Infinite King

Chapter 73: Slap (kneeling)

Lawfield was blinded by Gaijun's mystery, but soon let his men operate. In addition to leaving some frost trolls supporting the scene near the palace, all the other troops gathered to the cracks and went to Warnerheim under the leadership of the mirror to meet the elves there.

Gaijun can even imagine the scene of a group of cold ice monsters and a group of elves who are self-respecting to be the embodiment of nature, which must be quite strange and embarrassing, because next they will fight side by side with each other's hated races.

However, Gaijun doesn't want to spend too much energy on these. To put it, these armies are just their own pawns. As long as they can improve their chances of survival, even if they all die, Gaijun will not be distressed.

With a sigh, Gaijun looked up at the sky. Gaijun doesn't know any constellations. In his eyes, the stars all over the world are the same, and they are irregular and scattered.

"Xiaoyu, how are you? How are you doing in the Southern Wasteland Reincarnation Team?" Gai Jun looked at the sky and asked silently in his heart.

"Captain?" Suddenly, Li Jialei appeared behind Gai Jun and asked, "What are you thinking? Are you so distracted?"

Gaijun smiled and then said, "I didn't think about anything. Li Jialei, what kind of person do you think I am?

I haven't had a good chat with Gaijun for a long time. It seems that there have been two horror films. Li Jialei brought a slightly flat stone from the side and sat down next to Gaijun, and then said, "What do you mean? How about evaluating a person, but it needs to be analyzed from many aspects.

"Oh, there is such a saying, so I'd like to listen to it." Gai Jun was quite surprised. In his opinion, when he asked this, Li Jialei might directly answer that she was very good or not very good.

"Hm, as a man, you are too cowardly. Two beautiful girls in our team like you, but you are indifferent. Do you think you are a coward? Li Jialei summoned up the courage to say this sentence. She wanted to cut in from other conveniences first, and then say this, but her mouth became this sentence.

Gaijun remained silent unexpectedly and did not respond to this sentence. Li Jialei was not too disappointed and continued: "As a member of the reincarnation team, you are qualified."

"What does this say?" Gaijun suddenly became curious. How could he be called qualified?

"Of course. Reincarnation, itself is in an endless reincarnation of terror, which is in a long time. If you have compassion, it is easy to fall into a state of doom. We have no way out." Li Jialei leaned her head on Gaijun's body and hugged his right hand tightly.

Gaijun tried to move his hand, but unexpectedly found that Li Jialei was holding it very tightly, so he simply asked her to hold it: "Are you saying that I'm cruel from the side?"

"No!" Li Jialei was rarely very serious. She whispered, "This is not cruel, this is decisive. Captain, you haven't experienced that kind of life, so it's difficult for your mentality to change. In that model of the law of the jungle, any pity will only bring disaster to yourself.

"I'm sorry to remind you of the sad past." Gai Jun suddenly remembered Li Jialei's past, and his heart ached. Who knew that Li Jialei had experienced so many unbearable memories in the past.

"Nothing, these are all over. Captain, the past is over. Don't indulge in it anymore, okay?" Li Jialei held his hand and said affectionately, "Anyway, there are people who like you in front of you. No matter what you do, you will never die."

Gai Jun suddenly broke away from her hand, and her expression seemed to be very painful. He was about to speak, but Li Jialei jumped up again, gritted her teeth and said, "Wake up. Look at how many newcomers are in our team, and how many are left? Do you think the world of horror movies is fun? Do you really think she can survive? Look at Yang Mo of our team!"

"Bang!" Gai Jun slapped her face, interrupted Li Jialei's words, and then covered his face in pain.

"I don't mean to slander anyone. I just want to tell you that the deeper you indulge, the deeper you will face the reality and the deeper the injury!" Li Jialei finished her last words with tears and looked at Gaijun firmly, "You can hit me and scold me, but you can never change the reality."

"I know that I have been hinting to myself that I must have a chance to meet Xiaoyu. No matter what she becomes, I will see her. Success or failure, I will run into contact with the Southern Wasteland Reincarnation Team. If Xiaoyu dies, I will save my life and have everyone in their team to be buried with me. I have this strength! If the light rain is still alive.. If she is still alive..." Gaijun was speechless when he thought of this. There are many kinds of life, and what are the chances of the kind that Gaijun expects?

"Anyway, I promise you that as long as I contact the Southern Desert Team, no matter what the outcome is, I will never indulge in it." Maybe he felt that he was too impulsive just now. Gai Jun tried to make up for it, "I was just angry. I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. This pain is nothing to me." Li Jialei sat back on the stone and happened to see Niu Shiya not far away. "Let's discuss tomorrow's arrangements, sister Shiya, you can also come and listen to it."

Only then did Gai Jun notice that there was another person behind him, but according to his personality, even if he knew that Niu Shiya was there, it may not be anything to do. However, since Li Jialei spoke, Niu Shiya's participation was also an opportunity to relieve the awkward atmosphere, so he waited for a while. When Niu Shiya sat beside Li Jialei, Gai Jun He said slowly, "Tomorrow morning, if everything goes according to the plot and Loki comes to Lofi, the three of us will go through the Rainbow Bridge to Asga with Lowfield, and then solve Heimdahl as soon as possible."

Team.. Captain, can I ask you a question? Niu Shiya suddenly asked weakly, but she was a little afraid that Gai Jun would directly ignore herself.

"Let's say it." To her surprise, Gai Jun actually gave her a chance to speak and looked at her deliberately, which made her face fever.

"Will Heimdal know that we will go back to Asga with Loki? In that case, will he let us up?"

"Don't worry about this. Loki can hide people, and even Hemdal can't find it." Gai Jun pondered for a moment and suddenly said, "Niu Shiya, since you are the doctor of our team, although you have no combat effectiveness, you still have to fight with us, so that if you exchange something that can heal others in battle in the future, you will not panic."

"What about after that?" Li Jialei asked.

After that, kill all the plot characters and get the most reward points and side plots. Saul, Rocky, Odin, Friga, and Lofi!" Gai Jun suddenly lowered his voice and looked at the stars all over the sky. "Tomorrow will be a harvest day, and it will also be a day of blood flowing into rivers."

"I hope there is no our blood in it." Li Jialei said silently.


Wu Xiaofan and others have not seen Thor 1, so when they knew that Gaijun let the four of them hide in Warnerheim, they had guessed the safe return of this horror film. Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at the watch of the main god in his hand, and then laughed, "Haha, 5000 reward points and a B-level side plot. Even if Li Jialei takes 3000, we still have 3000 and a B-level side plot. He secretly glanced at Li Jialei's mirror image, and then stabbed Wei Dongyang in the waist, "Lao Wei, what do you want to use?"

"Well, to be honest, although Gaijun and others have to squeeze our 3,000 reward points every time, I think it's not bad. After all, we don't need us to fight desperately. Look at so many troops, how Asgar will be in chaos tomorrow." He took a deep breath and then said, "Let's take a look at what the next horror film is. If it is a team battle series horror film, I will save it, otherwise I will exchange some props to enhance my survival ability."

"Oh, why don't you exchange the team horror film instead? The team battle is so dangerous. Wu Xiaofan asked curiously.

Ke Yunlong smiled and then said, "In the team battle series of horror films, in order to get more reward points, Gaijun must first let us participate, in case the Lord God throws some ignorant newcomers, and it will be very likely to protect us, so that the higher the team battle points are, the better. Why do we need to How much do you want to think about it?"