Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 044 Dragon Knight

"Do you want to chase it..."

Lin Xiao just pondered for a second and made a decisive decision. Just kidding, how can you miss such an interesting thing? That's the Neville man riding the Phantom Flying Dragon. Now he is a super awesome man who drives Bugatti Veyron and Rolls-Royce Phantom. He would rather kill the wrong thing than let it go.

In fact, Lin Xiao is quite interested in the wild Neville people on Pandora. He has always believed that it is very interesting to observe the reproduction of another primate... At least you can understand how these guys give birth through the nerve bundles on their heads, whether they are viviparous or oviparous...

But you must not think of the Neville people as the African indigenous people on the earth who were at a loss in the face of white predators in the 17th century... The powerful warriors of these alien planets can fight head-on against the future army with bows and arrows. Even if a large-caliber depleted uranium armor-piercing bullet hits them, it is just a small Eyes, it is difficult to cause fatal damage. These green monkeys have smart latent skills, simple but united social structure, and strong personal strength... Judging from their flock lifestyle and the handicrafts used, these people can be imagined as stone-era primitive people. Because it is simple, it is powerful...

After seven days of edification on the Forgotten Island, Lin Xiao has his own set of rules of jungle stealth and tracking. The complex plant is undoubtedly more terrible than the underground labyrinth of Minos in the eyes of outsiders, but these are no problem for Lin Xiao...

He ran all the way through the trees without stopping at all... And the reason why he was so familiar with the path was because of some powerful tracking magic...

Lin Xiao's action speed is naturally faster than that of the phantom flying dragon flying on its wings, but with the help of the three-dimensional mobile device captured in the world of Attack on Titan, his movement speed is not slow. Barely can keep up with the shadow of the Dragon Knight.

As a planet Pandora sitting firmly at the top of the food chain, the phantom flying dragon is like a stone-era saber-toothed tiger and mammoth. In its eyes, the Nevilles are at most a group of slightly stronger ants.

Lin Xiao has read the corresponding literature: Generally, Neville people who can have a phantom dragon as a mount are usually from powerful tribes. Not to mention personal force, without a strong helper, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to tame a sky overlord, unless your protagonist's aura launches... And every Neville person who has a creature such as the Phantom Flying Dragon as a mount will have a very high status in the tribe, which is a symbol of strength and courage.

They are like dragon knights in Western mythology, powerful, wise, heroic and powerful... To some extent, this should be one of the messages Cameron wants to convey, and it is also an opportunity for the protagonist Jack Sally to be recognized by the Neville tribe. Strong people are popular wherever they go...

The chase lasted for half a day before it came to an end. The jungle is getting more and more gloomy, and there is no road under your feet. Looking around, although the surrounding scenery is picturesque, the same scenery is also frightening.

Lin Xiao squatted on a branch of a huge sky-looking tree with a diameter of more than ten meters, holding a telescope in her hand and muttering: "It's really a large Neville tribe, but..."

He sniffed his nose gently and then turned his eyes to the jungle not far away. There came a very faint smell of blood... For adventurers, the smell of blood is the most familiar taste, and also the most ** taste. In many cases, bleeding means death... At this time, he faintly smelled a faint smell of blood from the direction of the headwind in the distance.

When Lin Xiao stepped forward in the direction of the smell, she saw a stunned scene...

These are the bodies of three Nawe people. To be precise, they are three bodies that have been gnawed by some kind of creature. They can only be faintly identified as two men and one woman. Their internal organs, limbs, mixed with dirty blood, look quite disgusting...

"What kind of creature is this?" Lin Xiao gently scratched his eyebrows. In the relevant intelligence data, Neville people are not weak chickens. Although they can't be called the strongest on this planet, there are only a few natural enemies that can hunt them, such as Phantom Tyrannosaurus Rex, Death Beast and so on, and these are very large creatures. The people attacked by them will physically know There are quite obvious and recognizable scars, but Lin Xiao felt that the three bodies in front of him were attacked by creatures of no size, at most the level of viper wolf...

But in fact, even a group of viper wolves are difficult to hurt a well-trained Neville warrior, not to mention that the three bodies in front of them were all fully equipped adult hunters.

Lin Xiao walked to the three bloody bodies and looked at them gently without disgust. Not long after, he stood up, picked a leaf and wiped his hand and said, "The time of death was about one day. Although the body was swallowed up by some kind of creature, there were other reasons that really caused their death, except for one In addition to the large number of tooth marks and serious blood loss in the key parts of people, the other two must have been attacked by sharp cold weapons before their lives, and one of them was killed by a complex sharp object running through the head..."

This is just the simplest detection ability. Most adventurers will learn one or two skills. After all, there are still many things to deal with after the killer, such as fingerprints, such as murderers, such as blood stains and so on. If you want not to be caught, you can only understand the thoughts of police officers.

Although Lin Xiao is not a criminal investigation, he can still easily judge the obvious injury in front of him...

So the question now is, who attacked the adult? Is it an attack by a hostile tribe or...

With such doubts, Lin Xiao continued to move forward. He was not interested in investigating a "jungle body throwing case", one because of the limited time, and the other because the windy dragon knight had landed in front of him...

This time, I continued to move forward. It didn't take long, but I saw a crime scene again

There are two bodies, one of which is tightly wrapped in a huge wire mesh, and the whole person is forcibly contracted into a ball and hung in mid-air. This is obviously the work of some kind of intelligent creature, unless the beasts here have also learned to use props...

And another body lay directly under the body, with a big hole in his chest, and the expression of horror left on his face mixed with endless pain...

Looking at the degree of decay of these two bodies, it seems that the time of death is still before the three bodies previously found...

Lin Xiao touched her chin and muttered to herself, "This person died from the explosion of the inside of the chest cavity, and all his organs have disappeared. There is still some component in the body cavity that I suspect is digestive juice..."