Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 017 The crushing of power!

"You are not the only one who will keep a hand." Although the knight seemed to be at a disadvantage, he still smiled gerociously and laughed very happily! There is still residual blood on his facial features, and his expression looks more fierce: "My talent is 'hidden tolerance', which converts 5% of the damage into arbitrary attributes in ten minutes! That is to say, the more painful you hit me, the stronger my counterattack will be!"

โ€œ...... Your strength should be close to 50 points, right?" Comrade Li Daniu sneered and suddenly said, "Then I'll show you what the crushing of power is!"

At this time, a soft light suddenly came out on the knight's hands! That pair of transparent gloves suddenly appeared!

"Your current physical value has been forcibly deducted by 50%, and your potential point has been reduced by 2."

"In 20 seconds, your strength value increases by 20%, and your movement speed increases by 25%!"

"Equip its own skills: the cruelty of the Orcs has been activated!"

"Talent tolerance has been activated! You received a total of 628 damage in ten minutes, and 5% of the damage was converted into additional power for 30 seconds..."

"Your current power value is: 42+9.5 (the brutality of the orcs) +31.5 (talent ability: forbearance) = 83 points!"

"Limited by the extreme value of the current world, your ultimate strength is...80 points!"

Immediately, a dazzling light flashed on the knight's body. His muscles seemed to be burning, and the hot white smoke rolled up above his head, gasping like a cow, and even the space seemed to break between his hands and feet! He roared loudly and crazily:

โ€œ...... Go to hell!!!"

S-level skill Lanzhishan launched! This skill is unique to Goro, the gate of the King of Fighters world, learning conditions, strength 38, agility 20, physical strength 30... The display conditions consume 2,000 points, 5 points of mental value, and 30% of the current physical value. Cooldown time, 30 minutes.

Learning this skill will passively reduce the movement speed by 17%. This effect will increase with the increase of skill level.

The skill is divided into four stages: the effect of the first stage makes the body enter an immovable state within three seconds, and any damage received is reduced by 70%. It cannot be captured by the throwing skills below S level, and can be canceled to the next stage at any time.

The second stage: grab the enemy within Wednesday's meter and capture any character who is lower than the power value of the performer.

The third stage: small pull-up and fall, and give the enemy a lot of paralysis damage with subsequent techniques.

The fourth stage: the end. Return to heaven and earth and completely kill the enemy with a crazy back fall!

Note: In the first stage, you can use it after learning this skill. The second stage requires a power value of 50 points, the third stage requires a power value of 60 points, and the fourth stage of the fourth stage requires a power value of 65 points and 40 points of agility!

Everyone has their own fate. The last world knight happened to acquire this skill by chance and did not hesitate to learn it. However, the S-level skills are not small, and the learning conditions are extremely harsh. It is necessary to fully implement the four stages, and the requirements for their own attributes are even more unreachable. However, under the double explosion of equipment and talent, the knight fully met the launch conditions of this skill.

The eye-catching light has not yet disappeared from the retina. The knight has caught the arm of the razor and pulled him over. At this time, his strength has reached an extreme value of 80 points, so with a force under his feet, the two fell out in the air and flew straight out several meters. Far away, but the thick body of the razor was flat below, stuck in his throat by his thick arm, and his whole body was so absorbed by terrible strength that he could not move at all!

With a "boom", the hard gravel splashed on the ground, and the whole building trembled! Even the knight didn't expect that his own pressure was so powerful!

This continuous move hit the razor's eyes almost protruding from his eyes. There was a hoarse roar in his throat, and his hands and feet moved wildly, as if he wanted to struggle, but at this time, the knight launched a subsequent third skill, which directly grabbed the thick body of the razor from the ground. He violently fell on the iron door next to him, and then hit and rolled a few times and fell with blood all over his face. At the same time, it completely dispersed the little strength that had been accumulated in the razor's body!

"You can die." When the knight said these words with a ferocious smile, he suddenly raised his hands straight to the sky. Between his palms, there seemed to be an extremely sharp light flashing. Then, he leaned down and grabbed the neck of the razor, and the nearly 100 kilograms of body was easily lifted up like a straw.

The razor knew that it had reached the point of life and death. The blue veins on his face were squirming crazily, blood boiling rapidly in his veins, and an inexplicable force appeared all over his body. He shouted wildly and held the knight's wrist with both hands. It seemed that he was going to make a final struggle, but his body was still under his head as if he was not listening to control. The raw on his feet was raised. At this time, the two of them seemed to be stacked arhats, forming a "1" word, and then fell down to the rear together!

Another loud noise, and the whole skyscraper trembled like fear, and even the glass doors and windows at the door were shattered!

"If you often walk by the river, there is no reason why you don't have wet shoes. You always have to pay them back when you come out." The knight put his hands on his chest and said indifferently without a trace of emotion.

The s-level skill is not something that a razor can resist. The concrete floor around this thick and shrewd man's huge body has been shattered into powder, forming a strange human figure. Blood gushed out of his half- open mouth happily, extinguishing his difficult sound into an indistinguishable blur. His current spine has been shaken into 17 or 18 sections by the huge strength, and even trying to move a small finger has become a luxury.

The knight looked at him coldly, raised his hand and punched him. The huge force hit the throat bone. The anti-shocking force directly folded the body of the razor and rebounded. The crackling sound of "crip" crackled, and the whole neck was smashed with one punch. The man who was crushed and blown down by the knight in power, his last health was also emptied in an instant, and he died unwillingly.


And Lin Xiao is undoubtedly quite embarrassed at this time.

The two death guards he hurriedly summoned have been blown in the head and returned to the underworld. One of the little fat arms was also torn off. The price in exchange is a blood stain on the face of the assassin girl. Compared with the invincible knights, Lin Xiao and Xiao Pang, the two difficult brothers, were completely crushed by the enemy in terms of attributes. If it hadn't been for the manual zombies to delay the time on the side, the two may have gone to the west.

"Puss", the speed was suppressed, so that Lin Xiao could not avoid the attack of the assassin girl at all. The dagger reversed and cut a bloody wound on Lin Xiao's waist. From the beginning of the battle to now, there have been more than a dozen more wounds like this, the most dangerous He was even stabbed into the heart by the assassin!

Lin Xiao and Xiao Pang stood back to back, panting, with blood footprints step by step. Xiao Pang smiled bitterly:

"Big, I can't stand it..."

The fat man's agility value is very high, but he used his body to block many attacks for Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao's face was calm and she couldn't see her expression. She said in a low voice:

"Hold on for another 5 seconds, the knight is coming."

"Do you think you can escape?" After the time limit for the death-free gold medal, the elf girl finally resumed her action. She also got the hint about the death of the razor. She was shocked and angry. In addition, she was miserably beaten by Lin Xiao and jumped her feet and shouted, "You damn street! If you dare to kill your uncle, you will die..."

"I don't think so." Lin Xiao smiled and suddenly asked an inexplicable topic: "After the howling of death and my flame fountain, how much health do you have left now?"


"Do you want to launch a money sniper?"


"Please select the target and pay points."

"The target, the girl in front of you... 5000 points!"

"Ding Dong!"

Suddenly, a big gold coin icon appeared above the girl's head. Before the elf girl came to her senses, a sense of fear suddenly surged from the bottom of her heart, as if facing the huge tsunami on the golden beach in Malaysia, small, helpless, desperate and irresistible...< /P>

"Ding: You received a special attack 'money sniper', and your health value is forcibly deducted 43 points, and the rest..."

The elf girl opened her eyes and saw the black hole muzzle of the silver revolver and the curling smoke floating at the muzzle of the gun. Before the word "no" was shouted out, a bullet had been deeply embedded in her forehead, smashing all her unwillingness, regret and helplessness...

"Ding: You killed the number E4830..."