Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 094 Landing

Lin Xiao is really messy in the wind this time...

His three-dimensional maneuver has been damaged. He landed straight at a speed of tens of meters per second in the height of thousands of meters. He could only hear the sad wind and the rapid beating heart in his chest. From time to time, he flashed a piece of dark rocks floating in the air, the speed of facing death and **, when it really stimulates the explosion...

silently listening to the beating heart in his chest, Lin Xiao had never felt his existence so clearly as at this moment, so he simply opened his arms and looked down, allowing the cold night breeze to pour into his whole body from the collar of his sleeves.

After falling for dozens of seconds and passing through a watery cloud, Lin Xiao finally saw the beautiful Pandora's land in the night.

In a ethereal cloud, tens of thousands of rocks of different sizes... or like floating islands, or like mountains, floating in the air helplessly, slowly floating...

Unlike the sky dragon rock, where plants are almost extinct, the floating mountain here is shaded by trees, the sea of flowers is tossed, and even waterfalls fall from the high rocks, forming a new lake on the floating island below...

The vast majority of floating islands are connected by vines with a diameter of several meters or even tens of meters that do not know how long they have grown, forming this shocking wonderland...

Now that I think about it, the reason why the rocks here can float in the air is, of course, because of the magical thunderstone ore. According to the different ore content in the rock body and the mass of the rock itself, the floating ability of these rocks is also different, and some ores have higher and smaller in volume. The mountain rock can float into the sky, such as the magical and terrible sky dragon rock...

I believe that there should be many floating rocks like that, but they are all distributed in the vast airspace of the huge planet and are difficult to find.

And some floating stones that have the "potential to become high-altitude dragon rocks" but are bound by vines can only be like balloons in the hands of giants, swinging with the wind and floating back and forth...

And some of these floating stones and vines are interlocked, which are the ascending stairs connecting these mountains...

However, Lin Xiao did not have time to enjoy the beautiful scenery leisurely, because with a huge sense of oppression and the sound of Xi Xi, a strong premonition of death surged into his heart. Obviously, if he doesn't take any emergency measures, Lin Xiao will fall into a ball of meat sauce in an instant, and he can't even find a complete part. This kind of injury can't even be repaired. Therefore, Lin Xiao no longer hesitated and quickly took out his spare bamboo dragonfly and staggered to the ground... However, because of the fierce battle in the night sky, Lin Xiao has long been unable to distinguish between southeast and northwest, and she doesn't know where she has fallen.

After landing, he used the locator to simply identify the direction. Lin Xiao just wanted to fly away from here, and suddenly heard a low breathing sound above his head. He looked up and saw a cliff floating in mid-air, which was actually a flying beast like a pterodactyl living with thousands of pterodosaurs...

These flying beasts are the "Ikalan" in the Neville population and the "bamale-winged beasts" in the earth's population. They have a blood relationship with the overlord Phantom Flying Dragon chasing Lin Xiao, but their volume is much smaller. Although they also eat meat, they are omnivores.

What the Neville people are best at is to train this kind of flying beast as their own sky mount and become the most admirable and hunting hunter in the eyes of ordinary Nawe people - the Ikalan Knight.

These Ikalan beasts are obviously a nest of a large tribe. After roughly identifying the number of enemies, Lin Xiao silently put away the bamboo dragonflies, measured the land with the soles of his feet, and walked out of the mountain step by step...

"What is this?" Entering a long and gloomy rift valley, Lin Xiao suddenly saw a pale green stain on the stone next to him. At this time, the sun has not yet risen, and the rift valley is still quite dark, and this stain faintly glows in the darkness, which is easy to find.

He observed cautiously for a while, then pulled out a hair and dipped it in it. After making sure that there was no poison, he reached out and touched it. When he withdrew his finger, he suddenly pulled out a long and sticky light green adhesive line.

"Does it look very sticky?"

Lin Xiao frowned slightly, and some speculation flashed in his heart. Then he found a lot of light green spots on the stones around him, shining brightly. However, no dangerous creatures were found, and they immediately ignored them and continued to head on their way.

After walking through the big rift for 20 minutes, Lin Xiao finally walked up a narrow ramp to the ground. However, as soon as he stepped on the ground, he suddenly felt an indescribable strange feeling behind him. He immediately rushed forward and turned around to make a blocking action!

At a height of about 50 meters in the sky behind him, that is, at the upper end of the Rift Valley, there is a very strange-looking creature floating. From afar, this creature looks like a strange hair ball. It has brown skin, four long legs and two spider sting limbs. The tentacles, and its four long legs are connected by a wide film, firmly stepping on the cobwebs made of transparent silk threads.

Just when Lin Xiao saw the creature, he saw a faint green fluorescent flow on its four long legs, and then quickly gathered on the two tentacles, and immediately sprayed a mass of fluorescent green mucus at Lin Xiao.

There is no doubt that this mucus is definitely not a good thing to welcome him, so Lin Xiao simply made a dodge action and rushed out. Fortunately, the mucus did not fly fast, so he was fully confident to avoid this blow.

But at this time, his eyes were widened, and the green mucus was actually divided into two, two, four, four and eight in the air... In the gap between the split, there are even green mucus threads connected. When it flew over Lin Xiao's head, a huge light green spider web with fluorescence was formed! It's overwhelmingly shrouded! Lin Xiao had no reason to think of a word... The net is all the place!

"You are captured by the special ability of the thunder rock spider: cobweb."

"Your movement speed attack speed will decrease by 60%."

"If you are invisible, you will be immediately manifested."

Covered by this giant cobweb, Lin Xiao's body was immediately covered with light green mucus, and his hands and feet seemed to be tied by elastic ropes, which became particularly difficult. Even if he took a step, it would take a lot of effort. Lin Xiao struggled for a moment. Seeing that he couldn't get rid of it, he didn't bother to waste time. He rubbed his fingers and directly ignited a bright flame between his thumb and stretched out to the cobweb. Sure enough, this extremely sticky cobweb is like encountering sunny afternoon snow and quickly turns into a puddle of disgusting turquoise streams.

"Sure enough, no matter where it is, spiders are fire-fearing creatures, otherwise how could there be a wonderful scene of Sun Dasheng burning spider spirit~~"