
Chapter 24 Back

After running for a day and a night, it was the dawn of the third day when Duan Peng and Zhong Li returned to the village, and there were almost no intact walls in the whole village. The village is sad for them, but they have nothing else to go except the village.

As soon as he returned to the village, Duan Peng couldn't help walking to his house. The collapsed walls, damaged furniture, and everything reminded Duan Peng's memory.

Duan Peng quietly walked into the ruins and picked up something from the ground from time to time. After playing for a while, he gently put things aside. His eyes were a little red, and some crystal things oozed from his eyes, which almost made him walk all over the collapsed house. Duan Peng finally sat down in the middle of the house.

Sitting so quietly, his eyes were lax, and his eyes did not know where to focus. This sitting was only one morning, not to mention his figure, not even blinking his eyes.

Zhong Li is like a wandering soul. Since Zhong Xi also left, Zhong Li seemed to have completely lost his direction. Duan Peng followed somewhere. After Duan Peng sat down, he walked back and forth on a clean street near Duan Peng. Like Duan Peng, his eyes were obviously dementia, and there was almost no sign of turning his eyes.

Time is gradually approaching noon, and the sun in the sky is getting bigger and bigger. Duan Peng is still sitting still, immersed in his own world without any sign of awakening, as if he did not feel the passage of time at all.

Zhong Li's footsteps are getting faster and faster, and the tip of his nose has already sweat coming out. It may be because of the silence, or because the boredom in his heart for too long, or because the heat of the sun has triggered the irritation in his heart. Zhong Li's eyes suddenly turned blood red. He closed his feet and turned his head and looked around. When his eyes fell on Duan Peng, Zhong Li's whole body were tight, as if he had found a way to vent. After a few big steps, Zhong Li suddenly stepped in front of Duan Peng.

Zhong Li's tall figure completely blocked Duan Peng's sight. Duan Peng's body did not move, and he didn't even frown, as if Zhong Li existed at all.

Similarly, Duan Peng's reaction and Zhong Li were completely ignored. He reached out and grabbed Duan Peng's collar, pulled Duan Peng from the ground, and violently shook Duan Peng's body and shouted loudly, "Hope? What a bullshit hope! I hope it's like this!?" The saliva crumbs in Zhong Li's mouth sprayed on Duan Peng's face like snowflakes.

The violent shaking finally saved Duan Peng from his world. His eyes began to be free. Finally, he focused on Zhong Li's face. After a sound, Duan Peng seemed to realize what Zhong Li was shouting. His expression changed greatly and he had no time to wipe off the saliva on his face. Duan Peng stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhong Li's arm and was excited. Asked, "Hope? What is hope? What does hope mean?

Duan Peng woke up, but Zhong Li collapsed. The discharge just seemed to have released his whole body energy, and Zhong Li's body suddenly collapsed. Unexpectedly, Duan Peng could not support the power of Zhong Li's collapse, and Zhong Li knelt on the ground.

Zhong Li had almost no reaction to Duan Peng's question. The blood in his eyes faded and his eyes began to become lax again. Although he faced Duan Peng, his eyes crossed Duan Peng and did not know where he had fallen. Tears quietly slid down Zhong Li's cheek and soon became a series of rivers flowing down his cheeks.

Looking at Zhong Li's appearance, Duan Peng sighed long, slowly turned his head and looked left and right, pulled out a broken seat from the ruins and put it behind Zhong Li, and then gently leaned Zhong Li's body up.

sighed and stood up from the ruins. Duan Peng slowly looked into the distance, and his eyebrows slowly condensed in his eyebrows. What does Zhong Li just shouted mean? Why did he shout at himself again? What does this have to do with Zhong Li's sadness?

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Duan Peng muttered to himself that Zhong Li's performance just now was almost crazy, which made him involuntarily think about the reasons.

After thinking for a while, Duan Peng shook his head with a wry smile. There was too little information to analyze at all. It seemed that only Zhong Li knew what he meant and wanted to ask Zhong Li, but he looked back at Zhong Li leaning on the seat. The bitter smile on Duan Peng's face became thicker, and Zhong Li's current appearance did not do it at all. The law answers any questions.

He shook his head fiercely, Duan Peng took a deep breath, and then walked aside and began to clean up the house quietly. Things were sorted out of the ruins little by little, and everything could almost evoke his memory of his parents. The scene before being stunned by Zhong Xi kept reappearing in his mind. His mother's hands were pressed on the energy mask. Although tears were still flowing down, he could read relief from his mother's eyes, while his father stood on the edge of the energy mask and shouted at him.

He was stunned by Zhong Xi. He saw more relief and even a trace of appreciation in his parents' eyes. Whenever he thought of this, he didn't know whether to hate Zhong Xi or thank Zhong Xi. Fortunately, Zhong Xi said that the purpose of the robot was to arrest all the people, although he still didn't know them. The ultimate goal, but one thing that can be basically confirmed is that robots are unlikely to kill prisoners.

"I hope Brother Xi will be fine!" Duan Peng muttered.

Speaking of Zhong Xi, Duan Peng raised his head and looked at Zhong Li not far away. Maybe he was tired. Zhong Li's eyes were closed, and he didn't know when the tears stopped. Only a few tears were still hanging on his cheeks, and occasionally there was a unique twitching sound when crying came from his nose.

Duan Peng smiled, but he didn't expect Zhong Li, who had been simple and protected him, to have such a childish time. Shaking his head, Duan Peng lowered his head again and recalled everything about his parents.

Suddenly, Duan Peng suddenly raised his head and thought of something. Before he was knocked unconscious, the robot had appeared, and his father had been shouting at him, but at that time, because of a dispute with Zhong Xi, he had never noticed his father's shouting. In retrospect, his father's mouth shape at that time should be the same as when he saw his father shouting when he was knocked unconscious, and the content of the shouting seemed to be very Simply, my father seems to have been repeating two words.

Duan Peng stopped his movements. He opened his mouth to make his father's mouth at that time, and then pronounced it. Finally, he formed meaningful words. Before long, Duan Peng found the answer: "Go home?" Duan Peng scratched the back of his head and asked himself softly, "Is there any special significance when he was still shouting home at that time?"

stood up and looked around in the ruins. The place is not big, just a sweep, without twisting the head, Duan Peng can see the whole ruins clearly. After searching on both sides continuously, Duan Peng still couldn't see any difference.

He frowned and curled his lips, and finally checked again. Duan Peng bent down and began to clean up the garbage on the ruins. The broken bricks and beams were moved out by Duan Peng to the edge of the street. Before long, the appearance of home reappeared in front of Duan Peng. Except for the roof and walls, there was nothing special.

Duan Peng checked carefully in the room, even moved away each table and chair, and gently tapped on the ground.

'Dangdang', 'dongdong', suddenly there was an empty knock on the floor under Duan Peng's parents' bed. Duan Peng quickly climbed down and carefully wiped the dust off the floor. A square board appeared in front of him. The board was drawn separately, and there was obviously something hidden underneath.

Duan Peng carefully pulled out the board. Sure enough, a hollow square wooden grid was exposed below. A rectangular wooden box slightly larger than the book was placed in the middle of the wooden grid, and the circle of the wooden box also put some dehumidifying white powder.

Duan Peng took out the wooden box and held it in his hand. There was nothing special about the wooden box. To put it special, it was that the outside of the wooden box was very smooth, as if it was often touched.

What's in

? What is worth his father not forgetting to tell him when he left? Duan Peng's eyes were full of curiosity, and he hurriedly opened the wooden box.

A printed book of "Basic Principles of Mecha" lay quietly in the box. Duan Peng was a little disappointed. He thought it was something great, but it was just a very ordinary book. Duan Peng took the book out of the box with a wry smile, but unexpectedly found that there was also a handmade book, "The Mecha Maintenance Experience" under the book.

Still a bitter smile, and I can only laugh bitterly. These things may be quite important to Duan Peng's father Duan Liyan, because they are the result of his half of his life, but these things are of no use to Duan Peng at present, not to mention that the only three mechas left in the village have been scrapped.

smiled bitterly, put both books aside, and Duan Peng walked out of the house. Although he had come out of sadness, Duan Peng couldn't help sighing when he saw the ruins. After sighing for a while and taking several deep breaths, Duan Peng gradually calmed down.

When he returned to Zhong Li, Duan Peng had an iron bar in his hand and glanced at Zhong Li. Duan Peng walked to a relatively empty space with an iron bar.

Standing in the open space, Duan Peng closed his eyes, and the iron bar in his hand waved slowly again and again, and his body also moved forward or backward from time to time with the swing of the iron bar. It looked a little similar to Zhong Xi's attack. Not long after exercising, Duan Peng's breathing began to become rapid, and his slowly waved arm also trembled. There is nothing we can do. Zhong Xi's movements are already very demanding on the coordination of the body, not to mention that Duan Peng did slow motion in order to explore.

Ten minutes, an hour, finally, with a bang, the iron bar fell from Duan Peng's hand. Duan Peng also supported his legs and gasped heavily. The sweat dripping from his forehead soon moistened the land in front of him.

After a short rest, he breathed a little well. Duan Peng went to pick up the iron bar on the ground, but he picked it up several times, but the iron bar could not be lifted. Every time, he mentioned half of it. The strength in his hand was not enough, and the iron bar fell back to the ground.


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