Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 10: Alchemy, Alchemy 2

Chapter 10: Alchemy and Alchemy (2)

Step 3: Cycle!

In the second step of "attracting air", Zhang Shen attracted a red "fire" atmosphere. Because it was the first time, in order to ensure the success rate, he chose a small gas, about the size of a grass snake.

Zhang Shen carefully probed out his spiritual power and turned it into thousands of strands. Each wisp of spiritual power is attached to a trace of thought, making them like robotic arms in the world of science and technology, capable of performing more refined operations.

Tens of thousands of spiritual filaments gently fell on the fiery atmosphere, dragging its head and tail little by little, and moving closer to one place until they come into contact with each other!

Under the fine control of Zhang Shen, the fiery red gas finally connected the head and tail into a "circle".

At the moment when the circle formed, a wonderful change occurred.

The faint suction force escaped from the ring, and the free fire in the surrounding void was pulled by this force and moved closer to the ring one after another, and then was absorbed and swallowed up.

The color of the fiery red ring becomes brighter and purer, and there is a faint red fog inside the ring.

So far, this hot change has met the requirements for the next step!

The fourth step, Rong Nian!

This step is also very simple for Zhang Shen.

Originally, the spiritual filaments in contact with the surface of the fire gas moved up one after another, quickly pushed into the ring, and "pricked" in one after another, and differentiated more finer spiritual nodes like the roots of plants and spread around.

The fiery red ring was instantly controlled.

In a trance, Zhang Shen had the illusion that he turned into this fire gas. Every wisp of "qi" in it is a part of his body, which can be perfectly controlled and smooth.

Step 5, refine!

What Zhang Shen wants to make is a flame.

He has been familiar with the "structure" of the flame and has tried many times before, but he has always been a little unsatisfactory and can't control it perfectly.

In alchemy, refining flames can be roughly divided into two types, one is troublesome and the other is clever.

The former controls the high-speed movement of air, forming a high-temperature area, and then gives sufficient oxygen and related "fuel" to create flames out of thin air.

The latter provides a little flame, while controlling the surrounding oxygen to converge to keep the flame burning and strong, and use mental strength to control its attack direction and shape.

The second method is used by more people, such as Roy Marstein, the famous flame alchemist of Amestorius, who has a pair of gloves made of velvet, which can produce Mars with gentle friction.

Zhang Shen now uses alchemy to make flames, more like the first one.

After melting, this fire gas is like his split, an idea that can control all the movements of the ring of fire.

In Zhang Shen's mind, the "structure" of the flame appeared.

Strong spiritual power evolves a three-dimensional image of the flame.

The idea came about, and a wonderful thing happened!

In the backyard, in front of Zhang Shen, a fist-sized flame condensed out of thin air, and the orange-red flame jumped powerfully, as if to break away from invisible control and become a fire to destroy the world and announce its appearance.

Zhang Shen kept closing his eyes tightly and slowly opened his concentrated eyes. The flame that jumped into his eyes made him smile excitedly, clenched his fist and waved fiercely.

Finally, it succeeded!

Another difference between alchemy and alchemy is after refining.

If you use alchemy to refine the flame, even if it is refined, you should continue to control the surrounding oxygen and keep the fuel supply continuously, so that it will not be suddenly extinguished.

Alchemy is not.

After this flame is generated, Zhang Shen only needs to guide it with mental strength to continue the operation. If you want to grow, you can control more of the "air" flow of fire. If you want to change its shape, it is simpler. As long as your mental strength is strong enough and micro-operation is accurate enough, it is a matter of thinking whether it becomes a dragon or a phoenix.

Zhang Shen looked at the flame in front of him with a smile on his face, and his heart turned at will. The latter's heart jumped and began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, it expanded from a fist-sized ball to the size of a basin, and the burning sound of beeping was even more enthusiastic.

The high temperature came, and Zhang Shen had to retreat and almost withdrew from the backyard.

Then, Zhang Shen's thoughts moved again, and saw that the huge flame began to slowly lengthen and deform, gradually turning from a standard water droplet into a flame python!

coiled into a snake array, spitting letters, swimming, strangling, biting... Zhang Shen controlled the several-meter-long flaming python and had a good time.

However, as time went by, the color of the flame python gradually faded, and finally turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

Zhang Shen is a little sorry, but there is nothing he can do.

This reflects another difference between alchemy and alchemy.

In alchemy, as long as you are mentally strong enough, you can gather oxygen from thousands of miles of space and catalyze a small flame into a natural disaster. However, in alchemy, this cannot be done unless the top level of "the unity of heaven and man" recorded in the book is reached.

Dandao pays attention to harmonious coexistence with heaven and earth, and naturally will not maliciously destroy the flow of qi between heaven and earth.

To really say, it is not impossible to forcibly gather the airflow of fire within thousands of miles like alchemy. However, once the balance of heaven and earth is broken, it will lead to the imbalance of the five elements of yin and yang, and the consequences are very terrible!

Zhang Shen saw a vague record from a book in the library.

It is said that the reason why the desert between the two countries has such a vast area is inseparable from an unprecedented battle a long time ago.

In that battle, the peak alchemist at that time attracted thousands of miles of fire, turned it into a nine-day thunder fire and burned the earth, just like a terrible meteor firestorm, completely destroying the land full of vitality at that time. To this day, it is still a Jedi!

The records in the books are very vague, but they also make Zhang Shen fascinated. At the same time, they are also dark and make this kind of thing a taboo.

After the flame python dissipated, Zhang Shen immediately felt the temperature drop around him.

This is the effect of the severe consumption of fire.

However, this level of consumption, under the influence of the balance of heaven and earth, will soon be filled with new fire qi, and the impact is negligible and can be completely ignored.

For the first time, Zhang Shen was very satisfied with his performance.

Without a moment of rest, Zhang Shen tried four exceptions refined from the five elements of gold, wood, water and earth in turn, all of which were perfect.

The result of "gold" is the most common iron, which is very incredible. Even if Zhang Shen knows the result in advance, he is still a little stunned. According to the records of the book, as long as different proportions of "qi" are added to the alchemy process, more and better metals can be obtained.

It's even more incredible, but this is the strength of alchemy.

The result of the refining of "wood" is naturally a branch, a dry branch. If you improve the strength of the "wood" qi and add the "water" qi and some other heaven and earth qi, you can refine branches and even intact plants with vitality.

The refining of the spirit of "water" is naturally a small ball of water.

It is worth mentioning that if you want to refine ice, you have to add "fire" to the alchemy process!

The refining of "earth" spirit, not to mention, soil and rock, this piece of ginseng is simply not too familiar, it can be done at will.

The refining of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth is the most basic and important.

After all, the five elements of heaven and earth occupy the vast majority, and only when they have a good grasp of the refinement of the five elements can they have the qualification to walk down the mountain.

In such a small place in the backyard, after Zhang Shen's tossing, although the concentration of heaven and earth of Feixian Peak is high and the balance speed is fast, there is still a brief imbalance.

Looking at the sudden wind and rain in the yard, Zhang Shen's face couldn't help but be a little stiff.

"Well, it seems that we need to master the method of calming the flow of heaven and earth as soon as possible."

The temporary imbalance in the courtyard is inseparable from Zhang Shenfeng* taking a small range of heaven and earth, but it can also be seen that the use of alchemy is also a destruction to the airflow of heaven and earth itself.

This is completely contrary to the pursuit of the unity of heaven and man.

In this regard, the alchemist has long come up with a way to deal with it, a method that quickly attracts the flow of qi around to fill the gap.

However, due to the limited time, Zhang Shen has not had time to study.

And, in his opinion, even if you want to learn, you have to learn another branch of alchemy first.

There are two branches of alchemy, one of which is the natural art of heaven and earth that Zhang Shen just carried out.

If the first item is called "the art of heaven and earth", then the second item is "the art of all spirits".

In fact, the second item is the real origin of alchemy and the reason why alchemy has become the source of alchemy.

Alchemists are human beings, and the art of all spirits naturally takes human beings as the main object.

From headaches to brain fever, to broken hands and feet, and even the legendary rebirth, are all included in the "Spiritual Art"!

Dandao takes "qi" as the foundation and pays attention to the balance of the five elements of yin and yang.

There is a balance between heaven and earth, and the human body is naturally balanced.

In the view of alchemists, people are sick because the balance of the five elements in the body is affected. In this case, as long as the balance of the body is restored, will the disease be cured soon?

Even the case of limbs breaking will lead to the imbalance of the five elements of the human body.

So, how to "repair" and restore the balance of the five elements of yin and yang?

Naturally, the atmosphere of heaven and earth is not good. Repairing tangible things with intangible things is the legendary realm, which is by no means imagined by ordinary people.

The alchemist aimed his eyes on the "tangible things" naturally generated by heaven and earth.

Plants, animals, minerals, and even wind and fire can do it!

The art of all spirits originated from ancient herbalism, but now it has completely surpassed the normal meaning of herbalism and reached a new height.

[PS: There is something wrong with my health, and I have to go to the hospital for a reexamination on Monday. Alas, tragedy]

[PS2: The first time I went to a hospital that needed to register, I felt so high-end ^-^】

[PS3: Most of the updates during this period are a little unstable, but we will definitely not do this kind of unscrupulous thing. Even if we don't write it, we will ask for leave, hey hey]