Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 093 Sky War

Even if Lin Xiao had curled up as much as possible and even brushed himself with a holy light shield before he jumped out, the sharp teeth of the overlord's Phantom Flying Dragon still easily pierced his lungs. His whole body was like a spicy hot pot on a bamboo stick and was knocked out of the Halleluia mountains by the female Phantom Flying Dragon.

There was a roaring wind in his ear, and the feeling of weightlessness was so obvious that Lin Xiao even heard the sound of his blood splashing...

bursts of tearing pain came from all over. When flying into the night, the female phantom flying dragon had staggered its mouth and wanted to tear and bite Lin Xiao, a bug that could be stuffed into between his teeth, and swallow it into his abdomen... That huge mouth is definitely sharper than the sharpest rock crusher in the world, and even the huge death beast has never survived. But unfortunately, under the abnormal recovery ability of the pseudo-immortal body, it failed to bite Lin Xiao to death, and the wound that was bitten began to recover in an instant, but it made Lin Xiao really feel the pain of thousands of knives...

Lin Xiao, who recovered without saying a word, took out a pot of yellow spray and pressed the button on the place where she could feel the wet and warm breath, and then a pungent gas spewed out. There is the nose, the nose of the overlord's phantom dragon...

As we all know, a dog's nose can distinguish about 2 million different smells, which is more than 100 times that of humans, so the nose is quite fragile and **, which is one of the key points of dogs. The nose of the Overlord Phantom Flying Dragon is also extremely sensitive and can easily distinguish the taste of prey hundreds of kilometers away. In other words, its nose is also a very fragile part...

Lin Xiao's natural anti-wolf spray is not, and chili water and so on have long been outdated... It is a chemical that smells slightly fragrant, but causes great stimulation to the nasal mucosa and olfactory cells of native creatures on Pandora. It mainly becomes an "insecticide spray" for acid oxides and halogens. The main manifestations of middle-aged people are tears and coughing and sneezing...

When did the Phantom Dragon enjoy this kind of treatment? Unexpectedly, I only felt an extremely strong strange stimulus coming from my nose, and then an uncontrollable sneeze surged from the depths of my mouth... Sneezing or something naturally does not need to be suppressed. So this overlord phantom flying dragon sneezed a few giantly. Lin Xiao, who was hung on his teeth, only felt a fishy wind coming, and the huge airflow was no less than the level 12 typhoon, mixed with sticky and yellow saliva being sneezed out like a cannonball.

There was a sad wind blowing in his ear. Lin Xiao, who was rapidly descending, only saw the flying dragon, the phantom of the overlord above his head, still trembling slightly. Obviously, he was enjoying some strange and full of high/tide...

The taste of vertical landing at dozens of meters per second in the night wind is really uncomfortable. If you don't step on the ground, there is always a feeling of unsteady in your heart. So Lin Xiao quickly took out the flying prop bamboo dragonfly. He didn't want to be killed so aggrievedly.

"Grandma, it really hurts." Lin Xiao grinned and grinned, and quickly leaned against the hanging mountain not far away. He didn't think that the overlord phantom flying dragon would easily let him go...

Sure enough, ten seconds later, there was an angry scream above Lin Xiao's head again. It never screamed so recklessly, vented the anger in his chest, and directly included Lin Xiao as the first person on the must-kill list.

In this high air thousands of meters away from the village, all that can be borrowed is the slow-moving bamboo dragonfly above the head. The huge shadow of the overlord's phantom flying dragon has been pressed down like a dark cloud. The feeling of tension and excitement is really hard to describe.

"Come on... I'm waiting..." Lin Xiao's spirit was unprecedentedly concentrated. When he finally entered the attack range of the Overlord's Phantom Flying Dragon, a huge mouth that was enough to bite the Death Beast into two sections and bit Lin Xiao fiercely...

Lin Xiao, who had already concentrated on preparing, resolutely punched and directly hit the side of the sharp fangs of the phantom flying dragon.

Naturally, he will not think that his punch without any skill damage bonus can interrupt the extremely hard dragon teeth. In fact, this punch will only make the Tyrannosaurus Rex more angry, but with the backlash of this punch, Lin Xiao successfully disrupted the offensive section of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, thus Successfully avoided the powerful back claw attack of the pair of phantom dragons that can tear off the whole shoulder armor of the hammer-headed thunder beast...

Failed to make achievements in two consecutive strikes, the overlord's phantom flying dragon suddenly howled again. The two gun-like bone spurs on the tip of the wings, together with the back claws that were enough to tear all creatures and non-living things, coupled with the horrible dragon's mouth, attacked Lin Xiao, which was already... There is no way to escape.

Not to mention being in the sky 1,000 meters high, even on the ground, Lin Xiao can't avoid such a fierce offensive as the Phantom Flying Dragon! Don't forget that he is actually just a mage. Even if he gets rid of his "crisp" identity now, he still has made no achievements in close combat...

But at this moment, Lilin's body unexpectedly burst into incredible three-dimensional mobility.

His body seems to be pulled back and forth by several powerful springs, always in the intermittent gap, escaping the shadow of death again and again with a slightest thrilling degree...

Attack Giant, a three-dimensional mobile device, is a mobile device specially created for hunting giants for small-scale toning and moving... With the help of the expansion and pulling of the two bullets, the nervous Lin Xiao successfully escaped the deadly blows again and again, and played all kinds of wonderful extreme escape between the Hallelujah Mountains and the Overlord Phantom Flying Dragon.

But the phantom flying dragon, as the hegemonic creature of Pandora, is not so easy to be fooled. You should know that even a group of people in the city have never taken it as the target of a planned attack, because it will take too many risks, so how can it be so simply to deal with...

Only seeing this fierce dragon beast, he looked up to the sky and howled violently, and even twitched its tail into the air. This attack was as fast as lightning, but it predicted the direction of the three-dimensional mobile device's flight. The bone tip on the tail directly smashed the metal wire, and Lin Xiao's body suddenly It's out of control...

If these two ropes are all destroyed by the Phantom Flying Dragon, then Lin Xiao, who has no more borrowing power, will probably end up tragically. Therefore, Lin Xiao pulled back the last iron rope with all her strength and swung directly to the back of the Phantom Flying Dragon...

The wings of the Phantom of the Overlord Flying Dragon waved, and the gun-like wing tip stabbed straight at Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao's body was on one side, and the tip of the wing suddenly wiped his chest, leaving a blood tank more than two feet long and nearly an inch deep in his chest...

However, after avoiding this blow, Lin Xiao's goal has also been achieved. With this power, he finally succeeded in standing on the broad back of the Phantom Flying Dragon.

Regardless of standing firmly, Lin Xiao rushed to the two tentacles stretched out behind the Phantom Flying Dragon's head the next moment...

Almost all creatures living on Pandora have two exposed nerves that can communicate with the outside world and exchange information, just like USB sockets carried around. These tentacles are not only sacred organs for these creatures to communicate with their hearts and communicate with Eva, the mother of the earth, but also like human beings. Like the testis/pill, it is the most** and deadly key part of their whole body...

The overlord phantom flying dragon under Lin Xiao is larger than the dragon beast with a wingspan of 25 meters in the original work of the movie. Its wings are more than 30 meters long, so its two tentacles are also seven or eight meters long, and the adult waist is thin...

Lin Xiao's eyes were quick-sighted and finally succeeded in grasping one of them and pinching it with all his strength at the end. It was completely conditioned. The end of the tentacles like tulip flower bones opened by itself, revealing the pink nerve tissue inside like stamens...

Before Lin Xiao attacked this nerve tentacles, he only felt a dark shadow flashed in front of him and there was no time to dodge. Lin Xiao just reluctantly avoided his head and felt an irresistible blow to his chest...

It was another tentacle that attacked him. After being dragged by Lin Xiao, it directly swept Lin Xiao with another tentacle. After being hit by this hit, Lin Xiao flew away like a baseball hit by a home run...

He spewed out a mouthful of blood and hung on Lin Xiao's face with a successful smile: "Although several bones have cracked, you should be even worse..."

Clenched in Lin Xiao's tight fist, it suddenly turned out to be a few pink and fluffy nerve endings, which belong to the nerve endings of the Phantom Dragon...


The overlord phantom flying dragon, which was forcibly pulled off several exposed nerves by Lin Xiao. Although such injuries are not enough to endanger its life, this pain is comparable to the supreme treasure trampled by the crowd in the Journey to the West.

While the Phantom Dragon was rolling in the sky and howling, Lin Xiao continued to escape. Ten seconds later, the recovered overlord phantom flying dragon once again rushed to Lin Xiao.

Seeing that Lin Xiao was about to be hit, there was a blood-like howling from the clouds above his head...

This voice contains endless sadness and anger at the cost of destroying everything...

There is no doubt that the only thing that can make such a sound here is the male phantom flying dragon that suddenly returns to the nest and finds that its dragon egg has been stolen... After hearing the sad howl of the "husband", the female phantom flying dragon that chased Lin Xiao also screamed, directly ignoring Lin Xiao, spreading its wings and flying to the sky, leaving Lin Xiao alone in the wind...