Feixian Peak to them. Unless it was a major event involving the life of an alchemist, it would not be questioned.

Non-interference does not mean that you don't understand. If you can become an alchemist, your brain is very smart, and there are some secrets that can't be known by ordinary people, which is enough for the alchemists to distinguish between true and false.

For these ordinary people, it's okay for them to do their own things peacefully. If they do something they shouldn't do... Don't think that alchemists won't kill people.

Responsible for contacting Zhang Shen is a middle-aged man named Mo Xian, with a beard, giving people a very shrewd feeling.

Accommodation, child servants, food and other sundries are all busy with Mo Xian to take care of Zhang. The ten-day preparation time was also conveyed by Mo Xian for Fei Xianfeng.

Although Mo Xian looks like a dog-headed soldier, he speaks and does things, but gives an impression of caution and pragmatism, which also makes Zhang Shen feel good about him and get along well with him.

Ten days, when Zhang Shen learned this number from Mo Xian, he immediately made a decision.

In the afternoon of the same day, he moved into one of several buildings next to the library building. These houses are specially prepared for people like Zhang Shen who are too lazy to walk and stay in the library all day long.

Ten days, for Zhang Shen, whose development is close to 16 percent of the first area of the brain, it is enough to read the books in half of the library!

Zhang Shen will naturally not be so dry.

With these ten days of effort, he picked up the primary content of Dandao, and the intermediate content also involved in it, and understood the general framework.

Alchemy is based on Qi.

A complete set of alchemy work, including five steps: perception, air intake, circulation, fusion and refining!

"Perception" and "inducing" are very simple. As the name suggests, the former means to perceive the flow of "qi" between heaven and earth, and the latter requires the alchemist to guide a certain or several "qi" with his own ideas to make it flow according to his own ideas.

"Circulation" is a threshold, not only between rookies and qualified alchemists, but also between ordinary alchemists and excellent alchemists. The so-called "circulation" is to guide the previously induced flow of "qi" and make it a "circle".

Just as Zhang Shen draws the necessary circle at the beginning of the formation, this step is also indispensable in alchemy. Because the "qi" previously controlled by the alchemist has actually been separated from the original "qi" movement of heaven and earth, as if the water scooped out of the river with a ladle is sourceless water and stagnant water. The consequences of using this kind of stagned water to alchemy are self-evident.

In order to restore the vitality of this dead water, the alchemist must continue to guide with his thoughts, so that this "qi" is once again connected with the surrounding "qi" flow, forming a semi-closed ecosystem, which can not only maintain a certain degree of independence, but also extract energy from heaven and earth to supplement their own consumption, so that Break off.

Whether such a cycle can be built or not basically determines the success or failure of this alchemy.

In addition, in many places, the energy of heaven and earth is very manic, and the flow of "qi" is very complicated, as if there are countless undercurrent whirlpools on the sea. Only excellent alchemists can control such scenes and refine them freely.

"melting thoughts" is to integrate a wisp of alchemy's own ideas into the "qi" flow that has formed a basic cycle, and use it as a bridge between individuals and heaven and earth. The wider and stronger the bridge, the more convenient the communication between individuals and heaven and earth. The degree of "fusion" and whether it is deep enough directly determines whether the results of this alchemy are passed or excellent.

A famous alchemist once made such an example. The previous steps are like holding a cow's nose with a reins. Although it can also let the cow follow you obediently, the subtleties are ultimately lacking in flexibility. If this step of "melting thoughts" can be put in place, it is as if you have become a cow, and the activity of each tendon is clear to the heart, and the effect is naturally different.

"Refining", this is the last step of alchemy.

is like fighting a dragon with wood. In the first four steps, the pattern design, parts production, grinding and processing have been completed, and now there is only stitching. However, there are many parts of this "dragon". If the alchemist himself does not know its internal structure, even if he fights to death, he can't spell a dragon.

After all, alchemy is not a real woodwork, and it can't be repeated.

In fact, this step is somewhat similar to the reaction technique learned by Zhang Shen in alchemy.

This reflects the difference between alchemy and alchemy.

The two are like ink painting and fine brush painting. One focuses on the whole, the other pays attention to details, and the other focuses on the shape.

So both sides have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some things are very simple in the eyes of one side, but quite difficult in the other side.

For example, Zhang Shen is quite a headache.

From the perspective of alchemy, refining these natural phenomena requires a series of very complex chain reactions. If you want to refine on a large scale and create a storm that affects the whole city, you can't do it without ten days and a half of preparation and considerable strength.

On the contrary, manipulating the fire and water wind is the foundation of the foundation for alchemists.

They use their own ideas to control the qi of heaven and earth, and then use the qi of heaven and earth as a medium to guide and disrupt the original natural breath flow, and "simulate" the conditions of normal natural phenomena, so as to easily create thunderstorms.

Alchemy also has its own strengths.

For example, use leaves and water to refine oxygen.

This level of refining is a piece of cake for a qualified alchemist. If the alchemists are allowed to do it, they can only be blind and have no way to do it at all.

In all worlds, any road will have the same effect in the end.

Alchemy and alchemy are two branches of the same road, and naturally there are more fusion points.

There is a notorious national alchemist in Amestoris - the Alchemist of Red Lotus, Zolph J. Kimble. This person is extremely good at explosive refining reactions, and can even manipulate elements such as carbon, phosphorus, sulfur and other elements in the human body to refine explosive reactions, creating a very bloody and cruel slaughter.

The refining reaction of "human bomb" is very fast, and it is difficult to stop even the senior alchemist with the stone of the sage. However, for alchemists, as long as they reach the realm of "hole micro-knowledge", an idea can stop this refining reaction by disturbing the qi of the human body.


Ten days of painsive study, Zhang Shen has benefited a lot.

On the afternoon of the last day, Zhang Shen left the library. After reluctantly looking at the library building complex covering hundreds of mu, he hummed an inexplicable minor tune and returned to his residence.

Nearly two hours of deep meditation was also after a deep rest, Zhang Shenton felt refreshed and his spirit returned to its peak.

He came to the backyard, took a deep breath and prepared--

The first alchemy!

Alchemists manipulate the land, fire, water and wind, and turn over their hands. Why are they become "alchemists" by the world? Their alchemy is also known as "alchemy" for a natural reason.

The reason is that the alchemist's most intuitive refining reaction can be seen by ordinary people when refining elixir.

Zhang Shen came to a stone table, closed his eyes and condensed.

The first step, perception!

Under the control of Zhang Shen, the strong spiritual power evolved into dozens of trickles and gently explored the surrounding void.

Every mental stream has a wisp of thoughts.

Zhang Shen paid all his attention to these thoughts, using them as a medium to perceive the qi between heaven and earth.

I saw it!!

Suddenly, the world reversed, and the scenery in front of the "eye" changed greatly, as if it had entered an unknown mysterious new world.

Gold, silver, blue, red, yellow, black, purple, green and white...

In the sight, the smoke is hazy, the light and shadow are phantom, the endless color rendering, and the rapid flow is dazzling.

Zhang Shen is also a strong spiritual force, otherwise the person who is alchemy for the first time can only see chaos and gray, and there is no way to distinguish such detailed color changes. Because every color is a kind of heaven and earth!

The second step, breathe!

"Induce air" test the alchemist's control of his own psychological thoughts (spiritual power), because too powerful ideas can interfere with reality. If the alchemist's instant output is too large, he will not only fail to successfully draw gas, but will make the original airflow of heaven and earth more chaotic and give himself the subsequent actions. Increase the difficulty.

This is not difficult for Zhang Shen.

[PS: I wanted to finish it once, but look at the time, damn it... I have to work overtime happily (bitterly) and quickly tomorrow, so I'd better go to bed early]