Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 018 Cut the grass to eradicate

"No! Damn it!!"

The razor and the elf girl died one after another, but it made the middle-aged Chinese-faced man's eyes red. Since its establishment, when has their team experienced such a big loss?

His heart was so angry that he was about to blow up his lungs and no longer hid his strength. His fists ignited dazzling thunder and hit the hand-made zombies that rushed to him fiercely.

Thunder Fist!

It's so! The electric current rushed around, and an electric current of more than tens of thousands of volts broke out in an instant, directly knocking down the hand-made zombies to the ground and temporarily losing the ability to move. There were bursts of burning smell in the air. The middle-aged man's eyes were hot. Just as he wanted to cooperate with the assassin girl and another man to kill Lin Xiao, there was a heavy footsteps behind him, and a tall figure strode from the corner!

It took only seven or eight seconds to kill the razor, so the knight is still in the "strongest" state, surrounded by murderous spirit, like a prehistoric beast, and his eyes are so hot that people can't look directly.

The middle-aged man's face changed, but he immediately said, "Go back! Get out of here!"

The razor and the wet nurse have died, and the two cores of the team are hanging here. Even if he is unwilling to stop, he still has to choose to retreat, otherwise waiting for him is likely to be destroyed...

Speaking of which, the elf girl's death was aggrieved. As a wet nurse, if she hadn't been confused by the death of the strongest person in the team, and because of her prior insight into the strength of Lin Xiao's attributes, she would have been to despise her. The first thing to get out of the invincible state should be to brush her blood volume to the alert line. At that time I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort for Lin Xiao to kill her...

The health value of the elf girl is less than 50%. At this time, the calculation method is that the damage value is 100 points = 1 health value. Lin Xiao spent 5,000 points on a single item!

"Would you like to go?" Lin Xiao naturally saw the supporting knight and said directly to the little fat man beside him, "Use all your strength to delay them!"

"Well, fat brother, I'm going to lose my temper~~" Xiao Pang nodded excitedly, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, directly gave up the fight against the assassin girl, and strode out with a ferocious smile.

Xiao Pang's fat body seems to be burdensome, but in fact, it can absorb the damage well. Although it is not that the knife can't be stabbed and shot, the assassin girl stabbed him in the neck and just suffered some skin trauma. The appearance looks a little terrible, but there is no internal injury inside.

Under the outbreak of 50 points of agility, the fat and wide body was more agile than the ape in the jungle, but at a speed exceeding the assassin's little girl, he rushed to the front of the national character's face, opened his hands, and hugged the middle-aged man in his arms with the turbulent waves.

"Fat, let go!" The Chinese-faced fist was hit in a series, but he had just used a lightning fist. Now his skills are cooling down and can only rely on ordinary attacks, and most of the attack force has been absorbed by the fat man...

"I won't let you go, fat brother, I will cover you to death today!" Xiao Pang's face was so painful that his fat head was trembling, and blood foam spewed out of his mouth, but he was not cowardly and refused to admit defeat.

Three seconds later, a strong wind came behind him and felt the piercing cold murderous intention. The middle-aged man's face finally showed despair and roared:

"You run away! There is no need to worry about firewood! Remember never to avenge us if you are not sure!"

The white-haired assassin girl and another young man gritted their teeth and stared at Lin Xiao. Without saying a word, they turned around and fled out.

A sense of crisis suddenly came to his mind, and Lin Xiao hurriedly shouted, "Little fat, avoid it!" At the same time, he quickly put a shelter of light for the little fat.

The next second, a dazzling flame exploded, and the meat was like rain, smearing scarlet color on the white walls on both sides of the passage.

The huge air wave set off by the explosion came to his face, directly lifting Lin Xiao's head away, and his mouth and nose were full of blood. And the little fat almost in the center of the explosion was even more miserable. His whole body was like a rotten rag, with every good place all over his body, lying in the corner without knowing life and death.

Lin Xiao gritted his teeth and stood up, reached out to erase the blood flowing from his nose, took out a teleportation card to trade to the knight, and said:

"You can't let them escape, otherwise the future will be endless!"

"I understand!" Comrade Li Daniu took the teleport card, rubbed his fingers and disappeared in the same place in an instant.


The spiritual scan unfolded, and Lin Xiao finally sensed the weak but firm heartbeat of the little fat. Knowing that this guy would not die for a while, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. His mind moved, and the miserable wound on his body quickly healed, but it recovered intact in an instant. Then he quickly chased the two in the direction of their escape.

Cut the grass without rooting, and the spring breeze blows again!

This kind of unstable factor outside the plan has always been the most annoying. As long as there is a chance, Lin Xiao will definitely catch these people all. In contrast, a teleport card worth 3,000 points and a D-level side plot is nothing.

Lin Xiao ran all the way. When he came to the outside hall, he suddenly heard a roar in the air. He quickly lowered his body, and a rotten corpse had blown over his head with a roaring wind. With a crack of blood splashed everywhere, and a bitten body flew straight over. After hitting the opposite wall, it slowly slipped Fall, pull out a shocking blood stain on the wall!

Lin Xiao naturally turned to the corridor on the left and frowned slightly, where a fierce dinosaur was tearing the body!

The dinosaur's tail is about four meters long, and the scales under its body are dark green. It looks like a shrinking Tyrannosaurus rex. Its front claws are extremely sharp, and its two thick hind legs can make deep marks on the hard and smooth terrazzo ground. When it sees a stranger, its triangular eyes show crazy and ferocious Eyes, the muscles all over his body swelled. As soon as he saw the living man, this guy suddenly opened his bloody mouth and screamed sadly.

Lin Xiao saw the thin and sharp teeth in the dinosaur's mouth at a glance. These terrible sharp serrations were like serrated knives. It is used to peel or break muscles from bones and then grind them.

However, after seeing the phantom flying dragon and other Pangran*, Lin Xiao has no love for this kind of "little bean" at all.

In doubt, Lin Xiao saw the knight, and under his feet was a monster with a human head and a dinosaur body. He looked like the escaped male adventurer!

His current "forbearance" time limit has passed, and his whole body fell into weakness. He fell on the dinosaur who sat under his feet, and his mouth and nostrils flowed out with black blood together. He saw Lin Xiao rushing over and reluctantly smiled and said:

"I solved one, and the little dinosaur was the dessert I left... The female assassin has run out, but one of her legs was broken by me, and it's not too late to chase her.

Lin Xiao nodded and said, "Be careful, don't let the wind and waves come, and finally capp the boat in the sewer!"

"Get out of here!"

Seeing that the out of control dinosaur had buried its head and charged at him, Lin Xiao put away the silver left wheel, half bent down and squatted down. It seemed that he wanted to fight hard with it. In fact, at the moment when the dinosaur was about to jump on it, he jumped up, grabbed the chandelier on the top with both hands, and gently borrowed his waist force, and the whole person It was attached to the ceiling, and then rushed out of the bank.

Chasing out of the bank hall, Lin Xiao saw the silver-haired female assassin in the middle of the road. The woman obviously also noticed the chased Lin Xiao. She looked back at him coldly, reached out and made a throat-cutting action, and then suddenly opened a pair of black wings behind her back and soared into the sky. This woman is strengthened by vampire blood, but it is inconvenient to move around in that narrow space. Now when she comes outside and spreads her wings, her flexibility suddenly increases greatly.

Lin Xiao raised her hand and got a shot. The bullet came out of the chamber, but was cleverly avoided by the assassin girl. Looking at the girl's back gradually rising and disappearing, Lin Xiao's face was as gloomy as water, planning how to solve this leaky fish.

At this time, he suddenly heard the prompt sound from the master:

"Ding: You killed an evolutionary variant, and you got 1000 points, a D-level side plot."

Lin Xiao was stunned and instantly realized that it was the mutant evolution with super regenerative ability that was pressed under the Qingshan University Library!

The tips of domination are not over yet:

"You get a summoning stone. After using it, you can summon a mutant evolution to fight for you for 30 minutes. 3/3 of the number of uses.

"It doesn't take much time." Lin Xiao showed a trace of joy on her face and directly paid 1,000 points to summon a mutant evolutionary body. This monster was the shape when it was finally buried by the building. It has become a ferocious face, a perfect streamlined body, and four bone wings behind it. Ferocious and horrible.

"buzz", the monster developed a harsh scream, flapped its wings, made a hum similar to a bee, and rushed into the sky, chasing Lin Xiao's designated target for it... Three minutes later, the master's prompt sound suddenly sounded:

"Ding, you killed the number E4700..."