Infinite King

Chapter 52: Uneasy

The torrential rain, this desert that has not rained for thousands of years finally ushered in a super rainstorm. For a time, it can be imagined that the raindrops poured on the hot sand and rocks, and the whole desert was like a pot of boiling water, and the white gas rose to a few meters high. If you look down from a high altitude, it is like a sea of clouds.

But Li Jialei in it doesn't feel this way. In the water vapor around Baidu, her whole body is like a shrimp that is about to be cooked. Her skin is red and red, and she can't even open her eyes. She kept running, trying to find a place without water vapor, but the whole desert was boiling at this time, and Li Jialei had escaped!

"It's hot, it's so hot!" Li Jialei covered her eyes and howled in pain. However, when she made this action, the water vapor around her body seemed to be pushed away. At present, she ran directly regardless of any direction. Although it was still hot for a moment, it avoided the bad luck of being steamed immediately.

Suddenly, just as Li Jialei was howling and running, her whole body seemed to hit an invisible wall. It seemed that she didn't exert much effort, so she squeezed in, and then the burning feeling around her body immediately disappeared. The momentary pleasure made her moan, and then subconsciously opened her eyes and looked around.

This is a very strange space, because Li Jialei was surprised to find that she was floating in mid-air, with nothing at her feet, like an unfathomable abyss, getting darker and darker, and could not see the bottom at all. Looking up, there is a white above her head, which is brighter and even a little dazzling, and Li Jialei seems to be in the interlayer between black and white, and her feet are not working hard.

Carefully got up from the ground, Li Jialei found that she seemed to be in a weightless space. She could easily spin and roll in the air. The only difference was that no matter how slave she was, Li Jialei could only stay at the current height and could neither climb or descend.

"Where am I? Am I dead?" Li Jialei muttered to herself, but soon left the idea away. To be precise, Li Jialei has been dead for a long time, so this question itself is wrong. After experiencing several horror films in the main god space, Li Jialei has only one idea about living, that is, as long as she can think, she is alive.

The most important thing at present is that Li Jialei must figure out where she is and what's going on in this space. Li Jialei vaguely remembered that when she ran aimlessly in the desert, she seemed to hit something very strange, and then appeared here.

Li Jialei opened her eyes and looked around. Suddenly, she only found that there seemed to be a black spot far away from her. This black spot was not very obvious. If it hadn't been for Li Jialei's sharp eyes, she would not have found it at all. Similarly, Li Jialei did not see herself entering the entrance of this space, and did not hesitate much at the moment, controlling her body to move towards the black spot.

In this space, she has no focus at all, but it is very strange that Li Jialei can move in that direction, that is to say, she can move her body somewhere without any propulsion. Li Jialei hasn't read much, but she has seen many science fiction films. He still has some of the most basic common sense, but it seems that all this in front of her can no longer be speculated by common sense, so she simply let go of her hands and made normal walking movements, and was surprised to find that her foreground speed seemed to be faster!

was overjoyed, and Li Jialei tried to make a running action. This action is actually very difficult to do when Li Jialei is weightless. Whenever her other foot is about to take off, the hostile foot seems to have just fallen. This feeling is like the feeling that the villain in the domestic plane animation runs with two legs swaying with each other.

However, Yi Jialei found that his speed was not much different from the usual speed of trot. There is no reference around, but Li Jialei's long-term killer training allows her to easily judge her speed according to her senses. What puzzled Li Jialei was that she had been running for half an hour, and the distance between herself and the black spot did not seem to shrink. At present, there was a trace of turmoil in her heart, and then the black spot became smaller and smaller!

Li Jialei was shocked and quickly accelerated her pace. At this time, the black spot actually became bigger again. Li Jialei paused and stopped thoughtfully, and then found that the distance between herself and the black spot was getting shorter and shorter. In just a few minutes, Li Jialei could faintly see the outline of the black spot, and she was actually a person!

Peach blossom forest.

Gai Jun looked coldly at the three people of the Beimo reincarnation team, Miao Miao, Chen Jinnan and Shi Peng in a coma. After a heavy rain, Gaijun, who was thirsty and smoking, simply swallowed a few mouthfuls of rain and found three people in the crowd. Now he and Su Qing went straight to the location of the three, thus forming the current confrontation scene.

The black tiger held a bronze sword in his hand and looked at Jason with an excited expression and said, "Brothers, we have found the chosen one. The chosen one has come to the foot of the five-finger mountain, and the rumor is about to come true. Once the chosen one defeats the Jade God of War, our descendants will no longer need to hide inside the mountain and survive!

Although there are a large number of people at the scene, the words of Black Tiger still reach everyone's ears, which is the effect of his use of his true qi. When the soldiers on the edge also knew the internal situation, they cheered, and many people even squeezed in to see what the so-called chosen one looked like.

After the black tiger finished speaking, he suddenly found that his men** got up and immediately scolded, "What's the thing? Listen to the order, line up immediately, and rest for a moment. Let's listen to the orders of the chosen one!" The prestige of the black tiger in everyone's eyes was very high. After ordering everyone to trot, he quickly lined up the queue and looked hotly at the black tiger standing on the hillside.

"General, I found Mr. Gai Jun!" The captain beside the Black Tiger's eyes were sharp, and he saw Gai Jun in the crowd at a glance and informed the Black Tiger.

"Gaijun! We have arrived at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain and will soon face a big war. It is still a question whether we can fight. At this time, you must kill us all? Chen Jinnan was in front of Miaomiao, holding the black round pimple in his hand. This bomb was exchanged for huge reward points, and its power could destroy everything within a hundred miles, which was also his desperate last card and the reason why Gai Jun hesitated.

Previously, in the desert, under the extreme lack of water, Gaijun's perception of danger decreased many times, so although he subconsciously felt that the bomb would pose a threat to himself, he did not know how much threat it was. Until now, Gai Jun found that the ugly bomb in front of him could already threaten his life!

Su Qing also felt the danger, so he summoned the ferocious spiritual power to resist the giant wolf in front of him and did not act rashly.

With the passage of time, Gai Jun's patience has gradually been exhausted. He suddenly said, "Beimo reincarnation team, as an old team, don't you even know the most basic concept? We all live in this horrible world and may die at any time. If I let you go for a while, I will not mention whether you will pose a threat to me in the future. The tens of thousands of reward points I lack may make me die in the next horror film. So, don't think that a few words can make me let you go. Today, the peach blossom forest is the place where your northern desert reincarnation team is destroyed!"

The crowd gradually made way. The black tiger and the captain squeezed to Gaijun, and Jason, Lu Yan, Mo Monk and Jin Yanzi also came. Gai Jun looked at Lu Yan fiercely and said with a sneer, "What, do you want to protect the three of them? The friendship between us is over, and this time I will take action anyway.

Mo Monk smiled, wrapped his hands around Gai Jun, and then said, "I don't know what hatred you had before. Why do you have to kill them all? My task is to escort the chosen ones to the top of the Five-Finger Mountain. I used to promise them, but I just don't like you to deal with people who have been injured. But now, everyone has just taken it out of the desert, and they all know what their physical condition is. How much combat effectiveness do you have? Can they fight to the death? Monk Mo raised his head and walked back to the crowd, "Please do what you want!"

What Mo Monk said was unclear, but soon Jin Yanzi sighed and said, "Sister Miao Miao, to be honest, I have always treated you as a sister. But what you have done really chills me. If you just want to save Shi Peng and sacrifice five lives, what's the difference between you and the cruel Jade God of War? She gently stroked the pipa, let the raindrops hit her face, and her eyes said firmly, "What I hate most is the little man who ignores human life and is selfish!"

Su Qing looked at Miao Miao doubtfully. According to Jin Yanzi's words, is there any hidden reason for the death of the newcomer of the Beimo reincarnation team? It's just that Jin Yanzi's words tightened Su Qing's heart to save Shi Peng?

Miao Miao, who was standing behind Chen Jinnan, suddenly showed a sad face, and then slowly stood out, looking at Jin Yanzi with blurred eyes and said, "Have you ever liked someone, Jin Yanzi?"

Jin Yanzi said calmly, "No."

Jason, who heard these two words, suddenly fell much lower. He held the golden staff in his hand tightly and let go again.

"Then you won't understand that feeling. For the sake of your beloved, even if you do something that is not humane and unreasonable, you are willing to do it. Our team is my unknown newcomer. Sooner or later, they will die. Monsters, you can only blame them for their bad lives!" Miao Miao gently touched Shi Peng's left face, closed his eyes and said, "Sacrifice five lives in exchange for five lives. As long as I think it's worth it, that's fine. Chen Jinnan, I'm dead. Tell the captain that I love him!"

Su Qing's heart moved and shouted, "Li Jialei, stop..." The next words couldn't go on. Previously, the Eastern Reincarnation Team prompted a death, Li Jialei disappeared, and the newcomer was thousands of miles away. The only possible situation was that Li Jialei was dead. Su Qing felt a little uncomfortable. After all, he was a teammate who had lived and died with him.

Gai Jun suddenly heard Li Jialei's name, and his heart ached, but he did not take action. As Monk Tongmo said, Gaijun's body is actually very weak now, and it is a miracle to be able to stand here. Now it is also very beneficial for Gai Jun to have more time to recover.

Miao Miao suddenly kissed Shi Peng's pale lips, and there was no one left in his eyes, not just tiredness or rain. With a faint smile on her face, she said slowly for a long time, "Captain, I'll go first!" After saying that, the whole person suddenly turned into a golden light, and a pair of golden wings suddenly rose behind her, scaring the four or five soldiers behind her to take a few steps back.

"This is the skill I exchanged, the devil's attachment. Captain, as you said, we, who are struggling in the world of horror movies, have lost the right to be angels. We are already demons, demons with angel wings. In fact, I have always wanted to tell you that as long as there is a trace of beauty in my heart, no one is a demon, including you!"

Miao Miao looked up at Gai Jun with a gloomy face, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. She suddenly laughed, and there was even a trace of gloating in her laughter. "I saw your future, Gai Jun. Loneliness, loneliness, even if you become a superior king, a former lover, and current teammates, leave you one by one. You have become the one you once hated the most, and I already know your future!"

This is the second time Gai Jun has heard similar words! The first time was just entering the main god space. Wang Lin told him before he died that he saw the future. Now, Miao Miao said such words again, which really shocked Gai Jun. However, he looked unchanged and said, "My future is up to me. No matter what I become, it's my own choice!"

Miao Miao's figure is getting lighter and lighter, and most of the golden light from her body seems to be integrated into Shi Peng's body. At this time, Miao Miao seemed to be very weak. Finally, she forced a smile and said, "There are always some things that you don't want to do but you have to do!" As soon as the words fell, Miao Miao's whole body turned into a golden light. There seemed to be five ferocious shadows in the golden light, and then all of them were injected into Shi Peng's body. In the surprised eyes of the crowd, Shi Peng slowly opened his eyes.

Li Jialei's heart gradually calmed down in the strange space. Her guess is correct. This space seems to be a subjective consciousness space, that is, as long as Li Jialei thinks and is firm, then everything will happen and everything may become a reality.

In front of Li Jialei stood a middle-aged man, a middle-aged man with clear eyebrows and a black robe, but it was very strange that in Li Jialei's perception, this middle-aged man seemed to be just an appearance, and his real wool seemed to be an extremely old man.

"Little girl, I have been in this small world for thousands of years, but I have never seen you. Where did you come from? Sure enough, as Li Jialei expected, after the middle-aged man opened his mouth, his voice was full of vicissitudes and faintly revealed a trace of rotten feeling.

"My name is Li Jialei, and I accidentally entered this space not long ago. May I ask who you are? I don't know why, in the face of this middle-aged man, Li Jialei couldn't help but have a good impression and spoke with respect.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you would understand the laws of this world as soon as you entered this small world. It's really not easy. Ha ha, who am I? Some people used to call me Jade Emperor, but I prefer the title of Emperor of Heaven. Little girl, can you do me a favor? The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Li Jialei was shocked. Before entering the world of horror films, she also watched the film "King of Kung Fu" three or four times. Among them, the Jade Emperor only appeared twice, but inadvertently supported his strength to a very strong level. The person in front of her is in his prime, but there seems to be a trace of corruption everywhere. The rotten person is actually the Jade Emperor?

The Jade Emperor did not wait for Li Jialei to answer. It seemed that he had guessed that Li Jialei would answer, or that Li Jialei would not refuse, and said, "I will temporarily improve your strength. Please do me a favor to stop the wine fairy Lu Yan. No matter what he wants to do, you just need to contain him, but because he is a fairy, he will not really die, so you just need to contain him without killing him.

Li Jialei nodded, and then the Jade Emperor in front of her stretched out a finger and gently nodded on her forehead: "Child, go!"

In the Jade War Temple, the Jade God of War suddenly stood up from the pure gold dragon chair, looked at the sky, and then sighed: "I didn't expect you to fail. Is that why you were so indulgent in the Monkey King 500 years ago?

"Hello, Yujiang God of War!" Suddenly, ten figures flashed at the gate of the Yujiang War Temple. The Yujiang God of War narrowed his eyes and found that this group of people were strangely dressed, with men and women, which was very strange.

"Who are you?" Although his palace was broken into by outsiders, the God of War of Yujiang did not show much surprise and did not harshly rebuke his subordinates. Being able to quietly appear in front of the gate of the hall, this group of people are either superior in strength or have some strange skills.

"We are from another world and have come here to discuss something with you." Qi Yun slowly walked to the Jade God of War, as if he was not worried about the outbreak of the Jade God of War.

A bad feeling rose in the heart of the Jade God of War. For many years, the Jade God of War has been at the highest level. Although he obeyed the order of the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor has only appeared once in 500 years, so the Jade God of War is actually the commander of the human world. He defeated many opponents with his own hands, of which the one that he feared the most was the Monkey King, but that did not make him feel as dangerous as now. He subconsciously asked, "What's the matter!"

"I need your halberd and your head!" In the Jihai reincarnation team, a middle-aged man with more than two meters tall and muscles suddenly stood up and pointed straight to the artifact behind the Jade God of War, "Some is Xiang Yu!"


The third update! I coded this chapter at night, and I have no manuscript so far, but as a word maniac, I said that brothers should never worry about whether the promise of ten thousand words will be broken. However, the wonderfulness of the next novel really depends on the enthusiasm of the comrades! Please leave a note every time after reading the book. Even the simplest sign-in makes me much happier. Thank you very much!