Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 01 Zombie World War

Dominating the city has a special task release area, and the daily mission world is different. I heard that people with high authority can also predict the world of terror that is about to take place and have the right to choose. Unfortunately, Lin Xiao's master mark level is obviously not high enough. There is no prompt to enter the mission space. After waking up, he has appeared in a strange dark room.

The light in the room is dim, and there is a strong smell of sweat. The ground is casually covered with black weeds and straws, and several people lie or lie down, scattered at will.

The air is dull and the atmosphere is very depressing. However, it was soon broken by the master's task prompt: "There are still 5 minutes before the task is officially opened, and the content of the task can be viewed by the master's mark."

Lin Xiao glanced lazily at the five people in the room, and couldn't help but pause when she glanced over one of the girls. Yes... She?

"Mission scene: Zombie World War, also known as "Doomsday War."

"Main task: protect the protagonist Gree from death until the virus antibody is obtained. During this period, no coercive means can cause damage to the protagonist, otherwise points will be deducted according to the situation, and the protagonist's death will be erased.

"In this mission scene, adventurers can attack each other, reduce damage by 30%, have no attribute enhancement, kill adventurers, and randomly get each other's equipment."

"Such a simple hint, dominating this guy is really lazy." Lin Xiao touched his nose and began to complain.

Dominating this guy is really sinister. The main task is obviously to make people work together to pass the customs, but the following prompt has changed all the flavors. Adventurers can attack each other, and killing adventurers can randomly obtain each other's equipment... He meows, you might as well say that you can kill each other.

The atmosphere became more silent. After a while, a calm middle-aged man said:

"Guys, I think everyone has seen the movie Zombie World War. I don't need to say anything about the danger. Everyone knows that those monsters and zombies alone are enough for us to drink a pot. If we still want to kill each other at this time, it will definitely end up completely!"

"That's what I mean." Another man echoed, "I have seen this movie. The zombies in it are different from the zombies in Resident Evil. They are not only agile and powerful, but also extremely infectious. They will mutate within a few minutes after being bitten."

After a pause, the man said with a wry smile, "This is the second time I've been on a mission. To be honest, I'm not confident that I can beat a zombie alone, let alone the tide-like army of zombies."

Everyone's face is a little pale. Indeed, the zombies in this film are very strong, not that kind of weak dishes. They are stronger in speed and strength than ordinary people in all aspects. Once bitten, unless there is an anti-virus serum produced by the master, it is a dead word.

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Everyone can be divided into a task scene. The strength is almost the same. It must be very difficult to meet the zombies. At this time, only by opening their hearts, abandoning their preconceives and cooperating sincerely can they complete this task alive."

Others echoed.

"That's reasonable."

"Yes, that's what I think."


"Then let's introduce ourselves first. I'll go first." The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Huang Hansheng, just call me Lao Huang. I have experienced two horror films, which strengthen physical strength and strength, weapons are an infinite ammunition*, and fighting expertise.

"Zhang Ming, a newcomer, this is the second horror film I have experienced. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me." A round-faced teenager smiled bitterly and said, "I only earned basic points in the last movie, so I just strengthened a little agility and physical strength. As for fighting or something, I'm sorry, I may not have much effect."

"Qin Yan," a woman in a cloak said coldly and said, "I have experienced two horror films, which have strengthened my agility and physical strength. The main weapon is a dagger and has the ability to be invisible."

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes changed. The weapon was a dagger and had the ability to be invisible. This is the rhythm of an assassin.

"Lu Xiaolong has experienced a horror film, which has strengthened his agility and physical strength. The only weapon is a pistol..." A tall and thin boy said, "I have seen a lot of horror movies and studied many plots. I hope it can help everyone."

After the introduction of the four people, their eyes immediately focused on Lin Xiao.

Shrugged his shoulders, Lin Xiao said helplessly, "Well, Lin Xiao has experienced a horror film, which has strengthened physical strength and agility. Needless to say, physical strength is linked to endurance and blood volume. As for agility... Naturally, it is used to escape, haha.

"Cough, it's just a joke. Don't be so serious," Lin Xiao narrowed her eyes and said, "I was lucky enough to complete a hidden task during the novice trial, so I can release a few simple magic and have healing ability. Of course... At present, the main war weapon is still a firearm.

Everyone's eyes on Lin Xiao suddenly changed. During the novice trial, you can complete the hidden task. Luck and strength are indispensable, and he will not only release magic, but also have the ability to heal. This boy is quite strong.

Several pairs of eyes with different meanings stared at Lin Xiao for a moment, and then turned to the last girl in the corner.

The girl bit her lip and whispered, "I... My name is Feng Xiaoxi. I have experienced a horror film, which mainly strengthens agility and a little physical strength. The weapon is a green bow... However, I was introduced and bought a lot of necessities. If anyone needs it, you can tell me.

Lin Xiao covered his forehead and sighed: "This natural fool!"

The six people discussed for a while, but did not come to any conclusion. Five minutes of protection time had arrived. The smoky wooden door opened with a "squeak", and a man in military uniform leaned across the AK submachine gun leaned in and said:

"Your Excellency asked you to temporarily protect Mr. Gerry, the United Nations Special Officer. Now that Mr. Gerry has arrived, why don't you go on a mission?"

Everyone answered and walked out of the small room. Suddenly, there were tide-like cheers and congratulations.

Behind him is a building similar to a loess cave. It is made of wood and stone and rises from the ground. It is five or six floors high. A outline of a huge square is exposed not far ahead. You can clearly see the dense people singing and dancing, and I don't know what they are celebrating. Farther away, there is a cement wall dozens of meters high, like a gap in the sky.

Several people looked at each other and their faces turned a little dark. Lao Huang was a few steps behind the soldiers leading the team and whispered, "Such a high wall, and the black people all over the ground, it seems that this is the city surrounded by the wall."

Lu Xiaolong said, "It's Jerusalem. Except for Jerusalem, there are no big scenes in the movie."

Lin Xiao said "ah" and complained coldly, "Jerusalem, the holy land of the three religion and the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, is the most magnificent and funny part of the scene in the movie."

"I won't talk about the logical order of a large number of scenes in the whole movie. The biggest bug is the fall of the wall in Jerusalem. Refugees open open karaoke. It is possible that the protagonist does not realize it. It is possible that the military does not find the sound to attract zombies. However, as a national machine, it is possible to build a screen. Barriers, there are walls guarded by the military, and helicopters are still flying in the sky. No one in the whole system does the work of looking at hand. The army has to wait until zombies climb over the wall before starting to deal with it. This is not military common sense. There is no weapon defense system in the whole wall, just a wall, just allowing zombies to climb up. Damn, our ancestors defended the city wall. Foreign enemies knew that the enemy who attacked the city below the wall shot arrows and threw fire oil. Nima's modern military system is just building a wall, and no one has defended on the wall... Damn, there is no lower limit for this IQ!"

The story of Jerusalem can be said to have reached the middle and late stages, but for Lin Xiao, a group of adventurers, everything has just begun.