Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 68: The End

Chapter 68: Zhenglong (Final)

Wolverine came to the nearest starry chain, stretched out his hand in the inexplicable eyes of the soldiers, and tried to touch the chain.

He was empty.

"I can clearly see..." After touching his hands back and forth several times, Wolverine couldn't help frowning * eyebrows and muttering a few words unpleasantly. He is not a very patient person in the first place. He still can't come to a conclusion after using all the methods he can think of, so he is too lazy to care about it.

"Forget it, ordinary people can't see it anyway, and it won't affect the order."

I am not a management material, Wolverine knows very well, and others in League of Legends also know that they simply "decentralize" him to let him move freely and monitor the four sides to prevent anyone from destroying or doing anything that may cause damage to the existing fragile order at this juncture.

Wolverine looked at the huge chain drilled from the ground from the bottom up, recalled the previous scene, and muttered, "Although it doesn't look like a manhood, he is a good guy, much better than those cold-blooded bystanders... The Iron Man guy finally did a good thing..."

Before this, he had a bad impression of the rich and handsome Tony, and now he has reversed a lot. If Tony knew, he would not be able to laugh or cry.

Just as Wolverine planned to fulfill his duties as a "inspector", the change suddenly appeared——

The earth shook violently!!

The unexpected Wolverine staggered and almost fell, and the soldiers around him were even more unbearable, rolling around like gourds.

What's going on?!

Wolverine bounced up and stabbed Edelman's metal blade with cold light stabbed out of his fingers and entered a state of alert.

The earth is shaking again!

With the defense Wolverine did not get hit, he rushed to a small building, and then climbed to the top of the building like a flexible ape and raised his eyes.

Wolverine noticed that the earthquake just now was not the kind of earthquake similar to the earthquake that he had experienced before, but more like the vibration of the drum surface when the drum was knocked!

"You made it again... I just praised you, don't be so pitted..." Big sweat rolled down Wolverine's hairy face. Seeing this movement, he immediately thought of the rather tragic back.


The third shock hit, which was stronger than the previous two times. Although its manifestation was quite strange and did not cause the torn gully of the earthquake, it also slapped the land in which the United States participated and the human beings who survived in this regard.

Buildings above a certain height are affected by vibration, with glass cracking, window edges falling, and even small cracks on the main wall that are difficult to detect with the naked eye!


The American citizens who were forced by the soldiers to stay at home screamed in horror and converged into a wave, covering all the sounds and causing another wave of panic. People are extremely fragile and completely step on the edge of collapse. If they do it again, it will far exceed the effect of the ancient "explosion camp". At that time, the order that the League of Legends has been hard to maintain will be completely destroyed, and people who have collapsed and fallen mentally will incarnate demons and bury themselves!

"God, are you going to completely destroy human beings!!" How can the one-eyed dragon not know the consequences, but he is powerless to do anything at this moment. Almost crazy, he can only roar at the clear sky in vain and cry blood.

Tough as a red skull, as firm as Dr. Destruction, can't help but feel desperate at this moment.

At the critical moment, the voiceless Pang Mailang, who was in the Tongtian Tower, took action!

Pangmailang crossed the sky like a meteor, standing proudly in the void, swinging his hand, and the invisible power centered on him, covering the American region where living things still live.

In this area, the resistance of sound wave transmission increased by dozens or hundreds of times in an instant, and the crying cry that could spread hundreds of meters before exiting was declared annihilation!

In an instant, the whole United States lost its voice collectively!

If this strange scene continues for a minute or two, the fear of the unknown will completely enter the countdown to the destruction of human civilization. At this time, the soundless will come.

The soundless cherry lips opened slightly, and the song was born leisurely.

This song, even if it uses all the praises of human civilization, is difficult to describe its beauty!

The next moment when the song came into the minds of the crazy people, all the ferocious, twisted, hatred and other negative emotions on their faces disappeared in an instant!

It seems that it has never existed!

Instead, it seems to see through the indifference and detachment of the world outside the heart.

Even superheroes such as One-eyed Dragon, Wolverine, and Dr. Destruction are not spared. The original complex emotions were forcibly "deleted", and the ultimate tranquility and indifference on pasting, only Thor's two brothers ♂ and the god of war Tyre, who were carrying the "magic artifact", barely maintained themselves, with a shocked face.

Pang Mailang came to the world like an evil god and looked down at all sentient beings. He frowned: "The guy who is not done enough."

Muyin knew who he was talking about, and she didn't have much affection for that man before, but now she defended him: "It's a little biased to say this. Although it is a little underconsidered, it is good to see him stop the turmoil inside the earth. After all, he is just a new 'spiritual'.

Zhang's promotion to the "spirit" realm made such a big noise, and the defenders of the United States were told that even their colleagues on the other side of the earth turned their eyes here, but Zhang Shen and others did not know that they were surrounded by so many people.

Zhang didn't know that he was being said by so many people at this time. He was trying his best to fight against the forces from nowhere inside the trumpet earth for control of the trumpet earth.

This is a very "biserable" tug-of-war.

In a few short breaths, the bright galaxy that originally permeated the whole space has completely faded, and there is no trace of cloud and starlight, and it has been transformed into a huge chain of starlight. It has successively replaced the vacancies of the "predecessors" and entered the trumpet earth to fight against the mysterious force.

I don't know how long it took, when a hollow feeling appeared in Zhang Shen's heart, he fixed his eyes and was surprised to find that the endless atmosphere of heaven and earth had been exhausted, and the star chain running through the trumpet earth could not be replenished, and the light was dim to the extreme, as if the fire candle in the wind was going out at any time.

Looking at the mysterious power, it has also been almost worn out in this tug-of-war, leaving only a little bit of lingering.

"It's time to end!"

Zhang Shen's eyes made a flash of determination. Even if the next move will cause permanent damage to the earth's energy cycle, he can't care so much at this moment!

With a decision, Zhang Shen took a deep breath and spread hundreds of millions of miles of the body of the dragon. The gorgeous dragon scales flowing with holy light were instantly covered with countless deep or shallow scars, crisscrossed, like a huge net, covering the whole dragon.

The next moment, large pieces of broken dragon scales fell off the dragon's body and turned into light debris, shining brightly.

The part where the dragon scales fell off, there was no flesh and blood at all, and the dragon's body disappeared out of thin air!

In this way, in just a few breaths, the dragon, which was more majestic than the mountains, disappeared, and there was only a little shrinkage left. Even if the majestic and sacred posture disappeared, it lacked the shocking majestic state.

The pain caused by active self-harm directly affects the soul, making Zhang Shen die in pain. In reality, the body instantly bleeds seven holes, which scared the three girls of Bu Lichen and was anxious.

Without the indescribable severe pain, Zhang Shen controlled the light crumbs turned by the dragon scales to rush to the dim star chain of light.

In an instant, the star chain shines brilliantly!

In the face of the step-by-step pressure of the powerful star chain, the mysterious force retreated continuously until - there is no retreat!

The mysterious power dog jumped over the wall and gathered the last power to break the net. Unfortunately, under the huge power gap, it had no choice but to dissipate.

"'s over."

Zhang Shen sighed and made the last power of the dragon vein pour into the trumpet earth.

The earth's light is great, as if the reduction key has been pressed. The broken strata are completely solidified, the ragmatic magma may return to the original place or directly condense, and the earth will return to normal! line...............

Guard's space.

Blue Phoenix stared at the movement of "below" and everything on the "opposite" boundary island.

More and more earth and stones collapsed on the boundary island. Immediately, all the guards noticed the strangeness under their feet.

The opposite world, exactly the same boundary island, surging black ocean, blurred figure...

Everything made everyone feel cold. At this moment, even if it was as powerful as a "spiritual" situation, it could not stop sweating.


Three big words coincidentally appeared in the minds of all the guards!

The sworn enemies of all defenders, and even the sworn enemies of the great will of space - everyone was told so.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all!

My sworn enemy, afraid of meeting a dead enemy who dreams of being completely extinct, has been hiding all the time. No, living under his feet?!

Suddenly, no one could accept it. They turned into statues and were stunned.


Sudally, the strange laughter woke everyone up.

Blue Phoenix moved his focusless eyes and looked at the source of the sound.

It's from the dense army of mahjong and others surrounded by Chengtian Tower!

These dark figures cracked an exaggerated arc on their faces, against the ethereal laughter, and instantly turned into a creepy existence.

Blue Phoenix just glanced at it and no longer paid attention to these puppet-like grievances. Her eyes turned around and still stared at the figure in the ocean "on the other side".

"Are you... there..."

She didn't realize that her fists were too tight, her skin was pierced by her nails, and her red blood dyed her hands extremely bright, which was scary.

"You must be there..."

The blue phoenix laughed wildly and laughed in an extremely flimsy way.

But at this moment, no one pays attention to a crazy woman.

They found that the situation was getting worse!

Originally, the world where the boundary island is located and the world on the other side are like the two ends of the hourglass. They are located above and the world on the other side is located below.

However, as the boundary island gradually collapsed, the tremical laughter around it became more and more harsh, and the waves in the ocean became clearer and clearer, this huge "e hourglass" actually began to move!

It gradually tilts from the "positive release", the guard space falls to one side, but the "world on the other side" is rising.

This feeling is very weird!

In the process of world displacement, there was no change in the guard's space - the guard did not fall, the Chengtian Tower did not collapse, and even the direction of the earth and stone fell on the boundary island did not change at all

However, such an idea appears in every guard's mind!

The world you live in is slowly sinking, while the space where the "betrayer" lives on the other side is rising little by little.

At the same time, a clear understanding emerged.

When the two worlds are completely reversed--

Nightmare will devour everything!!!

[PS: I finally finished writing this plot. It's really a nightmare]