Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 06 Indigenous Provocation

Pandora's Guide to Survival in the Wild...

Pandora's Native Biology Atlas...

These materials are all about lengthy language and complicated data. For some primary school Chinese teachers who die too early, these things are tantamount to a blockbuster, which can definitely make people dizzy and tinnitus.

However, for a guy like Lin Xiao, who has a dyslexia and can enjoy reading small advertisements posted on the toilet paper, reading these report documents is the best pastime...

Put down the analysis of the "Analysis of the Colonial Report of Pandora's Planet", Lin Xiao was thoughtful:

"Are there actually many useful contents hidden in these boring but not boring files?"

Since the master has logically supplemented "Avatar", some corresponding information must be given. These documents are undoubtedly one of the ways. The content is detailed and complicated. Of course, most adventurers will automatically ignore it... Are you kidding? We are here to kill people and make a fortune, not to be primary school students! Reading is the most annoying thing, chemistry, physics, biology... Get out of here!

So far, many adventurers' understanding of Avatar is only limited to the concept of "a terrestrial planet with rich mineral deposits, dangerous wild environments, powerful monsters and green-skinned civet cats".

They don't know how to distinguish deadly water sources in the wild, how to prevent alien diseases spread on Pandora, how to distinguish directions in a tropical jungle that is dozens of meters high and can't see the sun, and how to identify which plants have cannibal attributes...

In the final analysis, Pandora is not the earth. If you copy the wild survival experience on earth here, you will only die without a burial place.

Although Lin Xiao has not received any tasks in the past three days, he has undoubtedly gained more than everyone here...

After dinner, there was a sudden disturbance among the personnel.

"There was another accident, and a third body appeared in the square."

"Daw, haven't you found out who the murderer is yet? Have those monitoring devices been eaten by dogs?

"It seems that something outside the wall is dry..."

"Impossible! The plasma light defense network on the wall will cut any living creature without authentication into 20,000 small pieces... I am responsible for the inspection and maintenance of the defense system, and I can tell you clearly that no one can touch here quietly!"

The students are talking about it. Lin Xiao mixed in the crowd, stretched his body, and lazily followed the army out of the canteen.

There is an orange sky outside. After the thick clouds, a huge red fireball reveals a faint outline. Under the sunset, the clouds are magnificent and fantastic, suffocatingly beautiful.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will be boring after a long time, especially after the unknown murder...

On the periphery of the human base, outside the huge six-meter-high wall, a huge railing stood up, on which a woman in a white coat was tied. The woman was shriveled, her neck was bloody, and her head was powerless. Obviously, she could not die anymore. Although far away, Lin Xiao still clearly saw that a group of six-legged carnivores the size of thumbs were turning into a thin cloud, shrouded around women in white... Well, maybe it can be called an "alternal fly"?

There is no need for Lin Xiao to ask at all. The gossipers will soon "examine" the woman hanging on the railing. Naturally, the reason is that this woman has a good face and a proud figure. In this base with many women and young men, a woman with such an advantageous talent is bound to attract a lot of attention. Therefore, Lin Xiao followed and heard a lot of information and gossip...

This woman's name is Barbara Stephena, 37 years old. She is an Avatar manipulator under Dr. Grace, a female botanist. Like her arrogant boss, this woman is also a virgin scientist who has a greater interest in plants than men...

After getting a brief introduction of Barbara's life, someone soon led the topic to his emotional experience.

Because of this, she just learned from the letter brought by the "Entrepreneurial Star" spacecraft this morning that she had been dumped by her ex-boyfriend five years and nine months and 22 days ago. Although this was expected and nothing to her, it still made this arrogant woman feel Very unpleasant...

So, this leads to a sad love epic. What Barbara committed suicide and wandered alone after dusk, crying beauty...

Well, these are actually nonsense.

Although people have gossip, more people still choose to be silent. The reason is that Colonel Miles was furious like a lion at this time, with red eyes... At this time, if anyone dares to fart one more, he will be guaranteed to suffer the stormy**.

"Daw! This is provocation, ** naked provocation!"

"Are you all shit-eating and working? How can a woman easily leave the defense circle?!


It is not to blame Colonel Miles for being furious, because this kind of death hanging corpse incident is the third today.

However, in this extremely dangerous alien planet, the accidental disappearance of one or two people should not be a big deal... However, what kind of mentality is it to hang the body outside the wall after killing? What kind of behavior?

This green floor for Avatar's physical activity training is very lively at this time. From time to time, there are slender blue humanoid creatures that are about three meters tall. Avatars come out of log-built, tropical-style buildings. Some of them are jogging or using stiff movements to start climbing over some training obstacles. If they are more flexible, they begin to "increase" Type of basketball.

Although Lin Xiao is curious about the "human specimens" outside the wall, he is also interested in the Avatars in the square.

Lin Xiao went to this group of creatures that interested him very much. It is made of human genes mixed with adult genes, which are artificially cultivated and can incarnate one by one outside the body that can freely survive on this planet Pandora.

The Avatar Project is to first extract the DNA of the Neville people, then select volunteers from the earthlings, and then cultivate in vitro embryos that mix the DNA of Nabeans and Earthling DNA in the DNA genetic laboratory on Earth.

During the three-year journey to Pandora, the embryo grew to the size of an adult under artificial cultivation.

When the * body grows into a complete Neville, human volunteers can station their consciousness through the spiritual communication system, merge with this * body as if they operate their own body and become an "avatar" moving freely on this planet. However, not anyone can manipulate this * Neville man, and only those whose DNA matches his human DNA matching have such ability.

After the link, the host will live in Avatar and perceive the world through Avatar. The physiological structure of Avatar and Neville is basically the same. Their muscle tissue is four times stronger than that of humans. Neurons are highly developed, and carbon in bones exist in the form of high-strength compounds, making their bodies very strong.

And just as Lin Xiao recalled the information about Avatar, suddenly came a burst of **. The automatic door of the metal building not far away was opened, and an Avatar in a white hospital uniform rushed out of it. He was so excited that he didn't say anything, but only knew how to stride and gallop, and in him Behind them, an Avatar and a group of human researchers wearing breathing masks were chasing after them, and they kept shouting the name Jack.

There is no doubt that this Avatar, who only knows "runaway", is the hero of the plot, Jack Sally. His real body is a former U.S. Marine Corps sergeant, who injured his spine in the battle in Venezuela, resulting in a complete loss of consciousness in his legs and becoming a disabled person who can only rely on wheelchairs.

You can imagine how excited Jack Sally will be when he can run with his legs again.

However, this boy's life is very bad. When he doesn't choose, he came out to go crazy when Colonel Miles was furious. Therefore, in a roar, several soldiers soon rushed to Jack Sally and picked up the thick and heavy guns in their hands to shoot. The blue beam of energy splashed out, and Jack Sally rolled to the ground trembling all over. At first glance, he looked like a sheep crazy patient...

"Very good, very good! Since you are very energetic, kill those alien creatures who dare to challenge human dignity! I have encountered this way of death. In that jungle battle, I once fought with those damn monsters, a disgusting monkey with yellow hair, following the ancient evil sacrifice totem 'Somer'... Go ahead and lead the team to bring me those Summer's heads!"

Somer, a primate similar to the Navi people, is one of the indigenous planets Pandora. Cruel and murderous by nature. Worship the ancient flying dragon totem, like to kill its prey and tie it to a stake, so as to sacrifice it to its own totem guardian.