
Chapter 23 The style of that stick

When a crisp sound, the sound is particularly huge in this quiet forest. With Zhong Xi's fierce blow, a metal head broke away from his body and flew to the sky. The wires pulled at the neck under his head were still flashing with electric sparks. As the head rotated, electric sparks were also sprayed everywhere. In the night, this scene was particularly strange.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, Zhong Xi's toes pressed gently, and then immediately bounced up. His whole body was like a spring ball, and he had rushed into the forest without any pause.

Looking at Zhong Xi's movements, Duan Peng, who has been watching his movements in the water, can't help sighing deeply. Zhong Xi's whole movements are like clouds and flowing water, and there is almost no disconnection. In addition to sighing, Duan Peng also has a little worry. Although in his opinion, Zhong Xi is also extremely powerful, after all, there are 50 or 60 opponents. .

The whole forest was silent. From Zhong Xi jumping out of the water and hitting the robot's head to now, the whole robot team has hardly responded. After more than ten seconds, a metal knock came from a distance. It is estimated that the metal head fell to the ground or hit the tree trunk.

The sound broke the calm of the forest and also broke the shock of the robot. A messy footsteps sounded. The robot did not follow Zhong Xi's footsteps. They first gathered in the direction of SD24.

Hiding underwater and looking at the robot's response, Duan Peng's eyes showed a trace of doubt. He didn't know what these robots wanted to do, but it didn't take long before Duan Peng's doubts were solved.

The robot quickly chased in the direction of Zhong Xi left under the leadership of SD24, but this time, SD24 did not rush to the front of the team, but four SD102s walked at the forefront of the team.

Duan Peng grinned and smiled happily at Zhong Li beside him. The robot was really intelligent, and he even knew that he was afraid. However, the smile did not last long. Duan Peng soon found a very serious problem. Only more than 30 robots left with SD24, and 20 left in place. They quickly dispersed and surrounded the small lake again before Duan Peng and Zhong Li made any action.

Although 20 robots surround a small lake with a diameter of 40 meters, the gap is a little bigger, but this gap is a little smaller than that of Zhong Li and Duan Peng, especially in order to save Duan Peng, Zhong Li has thrown away his weapons. Looking at each other, Zhong Li and Duan Peng's faces showed a wry smile at the same time. Their physical strength had been almost exhausted, and they could drown themselves without robots.


Zhong Xi has traveled 50 meters, which is the best distance. He can see the movement of the robot, and it is just enough to let the robot see his body.

Stand behind a big tree, exposing half of his body outside the tree. Zhong Xi stood behind the tree and quietly watched the robot's movements. Soon Zhong Xi also found something wrong. Only more than 30 robots followed, and 20 robots stayed in place. Not only that, but also more worrying things. In addition to the robots left by the lake, the flashing green light on the electronic eyes of more than 30 robots that followed suddenly disappeared.

The robot is rapidly approaching in the direction of Zhong Xi's hiding, but in a few seconds, the distance between the two sides is less than 30 meters. Spell it! Zhong Xi tightened the iron bar in his hand. Instead of retreating, he rushed up to the robot.

When Zhong Xi moved, the robot hesitated. The team immediately stopped, and the robot behind quickly moved to the front, surrounding SD24 in the center of the team like a big enemy.

20 meters...15 meters...10 meters.

The distance between the two sides keeps getting closer. The robot facing Zhong Xi has held the energy sword in his hand, and the unique blue light of the energy sword blade shines between the two sides clearly.

Five meters, Zhong Xi has alreadyposed for attack. The robot's energy sword was also taken back to the chest. They stood quietly in place. Zhong Xi could even see the robot's electronic pupils constantly shrinking.

Attack! Zhong Xi raised his hands above his head, and then suddenly came back. The iron bar smashed out and drove the air to scream. The robot's response was not slow. The energy sword was quickly raised by them, and the blade was on the track of the iron bar.

There was no sound or impact. Unexpectedly, Zhong Xi's arms were gently around, and the iron bar was suddenly put into his arms. The seemingly fierce attack disappeared invisible at this moment. At the same time, Zhong Xi's toes weighed heavily on the ground, and the leaves on the ground were trampled by his foot, revealing Underground soil. Almost wiping the body of the robot, Zhong Xi circled behind the team.

Zhong Xi's figure did not pause. As he walked, his position was constantly changing. In just two or three seconds, Zhong Xi's figure returned to the lake without hesitation. The iron bar in Zhong Xi's hand stabbed forward. The robot guarding by the lake is completely stupid. He hasn't even got his weapon yet, and Zhong Xi's stick has poked into his chest.

Flash! Like a ghost, the stick has not been pulled out of the robot's chest. Zhong Xi's body has appeared beside another robot. He turned his back to another robot and suddenly withdrew the long stick. With the power of collection, the end of the long stick poked the chest of another robot.

This time, the stick could not be poked in. After all, the recovered power was not as fierce as the direct attack. The metal skin on his chest was poked in a small pit, and the robot staggered back three steps, but this was not the end. Before his center of gravity could be adjusted, the iron bar in Zhong Xi's hand had appeared above his head.

When', the robot's metal head was concave, and the metal body of more than two meters was knocked down by Zhong Xi. The electronic eye also popped out, and a fierce electric spark came out of the eye.

Zhong Xi opened his hands and tightened the iron bar in his hand again, with a solemn expression on his face. After three attacks, two robots looked extremely powerful, but his tiger mouth had oozed blood.

Although the pain came from the tiger's mouth, Zhong Xi's footsteps did not stop, and his body still walked by the lake like a ghost.

Several robot energy guns have been drawn, and the muzzle is pointed in the direction of Zhong Xi, but Zhong Xi's position is constantly changing. They have empty energy guns, but they have never found a chance to shoot.

Zhong Xi's figure quickly moved to the side of the third robot. Unlike the previous two robots, the robot was ready, and the energy sword was erected by him in front of his chest.

Looking at the robot in front of him, the corners of Zhong Xi's mouth suddenly pulled aside, with an evil smile on his face. Without direct attack, Zhong Xi's right hand suddenly left the iron bar, and the energy lamp suddenly appeared in his hand. A white beam suddenly lit up and directly hit the robot's electronic eye. The electronic pupil shrank only the size of a needle eye in an instant, and the energy sword in his hand flew wildly in front of his chest.

Zhong Xi swam around the robot. Under the faint light of the energy sword blade, Zhong Xi's figure became more erratic. Suddenly, the energy sword in the robot's hand paused slightly. Even now, without hesitation, Zhong Xi suddenly stabbed forward, and the iron bar in his hand passed through the robot's defense like a spiritual snake, and the stick gently touched the robot's electronic eye. The electronic eye is almost the most vulnerable part of the robot's whole body. Without too much force, the iron bar pierced the electronic eye and penetrated the robot's brain.

The robot went crazy, as if it had been stimulated by something, holding the energy sword in both hands and splitting towards Zhong Xi regardless. The stick is still in the eyes of the robot, but the blade of the energy sword has hit the top of Zhong Xi's head.

Quietly watching the blade approach his head, Zhong Xi pulled the corners of his mouth, and his nose made a disdainful 'ci' sound. His right hand held the stick and stirred it gently.

The blade was almost next to Zhong Xi's scalp, and Zhong Xi had even felt the chill from the blade. But at this moment, with Zhong Xi's gentle stir, the light of the blade disappeared, and the robot's body collapsed like a puddle of mud.


Through the refraction of the lake, Zhong Xi's movements looked even more strange. He surrounded the small lake, rushed into the forest, and then rushed out of the forest. Every time he rushed out of the forest, there were always one or two robots that were scrapped by him. Duan Peng underwater was even more relaxed and happy. Zhong Xi's movements reminded him of elegance. It reminded him of art.

Finally, when Zhong Xi rushed into the forest again, he did not come out again. SD24, which had been chasing Zhong Xi, also disappeared in the direction of Zhong Xi's departure with his men. Perhaps the powerful combat effectiveness shown by Zhong Xi made SD24 feel afraid, and the robot he had left by the lake also followed them. Disappeared in the forest together.

Duan Peng and Zhong Li quietly stayed underwater and watched the direction the robot left. For a long time, there was still no movement in the forest. They looked at each other, and the two slowly swam to the lake and climbed to the shore.

There are more than a dozen scrapped robots lying by the lake. Except for the first two robots that were violently beaten by Zhong Xi, the rest of the robots were inserted from the electronic eye with sticks and then destroyed the chips hidden in the brain.

When he first climbed ashore from the lake, Duan Peng was still very excited, but when his eyes fell in the direction of Zhong Xi's departure, Duan Peng couldn't help sighing, and his eyes were also full of sadness.

Zhong Xi was not willing to chase, but for him, Duan Peng, Zhong Xi came out. After finding the people in the village, he saw the powerful team of robots. Zhong Xi originally wanted to give up, but for him, Duan Peng, Zhong Xi took the initiative to choose the most difficult task; now, Zhong Xi once again chose to save him.

Although Zhong Xi is very powerful, Duan Peng also knows that Zhong Xi's physical strength is not infinite, otherwise Zhong Xi will not choose to lead the robot away. He should get rid of all the robots here.

Duan Peng was a little depressed, and Zhong Li's interest was also not high. They looked at each other and walked silently to the depths of the forest.


Today is the Lantern Festival, I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival! At the same time, today is also the beginning of a busy year. I wish everyone a prosperous year! Come on!