Infinite King

Chapter 128: D-level bloodline

With a guess, Gaijun immediately took action.

First of all, he needs to solve how to inject this energy into the cell, which is actually relatively simple. Under the control and guidance of spiritual power, although the energy in Gaijun's body is still in a violent state, it has begun to penetrate into his cells.

The cell membrane controls the entry and exit of energy very strangely. If there is no effective method, the energy in the body can only operate in blood vessels and veins, and cannot enter the cell at all. Once there is the correct guidance method, the absorption rate of energy by the cell membrane is even faster than that of water, and it will quickly enter the visceral cells of Gaijun.

At this time, Gaijun was also surprised to find that small cells were like bottomless holes. The massive dragon life energy was completely absorbed by Gaijun, but only filled with about one million cells.

Millions of cells seem to be very many, but the real combined size will never exceed half a heart!

So at this time, Gai Jun suddenly thought, what would happen if he could input all the life energy of these dragons into his heart cells and fill the whole heart with energy?

As we all know, there may be problems without an organ in the human body. Generally speaking, there is no such thing as the most important organ, but the core of the machine in his heart is absolutely high status, so he almost does not hesitate to inject all the remaining energy into his heart cells.

The strong heart keeps beating, and the position of the cells is constantly changing, which also makes Gaijun's absorption more difficult.

However, because one-third of the energy had entered Gaijun's other cells before, he did not have the danger of explosive body for a while, so he was not in a hurry for a while. Instead, he patiently disposed of the dragon energy in the person's body and devoted himself to it for a while.

"What should we do?" Among the remaining eight newcomers, one of the boldest girl huddled in the corner of the wall and looked at her companions tremblingly. "Captain Gai seems to have something wrong with himself and looks like he is going to die!" The two women also fell into a deep sleep. If the man in black appeared next, how could we escape?

The girl's name is Zhang Zhen. She is about 15 years old. She is also good-looking. The clothes she wears, including the food she wears, are famous brands, and some of them are even pure English. No one present can recognize the brand it is, but she must be a very high-end brand.

Hearing Zhang Zhen's words, Zhu Ning looked a little annoyed. In this case, if everyone doesn't talk, it may turn around, but people like Zhang Zhen hate it the most, and they often shake people's hearts as soon as they open their mouth.

Sure enough, after Zhang Zhen finished speaking, two other newcomers were also a little frightened and seemed to have a nervous breakdown.

"Enough!" At this time, it was actually Guo Xiaoming, the short and weak man. Of course, the weakness here refers to weak physical strength.

"Captain Gai woke up from the dream space three times. The older woman also woke up once, which means that Fred's dream is not fatal, at least these seniors can survive. The only thing we can do now is to keep calm and drink a bottle of the refreshing liquid when it is about to fail. Guo Xiaoming looked coldly at the three frightened girls, especially Zhang Zhen, "A delicate girl like you is frightened when she encounters big things. If it hadn't been for their refreshing liquid in this world, and some of the newcomers had died and turned into fools, you would have been the abandoned part!"

Guo Xiaoming's words were very sharp, which directly made Zhang Zhen gritt her teeth and look at Guo Xiaoming angrily, and then sarcastically: "A poor loser like you is obscene and has a poor physique. If you want to abandon it, you first! I'm a delicate girl. What's wrong? My father casually gives me thousands of pocket money. Who is not good to me? I just need to tell my father, hum!"

Obviously, Zhang Zhen in front of her does not seem to realize that she is no longer in the original world, or her long-term pet mentality makes her subconsciously come out of this set of words when she meets anyone who dares to provoke her.

Sure enough, although Guo Xiaoming looked angry, he could not say anything to refute.

"Wake up, don't make any noise. We are really in the world of horror movies now. Zhang Zhen, how powerful your father is, can he help you? Look carefully out of the window. Captain Gai's flame has not disappeared. I don't think it's possible for those people in black to get close to us, so we are safe for the time being. We just don't know how long the flame can last. If any of them goes out before they wake up, we will be in danger. At the critical moment, Haotian was relatively calm. First, he said the current situation, and then vaguely said that they were currently in this horror film. Neither the delicate woman nor the poor loser had any ability to change the status quo.

Haotian had established a good prestige among the newcomers before, so when he opened his mouth, Zhang Zhen also lost his mouth. However, Guo Xiaoming didn't seem to buy him. Maybe he was jealous. In short, he just snorted his dissatisfaction.

Haotian is not the kind of boy with small belly chicken intestines. After persuading the two, he turned his eyes to Gaijun with his eyes closed and thought to himself: "The egg before Captain Gai should be a very precious thing! Although he looks almost like an old man in his 100s now, his face is still ruddy and should not have a big problem in a short time.

And Gaijun's situation at this time is also as Haotian thought. After calming down his own problems, he quickly made some progress, absorbing almost all the energy and happened to fill the four main atriums of his heart. At this time, the voice of the Lord God came from his mind:

"Gai Jun, captain of the Eastern Reincarnation Team, has successfully created his own bloodline. At present, bloodline level: D level, value reward points: 2500."

Hearing this notice, Gai Jun smiled disbelief, because he really felt that after his blood circulated through the heart, there seemed to be a trace of energy!

And this energy brought out of the heart is actually active energy! This active energy passes through Gaijun's major blood vessels to every part of Gaijun's body, improving Gaijun's physique little by little.

The speed of improvement is very slow. If Gaijun is not very familiar with his body, he may have ignored this point of improvement. For this result, Gai Jun behaved very plainly, because he believed that this was just the beginning.

With a method, he is sure that he can improve his bloodline to a higher level!

Thinking of this, Gaijun subconsciously looked at the space bag, where there was also a dragon egg with complete energy. Thinking of this, a hot light flashed in Gaijun's eyes, but when he found that Li Jialei and Niu Shiya on the ground were still not awake, his heart immediately cooled.

"How long has it been?" Gai Jun suddenly asked the newcomers in the corner. At present, he wants to know how long Li Jialei has been in a coma. This is the fastest way.

"Ten hours have passed, and now there are still about twelve hours before the return. During this period, they have been very calm and have not found any violent emotional fluctuations. Haotian gave Gai Jun the most accurate answer at this time.

Ten hours? No mood swings don't mean they are not in danger!" Thinking of this, Gai Jun suddenly had an idea of entering the sleeping space, but once this idea appeared in his mind, he immediately felt uncomfortable and seemed to have something very dangerous to happen!

"How is that possible?" Gai Jun was shocked, but when he saw Niu Shiya's eyes closed, he felt a pain in his heart and suddenly thought that he inexplicably wanted to see what those newcomers would do with the two female newcomers...

"The mistake I made, so let me go back and save you!" Thinking of this, Gai Jun suddenly made up his mind, found an anesthetic needle in the house and looked outside, and then said to Haotian, "The fire outside can ensure that people in black can't get in. I even suspect that there is only one restaurant left in the world. Hold on. For the remaining ten hours, you should be very relaxed with the refreshing liquid!"