Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 43: Battlefield 1

Chapter 43: The Battlefield of War I

When the iron-blooded fleet arrived, Zhang Shen threw aside the refining of steel suits and paid attention to the battlefield from Li Jing's perspective.

The war has soared to ** from the beginning!

As soon as the fleet appeared, two nearby meteorites suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the fleet.

This attack came inexplicably, making the iron-blooded side unprepared. But the iron-blooded empire is worthy of being the hegemon of this universe. In the face of danger, several beams of light cannons shot out, detonating one of the meteorites and blooming a brilliant flower in the cold and empty universe.

This meteorite hides the strongest * of human beings, and it is also the largest equivalent. After the explosion, under the fierce flame, strong radiation spread in all directions, and most of it fell into the iron-blooded fleet. Unfortunately, the iron-blooded empire has been across the universe for tens of thousands of years, how can it be defenseless? This little radiation can't help the defense system of the spacecraft.

Another meteorite was closer and successfully rushed into the fleet. Then it exploded, destroying two small spacecraft in one fell swoop and injuring several other spacecraft!

Two people were killed and injured, and the counterattack from human civilization hit the iron-blooded empire from afar and suffered a small loss.

This move also completely angered the iron-blooded fleet, and the huge fleet slowly separated into a cone, quickly approaching this side while launching a shell.

On the guard side, dozens of various large or small star warships greeted them and launched a counterattack.

To be honest, most of the spacecraft on the guard's side are not pure warships, but there is a big killer produced by the great will. Even the casual spacecraft is also equipped with a powerful weapon system. What's more shameful is that the energy defense shield and super energy are standard equipment.

So, a scene that stunned the Predators appeared.

In the face of their intensive attack, the enemy warship did not dodge and rushed forward against the rain of bullets. Although they had learned before departure that this inconspicuous civilization had such black technology as energy masks, the captains still had a headache when they really faced this unreasonable black technology.

A small saucer-shaped spacecraft with a bright blue light tail flexibly shuttled through the bullet screen of the Iron-blooded Empire. It was still unharmed by dozens of shells along the way and rushed into the local camp. Then, dozens of silver shiny wheel saw blades protrude from the edge of the flying saucer, each of which is nearly 100 meters long and has an extremely ferocious shape.

The silver knife wheel began to rotate and turned into a bright silver light and shadow.

In the cockpit, the driver laughed wildly and entered a series of instructions.

The flying saucer stood upside down and turned into a huge knife wheel, cutting horizontally and vertically. In just a few breaths, a medium-sized warship was split and exploded into pieces in the blazing fire!

In the fire smoke, the flying saucer knife wheel rushed out undamaged!

This ferocious attack shocked the iron-blooded warships around, and the artillery array was fully opened. For a moment, it was as bright as rain, giving the flying saucer an all-round "baptism". Unfortunately, in front of the shameless high energy and defense shield, even though the thin light curtain was extremely dimmed, it finally survived.

In addition to the "close-up" type, the spacecraft on the guard side also has a long-range type of heavy artillery.

This is a more shameless and unreasonable weapon.

At a corner of the horizon, Zhang Shen noticed that two spacecraft with a similarity of 99% suddenly "combined", and then a stupid black of thousands of meters slowly protrude out, charged and launched.


I saw a white beam of light running through the universe, like a river splitting the earth, splitting the battlefield into two halves.

The beam of light was invincible and rushed into the enemy camp. A heavy armored frigate next to the flagship of the iron-blooded fleet was gently wiped by it, and suddenly wiped out half of its body, sank and fell, and the ship was destroyed!

In the flagship, Lin, the leader of the operation and the iron-blooded elder brother, was so scared that he almost jumped up and burst out in cold sweat, soaking his clothes.

With just one blow, more than 70 warships of the iron-blooded fleet were declared destroyed, drifting in the cold universe and becoming space garbage.

In space is infinite in space, and there is a certain distance between warships. In addition to overlay attacks, it is often difficult for single attacks to cause such large casualties. Although the number of 70 is nothing compared to the whole fleet, the iron-blooded side was really scared by the messy means of human beings.

Under Colin's order, the fleet completely dispersed, reducing the attack frequency and advancing at full speed. The experienced captains soon found the disadvantages of the human side and found a solution.

Although the guards' methods are messy, compared with the number, they believe that as long as they turn their fleet into a huge net to net the human beings, they will definitely break their turtle shell and win with the help of more intensive attacks.

Strong execution makes their strategy change very smoothly.

"These guys are finished." Zhang, the audience on earth, shook his head and had a clear understanding of the outcome of this war.

Speaking of which, this kind of cosmic fleet war is the biggest disadvantage for defenders. After all, except for a few defenders who take the scientific and technological route, most of them are practicing. Their individual combat power is amazing, and their favorite is close combat.

Before being promoted to the power of the "law" realm, even if it is as powerful as Yicheng, with one punch, I'm afraid there will be nothing left. On the contrary, as long as the initial speed is enough, the hardness of Danwan is high enough, let alone thousands of miles, multiplied by 10,000 times without pressure.

And now the iron-blooded fleet is undoubtedly seeking its own way to die by attacking the enemy with its own shortcomings.

The guards are happy to see the plan of the iron-blooded fleet at a glance. Under the mutual love, it didn't take long for the human side's spacecraft to make dumplings by the iron-blooded fleet.

In the Tianma, Bu Lichen said to hundreds of soldiers in standard "pioneer" steel suits: "Get ready. It's time for you to go to war."

The human coalition has no experience in fighting in the sky, so it must have been killed and injured, but all the defenders tacitly ignored this reality.

Because of the relationship between Tony and Zhang Shen, the warriors in Tianma are mostly superheroes under the command of S.H.I.E.L.D., led by one-eyed dragon Nick Fury, Tony Stark, Captain America, Thor and other well-known superheroes.

"Ms. Bu, I know you are very powerful. I don't ask for anything else. I just hope you can take a little care of the soldiers of the human coalition... It's not the identity of human heroes, but... They are all people with families. If they sacrifice here, how sad their families will be..."

"This is my plea."

Bu Lichen looked at Tony with a solemn and sincere look in surprise and nodded: "I will try my best."

When the Tianma approached an iron-blooded mother ship, the gunfire suddenly became fierce, pressing the surrounding warships to dodge around, opening the way for Tony and others.

When the hatch opened, Tony took a deep breath and rushed out first.

Zhang Shenton saw hundreds of silver-gray painted "Iron Man" rushing out of his own Tianma, led by captain America and other prestigious superheroes, as if a group of fish, flexibly and orderly through the fierce battlefield and fell to the iron-blooded mother ship.

"Xiao Yi, thank you for your hard work." In the team communication, Zhang Shen said, "S.H.I.E.L. is a flag of human beings on earth. It can't fall easily. You have to take care of it and try to save the lives of several major characters. As for the others, let him go."

"Captain, leave it to me."

Ai answered softly, got up, and her temperament changed awe-inspiringly, from a shy and weak little maid to a female warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles in an instant.

A layer of shadow covers, and Ai's presence is minimized.

She turned into a faint shadow and flew out of the hatch, following Tony's walk. Although Zhang Shen is talking about the table of S.H.I.E.L.D., all the women know that what he is talking about is only Tony Stark and Nick Frey. The former has a good relationship with Zhang Shen, and the latter is the pillar and core of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Iron-blooded mothership, captain's room, stone.

"Captain, the human space warrior invaded!"

The stone snorted coldly, threw his captain's suit aside and skillfully put on combat equipment: "Solve them! Let these weak humans know the power of the Predator!"

An iron-blooded mother ship is comparable to the combination of ten aircraft carriers on the earth. The space is huge. Although it is equipped with hundreds of Predators patrol, it is too sparse. Fortunately, with a perfect and rigorous automatic defense system, the location of the "steel team" invaded was found at the first time.

The stone ran wildly to the edge of the mother ship.

Suddenly, he took off the wrist wheel and toss it hard.

The high-speed rotating knife wheel makes a "buzz" sound, draws a beautiful arc, and turns to a gate.

Behind the door, a steel warrior intended to ambush and attack. Unexpectedly, it had already been found by the stone, and the throwing flywheel made a bend around and landed accurately on his face.

The oncoming sharpness surprised him, but the subsequent impact and the warning in his ear made him realize that he was already an Iron Man.

His palm was raised flat, revealing the launch mouth, and a red laser ray suddenly shot out and cut at the stone.

The stone rolled on the ground, avoiding the laser while pulling out a gun and shooting. The huge power made the steel warrior retreat a few steps in a row. The laser landed on the ground, burning a deep trace of the steel ground, and the edge melted, emitting an unpleasant smell.

The super defense and powerful attack of the opponent's suit made the stone's pupil shrink, but the fighting spirit in his heart became more and more hot, and he only felt that the long-silent war blood burned again.

The stone pulled out a short knife from his waist and rushed to the steel warrior.

The latter staggered several times with the assistance of AI and stood firm again, and the launchers on his shoulders opened together and shot at the stone.

The stone movements were incredibly sensitive, and the intertwined bullets were dodged by his strange steps and were not hit once.

Seeing the stone approaching and cutting down the knife in his hand, the steel warrior was a little out of control and instinctively stretched out his hand to use the capture fighting skill to defend and counterattack.

However, he forgot that he was in the steel suit at this time, and the weapons on his shoulders had not been closed.

He fell to one side.

The stone saw the opportunity, suddenly bounced up, and the short knife in his hand was sent into the seam of the steel suit.

The iron-blood alloy is based on the weapon and alien biological organization structure of the Predator. Although the defense is strong, it has not yet reached the extent that it can ignore the authentic iron-blood civilization cold weapons.

Only a muffled hum, blood flowed from the cracks in the armor, and the unknown soldier inside died on the spot.

[PS: I stangled more than half of the chapter, and I was very dissatisfied. I deleted it, wrote it from another angle, and found that it was much smoother... Sure enough, the scene is too big, and we still can't control it]

[PS2: cosmic war, no concept...]