Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 015 Fierce Battle!

The executioner giggled and held the "petty and exquisite" necromancer in his arms. At the same time, half of his fat body met the bitter blade with his back! His huge body and thick fat are the most reliable shield!


The two flames exploded as expected, directly blowing two big holes in the back of the executioner, and the dry and withered internal organs could be seen clearly. As for the two protected undead mages, they are safe.

"Damn!" Lao Lei cursed secretly and continued to stride forward. The three of us have gone so far and are ambushed first. They must not be defeated here.

In the process of rushing forward, the weapon on the scabbard on the left waist was suddenly pulled out!

That's a sharp knife!

Then his body continued to momentum, and then rotated crazily! It can be clearly seen that a cruel and beautiful light rotates around his body!

It's like... Flowers.

A-level skill: rotate the knife wheel. The protagonist of the world's plot. Mummy), (knife hand, knife maker) obtained. Deal 50+ weapon damage x2 damage to the enemy per second for 3 seconds.

Almost at the moment when the rotating knife wheel is launched, a dangerous premonition has come to your face. Lin Xiao didn't think about it and directly summoned a giant sumo wrestler. The sumo, which can almost be calculated by tons, appeared out of thin air, shaking his fat body, and he opened his hands and rushed to Lao Lei.

The knife wheel was easily cut into the tender white tough skin of the giant sumo, bringing out a dark yellow fat profile, and the dirty blood was sprayed out. It was sprinkled by the rapidly rotating blade and fell on the green blade, and there was a sneer in a blink of an eye. The sumo wrestler hissed in pain, and the beautiful knife wheel cut a deep wound in his body, penetrated it, and cut Lin Xiao, who was hiding behind this fat body without hindrance!

At this time, Lin Xiao raised the corners of her mouth and muttered a hurried spell again.

Then, Lao Lei suddenly found that the flesh that needed to be cut had thickened, and the purple-black skin faintly glowed a trace of blood red! Even the dicibels of the terrible painful roar of the giant sumo have increased by a full 30%!


The B-level skill in the Bible of the Dead can only be released to summons with life, which is invalid for adventurers. After successful release, the summons will be 30% of all attributes! The price is the life of the summoning creature!

The giant sumo is magnificent and powerful. In one difficulty, it is definitely at the level of small BOSS. Although it is "unbearable" in front of the second difficulty masters, after obtaining 30% of the overall attribute enhancement at the cost of life, it is qualified to temporarily fight against Lao Lei!

I have to say that Lin Xiao's timing to add state to the giant sumo is really unimaginable. It happened to be the time when the adventurer named Lao Lei cut half of the fat body of the giant sumo! It was his fatal dilemma!

retreat: If the previous work is exhausted, and for an agile assassin, a blow is not hit means failure, failure or death!

jin: The risk will increase, but the return is also great, at least the chance of survival is greater!

Whether you advance or retreat, it is like gambling, a test gamble, a challenge to your confidence and strength! The choice of survival!

Lao Lei was obviously a gambler with strong confidence and chose to enter. He bet that he could deal with the huge monster in front of him. In fact, he won, and there was a tragic cross-cutting wound on the huge fat body of the giant sumo! This skill has hit 1724 points of physical strength in giant sumo! Kill the giant sumo with one blow, and break Lin Xiao's protective halo, cutting several deep bone wounds in Lin Xiao's chest, which shows its power!

But at the same time, a black skull shadow also hit him!

Horrible! It is the ring of fear that has been used in the battle against dark clouds!

Lin Xiao's figure gently flashed from under the body of the giant sumo who was slaughtered and whispered:

"The world's ability to benefit from gambling has never been a gambler, but a banker - the boss who hosts gambling."

But at this time, a thick iron chain stained with blood suddenly swept from the distance like a dragon, directly rolled up Lao Lei's stiff and frightened body and pulled it back. And the black-haired young man abandoned the warring Qin Yujie and strode here!

Exquisite cooperation, overall control!

"Dark Hand!"

The black-haired young man strode and leaned forward. His left hand burning purple flame was inserted into the ground. The next moment, the purple fog spewed out, covering Lin Xiao in an instant.

"You were hit by the hand of the dark fire and fell into a state of dizziness. Duration: 2 seconds.


"GAMEOVER." A sneer appeared on the corners of the black-haired young man's mouth, and a purple sword appeared in his left hand. At the moment when the Yanjian was about to cut off Lin Xiao's head, a transparent wave suddenly enveloped Lin Xiao. The next moment, a fist that also burned the shadow of the rosefinch hit him.

Location transmission device!

Boom! The flames flew and directly collided with the two people and retreated at the same time. The dark-haired young man looked not far away with a dark face. In front of the zombie tyrant, a young man in a black priest's robe.

His, the adventurer Lao Lei woke up from the horror, gritted his teeth and stabbed next to Qin Yujie. A deeply visible bone wound was cut behind him, but the blood suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in front of Lin Xiao without warning!

"Life-saving skill: teleportation!"

2 seconds is actually very short. It's just blinking twice and breathing slowly once. But Lin Xiao walked on the edge of life and death several times in these two seconds!

Especially after Lao Lei teleported to Lin Xiao, because he fell into a state of dizziness, Lin Xiao had no power to fight back. He was directly cut off an arm, and his physical strength dropped by nearly 100 points! I believe that if Lao Lei hadn't exhausted his efforts after a hard battle, Lin Xiao would have fallen to the ground and waited for the second reading time of the "Rebirth Cross".

As soon as the control effect of the dark hand passed, Lin Xiao immediately coughed up a large mouthful of blood, regardless of his old thunder who was still using a knife, and looked ferociously at the black-haired young man who was fighting with Bai Yu.

"Killing Badge: Start a duel!"

Two golden lights fell from the sky, trapping Lin Xiao and the black-haired youth at the same time.

Lin Xiao smiled ferociously, took out a handful of infinite ammunition* with his right hand, then directly resisted the thigh of the thin black figure, and then pulled the trigger!

At such a close distance, the remote prop shield can't play any role! Similarly, in the face of fast-moving and too close assassin-type characters, Lin Xiao did not dare to use destruction magic for fear of being careless and over herself.

Special effects bullets. Dark fire! A bullet wrapped in black flame penetrated the skin of the thigh, tore open the flesh and blood at an initial speed of 700/second, and directly hit the hard leg bone! Suddenly, blood splashed everywhere, and at such a close distance, Lin Xiao could even smell the hot air from the pistol burning muscles.

And under the effect of dark inflammation, Lao Lei's open wound quickly deteriorated, and his flesh and blood were black and rotten, ferocious and horrible.

Lao Lei's face turned pale, but he also knew that the arrow was on the string at this time and had to be fired! With a roar, regardless of the series of hot bullets bombed into his body, he raised the knife in his hand and stabbed Lin Xiao's heart!

This knife is painful and indignant! It was the cohesion of Lao Lei's determination to kill and strong belief, but at the moment when he stabbed Lin Xiao's skin, he seemed to encounter something hindered and was ruthlessly blocked, but he immediately stabbed him again!

The air in front of Lin Xiao even made a broken soft sound! Lao Lei's hand was so fast that he drew a shadow in the air.

In the face of the murderous knife, Lin Xiao did not change his face and fired another shot! Still hit Lao Lei's thigh wound!