Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 07 Jungle Sniper Squad

The angry Colonel Miles is like a tiger whose buttocks have been touched. He is furious. Everyone dares not hum and stands obediently to be reprimanded. At least in the human base, no one dares to disobey his existence. As the supreme controller of the base armed forces, his orders must be obeyed.

Since ancient times, the army has only needed power, not warmth. Anyone who makes mistakes must be punished. So, poor Jack Sally was given a sacred and solemn mission before he even figured out what was going on...

"Go and use your Avatar to kill those * raised!"

"I'm going to make their heads into specimens and take them back to kick my son as a ball!"

So, Jack Sally, who had just been reborn, could only start his jungle hunting journey with tears on his face.

Somer, a primate similar to the Navi people, is one of the indigenous planets Pandora. Cruel and murderous by nature. Worship the ancient flying dragon totem, like to kill prey, tie it to a stake, and sacrifice it to his totem guardian - Pandora's Local Biological Atlas (in collection).

Looking at the three-meter-tall head on the picture book, clinging to a big tree, and the two arms have evolved into a two-legged creature with mantis knife arms, Lin Xiao touched her chin and muttered to herself, "It's very strange..."

is really weird. Because just a few minutes ago, when Jack Sally became the captain of the jungle sniper, a side mission appeared directly on the mission logs of all adventurers.

Main Mission: Jungle Sniper. Join Jack Sally's revenge team, kill at least three Summers, and reward the military reputation of 500 points and 1,000 points.

"Extra tip: Don't mind, there are always some small accidents in life, right?"

This task is actually quite strange. As long as you are not a fool, you can smell the smell of conspiracy.

What is Summer? How can a monkey jumping up and down a tree have the ability to silently break through the plasma light defense network with a life wavelength detector installed outside the base wall? And there were three murders in just one day?

There is still more than a month before the start of Avatar's main plot. At this time, the protagonist should still be receiving systematic restorative training. Is this the rhythm of killing the protagonist?

The last point, even the glasses girl who has always been known for her well-informed "free travel" is unclear about this sudden side mission. Therefore, before the situation is clear, most adventurers carefully choose a wait-and-see attitude. After all, the reward of this side mission is not high, and there is no pity even if you don't do it.

Be cautious and explore carefully. This is what ordinary people do. However, there is never a shortage of crazy people in this world. Therefore, some people still joined the jungle hunting team this time.

In addition to the protagonist Jack Sally, a black adventurer with an ape's back, a rough-faced white adventurer, and three East Side adventurers joined.

The black adventurer grinned, revealing his snow-white teeth, which were extremely dazzling in the sun. "Goodbye, everyone, just call me Xiaohei. Although I look old, I'm actually only 17 years old this year..."

The opening remarks of this guy are very sharp, and at least many adventurers with playful expressions rolled their eyes.

You are the acting emperor, you must be! Obviously, the forehead tattoo has come out. Why do you pretend to be tender? 67 years old is about the same. Is it good that the eyes of the masses are bright?

Another rough-faced and fat white uncle said,

"You can call me Gray or a wine barrel. In fact, this time I don't have any purpose. I just want to go outside to see the beautiful planet Pandora with my own eyes. After all, it is our dream to roam another planet in the universe and envy others! Whew... "I'm happy!"

Damn it, I obviously look like an uncle, but I have a Lori's heart. That's enough! Isn't it good to be an American uncle honestly? You have to learn to chew words. You are illiterate!

The third adventurer... Lin Xiao.

"Well, in fact, I'm here to make soy sauce."

The onlookers can't complain. Damn, there is no reason for you to make up any one. You have said all the words of soy sauce. What's going on?

Fourth place... Wan Wen.

The plump girl bit her red lips, and the bird stood beside Lin Xiao and whispered:

"Actually... I came with him to make soy sauce.


Well, I'll tell you, a team of traitors/husbands/**/women! You think it's a family. Do you want to return the couple's house?

The fifth person... An Lan, a girl with glasses.

"It is my responsibility to collect information as the leader of this free travel operation!"

But from the little woman's flashing eyes, we know that this girl must be lying...

In addition to the five adventurers who joined the team, there are also ten armed soldiers sent by the army, a powered mecha, and a scientific researcher.

Such a configuration seems to be powerful, but after leaving the defense circle of the human base, it is really like a drop of water melting into the sea, and even a spray can't lift.

Out of the tall steel fortress from the open side door, the leader said seriously:

"I don't care who you are, what your purpose is, and what your intentions are. After entering the jungle, please restrain me! Our purpose this time is just an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! There is no need to make those unnecessary sacrifices!"

"I am the leader this time, and the purpose is to lead you to survive successfully! Without experience, there is no right to speak. You don't understand what kind of malice this planet has against us... Sons, cheer up and don't give your life here!"

Everyone wore air filtration devices on their heads and green camouflage clothes, and stepped into the real Pandora territory for the first time. Behind him is a group of adventurers with different expressions, either indifferent or sarcastic, disdainful and regretful. It's different.

A team of only 20 people invaded the malicious planet Pandora and chased Summer, who provoked human beings. Why is there a lingering smell of death?

The wind is bleak and the water is cold...

"The jungle is beautiful and dangerous. If you want to return to the base alive, you must know everything here!"

-Pandora Climate and Environmental Analysis Report

"The natural environment of Pandora is actually quite bad for human beings on earth..."

"Although the environment here is beautiful, there are not only the charming features of the earth's tropical primitive jungle, but also the fantasy and incredible of alien planets...

Shining plants, beautiful animals, clear and magnificent starry sky...

But these can't hide the air, water, soil, and the drama contained in all living things here..."

"Pandora's air is highly toxic to humans. The toxic ingredients are ammonia, methane and *. The non-toxic components are similar to the earth, carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen. Therefore, the rain here is full of acid rain. No creature here has hair, and its skin is very tough and smooth, which can resist the corrosion of water. Even most large creatures have evolved extremely hard exoskeleton armor, such as hammerhead thunder beasts or ghosts...

And long-term exposure of human skin to the air here can lead to serious lesions and even life-threatening. And the free native creatures that survive in this environment are naturally impossible to say that there is no harm to human beings on earth..."