Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 69: Broken

Chapter 69: Broken


The moment Zhang Shen opened his eyes, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and he only felt that his whole body was drained and he could not stand still.

Li Jing rushed over to support him, and at the same time performed the therapeutic ghost. The faint blue light covered Zhang Shen and tried his best to heal his injury.

Recovering a trace of strength, Zhang Shen stopped Li Jing's meaningless consumption of spiritual power: "I'm not injured, just temporarily disengaging. Don't waste spiritual power." The vitality in the earth's air was almost pulled away by him, and the recovery time is unknown. While the spiritual power consumed by the spell doubling, the effect is weakened.

Seeing that Zhang Shen took several elixirs to replenish his spirit, his breath quickly recovered, so Li Jing stopped the ghost, took out a handkerchief, and wiped the dry blood from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

"Thank you for your hard work." The impermanence landed and made an audit to Zhang Shen to express his goodwill. Regardless of anything else, Zhang Shen's behavior of keeping the "big rear" of the earth deserves their face-to-face thanks.

Zhang Shen responded unsalably, and this arrogant attitude also made those neutral defenders feel unhappy for a while - you are a new guy, we have given you enough face, and it is so ignorant that it is inexplicable.

Bu Lichen and Li Ji's reaction to Zhang Shen also felt strange. In their impression, Zhang Shen was not an arrogant and rude person.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shen is still immersed in the wonderful experience of incarnating the dragon vein at this moment, and his reaction is very slow, and he has no intention to make friends with Lin Wuchang and others.

The hot face stuck to the cold buttocks, and the dust was as impermanent and a little unpleasant. After greeting the three girls of Bu Lichen, they set up Xianyun and was about to leave.

However, just as everyone wanted to go to *, the change suddenly occurred!

On the sky without a trace of wind, it suddenly tore open a space crack that lasted for several miles!

Look at the edge of the crack, the canine teeth are uneven. At first glance, it looks like being forcibly torn apart by brute force, which is chilling.

In the cracks of the black hole, space debris, space-time turbulence, and violent energy are mixed into a ball, turning into chaotic airflows that make people look at their scalp tight and roar past. The power of these chaotic airflows is extremely powerful. Not to mention the spiritual realm, even if the high "law" realm is not careful, he may die in it!

Suddenly, an image flashed by.

"That's... Chengtian Tower!!" Someone screamed and jumped up in horror, with a face full of disbelief.

Chengtian Tower, the existence that defenders love and hate. Everyone can't be familiar with it. Even if it's just a glimpse, it's enough to recognize it.

However, the image of Chengtian Tower is not the focus, which is far from enough to make the strong people in the "spirit" here sweat all over.

What really frightened them was that the image was actually incomplete!!

The incomplete Chengtian Tower!!!

Broken Chengtian Tower!!!

What the hell... happened?!

"Gulu~~ I must have read it wrong... Chengtian Tower can't be destroyed at all..." One person swallowed his saliva hard and forced a smile on his pale face, which was worse than crying.

"Yes, yes... There are many similar buildings in the world, probably similar to Chengtian Tower, ah ha..." Another man laughed dryly, his cold sweat couldn't stop flowing down, and his body began to tremble.

No matter how loudly it is, it is difficult to cover up the panic in their hearts, and it will only make them feel more guilty.

Everyone present knows very well that with their cultivation, it is impossible to see it wrong!

Moreover, I don't know how many worlds they have experienced together, and have never seen or even heard of buildings similar to Chengtian Tower in other worlds!


That image is the Chengtian Tower, which is somehow broken and mutilated Chengtian Tower!!

His impermanent face turned blue, and his dusty temperament was completely gone, and he was replaced by gloomy. He wanted to show a calm side, but the gently trembling dust in his hand revealed his inner uneasiness and panic. When the things he has believed in for hundreds of years are brutally torn apart in front of him, his heart is as firm as him, and he is inevitably at a loss.

Ao Shenfeng's face is also blue, but his situation is better than the former. He reluctantly pulled out a smile and said, "Don't be fooled. Maybe this is the enemy's conspiracy... Or maybe it's just a projection of a possible development result in the future... We can't fall like this..."

"We have struggled for hundreds of years and thousands of years, how can we fall here ridiculously!"

The roar of the proud front roared out his own heart, which also aroused the resonance of everyone's hearts. Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen, two newcomers, put aside. The youngest of the others also lived hundreds of years. After a lot of hardships, they were reborn and advanced into the "spirit" realm. Isn't it ridiculous to fall so easily?!


With a cathartic roar, the earth-shaking fighting spirit and evil spirit spewed out of their bodies, dispelling the previous decadent and uneasiness.

However, reality soon slapped them hard!


A fragment comparable to a 20-story high-rise building fell from a space crack and hit the ground. The earthquake broke out, deafening, and the smoke and dust covered the earth.

With everyone's eyes, everything in the dust was clearly seen.

Subsequently, the collective lost their voice...

At this moment, they hate their strong vision beyond common sense.

The thing that falls from the sky is definitely a fragment of the Chengtian Tower!!


The last line was ruthlessly broken by reality, and the gray breath quietly shrouded in everyone's hearts.


In the lonely dark, the screams of hundreds of thousands of people came, over the aftershocks caused by the fragments of Chengtian Tower falling to the ground, and clearly came to everyone's ears.

Zhang Shen raised his head and followed the sound. The sound turned out to be from a space crack?!

I was stunned, but I saw a large number of people fall from the crack in the space and fall to the ground like dumplings.

"What the hell..." The corners of his mouth twitched, regardless of hurting things, and all his mood was replaced by speechlessness for a long time.

As a newcomer, Zhang Shen and the four of them did not have much feelings about the fragmentation of Chengtian Tower. The previous egg sadness was just infected by the emotions emitted by Lin Wuchang and others, especially the weak Li Jing sisters, who have not woken up yet.

Bu Lichen stared at the dumplings falling from the sky. Suddenly, his pupils condensed, his palms flew over, and the majestic flowers gushed out, wrapped in strong vitality and penetrated into the ground.

In an eye, the vine grass on the ground grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than ten breaths, a vine grass "forest" several miles long and wide appeared out of thin air.

These vine grasslands are originally weeds that can only grow more than ten centimeters. After being injected by Bu Lichen Wanling Huayuan, strange changes have occurred and become strange grasses of dozens of hundreds of meters, and they are entangled with each other during the growth process, finally forming this green "carpet" that is more than ten meters thick in front of everyone. .

All these screamers fell into the vine forest. Under the control of Bu Lichen, the strength of the fall was offset without any damage.

"It's Sister Lan!"

Zhang Shen saw a familiar figure and realized that these very bad guys were actually his peers?!

The blue phoenix fell heavily on the dense network interwoven with rattan grass. The falling force was removed by the flexible rattan grass and controlled by Bu Lichen. Everyone fell and was transported to one side by the "tender" woven by rattan grass at the first time and landed safely.

Lying on the futon woven by rattan grass, the blue phoenix still repeatedly played back the previous picture in his mind, looking dull.

In fact, not only her, but also all the guards who fell from the cracks in the space have not woken up, otherwise not so many people would have made that kind of scream that is detrimental to dignity after falling to the "safe area".

The nightmare is constantly reflected in the blue phoenix's mind.

No matter how hard the defenders try, the displacement of the two worlds cannot be stopped, and it is still moving firmly and slowly.

With the gradual imbalance of the two ends of the hourglass, in the process of rising of the opposite world, the army of resentment flew towards the opposite world while smiling.

Blue Phoenix and others widened their eyes and clearly saw that when these grievances reached the "demarcation line" of the two worlds, their bodies collapsed into particles that could not be seen by the naked eye. The next moment, they appeared on the opposite side!

They still face this way, laughing strangely, and looking at the crowd with that frightening face.

They laughed and shouted as they retreated towards the boundary island on the other side.

Those collapsed boulders cannot have any impact on them and pass directly through, as if they exist in two different spaces without interfering with each other.

Soon, the boundary island of the guardian space collapsed only the Chengtian Tower!

In order not to fall, the guards had no choice but to climb the sacred Chengtian Tower.

They were surprised to find that the Chengtian Tower, which could not be touched at all, was "physical" and completely turned into an ordinary tower, allowing everyone to climb without any response.

But this discovery did not bring any comfort to everyone, but brought their hearts one step closer to the abyss of despair.

At the same time, there is only one tower left on the border island on the other side, and the rest of the place is covered with dark seas and rough waves.

The resentful army is close to the "floating" black ocean... From their point of view, it should fall over the ocean. Under the sea, there is an upside down tower, and there are several inexplicable figures in the depths of the deep ocean.

Then, there was a scene that made many guards crazy and almost had a mental breakdown.

The original dark resentment suddenly became "clear".

They have turned back to human beings! Change back to the look of a guardian!

Over the false and deceitful ocean, there are countless former guards floating. Their eyes are closed, their expressions are calm, and they are sleeping soundly.

The next moment, they opened their eyes together.

"Huh? Where is this?!"

"What's the situation, how can I be here?"

"This sleep is so comfortable~~"

"That bastard brought me here. Get out of here!!"



Blue Phoenix stared at several of them.

Yi Chao, Zhuangbufan, Lingyou, Zihao... and Su Xin...

Yi Chao blinked: "Oh, I'll go. What's going on?"

Zhuang Fufan instinctively made a vigilance action and looked around;

Lingyou wiped the saliva from the corners of her mouth;

Zihao: "Don't quarrel, let the uncle sleep a little longer~~"

The plain heart embroidered eyebrows slightly, the thumb against the middle finger, and habitually use the Zhoutian algorithm.

Familiar people, familiar appearances, familiar actions...

Blue Phoenix covered her mouth hard to prevent herself from crying, but she didn't realize that she had already burst into tears.


The ocean below them became violent and roared wildly. A wave rose hundreds of meters and rolled down, sweeping everyone and dragging them into the ocean!!

The memory of Blue Phoenix is fixed on the confused and desperate expressions of everyone.