Infinite King

Chapter 129: Mysterious Old man

It's like a blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, the scene in front of you is the interior of the restaurant. After opening your eyes, it has turned into a desolate hillside.

In the outside world, Gai Junbi has guessed what Niu Shiya's nightmare will look like. Li Jialei is because of her terrible experience when she was a child, and Niu Shiya is this horror film that changed her fate.

However, the current situation is very special, because Gaijun finds that he can't control his body at all except that he can think, a body that has not yet aged. And around him, Li Jialei, Niu Shiya, and even Su Qing were all riding on horses, the familiar face in front of him, the black tiger!

"Brother, everyone has their own pursuits and grievances, so I won't force it here. The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow for a long time. If there is a chance in the future, maybe we can meet again. Gai Jun's body held his fists in his hands, smiled at the burly man in front of him, and then pulled the rein of the horse under him.

And Gai Jun could only watch all this happen. He tried his best to control his body, but found it useless. At this time, his spiritual scan clearly witnessed the gradual deepening of the dimness in Niu Shiya's eyes.

"That's where I thought, the interesting newcomer in the team, is Wang Wei. At the beginning, I just wanted to see if she could entangled you together, and then let Su Qing be the acting captain of the team. I was single-mindedly pursuing the ultimate power. I didn't expect to indirectly harm you!" Gaijun painfully recalled his thoughts. At that time, his thoughts were too simple, or the fetters in his heart only came from his desire for life and his attachment to Xiaoyu, completely ignoring the rest of the team.

Gai Jun's body, including Li Jialei and Su Qing, rode away on horses. The running ability of the horse sent by the black tiger is first-class. Gai Jun's mental scan only stayed on Niu Shiya's face for a minute or two, and he was completely invisible.

During this period, Gai Jun saw disappointment in her eyes, and then Wang Wei beside her seemed to say something to Niu Shiya, with a very strange smile on her face. Because Niu Shiya has been focusing on Gai Jun, who is gradually moving away, she did not find Wang Wei's strange expression, but subconsciously nodded.

At this time, the situation was very strange. Gai Jun's body drove the horse under him and quickly came to the open-air tea shop where he met the mysterious old man. Gai Jun and others sat down to drink tea, and so did the 1,000 soldiers behind them. They prepared their own dry food and did not disturb the nearby residents. Everything seemed to develop exactly according to the situation at that time.

But Gai Jun has already focused his energy on the old man. In her mental scan, the old man still looks like a very ordinary character. He picked up the hot water on the tea stove with trembling hands and rushed into the casserole where the tea had been placed. During this period, he even shook his hand once because he was not strong enough, and some boiling water splashed on the table.

"Is this old man really so powerful?" Gaijun is unwilling to let go of any details. At present, he can't leave this body, so he can only pay close attention to every detail and try to change history in his dreams if possible.

The old man first sent a pot of tea to Gaijun's table, and then continued to deliver water to other tables. At this time, Gai Jun's action seemed to be meditating and recalling carefully. At that time, he should have been considering how to intercept the North Desert reincarnation team at the front line.

There was some emotion in his heart, but Gaijun still did not divert his attention, but continued to pay attention to the old man.

But suddenly, a faint murderous intention suddenly filled you around this world, and Gai Jun was subconsciously shocked. Then when he didn't react, the body had already stood up and said, "It's not good, it's murderous!"

Gaijun's sudden action alerted the people around him, and Gaijun's thinking was indeed shocking, because he had been staring at the old man all the time, only to find that the murderous spirit just now came from his body, but from outside the town!

However, when Gai Junli scanned and sensed in that direction with his spiritual power, he found that the source of murderous gas was empty. If it hadn't been for the murderous atmosphere of that place, Gai Jun would not have found it at all!

Gaijun's discovery made everyone feel much less like to eat. The centurion quickly gave several orders. The thousand soldiers ate the things in their hands hastily, and then seemed to gather and continue to move forward. At this time, Gaijun suddenly found that he could actually move!

"Li Jialei, accompany me back to find Niu Shiya!" Gai Jun suddenly stood up and said to Li Jialei beside him with a serious face.

Li Jialei, who was sitting on the table drinking water, was puzzled, while Gai Jun took her hand and said, "Are you trapped in this world of horror movies again? No wonder you haven't woken up for ten hours. Forget it, it's urgent now. You can find them with me first!"

Although she didn't know what Gai Jun was talking about, Li Jialei still rushed to the horse with Gai Jun and said, "What about Su Qing? What about Su Qing's arrangement?"

This sentence made Gaijun subconsciously think of this dead teammate. He stopped and said to Su Qing behind him, "Su Qing, you may not understand many things, and you don't need to understand them for the time being. You are now leading these people to the front line to guard the sky. Don't sleep at night to avoid the attack of the spiritual sand scorpion army of the Liusha Emperor. If we come back, let's talk about it then!"

Although he knew that Su Qing was already a dead person, Gai Jun still told the story of the Liusha Emperor. At the beginning, he used kahuo to absorb all the sand scorpions, and thus enhanced some strength. I don't know whether Su Qing can survive without him.

After saying this, Gai Jun was about to pull Li Jialei on the horse, and then an old and hoarse voice came from behind him: "Young hero, stay!"

Gaijun's heart was cold. Since he knew that this old man was not the source of murder, he may even be manipulated at this time. He didn't even want to waste time on him, but directly summon the ruler and so on!

Gai Jun was surprised to find that the karma in his body was still in the state of the horror film at the beginning, and the number was very rare. At that time, he had not even created the skill of the ruler!

So now using Yehuo, Li Jialei around...

Gaijun subconsciously and said, "Let's get on the horse and ignore him!"

Li Jialei nodded, and Gaijun in her eyes seemed to suddenly become strange. First of all, his behavior became very abnormal, and he actually wanted to return to save him. Save a new person? The newcomer seems to be called Niu Shiya.

10 hours in a dream?

Li Jialei quietly pinched her waist. After feeling the real pain, she instinctively ruled out the fact that she was in a dream. At this time, the army directly hugged her and rode a horse with her!

Li Jialei's face immediately showed a large area of burning red. She twisted uneasily in Gaijun's arms, and then the gap seemed to be more embarrassing, so she tried to suppress her emotions and asked, "Captain, what's wrong with you? Why do I think you're weird?"

"Just explain it to you now. You are now in a dream. We are in a world of horror movies called Ghost Street. Fred, the boss, makes you think you are in this horror film you have experienced. In this horror film, our teammate Su Qing was... Anyway, he died, but we got a new teammate, Niu Shiya, the 14-year-old girl. Gai Jun concealed the footage of Li Jialei deliberately not saving Su Qing.

"In this horror film, some of my mistakes caused Niu Shiya to be given by the newcomers... In short, it became a flaw in her heart. After that, in Ghost Street, she suddenly fainted. In order to save her, you chose to enter the dream world, but ten hours later, you still didn't wake up, so I had to enter the dream again. The world needs to wake you all up. When Gaijun said this paragraph, his language was a little confused. The relationship between the three is complicated and difficult to explain for a while.

"Do you remember anything now?" Gaijun suddenly asked. After saying so much, his purpose is also to hope that Li Jialei can find herself in a dream, so that his task will be half successful.

It's just that Li Jialei's face was blank, and she seemed to have a certain skeptical of Gai Jun's statement. Then her face changed and she said, "Captain, we will chase them now and soon meet the people of the Beimo reincarnation team!"