Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 045 Runaway Grey Wolf

"That is to say, there should be some kind of creature that enters the person's body while he is still alive, and then eats his internal organs alive, um... This process must be very painful, and his expression is quite entangled... Finally, after the creature grew up, it broke its host's chest in one fell swoop. Of course, its host can't be alive at this time..."

"It should not be a local creature that can take the Neville people as a real host. So, it's a masterpiece of an adventurer?" Lin Xiao said, "The adventurers of the Navier camp are not only the Devils, but also other adventurers who seem to have never appeared so far..."

Lin Xiao looked at the two bodies with completely different death styles on the ground with a calm expression, as if she was thinking...

One was killed by a very powerful and cruel high-tech hunting tool, while the other was killed by some kind of creature eating all the internal organs from the inside...

It seems that I have seen such a way of death somewhere. I'm so familiar with it...

Just as he stood and meditated, suddenly, Lin Xiao's ears were slightly twice, and his eyes tightened and fell backwards in an instant.

A long tube-shaped silver object flashed past the position that should have been his head. Only from the sad sound of the wind was heard after the silver flash, it was possible to judge how terrible the blow was.

Although the creature that suddenly attacked him failed to win the first blow, it obviously did not pay attention to the "thin and small" guy in front of it, so it slowly emerged from the forest from hiding...

This strange and ugly creature has a dry human-like body, a silvery, smooth, metal-like hard shell, a long head, and a long tail like a ** spine... Nearly four meters tall, standing there alone, there is a chilling The coldness gushed out from behind.

In its large open mouth, there is actually a small mouth full of fangs, which is as flexible as a tongue...

Although this creature's head does not have organs that are obviously similar to the eyes, it can still feel its vicious and greedy eyes staring at itself...

It has its fangs towards Lin Xiao and roars continuously like a rattlesnake, but full of danger...

If Lin Xiao still can't name it under such obvious appearance characteristics, then he will call himself an adventurer, not to mention that he has already dealt with this creature...

The guy who ambushed Lin Xiao is one of the three giants in the history of American science fiction movies, and the spokespersons of horror and danger are one by one.

It is undoubtedly a puzzling thing to have such a famous and fierce monster suddenly enter this adventure world. However, even the Zerg in StarCraft can enter randomly, and another kind of "old friend" is really nothing.

But anything can happen in the city, but you must have a heart that can accept any cheating thing in an instant. Not to mention "old friends" like aliens...

is indeed an old friend. In the world of Attack on Titan, the Yuntao team has experimented with the Alien Legion project, releasing the alien mother, and cultivating a group of alien troops with the lives of millions of people outside the wall of roses. At that time, Lin Xiao had seen many aliens, including the flying aliens cultivated by the flesh and blood of giants... Speaking of which, the attacking giant world has not been concerned for a long time. I don't know if the giants who came down from the sky have killed the alien army...

Alien creatures have strong adaptability and can sleep for decades without death even in a cosmic vacuum without air and water. After parasitizes into other organisms, it can absorb the excellent genes of the host and then evolve into a perfect combat form to adapt to the environment. It is a typical powerful creature similar to the Zerg.

Speaking of which, aliens and Zerg seem to be close relatives in terms of appearance...

Aliens are natural combat creatures. From birth, they have amazing fighting instincts without any training and cultivation. For hand-to-hand combat, they can easily cope with them by relying on the ancient battle memories imprinted in their genes... However, adventurers are also excellent species that have evolved to be close to perfection. , they have slender and agile bodies, several times the muscle density of human beings, tough bones like spring steel, and smooth skin that is as defensive as bulletproof vests... Judging from the physical conditions alone, even Lin Xiao, a mage profession who has not strengthened his close combat ability, can still shake one Head Alien. Of course, it's just an alien in the movie, and the one that appeared in front of Lin Xiao is obviously bred by using the bodies of the Neville people, with their excellent genetic fragments, and also carrying some evolutionary aliens with the biological characteristics of Pandora...

Turn on insight, and the information given is also quite speechless:

"A Alien (Navy model) is a combat weapon bred by some powerful 'hybrid' technology. The attribute data is as follows... They are cruel and murderous, deeply rooted in the greed of the soul, so that they will not give up until they reach their goals. And extremely vengeful. To some extent, you can regard it as a 'cruel' savage girlfriend..."

This alien obviously has great hostility to Lin Xiao. His black nostrils moved lightly, his yellow teeth came out of his mouth, and a drop of yellow saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth and fell on the body on the ground. After emitting a stinky smoke, it only took only a few seconds to rot the head of the body. The erosion is only half of the charred and smelly*. The strong corrosion ability can be seen.

The confrontation did not last long. Lin Xiao blinked her eyes and suddenly showed a sinister smile at the corners of her mouth. Then a blurred door suddenly appeared in the air.

Call of Demons...

"Wow~~" A distant and desolate howl sounded from the light door, and the strong and ferocious atmosphere revealed made the Neville model alien muscles tense, and the hiss of warning became more and more rapid.

Then under the gaze of one person and one beast, a snow-white Pomeranian dog jumped out of the bare door, lay happily on the ground and circled, and then bit the corners of Lin Xiao's clothes to act cute...

"Grey Wolf! If you act cute again, I will stew you!" Lin Xiao's cold voice came. The frightened white puppy whined and trembled, and his big eyes looked at Lin Xiao pitifully and almost cried.

Lin Xiao was unaffected at all and kicked the cute gray wolf in front of the alien. "No, kill it, I'll take you to have a big meal~~

I don't know when the gray wolf fell in love with pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Every time he showed a cute and cute image, I don't know how many girls have cheated.

As a member of the cannon fodder class, it has always been a nameless dragon set in Western myths and legends. The status is low, the morning is not guaranteed, and there is no pause... This can be seen from the skinny appearance when summoned.

However, the hell dog has an attribute of "unlimited growth". Only by constantly devouring the flesh and blood of powerful creatures of the same or superorder can it continue to be powerful.

Starting from Legend of Ghosts, Lin Xiao will only have a chance to summon the gray wolf and let it follow him. After so many adventurous worlds, although the gray wolf has not yet evolved to the level of the hell gatekeeper 'three-headed dog', it is no longer Wu Xia Amon.

At this time, when he heard Lin Xiao say that there was something to eat, he suddenly screamed and stared at the alien in front of him, revealing two snow-white wolf teeth. The round body bones actually burst out an amazing momentum, making the alien keep roaring.

The limbs suddenly exerted strength, the gray wolf lightning, and the body instantly soared to more than three meters high, burning black flames all over the form of the fighting giant wolf. The muscles slide perfectly in a streamlined shape, and the instantaneous explosion speed even forms a series of shadows in the air! One paw sharply cut the alien chest and immediately sprayed out pale yellow body fluids.

This high-strength concentrated acid can even corrode special metals. Although the gray wolf has a sharp mouth, it has not evolved to ignore corrosion. There is a faint yellow smoke on its dark claws, making it roar angrily.

I was injured first, and the alien suddenly roared angrily, and his head suddenly poked out. The inner nest teeth in the mouth popped out like a nail gun and went to the gray wolf. Coincidentally, the gray wolf also waved a claw to the alien at this time. This claw collided with the inner nest tooth in the air, and the next At that moment, the roar of the alien rattlesnake and the roar of the gray wolf were made at the same time.

The thrust speed of the alien inner nest teeth has reached supersonic speed, and the force is enough to penetrate the steel plate several centimeters thick. The powerful explosive power exceeds the power of the bullet outburden. So the gray wolf retreated a few steps directly in this collision, and his right front paw trembled uncontrollably.

And the alien was obviously uncomfortable. With a strange roar, the inner nest teeth in its mouth were suddenly cut by the claw of the gray wolf, and even the top part of the inner nest teeth fell to the ground and was still shaking slightly...

But this does not mean that the alien has lost its ability to fight. On the contrary, the injured alien is the real most dangerous creature...

The alien opened its mouth and shook its head, and the pale yellow corrosive blood in its mouth was sprayed in all directions like a sprinkler along the wound. Wherever it fell, thick smoke rolled.

And the gray wolf who failed one after another finally became furious, roared angrily, and there was a raging magic fire all over his body! It's the form of rampage...

Lin Xiao looked at it with a little surprise. The gray wolf, who has always been unable to work hard, seems to change his past decadent image this time. Sure enough, the soy sauce party is not so good...