Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 038 If you don't accept it, come and fight!

The capture of the world's largest prison is worthy of the task of earning great prestige.

Lin Xiao's stimulation in just a few hours even exceeded the sum of the previous days.

The magnificent sea storm, the domineering pirate queen, the bloody and violent invasion, the melee of more than a thousand people... Well, of course, there is also the resentment and self-embold * Niu Minotal.

Under the bombing of Lin Xiao's three classic paradoxes, Niu Niu was defeated in a row and had no confidence at all. He squatted in the corner to draw a circle.


Five floor, extremely cold hell.

More than 100 million reward pirates and supernova pirates are imprisoned on this floor. The prisoners on this floor are in an environment lower than the big ice vault, with severe frostbite until death, and a large number of "military wolves" are raised in the forest of frozen hell. It is worth mentioning that there are no phone bugs installed on this floor due to the low temperature.

Opening the door of thick steel, a cold and piercing coldness came to his face. The north wind was mixed with snowflakes and poured into the passage like a tide. The pain of a knife in the face.

Even if Lin Xiao's physical fitness is now ten times stronger than ordinary people, he can't help shivering in this cold.

"Ha, good boy, the temperature is at least ten degrees below zero."

stamped his feet, Lin Xiao gritted his teeth, took out a cold down jacket and put it on, and broke into the wind and snow.

The heavy snow is like goose feathers, swirling in the wind. Heaven and earth are lonely, empty and empty, desolate and far away, like a wilderness abandoned by time. In heaven and earth, there is only one person who walk alone.

The snow under his feet is knee-deep, and at a glance, the earth is covered with silver, which is particularly enchanting.

Lin Xiao silently analyzed the current environment while walking.

"Compared with the high temperature of nearly 50 degrees in the upper scorching hell, this is another extreme."

“...... The average temperature is about 17 degrees Celsius. Ordinary people who stay here for less than an hour will freeze their limbs, freeze their blood, and then die of difficulty breathing.

"There is no sun above the head, there is no heating, the wind direction is changeable, and the source is unknown. There is little vegetation in the snow, and there are only three taels of cold-resistant coniferous shrubs growing together.

"What needs to be paid attention to... The problem of keeping warm. Although there is no extreme cold air in the science fiction film The Day after tomorrow that can freeze people into ice in an instant, the body still can't stand it.

"Pay attention to the enemy's ambush and snow blindness..."

Walking in this storm is undoubtedly a very tiring thing, not to mention physical exhaustion, mental depression and loneliness alone can make people crazy. The unchanging environment and the empty wilderness make people unconsciously tense. In addition, this is also the fifth floor of the deep-sea prison, in which there must be countless dangers lurking. The ambush of local aborigines, the attacks of prison guards, the traps laid by adventurers... It consumes people's minds all the time.

Soon, Lin Xiao encountered the first wave of attacks.

This is a group of giant wolves the size of a calf and snow-white without any color. They are also the indigenous people in the extremely cold hell, military wolves.

The long-term snow survival allowed them to grow a white fur that was extremely conducive to ambush and assassination with the help of the environment. By the time Lin Xiao found these military wolves, he had fallen into an encirclement.

A total of five military wolves surrounded Lin Xiao in the middle. From the indifferent and gloomy eyes and the cold fangs at the corners of their mouth, we can understand that these indigenous people are by no means vegetarians.

Insight Launch!

"Military wolf: one of the indigenous people in the extremely cold hell, with a cruel and fierce temperament and strong territorial consciousness. They often go out in groups. When they find their prey, they rise up and attack them endlessly. Strength: 30, agility: 35. Physical strength: 28. Mental strength: 19."

"skill 1: latent. With the help of the environment, you can effectively avoid the vigilance of prey.

" Skill 2: Tear. The claws and fangs are the biggest weapons of military wolves, which can tear any prey in front of them.

Skill 3: tenacious and unyielding. Build a strong will in a harsh environment, reduce the duration of the control skill effect by 15%, and add an additional 100 points of physical strength.

"Skill 4:???"

It is expected to encounter ambush and attack. Lin Xiao was not in a hurry at all and had already planned dozens of countermeasures. However, after a brief consideration, Lin Xiao still decided to use the simplest means...

"Grey Wolf, come out for a big meal!"

A distant and desolate wolf howling sounded, and a light flashed, and a cute and rolling husky appeared in the snow.

Lin Xiao laughed:

Ha, does the evolution from a native dog to a husky mean that it has entered maturity from childhood? Sure enough

The gray wolf is full of joy, shaking his tail and begging for mercy, and a pair of black bean eyes keep spinning.

Lin Xiao kicked the guy away, pointed to several military wolves surrounding him, and said:

"It's up to you. It's up to you to cook and fry."

The gray wolf nodded with a * face, held his head high and walked out like a boss reviewing soldiers.

The military wolves were shocked, their limbs were digging, and their mouths made uneasy low roars and warning roars. Animals have a strong sense of danger, and they clearly feel the danger from this husky, the kind of disdainful contempt and life-killing arrogance.


When the gray wolf approached more than ten meters, the head wolf finally endured to the extreme and moved. The huge body blew a whirlwind in the snow, and the footsteps were light without making any sound, but full murderous intent came to the face.

The gray wolf is also angry, and a subordinate creature dares to provoke himself? Except for the master and the hostess, all the guys will be torn to pieces!

If you don't accept it, come and fight!


A majestic and furious roar sounded, and the gray wolf jumped out, and his body suddenly expanded and bulged. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a blue and black giant wolf the size of a small truck. His limbs were on fire, and his mouth and his mouth and nose spewed out a black fog full of sulfur. Like a warcraft coming, he was fierce and invincible!

Abyss vicious dog! After eating in several worlds, the gray wolf has long disappeared from the appearance of the dry, thin and cowardly poor puppy and has grown into a frightening horror warcraft!

In the roar, two dogs fought in the snow, and the snow foamed and the ground was in a mess. A minute later, the gray wolf won a complete victory by biting the wolf's neck.

At the end of the battle for hegemony, several other military wolves suddenly fell obediently in front of the gray wolf to show their submission.

The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. The law of the jungle between animals is far more cruel than that of humans.

The winning gray wolf children's shoes once again disguised themselves as Husky and proudly ran back to Lin Xiao to show off their achievements.

Lin Xiao's heart moved and said, "Ask your little brother, do you know where the imprisoned prisoner is?"

The gray wolf wagged his tail and turned his head to whine a few younger brothers. Those military wolves quickly stood up and walked into the wind and snow.

"Sure enough, it's easy to do things with acquaintances, and it's the same everywhere." Lin Xiao complained and followed with a boost.

It wasn't long before a snow-covered steel fortress was found. There was not even a guard outside the fortress, only four or five ragged and trembling pirates hugged each other in the corner to warm each other.

The temperature inside and outside of this steel building is not much different, the same cold and cold and humid. Lin Xiao looked up and looked inside. In the corner of the dust, there were several bodies that had been frozen into popsicles, and the others were also trembling and snotted. Where does a great pirate with a bounty of 100 million yuan look like?

When they saw Lin Xiao appear, their eyes lit up and hurriedly said:

"Brother, help me break open that door. Thank you very much when you go out!"

"I am Captain Sisok. As long as you save me, you can choose money, beauty and wealth!"

"Do you have anything to eat? I'm starving to death. Those damn guards only give us one loaf of bread a day, just want to starve us to death.


Lin Xiao ignored the noise of these people and reached out to hold the iron railing with the thickness of his arm.

"Sure enough, it was made of Hailou Stone..." Lin Xiao frowned slightly. The whole door was made of sea tower stone, and there was not even a lock on it. Now the little white-faced vampire is not here. Without the high-quality chainsaw in the hands of the Texas chainsaw murderer, it is really difficult to destroy the gate for a while.

Hai Tower Stone, a mysterious stone with the power of the sea, is the natural nemesis of the demon fruit ability. And after Lin Xiao's experiment, Hailoushi is also useful for adventurers. A fist-sized fireball can weaken you into a spark...

The ability to complete the fruit, deeply suppress the adventurer's energy attack, and its own hardness is amazing, knives and guns are invulnerable, and water and fire are invulnerable... It is a big problem for both adventurers and capable people.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Xiao suddenly laughed. Since the high-end route can't be solved, we will use the most primitive cracking method!