Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 017 Reverse Blade Team

"Damn Yuntao team, how dare you cheat me! I'm not done with you!"

The black-haired young man's heart was full of bitterness, but he also hated the reward Yuntao team.

The overwhelming light was as bright as the day. Although it lasted only three seconds, it made many people stare. The first to bear the brunt was a group of proud bats, which were directly shot by the light comparable to the sun. This group of bats suddenly screamed and flew backwards, with smoke all over their bodies, and turned into naked ** old thunder in midair, trembling and twitching at Lin Xiao's feet...

The black-haired young man was also a bachelor. Seeing Lin Xiao raise his cold face*, he immediately raised his hands and shouted with a wry smile:

"Don't do it! We surrender!"

"Surrender?" Lin Xiao glanced casually and shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't think you have the conditions to surrender."

The three adventurers who ambushed and attacked Lin Xiao and others, two men and one woman. The assassin Lao Lei was already lying at Lin Xiao's feet and almost died. The beautiful woman and Lao Huang are fighting well. They are both powerful and physical figures, but they are equal to each other. As for the summoning zombie tyrant, the elegant Qin Yujie has dismembered into pieces of meat...

The brunette youth sincerely said:

"There are no eternal enemies and no eternal friends in the world. I apologize for what just happened... However, what if I can show enough benefits to make up for the unhappiness just now?

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the young man in front of him. Not humble or arrogant, know the gains and losses, act decisively, think quickly, look at the problem directly at the core, and hit the nail on the head... A very difficult and very good character.

"Yes, 100,000 points, 3 A-level props, this matter will be written off."

"Go and rob the bank!" Lao Lei, who was lying on the ground, spewed out a mouthful of blood and cursed, "If I have 100,000 points, I still need to kill you!"

That's 100,000 points, not to mention no, even if I don't want to take it.

Lin Xiao shook his head seriously: "Bank robbery is a technical job. From timing to route planning, it's very troublesome... Where is the convenience of extortion?

The black-haired young man smiled bitterly and said:

"You can see, we are old friends who have been together since a difficult time. For me, Lao Lei is both a partner and a brother, so please think twice..."

said that something was set to be exhibited to Lin Xiao. After seeing the introduction of the attributes of that thing, Lin Xiao's calm face finally changed, and he lowered his head and began to meditate.

At this moment, he looked at Lao Lei and said seriously word by word, "As a very powerful adventurer with two difficulties, I gave you a price for your life."

He raised two fingers and crossed each other: "Five thousand points, ask your captain to take out the money and you can go back. Look, I still think highly of you."

"You're crazy!" Old Lei shouted hysterically: "Fifty thousand points, are you still meowing or *!"

Lin Xiao laughed and said, "Don't say that. From a newcomer to now, the number of points you spend on skills alone may not be this price, right? 100,000 points, this is respect for your ability and the affirmation of your personal value. You should be satisfied. Or do you think you are still underestimated? Then I can add some more."

"I'll go to you/fuck, I'd rather you look down on me!" I'm a fucking loser, a scoundrel, a worthless reptile, and a beggar! I'm worthless!" Old Lei roared angrily.

Lin Xiao clapped her hands and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, very good. You can think you are worthless, but your boss should have it, right? I think he will be willing to do something for his team members.

While talking, he looked at the calm-haired young man.

Lao Lei naturally understands the meaning of Lin Xiao's words.

It is simply normal for the adventurer who falls into the hands of the other party to die in a battle or be blackmailed. It's as common as eating and drinking water.

So most adventurers do not advocate equipment enhancement when strengthening, in the final analysis, because foreign objects are external objects, which are easy to attract coveted. Therefore, few people take the initiative to buy equipment unless the task is rewarded.

Including Lin Xiao and others, except for a few powerful equipment such as magic storage, positioning transmission devices, and shields of holy light, almost all of them are obtained from the mission world and rewards.

"Yes, no problem." The dark-haired young man said in a low voice, "We can make up 50,000 points. But what I'm curious about is... Do you need an ally now?

"The Yuntao team is powerful and used the bloody pursuit order. You are now a piece of delicious in the eyes of everyone. It is no exaggeration to say that there are many adventurers in this mission scene, and we can only be regarded as middle and upper... Although the strength you just showed is very good, I'm sorry that if you only show so much strength, I'm more than 90% sure. You can't retreat this time.

The current situation is that Lin Xiao and others are no longer facing the melee of four-zone adventurers, but snipers from all adventurers, which is too different. That's really frightening with every step.

"In addition, I also have a general understanding of the strength of the Yuntao team. The white robe, one of the two cores of the team, has the means to link the vitality of teammates, the iron face of two of the four leaders, excellent combat power, and suppresses everything by force. There is also Zeng Yi, a wise man in the team, who has a good overall view and means. Presumably your embarrassing situation this time was contributed by him. In addition..."

Lao Huang's voice suddenly sounded, buzzing:

"White robe? You mean the adventurer No. E3907, a man with facial paralysis who likes to wear white clothes... However, he is dead, hehe."

"The white robe is dead?!" The black-haired young man suffocated and stared at several people. After a while, he finally smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that I underestimated you..."

With a bitter smile for a moment, the dark-haired young man looked solemn and said:

"Officially introduce yourself... Fang Han, the captain of the reverse blade team, of course, can also be called the mercenary team.

"First of all, I take back my comments. Although it was incredible, my intuition told me that you really killed the white robe. Then it is not impossible to fight against the pursuers of the Yuntao team... Secondly, our reverse blade team and the Zeng Yi in the Yuntao team also have a lot of 'relations'.

said and took out a fair contract: "We cooperate with each other and serve each other. We have a common enemy and the means to kill the enemy... This is the basis of our alliance!"

shows the basis of the alliance with each other, followed by the agreement on the details of the alliance.

Fang Han made it clear that the three of them would not participate in the front battlefield of the Tianshen team against Yuntao team, but they would secretly give support, warning and corresponding cooperation. And preaching the news of the death of the white robe everywhere, there must be adventurers who have been insulted by the Yuntao team and will not miss such a God-given opportunity.

On Lin Xiao's side, the price to pay is to let go of Lao Lei and learn a lot of information about the world and a hidden mission from Fang Han. As for the 50,000 points of extortion fee, only 10,000 points were collected, which was regarded as compensation for Lin Xiao's "severe injury".

"Well, I hope that the Yuntao team can be wiped out this time. It's time to design a trap..."