Infinite King

Chapter 53: White-haired Witch

When Shi Peng woke up from the golden light, his expression seemed to be very calm. He silently put his hand into the golden light in front of him and made a virtual gesture. When the golden light gradually disappeared, he suddenly sighed and closed his eyes for a long time.

Shi Peng, who recovered, seemed to have completely changed his temperament. Gai Jun faintly felt that Shi Peng was much stronger than before, and he was still in a full state. On the contrary, he was completely a defeated soldier at this time. At this time, he sat down directly and said to the Black Tiger, "Brother, do you have any food?"

Black Tiger immediately recruited several men to give their dry food to Su Qing and Gaijun, and then asked Jason, "God-chosen, 30,000 people on our side came to help you climb Wuzhi Mountain, at your disposal!" It's the same as this. I don't know if Black Tiger likes to say this sentence very much.

Jason swallowed and said, "We have been lost in the desert for a long time. Now Jin Yanzi and I need to replenish our strength and rest. Let everyone sit down and rest first!" After saying that, he looked at the cake in Gaijun's hand.

The Black Tiger was a little embarrassed. Several of his soldiers consciously took out some dry food and handed it to the four Lu Yan. The Black Tiger then stood high and roared, "Everyone sit down and rest for a while. When the chosen one is full of spirit, we will kill the Jade War Temple!"


30,000 soldiers sat down almost at the same time, and the sound of the moment when the armor landed was continuous, but when they sat down, there was no noise in the peach blossom forest except for the rain. It was hard to imagine that the black tiger could make his men to this extent.

It seemed that the words of the Black Tiger shocked Shi Peng. He slowly opened his eyes, turned his head and said to Chen Jinnan with a worried face, "Let's sit down and rest for a while. When the Eastern Reincarnation Team is full of spirit, it is time for us to liquidate!" He did not deliberately lower his voice, so Gai Jun and the two heard his words very clearly.

Gai Jun sneered, swallowed the dough in his mouth, and said after a moment, "I'm enough to deal with you. Hahaha, I didn't expect that the captain of the Beimo reincarnation team still has the samurai spirit, which is really valuable!"

Shi Peng sat down and said in a rather plain tone, "Captain Gaijun, you don't have to provoke me with such words. I don't have any samurai spirit. I just did this to illustrate one thing. If it weren't for my accidental coma, your Eastern reincarnation team would have been three clowns.

Su Qing suddenly gritted his teeth and was about to stand up, but Gai Jun pulled him with a green face and then said, "Anyone has a big talk, especially when his opponent is not as good as himself at present, he can blow as he wants. Again, it's enough for me to deal with you! Don't think that only you have the cards."

Shi Peng did not respond to Gai Jun again, and Gai Jun also tried to take this opportunity to rest. It can be said that he can't eat well and can't sleep in the desert. Gaijun's mental state is already very poor. Now the most urgent thing is to have a good sleep, so he lay down directly in place without hesitation. The rain hit him on the shore completely ignored him and fell asleep in less than half a minute.

Su Qing did not sleep. After exchanging the oracle's bloodline, he had already regarded meditation as sleep, and it was more effective, so he sat still and closed his eyes and began to meditate.

After eating dry food and drinking a little rain, Jason finally felt that he had survived. As the saying goes, when Jason recovered a little, he saw the golden swallow sitting by a tree with a lute in his arms. His eyes seemed to be thinking about something, so he walked over.

Jin Yanzi felt someone approaching and subconsciously looked at Jason. Jason smiled at her and said, "What, are you thinking about something?"

As the saying goes, people in distress are very easy to confide in each other. Jin Yanzi just needs someone to be the audience and nod and said, "I'm thinking about my parents. They died when I was very young.

Jason sat next to her and suddenly pointed to Wuzhishan and said, "Look there, Wuzhishan."

The golden swallow looked in the direction pointed by Jason, and there was nothing special about it. Jason said, "When I was a child, my family also lived near a mountain. Every time it rains, my mother will hold me and look at the mountain in the rain. She said that sadness is like this raindrop, which will only sink, so people should run to the mountain so that they will not be overwhelmed by sadness.

No one has ever said such strange things to Jin Yanzi before, and immediately said with some envy: "It feels good to have a mother. Are there any other relatives in that world and the world you came from?

"No more. My mother is the only one. Jason smiled and said, "I have never seen my father. My mother said that he left us before I was born, so my mother told me to be strong."

"Do you miss him or want to get to know him?" Jin Yanzi pointed to his head and wanted to know what such an orphan who lost his father, the same as himself, thought.

"No." Jason looked ahead with confused eyes and suddenly said a convulsion. Then he looked at Jin Yanzi and said, "Maybe the only thing I'm good at is to cover up my thoughts."

Jin Yanzi is not a fool. Jason was saying this, which seemed to be to say it to him, so he lowered his head and said lightly, "I'm sorry for reminding you of sad things."

"How romantic! Little swallow, a man will say everything you want to hear with sweet words. But in the end, he will make you have nothing. While everyone was resting, suddenly stepped on the flowers from the white-haired witch not far away. Every time her toes were on the peach tree, she could immediately jump out several meters and fall on another peach tree. So several times she came to the closest place to Lu Yan and others and looked at the golden swallow with a smile on her face.

"You actually walked through the Liusha River and did a good job. The children far away from other places, as long as you hand over the golden staff, I can keep you home safely." The white-haired witch looked at Jason with a smile, "Of course, you may be able to bring back the golden swallow you longed for."

"Delusion!" The golden swallow bit his silver teeth and scolded angrily. I just don't know whether she is referring to hand over the stick or Jason taking her back.

"Why did you grab the stick? White-haired witch, we are going to defeat the God of War. Don't you forget that your parents also died in his hands!" Lu Yan frowned and said, "You and Jin Yanzi are sisters!"

The appearance of the white-haired witch surprised the black tiger and immediately greeted his men to surround the white-haired witch, but she didn't seem to care at all, but bit her white jade finger and smiled, "Oh, my parents? That was a long time ago. If I can help the God of War regain the stick, he will give me the immortal water. An orphan girl, a lost teenager, an drunkard, a half-life monk with amnesia, and a group of powerful waste, just because you also want to defeat the Jade God of War? After saying that, she suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. Her whole body floated into the air and waved her arms and shouted, "Go!"

Under the order of the white-haired witch, she suddenly rushed out of the Yujiang army from the woods in the direction of Wuzhi Mountain. Everyone roared into the crowd with a long go, and the scene was chaotic for a moment. The black tiger was shocked. He didn't expect that the rain suppressed everyone's sight so seriously that he didn't find the enemy close at hand. He could only shout, "Everyone!" Even without his order, his bandits had already fought. Even if the black tiger is well trained, it is still a little powerless in the face of the well-equipped and numerically superior Yujiang army. Now he turned around and took a look at the white-haired witch and rushed into the general's grave with a sword: "You are waiting with me to kill the enemy for our descendants!"

I have to say. Although Black Tiger is very proficient in the way of using troops, he also knows how to stimulate morale at the right time. He knew that his strength was more than one or two different from that of the white-haired witch, so he simply took his men to kill the Yujiang army. If there is a black tiger, the morale of the bandit army has been greatly boosted, and it has abruptly blocked the impact of the Yujiang army, and there is a faint tendency to move forward.

"It's not up to you whether you can kill the God of War!" Lu Yan was impatient. He drank a big sip of the rain of the wine gourd, felt the smell of alcohol a little, and then kicked his feet and flew to the tree to fight with the white-haired witch.

As the first fierce general under the Jade God of War, the white-haired witch is also a female stream, which is enough to show her superb strength, but she seems to be slightly inferior to the wine fairy Lu Yan. However, after occupying the commanding height, she shook her long hair very casually, and her thick long hair suddenly soared. It was divided into more than a dozen white whips in the air, and every time she hit Lu Yan, she could make a crackle.

After several blows, Lu Yan fell to the ground, covered his red palm and beat in place with a painful expression. Although Lu Yan is slightly stronger than the white-haired witch, he has to be close to him before he can say so. Now Lu Yan can't even get close to the white-haired witch, so he can only be passively beaten.

Seeing this, the golden swallow flew up with the pipa in her arms. She saw her toes step on a peach blossom, and then the whole person completed a flip in the air. When she looked at the white-haired witch again, the pipa string in her hand instantly burst into the white-haired witch and directly penetrated the thick white hair. The eight-fa witch snorted coldly and grabbed the string in her hand with her hands. However, in this gap, Lu Yan seized the opportunity to flash to her side and turned his palm into claws and claws to lock the throat to attack the white-haired witch.

However, the white-haired witch's best weapon is not hair but long braids. When she found that Lu Yan was close, she shook her right hand, grabbed the long whip at her waist and threw it at Lu Yan. If the attack of hair is weak but dense, this long whip is fierce and fast. The two were so close that Lu Yan had no time to dodge at all. His face was directly hit, but he was also a bachelor, holding the long braid directly, and then kicked the white-haired witch with his right foot.

The white-haired witch was as light as a swallow and gently jumped away from Lu Yan's foot. Unexpectedly, a strong sense of danger approached at this time. She had to immediately lower her body and suddenly scratched the golden hairpin on her head, taking away a few wisps of elegant white hair, even though the white-haired witch was self-proclaimed to be extraordinary. It was a cold sweat. Lu Yan grabbed her neck in a stunned moment, and then crushed her to the ground.

Seeing the white-haired witch captured, Gai Jun, who had already woken up, was shocked and didn't know what the next plot would look like. However, at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly flew from the sky like a streamer. In an instant, two colorful lights Aung San said that Lu Yan only had time to hold up his shield, and his whole body was shot more than ten meters away and knocked down several peach trees.

The shadow stopped, and Gai Jun looked at Li Jialei in surprise and was overjoyed. If Li Jialei is not dead, that's really good. It's just that Gai Jun didn't understand why Li Jialei wanted to save the white-haired witch and was afraid of disrupting her plan, so he didn't ask.

"Let's withdraw first!" Li Jialei picked up the white-haired witch who fell to the ground, secretly made a grimace at Gaijun when her eyes were not in time, and then said with a serious face again, "The other party is full of people. Let's go!"

Although she didn't know who Li Jialei was, she saved herself and told the truth. The white-haired witch had no reason to refuse and immediately stepped on the peach blossom and left. It is almost impossible to say that Lu Yan and others want to leave the white-haired witch.

"Gaijun, what do you mean!" If the white-haired witch doesn't know Li Jialei, then Lu Yan recognized the little girl who had been with him for nearly three days at a glance and immediately scolded, "Which side are you from?"

Suddenly learned that Li Jialei was not dead, and the grimace just now also showed that this person was undoubtedly Li Jialei. Gai Jun was in a good mood and immediately replied, "Am I from which side? Anyway, it's not yours."

Lu Yan shook his sleeves angrily and saw that the white-haired witch was about to be subdued. Suddenly, Li Jialei was killed. Next, the battle of the Yujiang War Temple may be close to three points. He stared at Wuzhi Mountain with gloomy eyes and said, "We must go up the mountain as soon as possible to avoid long night dreams!"

"No!" Monk Mo came out of the crowd and said firmly, "Our people are tired and can't eat. If you don't stay under the mountain for a few days to recuperate, you will only die in vain!" Lu Yan and Mo Monk were originally breathless, and their opinions seemed to have been at disagreement, but Jason suddenly said, "Yes, Master Lu Yan, Jin Yanzi's body itself is weak. We'd better rest here for a few days!"

Lu Yan secretly scolded and narrowed his eyes in his heart. He also knew that rushing like this would only increase casualties, but now what he needed was a person who could get him off the stage so that he could save his face. Who knew that no one present left a step for him, and immediately threw the wine gourd directly to the ground.

However, the moment his gourd fell to the ground, suddenly a whole earthquake shook, as if it were an earthquake. Everyone focused their eyes on Lu Yan before. When they saw him shake the gourd, the earth trembled and were shocked by his strength.

"Look over there!" Suddenly, a bandit shouted, and then more and more people looked at the place in the direction of the desert in front of them. A skeleton army stepped forward neatly in the rain and fog, and countless dense sand scorpions and poisonous snakes swam under them!

"The Sand Emperor is the army of the Sand Emperor!" The black tiger's heart suddenly tightened, "Everyone, get out of the way and let them go up the mountain!"

Black Tiger more or less knows the discord between the Liusha Emperor and the Jade God of War, but it also knows the tyranny of the Liusha Emperor, which is essentially the Same as the Jade God of War. If his own people block his way, they are likely to become dead souls under the knife. When his soldiers see this scene, they can't wait for their parents to have two more legs and desperately retreat to the rear. At this time, the front troops of the whole army have begun to emerge, and the length is even more invisible.

"Is the Liusha Emperor going to send troops to attack the Yujiang War Temple?" Lu Yan's heart moved and shouted, "Let's follow them and let his army clean up the Yujiang army, and we will kill them immediately!"

If you need to consider the fatigue of the boat just now, there is no need to consider this now. Lu Yan and others are so strong that they can recover as long as they have a little rest. The main reason is that the Black Tiger's men can't withstand the impact of the Yujiang army, so they must go up the mountain in the best condition. Now that things have developed to this point, even Monk Mo was slightly moved and said, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Jason, let's go up together!"

Bothe two masters have been agile and smart. He took a look at the golden swallow, but found that he seemed to deliberately avoid his eyes. He was helpless and had to say, "Well, let's go up together!"

Su Qing nodded thoughtfully and said, "I understand that this horror film is actually not for us to participate in the fight in the plot. Now what we need to do is basically to watch the play. The Lord God has already set everything, that is, to help us. First of all, the general army of the Black Tiger, with their help, or can really get what the Black Tiger said, then it is not difficult to use the sea of tactics to surround the rest of the team members. Then we just need to watch the play and finally return to the main space!"

Gai Jun shook his head and said with a smile, "This time you made a mistake. Su Qing, there is no such simple horror film! I'm thinking that we may have done something wrong, and then we will have a shocking escape.

Su Qing showed a puzzled expression and asked, "Why? Do you think the Liusha Emperor can't beat the Jade God of War?

Gaijun pointed to the prompt on his watch and said, "Justice and good and evil. If I guess correctly, the Jade Emperor will definitely appear with the strongest fighting power in the original plot. Do you think we are the righteous or evil now? He looked at Jason and others' North Shadow, "Everything depends on their opinion!"

Dali City.

Prince Duan looked at the old man in front of him with frightened eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he still couldn't say anything. He covered his throat and retreated. After a few steps, he fell to the ground, widening his eyes and couldn't close his eyes.

"Let's go. I'm in a good mood today!" The old man of the teahouse waved his sleeves and then walked out of the door slowly with his waist, "Ha ha, the world is about to change greatly. It's time for Prince Yanqing to control my own army, otherwise it's not clear how he died!"

Wu Xiaofan and others were about to leave in horror. The old man suddenly pointed to Wang Wei, who had lost consciousness: "Take this thing away too!"

indeed can only be regarded as a thing. Wang Wei can be said to be a square conscious meat at this time, which looks extremely miserable. Wu Xiaofan endured the nausea and picked up Wang Wei, and then escaped. Qian Duoduo pulled the dull-faced Niu Shiya and finally left.

"Where should we go?" Looking at Wang Wei on his shoulder, Wu Xiaofan can't abandon her casually. After all, if he dies, everyone will deduct 2,000 bonus points.

Qiangzi wiped the sweat on his forehead and suddenly pointed to the cloudy west: "Didn't the captain let us rush to Wuzhishan at about time? Now it's time!"