Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 037 Damn Paradox

(Well, I looked through the subscription today. Well, there are 9 of them. I thought there was none. Thank you, thank you for subscribing to me.)

I'm a cow...

I'm a gifted cow...

Don't ask me why, anyway, I just know!

My hometown is in a place called * Island, where the sky is blue and the wheat waves are continuous.

One windy afternoon, a naval supply transport ship docked on the shore. At that time, I was young and ignorant. Without listening to my parents' dissuasion, I went to the seaside to swim and play. Then... Then he was caught on the boat by a group of fierce chefs.

I still remember running in the sunset that day, that was my lost youth...

"Is I going to die?"

"No, you just want to be a pot of beef soup."

Many companions were captured and imprisoned in a narrow warehouse. Cold, hungry, afraid, hungry, I couldn't help taking the fruit from a babone's hand.

The size of the fist, with strange patterns on the surface, just enough for my teeth. It just tastes terrible, like the excrement of some kind of canine creature... Don't ask me why I know!!! Otherwise, be careful that I will blow your head!

Then, I suddenly found that my body was full of strength, my legs and feet were sharp, and my mouth could speak.

The group of chefs wearing big hats were surprised and pointed out and commented on me. I was very angry and punched a guy with the smelliest mouth and always spitting into a small cake, and then a large group of guys with firewood sticks surrounded me. Will I be afraid? Never!

Abundant power swims through my body, and I feel unparalleled strength. My fists and feet were like the wind. I picked up a mace and hit it at the sight of people, and quickly put down dozens of people. Finally... A man with devil wings knocked me down with a fist...

"Hey, Mavericks, I like you. Let's hang out with me in the future! Quack!"

"Follow me, there is a fight, and there is meat to eat!"

Later, I learned that it was a demon fruit. At my feet is a transport ship to the great prison in Haiti, and there are some vicious pirates on board.

In this way, I became a great and glorious prison guard.

At the beginning, the guard life was very fresh and exciting. I smashed a few prisoners who laughed at me with a mace and watched their heads burst like watermelon. Well, it was very fulfilling~~

Later, three those, zebra and koala came one after another. After being cleaned up by me one by one, they became my little brother.

I had a fierce time, and then I lived a boring and unchanging life. The little brothers were obedient and let them go east and no one dared to go west. The prisoners in the prison even cringed and didn't even dare to raise their heads when they saw me.

It's just boring...

Until that day, I met a thin man dressed strangely, and he actually proposed to play a puzzle game with me! I have to say that this success aroused my interest... The great Minoter loves to play guessing puzzle games!

"I'll come first, I'll come first!" After the two sides signed the contract, Minoter smiled and said excitedly, "The first question!"

"I have 100 legs, but I can't stand up. I have a long neck, but no head. I feed on the life of a maid - guess an object!"

"Kid, you are limited to one minute. If I can't guess, I will eat you mercilessly. Ah, let me think about where to speak, arms or thighs?"

"This guy actually knows how to disturb the enemy." Lin Xiao curled his lips and spit out two words directly: "... Comb."

Minoter breathed and stared at a pair of bull's eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"The answer to this riddle is a comb!"

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be!" Minotall was a little crazy. "I have come up with the third difficult puzzle. How can he guess the answer? Well, I know. It must be confused!"

Two breaths spewed out of his nostrils, and Minotor buzzed, "You're lucky! You can solve the topic."

Lin Xiao cleared her throat and said:

"The title is very simple... A crocodile stole a father's son, which promised that if the father could guess what he was going to do, he would return the son to his father. So what if the father guessed that the crocodile would not return his son to him?

"???" After thinking for a moment, Minotal understood the meaning and stared at the cow's eyes and thought: "... What will happen? If the father is right, the crocodile will return his son to him, but the premise of this question is that the crocodile will not return his son to him. If what my father said is wrong, then... This, this, this..."

Minoter was still staring at the bull's eyes and thinking seriously, and suddenly Lin Xiao's joking voice sounded in his ear: "It's been a minute. Have you come up with an answer?"

The cow's face turned red, and Minotau roared:

"You cheat, this is not a riddle at all! I'm going to eat you..."

"Ha ha, please read the third article of the contract clearly before talking to me."

Minotall's face turned green and hummed, "You are cruel! Next, it's my turn to answer the question. Now I'm going to defeat you with the first difficult puzzle!"

"Actually, I'm a yellow fork,

Inadvertently fell from the table in the sky,

It's scary.

It can't show the whole building,

never completely hide yourself.

I am a sharp weapon waving in the night.

What am I?

Lin Xiao blinked his eyes and said casually, "Lightning!"

"You!...... How can you guess again? This is the most difficult puzzle!" Mino Taor gritted his teeth and couldn't wait to swallow Lin Xiaosheng alive. It's so annoying. How can you guess my puzzle?

The first difficult puzzle? Well, I won't comment for the time being. Next, it's my turn to answer the question, right?

“...... Say it!"

"Listen, the second question... There is only one person in a village to get a haircut, and everyone in the village needs to get a haircut. The hairdresser stipulates that it is only for people in the village who do not cut their own hair. May I ask: Does the barber cut his hair?

“...... If the barber cuts himself, he will violate his agreement; if the barber does not cut his hair, he should cut his hair according to his regulations. So, so..."

Minoter grabbed the wolf's tooth stick beside him and roared, "Your father, there is no answer to such a question at all!"

Lin Xiao was not afraid at all and vowed, "There are answers to any questions. You can't figure it out because you haven't figured it out yet!"

"If you can't think of it, you can think about it slowly. Now it's your turn to answer the question. Hurry up, I'm in a hurry." Lin Xiao looked disdainful, "In addition, don't fool people with these pediatric puzzles, OK?"

"You, you! How dare you look down on my puzzle! Unforgivable!" Minotor's pair of bull's eyes were about to stare, "Since you insist on looking for death, I will fulfill you and use the final puzzle handed down from your ancestors that no one can solve!"

Lin Xiao's mouth twitched, and what this guy said should not be...

"You only have one minute to answer this ultimate puzzle, and I will swallow you!"

"Listen carefully!...... What animal walks with four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night? The time when he has the most legs is also the time when he walks the slowest and has the weakest physical strength.

"Ha, it's true." Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and gave the answer slowly under the hateful eyes of * Niu, "It's very simple. The answer is 'people'."

"Only people walk on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs at night? When he has the most legs, it is also when he walks the slowest and has the weakest physical strength. Am I right?"

Minoter is going crazy. This is unscientific! How can the ultimate puzzle handed down by the ancestors be guessed so simply?

For a while, the sad and angry Minotaus actually had a sense of grief and indignation.

"Hey, it's my turn, the third question... It's very simple. Can a person go back to the past and kill his grandfather? Remember, you only have one minute."

Lin Xiao laughed and said:

"If this man goes back to the past, he will kill his grandfather before he can meet his grandfather. This means that one of this person's parents will not be born; in turn, this person will not be born; this means that he does not have the opportunity to travel through time; this means that his grandfather is still alive; this means that this person can think back to the past and kill his grandfather... Think about it yourself."

A minute later, * Niu Minotaus squatted in the corner with a crazy face to draw circles, and Lin Xiao swaggered into the passage to the fifth layer of ice hell.

“...... I hate brain teasers!!"