Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 02 The rhythm of not breathing

Lao Huang said in a low voice, "The plot of the movie is not something we need to discuss. We have only one goal, to work hard to complete the task of master and survive.

"OK." Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and answered without saying anything.

Following the Arab soldiers, the six people passed through several noisy lanes and stopped at the crossing. Before long, a military jeep roared with black smoke, growing Brad. Gerry with Pete's face jumped out of the car first. Directly to Lin Xiao and others:

"Mysterious mercenaries from the East, I need your help!" At the same time, the word "Gerry" appeared on the top of the blonde man's head. It shows the identity of the protagonist.

"No problem!" Several people looked at each other and nodded. The master was not completely uninciable, at least he would arrange an appearance for you - although he was just a cannon fodder soldier.

After the identity was confirmed, because of Gerry's death, all the members were wiped out. No one dared to walk around, followed Gerry all the way and patrolled in the huge Jerusalem.

Half an hour later, on the central open square, the group found the black prime minister. Next was the negotiation between the protagonist and the black prime minister. Although the argument was red and spitting, everyone did not pay much attention to it at all, because the zombie siege war in the original plot is coming!

Seeing that no one paid attention to his own people, Zhang Ming whispered, "Hey, everyone said that if we tell the black prime minister the news that the zombies are going to attack the city now, will we stop the upcoming battle of the zombies?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was quite moved.

"Yes, maybe it's really feasible." Qin Yan, a cold and gorgeous girl, nodded in agreement.

Lao Huang obviously hesitated, while Lu Xiaolong frowned and thought about something. Among the crowd, only Lin Xiao looked indifferent, while Feng Xiaoxi followed everyone silently without saying a sound.

glanced at Lin Xiao, and Lao Huang said, "So, what do you think of this proposal?"

Lu Xiaolong gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Zombies attack the city, masses*, the protagonist is completely lucky to survive, and although we are adventurers, who dares to pat their chests and say that they will definitely survive?"

"Compared with the plot characters, our biggest advantage is that we are familiar with the plot! As long as you follow the plot, nothing will happen! And if this zombie siege does not happen and the protagonist does not escape, what is the follow-up plot? Is it the protagonist who continues to pursue the root cause of the virus outbreak or new unknown content?

In a word, everyone sweated coldly. Although they saw the immediate interests, they lost their long-term goals. If they do so, they are likely to face a dead end.

At this moment, Lin Xiao, who had been lazy, suddenly said, "Ah, I said that this issue is no longer meaningful to discuss. Because... Everything has begun."

Looking in the direction Lin Xiao pointed, everyone clearly saw that at the top of the 30 to 40-meter-high wall, more than a dozen rotten heads were probing out!

"lala", a head of a zombie fell from the wall 30 to 40 meters high and fell to the ground like a dumpling. Then, these undead creatures turned into a hurricane and rushed to the crowd still singing and dancing.

"Ah! Zombie, the zombie rushed in!"


Blood is ejaculated, and flesh and blood are flying.

After being stunned for a second, everyone suddenly burst into a shocking scream, and all the laughter just now disappeared, panicked like a homeless dog, and began to escape crazily.

"Sound! It's sound!" Gerry also shouted in the ear of the black prime minister: "If it hadn't been for such a loud noise, it wouldn't have attracted so many zombies!"

The black premier looked gloomy and quickly boarded an armed vehicle. At the same time, he ordered Lin Xiao and others, a soldier Ryan, "Take him to Jafamen and get out of here!"

At the same time, the chaos has completely broken out. The crazy fleeing crowd, the roar of helicopter gunships in the sky, under the impact of zombies, the line of defense formed by soldiers is as fragile as window paper, which is broken at once.

"Quick! Protect Gerry from this damn place!"

An infantry team led Gerry and others and rushed in one direction.

Zombies came over the wall, surrounded by screams, people fell down at every moment, and zombies stood up at every moment. It's like a drop of dark ink dripping into the water, and the black zombie tide began to spread at an alarming speed.

After running back and forth for less than a few minutes, the leading troops of the zombies had chased after everyone. A zombie fell from the sky and happened to fall on a soldier. Suddenly, blood splashed and screams came.

"Dad", the sound of machine guns sounded in an instant, blowing the zombie's head into a pool of meat. Looking at the soldiers lying on the ground covering their necks and screaming sadly, the leader's captain shot without hesitation, ending the few remaining lives of the soldiers, and then roared loudly: "Run! Get out of this damn place!"

Unfortunately, the zombie army had caught up, and the team of more than a dozen people began to reduce its staff crazily.

"Bum!" A rotten zombie jumped out of the crack in the door, rolled wildly in his throat, and rushed straight to Griffin.


Lao Huang roared and strode. His whole body soared. He took the zombie's arm and threw it to the ground fiercely. The ground cracked into fine cracks. The zombie stood up from the smoke, a big foot in military boots stepped down, and the white brain immediately splashed to the ground.

"Go!" Lao Huang took *, opened the way first, and shouted, "I'll first, Zhang Ming and Lu Xiaolong, behind the hall, Feng Xiaoxi and Qin Yan cover on the side, Lin Xiao, you take care of it!"

Everyone did what they said, and Zhang Mingshang was still a little hesitant, but after being stared at by Lao Huang, he immediately carried out the order respectfully.

At this time, the soldier was about to die, and the task of protecting Gere had completely fallen on Lin Xiao's group.

Looking at the zombies drilled out of the corner like a tide, Lin Xiao casually threw an insight:

Z virus zombies, the origin is unknown. Power 8, agility 9, the infected person has the remaining little wisdom, dominated by the instinct of killing and appetite. Transmission route: blood transmission. Ordinary people will mutate within 9 seconds to 10 minutes after infection. Weakness, skull, spine."

The group advanced rapidly with Gerry as the center, and the army of zombies poured in like a tide. After all, the others were just newcomers who had just experienced two horror films. Just for a moment, the shortcomings of insufficient cooperation, lack of tacit understanding, and timidity and cowardice were exposed.

First of all, Zhang Ming, this boy may have really strengthened all the reward points. The weapon used in his hand turned out to be AK picked up from the dead soldier. The accuracy of the bullet is terrible. After a series of bullets, AK, who had no bullets, suddenly became a fire stick, making Lu Xiaolong, also behind the rear hall, couldn't help but be angry.

"Zhang Ming! What the hell are you doing!?

Zhang Ming's face flashed with obvious panic: "I... There are no bullets in my gun."

Lu Xiaolong scolded in his heart: "Waste!" At the same time, he raised the light machine gun bought from the master, hung a chain on his body, and shot wildly behind him.

Unfortunately, zombies with basic attributes are about twice that of ordinary people, and are sensitive and fast. Unless they hit the head, they will be immortal. Now, without Zhang Ming's fire suppression, it suddenly broke out and quickly approached the range of five meters.

"Daw! I can't stop it!" Lu Xiaolong shot, and the other side already had a retreat, but Gerry could never die, which meant that he couldn't even escape. For a while, Lu Xiaolong was also a little crazy and desperate.

At this moment, the heads of several zombies approaching burst, and the low roar of Yousheng's guns suddenly sounded. Lu Xiaolong turned his head and looked, and Lin Xiao didn't know when he had come to him.

"Hey, with so many reward points, do you mind if I share a little bit?"

"Haha, if you can eat it, I can give it all to you!"

In the battle just now, the master has given a hint that each zombie has 5 points. Although it is indeed a mosquito leg, who said that the mosquito leg is not meat?