Infinite King

Chapter 74: Cut off the waist and cover the king (9 votes for collection?)

Jotonheim does not exist day and night. When the Lord's time watch shows that there are still 5 hours to return, Loki finally came, which is also what Gai Jun expected, which means the most difficult five hours of this horror film!

Gaijun never thought that the main god would really give people points in the world of horror films, so after knowing that this horror film is a strength to make up for the horror film, he still treats it cautiously. The only difference is that he holds the goal of destroying all the plot characters.

"Then, follow the original plan." Gai Jun said to Lofie beside him, and then looked at Rocky, who was led by a small team of frost trolls in front of him.

"Your Majesty Lauffy, your chance to revenge has come." Loki said this at the first sight of Lofie, and then suddenly saw the three Gaijun beside him and asked, "Who are these three?"

"They are my guests and the entourage of this assassination." Lofie smiled coldly. After Gaijun informed him of Loki's plan, he was lukewarm to Loki, but at least he still needed to give him some face: "So did Your Highness Loki lead the way?"

Loki secretly considered whether the appearance of Gaijun and the others would affect his plan, but now he had to shoot arrows on the string, so he smiled and said, "Of course, this way, please."

Rocky walked ahead with great demeanor and said to Lofie, "You and I each take what you need. After this matter, I will return the source of ice to you, and I will completely ascend the throne and eliminate future trouble forever." It's hard to imagine that Rocky said this like a gentleman.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Lo Fei sneered, "What are you afraid of?"

Loki smiled and said, "My people will not allow a father-slaughter sinner to ascend to the throne."

Gai Jun followed Lauffy, but in the spiritual scan, he found that the Rocky in front of him was just an illusion. It should be a skill similar to Li Jialei's mirror image, and it was also broken with one blow, but in the plot, he could summon many mirror images. If Li Jialei also had such skills, his combat effectiveness could be enhanced a lot. However, from the current point of view, it seems that neither Li Jialei nor Gaijun lack the skills to fight against a large number of enemies or even armies. Maybe Li Jialei will exchange one when she goes back.

With such nonsense, he secretly guessed where Rocky's real body would be, but until Rocky brought everyone to the bottom of the Rainbow Bridge, he still didn't find it.

"Heimdal!" Rocky looked up and shouted a few times, and then a seven-color light went straight down, which did not directly cover the crowd.

"This is the Rainbow Bridge. I have used spells to shield you from Heimdal's eyes. When he sends us back to Asga, I will freeze him." Rocky had an evil smile on his face, "Your Majesty Lofi, I will have to bother your three attendants to guard Heimdal, otherwise something may go wrong."

Lawfield frowned and looked at Gai Jun, and then pondered for a moment, "If Odin is really in Odin's sleep as you said, then I'm enough alone."

Odin made an invitation gesture and led everyone to the light of the Rainbow Bridge, and then a strong sense of adsorption hit. Gai Jun only felt that his soul seemed to float out, and then the whole person flew up quickly. Only one stunned appeared in the room of the Rainbow Bridge. It was yesterday who stood in front of him. I met Heimdal late.

Heimdal originally closed his eyes, suddenly opened after everyone appeared, and then said in a low voice, "Loki, you!"

Rocky jumped up quickly, and the rod of Loki in his hand slammed to Heimdal. Heimdal, who only realized it, only had time to lift the protective sword in his hand, Burt Steel, and his whole body was frozen. At this time, Lao Fei's eyes lit up: "The source of ice!"

Rocky said with a smile, "That's right. Your Majesty, as long as the transaction is completed, what belongs to you will naturally return to you.

Lo Fei sneered, and then said to Gai Jun beside him, "Well, the three of you will wait here. The next thing is very simple."

Gai Jun smiled, saw Rocky take away Lofie, and then sneered, "Li Jialei, you go and follow them. Warnerheim can act. Next, it's time for us to harvest!"

"That.. What about me?" Niu Shiya blushed. She seemed to have been paid much attention to as a fruit doctor. She had neither the ability to participate in the war nor the ability to recover instantly. No matter where she was, she was embarrassed.

"Stay here. Li Jialei's assassin bloodline can hide herself well. You are easy to expose it, but I don't have time to take care of you. Take good care of yourself." Gaijun suddenly held the pure steel sword and looked at Heimdal in the frozen. "I want to see how strong this door god is comparable to Odin!"

It seems that he saw Gaijun. Heimdal began to work secretly since he was frozen just now. At this time, he suddenly broke out of the ice. His whole body was extremely weak, but his eyes were still sharp and he looked at Gaijun and said, "It's you!"

Li Jialei took the opportunity to flash out and rushed in the direction of Rafi. Heimdal was about to stop him. Gaijun shouted, "Your opponent is me, Heimdal, let's continue yesterday's battle!"

It can be seen that after Heimdal broke out of the ice, his mental state was very poor. If he hadn't touched the ground with the guard sword Burt Steel, he would have fallen.

"A timid little, speak wildly!" Heimdal almost spew flames out of his eyes and spit out a mouthful of blood, but he unexpectedly raised the protective sword in his hand, "Let's do it!"

If the rumor of Heimdal is too legendary, Gaijun will still be a little worried. At present, there is no reason for Gaijun to be afraid of this disabled body. He immediately rushed to Heimdal's side, and the huge sword in his hand hit Heimdal's waist with a roar.

As the saying goes, hitting snakes seven inches is actually the same. People either deal a fatal blow to such a fatal part as the head, or attack weaknesses so that the enemy has no room to fight back. Gai Jun saw that Heimdal's injured body was too dexterous, but his defense was amazing, so he was ready to make a tentative attack first.

Heimdal roared and diverted his painful attention. Then the protective sword could block Gaijun's giant sword. The whole person was shocked and retreated several big steps back. Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, he could only support his body with his backhand. Unexpectedly, Gaijun attacked again, and this sword directly stabbed his abdomen. But at this time, he has not stabilized his body.

simply rolled to the side, and there was no pain all over his body under this roll. That was the scar left by him who had strained all the muscles of his whole body when he broke the ice layer, and then he actually regained his combat effectiveness for a moment with this painful feeling and violently waved one hand to guard it. Sword, this blow actually directly cut off Gaijun's pure steel sword, and unexpectedly cut a long cut through Gaijun's abdomen!

After this sword hit Gaijun, the lightning special effects carried by the Guardian Sword itself actually paralyzed Gaijun and almost knelt down. This is really a sewer that overturned the boat. Gaijun is really too big!

Team.. Captain!" Niu Shiya exclaimed and couldn't help rushing to the place where Gai Jun was!

Seeing that his blow had a miraculous effect, Heimdal actually stood up and took advantage of Gaijun's pause, and the protective sword in his hand penetrated directly from Gaijun's chest! Even the flowing fairy clothes were directly punctured like paper paste at this moment! The golden current jumped along the surface of Gai Jun's body. Gai Jun's whole body screamed, and the blood vessels on the surface of his body burst, and the roots of the blue veins were agitated. The moment of death came to his mind, but Gai Jun couldn't even move a finger!

"Ah!" Heimdal suddenly picked up Gaijun, and his whole body suddenly appeared. At this moment, it was like a light return. After picking up Gaijun, he actually had the strength to suddenly pull out the guardian sword in his hand, and cut him off his waist, and instantly cut Gaijun into two pieces!

"Uh~" There was a pain in my abdomen, and then I felt a trace of coolness. I almost lost consciousness in my mind. The electric current fluctuated up and down on the surface of his body and even emitted smoke, and then suddenly I felt that I seemed to fly!

"Captain!" The sad cry sounded, but it soon became blurred, as if the cry had been sealed and blown away.

---150 in the morning, 143 at noon, now 141 collection... This is the rhythm of collapse... Hurry up and send this one at night, kneel down for collection, and burst into tears.