Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 44: Battlefield 2

Chapter 44: Battlefield of the Fire (2)

"Quick, hurry up!" Tony Stark opened a gate, confirmed that there were no Predests around, and gestured to the rear, signaling the ten-person team to push inward.

Along the way, with the joint efforts of everyone, two Predators have been solved. They are much more proficient in the operation of steel suits. Self-confidence has gradually replaced the initial uneasiness, and their strength has become more and more stable. Under Tony's leadership, the team approached the front of the mother ship at full speed, which was the control center of the mother ship.


A light red light suddenly came and hit the front soldier's suit, knocking him back, and an obvious burning dent appeared on the suit.

Return! Without Tony's command, these soldiers are all elites who have fought with super villains for many years. Relying on the super defense of steel suits, they only made a little dodge and launched a counterattack one after another. Although it was just a steel bomb, the powerful penetration instantly penetrated the thing that the Predant leaned on as a shielded and fell to the ground. .

"Go on!" Tony took the lead and ran fast.

Not far from everyone, Stone saw the scene of the clan soldiers being killed by the human coalition without resistance through monitoring. The cyan crown appeared some dark red patches, which was a symbol of the extreme anger of the iron-blooded clan.

"All the staff will listen to the order! Pause the blocking, get closer to the military base, and equip it with individual armor!"

The "single armor" in the iron-blooded civilization is somewhat similar to the mecha in the earth comics, with a fully covered structure, but it is mainly cold weapon melee. After all, the Predator prefers to fight close combat.

After giving the order, Stone quickly stepped into the captain's room and opened the huge private armed warehouse. There were a wide variety of hot weapons and cold weapons, which was simply blind.

Although I have seen it tens of thousands of times, I can't help but be proud when I see my collection for hundreds of years again. Retracting his eyes, he went straight to the innermost part of the armed warehouse, where there were several individual armors he had collected with all his painstaking efforts.

The stone chose a small light blue armor, which is mainly flexible and takes into account defense. The weapon is his favorite sword. The blade is jagged, and the shape is simple, atmospheric and ferocious. In the cold light flow, it highlights a different beauty.

A few minutes later, a blue steel warrior of more than two meters held a serrated sword and killed the invading earth warrior with anger.

Aye did not lurk in the shadow of Tony and others, but "attached" to the ceiling like a ghost in a shadow state, dissipating his spirit and observing the movement around him condescendingly.

"But just kill a few miscellaneous fish, do you start to be proud?" Ai Yi saw that Tony's team was advancing rapidly along the way, and the formation became more and more scattered, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

I haven't been blocked by the Predator for a while. Although the mothership has a large space and a low probability of encountering the enemy, it also shows an abnormal atmosphere. However, Tony and others, who were a little overwhelmed by the previous "victory", were unaware of it and just rushed forward. However, it is no wonder that after all, it is a battle with ferocious aliens, and it is understandable to be proud for a while.

"Nick Fury and Captain America did not encounter enemies either. It seems that the Predators have gathered in the bow." The perspective from the other two mirrors allows Ai to see the six routes and grasp the progress of the three teams at the same time.

Under Ai's super evil-level talent, the [mirrorry] extracted at the beginning has become a part of her ability, and it has been further explored, combining the mirror image with its own shadow power, making the mirror image that has gradually become a little chicken-like. Existence can also use the power of shadows and share vision, which plays a huge role.

has moved forward for another time.

is coming!

Ai was in awe-hearted, and the unique perspective in the shadow state made her aware of the enemy at the first time.

In his ear, Jarvis sent a warning. Tony was shocked and immediately made a warning gesture. His body bowed slightly and his shoulder weapon was opened.


With a roar, the floor of the grid was suddenly lifted, and a three-meter-high silver-gray armor jumped out of it, stabbed out a spear, and pierced the thigh of a careful fighter!

With one blow to abolish the enemy's mobility, the Predator supported the ground with one hand and rolled. The other hand pulled out a half-meter long thorn from the armored waist, sent it forward, and penetrated deeply into the firing mouth of the steel warrior's chest and penetrated his chest.

Tony's eyes were about to crack, and his shoulder weapons were fired together. Hot bullets sprayed on the Predator's head and forced him away.

The Predator has just been forced back, and several high-temperature laser rays fell together and tacitly fell on the joints of his armor. In the face of successive laser cutting, the armor did not bear the heavy load, and it broke and fell to the ground with a bang, and one arm was abolished.

Tony rushed to the side of the soldier who was short-pierced, quickly pressed the waist of the suit a few times, turned on the emergency life-support system, sent several injections forward, and injected the potion into the soldier's body, temporarily hanging his life.

Perceiving that the soldier's weak heartbeat gradually became stable, Tony was distracted.

"Be careful!"

The high-level warning sound came to my ears, but I saw 20 or 30 knife wheels shining with a frightening cold light, attacking from all directions. The sound of "hissing" air cutting was frightening.

Tony instinctively pressed the seriously injured soldier under his body, his shoulder weapon clicked, and the bullets shuttled in the direction of the knife wheel. Suddenly, the sound of "Dingdingdang" was endless.

So many? Ai Yi frowned slightly, and in his sight, more than 60 individual armor of different colors came out of the corners of all directions, surrounded Tony's team and directly made dumplings.

At the same time, Nick Fury and Captain America's two teams were also intercepted and blocked by a large number of enemy armored soldiers, but their vigilance was slightly stronger and the situation was slightly better.

"I can't do it without it." The idea was settled. Ai leaned against the dark crack in the corner of the aisle and melted into it. Through these "high-speed channels", he instantly came to the feet of a Predator.

When he first became a shadow assassin, Ai could only move quickly with the help of shadows. If he wanted to attack, he must show a large body. But now, she has long been reborn as Wu Xia A Meng. Under the shadow latent state, she can still attack at will!

Although there will be some fluctuations and will be recognized in front of masters, for the Predator on the technology side, it is not detectable at all, and it is an unsolved existence!

The shadow under the feet of the Predator was slightly lengthened by an inch, faintly showing the appearance of a blade.

Ai's "wrist" moved, and the blade of the shadow flew out of the shadow, aiming at the cracks in the armor and piercing into the body of the Predator.

The blade of shadow is a tangible and unquality existence, similar to a ghost. It can see the body, but it is grasped by hand, as if the flowers in the moon mirror in the well cannot be touched.

This little finger-long shadow blade ignored the ironbden's tough skin, penetrated all the way into his brain, and then exploded!


The Predator only felt endless pain coming from the depths of his brain and spreading all over his body. He only had time to roar and die immediately. The heavy individual armor lost control and fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Seeing that the invading earth soldiers were forced into a dead corner by their own soldiers, the casualties were heavy, the anger in Stone's heart vented a lot, and his pride as an iron-blooded family was full of pride.

However, it didn't take long to see his soldiers fall inexplicably one by one. The stone was furious, and his small eyes were round, almost bursting his eyes.

He took a step and rushed to a soldier who fell to the ground and snatched him out of the armor. The latter's seven holes were bleeding, and the ends of his braids were stained with a layer of gray and black - which was the symbol of the complete death of the iron-blooded family.

"Detect the cause of death!" Stone suppressed his anger and roared, releasing a red and blue intertwined light from the eyebrows of his armored face, covering the whole body of the dead warrior.

Brain damage... brain burst...

Within a breath, Stone received feedback. At the same time, his brain was running at a high speed, recalling similar events in the history of the iron-blooded family's war.

The territory of the iron-blooded empire is so vast, and the variety of enemies encountered in the process of conquering all races in the universe are also unpredictable and unpredictable. Some very "characteristic" events will be specially recorded in the "textbooks" of the elders, so that the clan can find a timely means of response in case they encounter foreign wars in the future.

I remember!

"It's a sucking monster! All the staff are at your command! The enemy has a ghost, and all the crew return to the captain's room immediately! Immediately!"

After receiving the order of Stone, although they did not know what the soul-absorbing monster was, the Predators did not hesitate to drop the invading enemy that was about to be solved and protected the stone and retreated to the captain's room.

Ai intercepted a Predator's brain wave. When he heard the word "sucking monster", the corners of his eyes jumped straight, and there was an impulse to appear and kill the stone. She knows this kind of thing. It looks like an octopus, which is slippery and disgusting. It feeds on the brain of intelligent creatures. Her spiritual power is very strong. She can use her unique spiritual energy to imitate human arcane magic to cast spells, and her combat effectiveness is very powerful.

"You are dead." He stared coldly at the stone that quickly returned to the captain's room, and Ai decided to "make" the guy well.

The stone that was protected by the clan suddenly felt a thrill, and he felt stared at by some terrible creature, and his heart was palpitated.

On the other side, Tony and others had the awareness of dying together, and saw the enemy fleeing like a homeless dog, which was also a burst of surprise.

Tony reacted and arched his hand around according to the boxing posture seen from the Internet to express his gratitude. Although there are only four intact, three of them were slightly injured and two seriously injured, and two soldiers closed their eyes forever, but who can be blamed for their poor strength...

sighed, and Tony counted a slightly injured soldier: "David, go back with your injured and dead brother. The next battle will be left to us."

"This..." David was about to refuse. In response to Tony's unquestionable eyes, his lips moved, and the rest of the words turned into a sigh and disappeared.

Tony led three other uninjured soldiers and ran to the captain's room in the silent eyes of others.