Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 11: Regeneration of dead wood

Chapter 11: Regeneration of Dead Wood

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and soon it was time for Zhang Shen to lecture on the stage.

The first time he came to power was also an opportunity to show his strength to the people of Feixianfeng. Zhang Shen thought about it and made a decision based on his understanding of alchemy these days.

The pulpit of Feixianfeng is open air, with an aisle in the middle and seats for the audience on both sides. Like the arena, there are three floors. The aisle goes straight forward, and there are five steps at the end. When you pick up the stairs, it is the podium for the lecturer to stand.

When Zhang Shen arrived, more than 30 people had arrived first, sitting in the audience seats on both sides, or discussing enthusiastically or sitting quietly. They are also interested in the new "lecturer", especially the latter who is said to be from Amestorius next door and has a deep knowledge of alchemy.

Of course, they are more interested in alchemy.

Zhang Shen walked to the end of the aisle and stepped on the stairs.

A glance gathered and fell on him. It was not until he walked to the podium that he withdrew one after another.

When the majestic bell that symbolized the beginning rang, there were 70 or 80 people sitting in the audience seats on both sides. This number is not a lot, but it is definitely quite a lot.

Zhang Shen calmly made a brief introduction.

"I know you must have come for alchemy, so I prepared a case of alchemy." With that, he nodded to Mo Xian at the other end of the aisle and walked off the podium.

The long-prepared ink string suppressed the tremble in his heart and brought some items from several other ordinary people.

A tree stump that has been dead for a long time with traces of decay, as well as more than a dozen bags of powdery items of different colors and several buckets of water.

The audience began to whisper, and the falling eyes began to become a little eager. They all guessed what Zhang Shen was going to do next, and they couldn't help but look forward to it.

Zhang Shen took out the pen and began to draw into a formation.

symbolizes the endless circle of all things;

symbolizes the six mysterious hexagons in the world;

The four graphics symbolizing the four basic forces of earth, fire, water and wind overlap each other;

After a brief pause, the dragon and snake immediately walked away, and a string of runes and spells poured out, which was complicated and infamous.

The alchemists here are all elites among human beings. Looking at the rune patterns, the original smile on their faces converged one after another, and their faces were solemn, and their brains began to operate crazily.

Almost all of them knew alchemy characters, but when these words and symbols were combined, they were entangled and found that they could not understand anything.

The atmosphere in the field condensed, and everyone consciously held their breath to avoid disturbing Zhang Shen's movements.

The refining array drawn by Zhang Shen is not large, and the diameter is only more than one meter. However, because the following experiment involves too much content, the space in the array is occupied by strange alchemy characters. At first glance, there is a feeling of dizziness.

After writing the last text, Zhang participated in the pen and asked Mo Xian and others to put the prepared dead wood, clear water, powder and other things into the refining array one after another.

Those powders are essential elements for the growth of plants such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

What Zhang Shen is going to do today is--

Dead wood regeneration!!

Take a deep breath, Zhang Shen put his hands on the refining array and shouted softly:

"Refining into an array, start!!"

The dazzling silver current sprayed out, covering the whole refining array, shining brightly for a moment, dazzling the eyes.

The electric light lasted less than ten seconds and dissipated in an instant. In the eyes of everyone, wonderful changes are brewing!

seemed to be manipulated by the invisible hand, and a pile of powder and clear water flew towards the dead wood. At the moment of contact, there was an indescribable change, as if water droplets were integrated into the sea, powder and clear water disappeared and integrated with dead wood.

With a few breathing efforts, everything else is integrated into the dead wood.

Zhang Shen's expression became more solemn, and everyone could also see that shocking changes were taking place in the dead wood that had already lost its vitality.

Zhang Shen's total attention has long been completely condensed in the dead wood, or in some dry cells.

He can clearly see that those dry cells become full again after absorbing nutrients and water.

Cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, ribosome...

Under the mysterious effect of nutrition and alchemy, the long-silent cells woke up from their deep sleep and regained their peak appearance, full and plump.

In the eyes of many alchemists, I only saw Zhang Shen shouting and absorbing those strange powders and water of the dead wood, which strangely * (the foreign places are actually forbidden words, I can't understand. Sure enough, have I left this era) began to return to green, and the long-lost green appeared on the surface again.

With less than a cup of tea, this yellow stump has completely returned to its appearance before it was not cut down!!

The alchemists' eyes began to shine, and the desire to study was tormented in their hearts. They couldn't wait to know the answer, and then they tried it by themselves.

However, the smart alchemist saw the problem.

No vitality!!

Yes, although the stump seems to have recovered, it actually seems to have been painted with a layer of green paint, and it has not really recovered, just appearance.

However, they looked at Zhang Shen and knew that it was not over yet.

It's really not over, and the real difficulties have just begun.

After confirming that each cell has returned to its original state - at least on the surface, the spirit that has been condensing in one place began to disperse, turning into countless filaments all over the tree stump.

If someone can see the distribution of each wisp of spiritual power and describe it, they will find that Zhang Shen's divergent spiritual power has formed an alchemy formula!


At the moment when the alchemy formula was formed, Zhang Shen shouted angrily in his heart. The wonderful power emanated from the formula and turned into a mysterious and strange fluctuation, covering a cell.

The cells seem to have been rusted and now moved out of the machine to scrub again. This strange fluctuation is like the legendary source of fire. As soon as the two contact, it contains a trace of the mysterious power of the law of heaven and earth, and suddenly broke out!!

Cells are alive!!

The silent heart beat powerfully again!!

Then, like the first Mars, centered on this cell, the wonderful power quickly surged and spread in all directions, exceeding the horrible speed of ordinary people's reaction, covering all the cells almost in an instant.

The alchemist present immediately noticed that the strong vitality emanated from the stump!

It has really recovered!!

At this stage, Zhang Shen can finally breathe a sigh of relief. However, this refinement is far from over!

When the vitality concentration of the tree stump reaches the extreme, the sound of "kaka" came to the ears of many alchemists.

They fixed their eyes and saw that the surface of the stump actually cracked, and then pieces of bark fell off, revealing a new bark full of vitality, as if it were a thriving tree, giving people a vigorous feeling.

The stumps are placed vertically, with one end facing up and the other end touching the ground.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, the side that touched the ground unexpectedly... took root!!!

Yes, the pale yellow roots broke through the blockade and emerged from the bottom of the stump, and then pierced the hard rock layer, plunged into the earth, and quickly absorbed the nutrients underground.

In Zhang Shen's perception, after the last few roots stopped growing, they began to absorb the nutrients in the square soil and supply the body.

Several delicate branches protrude around the top cross-section of the stump and begin to grow and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a few minutes, they become healthy branches that are nearly one meter long and thin.

On the branches, there are green leaves.

The originally bare tree stump turned into a tall and lush tree in less than a quarter of an hour!!

Several ordinary people such as Mo Xian have been stunned for a long time, and a group of alchemists also applauded Zhang Shen after a brief silence.

laymen watch the bustle, and laymen watch the doorway. The alchemists who came to "listen to the class" are all insiders. Naturally, they can see that what is reflected in just ten minutes is far from being able to be finished in a moment.

Since then, Zhang Shen has really joined Feixianfeng.

The refining was successfully completed, and Zhang Shen also smiled and arched his hands to both sides.

Everyone couldn't help it and came down one after another to discuss the alchemy knowledge contained in this refining experiment with Zhang Shen.

While Zhang Shen and many alchemists enthusiastically discussed alchemy and alchemy, somewhere in Feixianfeng, several old men with white beards also watched Zhang Shen's refining experiment in some way.

"What do you think of this son?"

"At a young age, you can master the alchemy of that country to this extent, which is extraordinary."

"There is indeed a trace of the demeanor of the sages of the West, but unfortunately, it is still far away."

"Unfortunately, his heart is not in Kunlun or Feixian. Otherwise, he may inherit our mantor. If he can really integrate Eastern and Western alchemy and alchemy in the future, maybe he can really reach the mysterious realm of his predecessors's imagination."


"So, how do you think you should treat him?"

"Let him go."

"Yes. We alchemists don't have the habit of cherishing ourselves. How much can we learn depends on himself.

"I think his arrival is also good for flying immortals and those little ones. Just let those ignorant guys know the truth that there are people outside, hehe.


"Guys, I have a good proposal."

"Didn't the fiftieth surname want to compete for the throne of the crown prince and make a elixirs, and also invited Kunlun 12 days and other alchemists to participate?"

"Oh, you mean..."

"That's right, Feixian will send him this time. How about it?"

"Well~~ It sounds good."

"Well, that's it."

"The Qing Dynasty has been a little miasmoky recently. The secret fight of the 50 surnames is a little too much. Let this son stir up the storm and let those hidden evils and traitors surface. At that time, we will clean it up."

"This is a wonderful plan."

[PS: After the vertical and horizontal revision, I'm not used to it. Moreover, it seems that the number of red votes has decreased because voting has become troublesome after the revision?]