Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 05 There is no fairy tale in the world

...... The third day of arrival at the human base. Lin Xiao felt that her whole body was about to get moldy.

Life is plain and boring. I'm used to living a full life. Suddenly, I'm so leisurely, which really makes people crazy.

Lin Xiao lay on the march**, looking at the steel sky above her head, lazily closing her eyes to refresh herself.

In the main human base, adventurers are also relatively restrained from each other. After all, they are not three-year-old children, and they have long passed the level of tension without saying a word. What's wrong with stabing a knife secretly is that it still looks like you and me on the surface.

In addition, it was Wilson, the tall white man who provoked Lin Xiao. He didn't know how to hook up with the driver. In just three days, the two had already had a hot relationship and hooked up.

There is no doubt that Lin Xiao's boring act at that time was used by Wilson as a stepping stone...

In the past three days, Lin Xiao has not picked up those miscellaneous tasks. Instead, it exchanged a large amount of information at the brain terminal. Carry out a fierce remediation. The content includes the climate of Pandora, the distribution of minerals, the identification of dangerous areas, mysterious mysteries, and a guide to survival in the wild...

After all, human power is too weak to make a dazzling result in this "rolling wave of the times" unless you strengthen it to the level of the super-level Saiyan in the Dragon Ball.

So, Lin Xiao can only choose a stupid method... Arm your mind with wisdom and fill your mind with knowledge.

Of course, this is also a direct reason why Lin Xiao can't contact other players. It can be said that for the next period of time, Lin Xiao will act alone.

-Pandora Climate and Environmental Analysis Report

"The natural environment of Pandora is actually quite bad for human beings on earth..."

"Although the environment here is beautiful, there are not only the charming features of the earth's tropical primitive jungle, but also the fantasy and incredible of alien planets...

Shining plants, beautiful animals, clear and magnificent starry sky...

But these can't hide the air, water, soil, and the drama contained in all living things here..."

"Pandora's air is highly toxic to humans. The toxic ingredients are ammonia, methane and *. The non-toxic components are similar to the earth, carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen. Therefore, the rain here is full of acid rain. No creature here has hair, and its skin is very tough and smooth, which can resist the corrosion of water. Even most large creatures have evolved extremely hard exoskeleton armor, such as hammerhead thunder beasts or ghosts...

And long-term exposure of human skin to the air here can lead to serious lesions and even life-threatening. And the free native creatures that survive in this environment are naturally impossible to say that there is no harm to human beings on earth..."

At the end of this report, which sprinkled hundreds of thousands of words, even appendixed a Pandora Planet Transformation Plan...

"Although there are many inappropriate things as above, Pandora can undoubtedly become the 21st survival stronghold of mankind..."

"We analyze from specific data. Pandora's average speed of revolution... Pandora's average rotation speed... Pandora's sea and land ratio... Pandora's volume, density, and gravitational acceleration... These data similar to the earth greatly prove the feasibility of the argument.

"About the transformation of the atmospheric environment... Under the analysis of precision scientific instruments, we have analyzed the composition and hazardous substances of most of Pandora's atmosphere, as well as their origin. It is suggested to take the human base as the basis to cultivate the earth's unique seaweed ferns and carry out environmental invasion, so that Pandora will be initially assimilated in a hundred years..."

"Suggestions on the removal and retention of local organisms... Primitive environment, jungle law of the law of the jungle, beastly fierce temperament... Pandora is just a group of beasts and uncivilized monkeys. If it is not our race, its hearts will be different! It is recommended to launch the Galactic Fifth Fleet, launch the Jedi, and carry out carpet bombing of Pandora, of course, after we complete the construction plan of Pandora-Noah's Ark..."

Finally, Pandora's sustainability income analysis report. Large-scale interstellar migration will inevitably lead to a large flow of funds and improve the increasingly tense employment problem... Pandora is rich in mineral resources and has been explored at XX storage sites, which can be used by the Federation for 100 AD years... A fluorescent plant found on Pandora has magical creatures, which can further relieve the aging of human bodies. On this basis, human life expectancy will be extended again by 20-50 years..."

These intelligence analysis materials are not so much proposals as a Pandora's invasion plan... The universe is boundless. When the interests of the two races collide, there is no fairy tale. Some will only be ** naked killing and plunder.

The gentleness is only for those with similar strength. Instead of two species with very different strengths. It's like lions and sheep can't be raised together anyway. What's more, what a good friend to be. Of course, except for some of these freaks.

Today's Pandora civilization is only equivalent to the primitive social period of the earth. Scientific and technological civilization is extremely backward. May I ask why can it compete with human interstellar warships and mechanical armies?

The Nawei, an indigenous primate, is just a group of green civet cats. Have you ever seen a human who is often more than 25 meters tall? Language cannot be communicated, strength cannot be competed, and interests cannot be divided... It's just a group of green civet cats. Why do you possess such a planet?

These are not alarmist. At least Lin Xiao has seen some brief introductions in the document. After the Star Fleet, it seems that the Star Colonial smugglers have also landed in Pandora...

What is an interstellar smuggler?

First of all, you need to understand that there is inequality between people. The more society develops and the more progressive human beings are, the wider the gap will be. The luxury life of upper-class society is not something that ordinary people like us can speculate about. It's as if we are still struggling to squeeze the bus, and some people have bought private Apache helicopters? God knows!

A helicopter doesn't just mean a flying prop. It needs annual maintenance costs, labor costs for drivers, air route buyout fees, and even needs to pass the "commation" of the military department! Can you imagine what a sky-high price this is?!

Since I learned about the emergence of new primates on Pandora. There is a "pet" trend in human upper-class society.

"What? New species? And can it**? OK, grab me. The price is negotiable!"

"Yes, yes, yes, that's what Nawe people are. I've grown up, and I've never tasted what it's like to be an alien woman, quack~~"

If there is demand, there will be a market. Never doubt the existence of a "local tycoon" in the world. For them, money is just a number, and their own enjoyment is the greatest pleasure... Therefore, a new profession came into being, that is, "Star Colony Trafficker".

Trafficking people and tasting the taste of alien girls is not easy to say, so you have to know that what I know is certainly not easy to exist on the market. What should I do? No problem, leave it to the interstellar colonial dealer to solve it!

Our slogan is... As long as the buyer can afford the money, we will try our best to pay for the goods!

There is a very reasonable saying: capitalists will take risks if they have 50% profit, if they have 100% profit, they will dare to trample on all laws in the world, and if they have 300% profit, they will dare to risk the gallows.

And acting as an interstellar human trafficker, the profit can even reach ten times or a hundred times. If you don't open for three years, you can eat for three years.

Under such a big wave, a large group of vulture in the sky also followed the pace of the wolves. Come to Pandora...

There are no fairy tales in the world, and never mind guessing other people's actions with the most vicious thoughts. Only by predicting the worst results will you not be knocked down by despair when you are in trouble.