
Chapter 31 Machine Beast

"Don't you know?" Hearing this, Li Tong looked at Duan Peng in surprise, but he was soon relieved. Duan Peng is not a child who grew up in the village, and Dongjia Village is different from other villages. Most of the villages are active soldiers, so the understanding of robots in the village is unimaginable in other villages. Li Tong paused and continued: "Robots are mainly divided into two categories, one is civilian robots. There is another type of military robot.

Duan Peng nodded gently. He had also told him about the robot, but he had never heard Zhong Xi say that there were any animal robots.

Seeing the doubts in Duan Peng's eyes, Li Tong smiled and continued: "There are two ways to divide military robots, one is to divide robots into humanoid and animal-like, and the other is to divide robots into combat and adventure. SD56 is one of them.

"Ape? What is that?" Hearing Li Tong's explanation, Duan Peng was even more confused. He didn't know what the ape was.

"I'm not very clear either. It seems to be a creature on the earth's home planet." Li Tong's ears were a little hot. Originally, he wanted to solve Duan Peng's puzzles, but he was asked by Duan Peng.

The mother planet of the earth, Duan Peng only mentioned when he heard his father Duan Liyan say his name. Peng is a legendary creature on the earth's mother planet. With a gentle bang, Duan Peng opened his mouth and asked again, "Brother Tong..."

"Actually, you can ask your master Uncle Liu after you go back to the village. I heard from my father that Uncle Liu was a great mecha division when he was still in the army. He is the authority in our village about machines." It's not a shame to be asked by Duan Peng. Li Tong has already admitted the fact that Duan Peng is stronger than him, but this is not a good place to learn. Li Tong still interrupted Duan Peng's questioning.

"All right!" Duan Peng got up and stood up. After a period of rest, his breathing has become stable, and the strength in his body has recovered a little. Looking at the SD56 beside him, Duan Peng stretched out his foot and gently kicked the thick metal leg of SD26 and asked, "Brother Tong, can this SD56 be counted as me? Where's their prey?"

Hearing this, Li Tong was stunned at first, and then quickly became excited. Captured by the robot and watching the tense and exciting battle between Duan Peng and the robot, he forgot the purpose of the trip. Li Tong excitedly ran to SD56 and said with a smile, "Yes, I forgot that this SD56 is our trophy? With this, we will definitely get the first place in the bar mitzvazation this time. After saying that, Li Tong was a little astringent. Although this booty could make them the first, this SD56 was Duan Peng's credit.

Seeing Li Tong's embarrassment, Duan Peng immediately smiled and changed the topic, "Hey, Xiao Ruo also said that they would get the first place this time. I don't know if her eyes would fall out after seeing this."


In another dense forest, Dong Ruo and Wang Qian had just finished a battle. They sat down breathlessly and lay an SD102 not far from them.

After a break and gasping a little, Dong Ruo couldn't help saying excitedly, "Sister Wang Qian, we will definitely get the first place in the coming-of-age ceremony this time!"

Wang Qian's face was pale, and her hand holding the sword was still shaking slightly. Teaming up with Dong Ruo was both her luck and her misfortune. With Dong Ruo's status in the village, she could not control Dong Ruo's actions at all.

According to Wang Qian's idea, it was better for the two to act near the village and go back with their prey, but Dong Ruo took her into the depths of the dense forest, but fortunately, they just met an SD102. Although it was very difficult, the two finally defeated, thinking that they were about the first to get. A smile appeared on Wang Qian's face.

Without waiting for Wang Qian to answer, Dong Ruo had already stood up with her tired body. She slowly walked to SD102 and checked it carefully before laughing and said, "The body of this SD102 is basically intact. If Xiaopeng sees it, he will definitely like it."

Looking at Dong Ruo's appearance, Wang Qian couldn't help joking, "Xiao Ruo, do you like that little guy named Duan Peng very much?"

"Sister Wang Qian!" Dong Ruo blushed and stamped her feet. She had a little good impression on Duan Peng, but no one had ever pierced it in front of her. "Duan Peng is learning to repair mecha. The mecha he used before was also made by himself, and many of the parts were replaced by parts of the robot. Besides, he was more than three years younger than me. !"

"Did you do it yourself?" Wang Qian was also a little surprised after listening to Dong Ruo's words. Although Duan Peng brought three mechas when they came, no one thought that the three mechas were made by Duan Peng himself and used parts on the robot as a substitute. However, the surprise is only for a moment. She will not let go of the rare opportunity to tease Dong Ruo. "It's only three years older, it's not a problem!" Xiao Ruo, don't you think there are many people in the village who are married by five or six years old?

"I ignore you!" Dong Ruo's face turned redder.


Duan Peng was really successful in changing the topic, and Li Tong quickly got rid of the shadow of loss, "Yes! I don't know what kind of prey Miss Ruo can hunt, but no matter what kind of prey she hunts, I'm afraid it can't be compared with the SD56 in front of her.

circling around SD56, Duan Peng is learning mecha repair. All mecha robots are his reference objects, and the SD56 beast body provides him with a lot of new ideas.

"Xiaopeng, wipe it quickly. I think your saliva is about to fall off." Looking at Duan Peng's movements, Li Tong did not know that Duan Peng was studying. He thought that Duan Peng was excited because he might get the first coming-of-age ceremony. He said exaggeratedly with a smile, "SD56's body is thousands of catties. Although it has been destroyed, the two of us may not be able to transport it back!"

Duan Peng's eyes are still linger on SD56. Li Tong's joked that he didn't hear it at all. After looking at it for a while, Duan Peng pointed to SD56 and said, "Brother Tong, who do you think these robots are? How did you come up with these? Look at this body. Look at the design of these joints and look at the comparison of the hands and feet. Although the robot's body has been aggravated, it also increases the robot's attack power and does not affect the balance of the robot at all.

sighed for a while. Duan Peng stretched out his hand and gently stroked the body of SD56, especially the position he mentioned. His eyes were even more immersed in it. "It's so perfect. If we can add these design changes to the mecha, then our mecha's The combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved.

It was not until then that Li Tong knew what Duan Peng was doing, and his face was more ashamed. Before that, although Duan Peng surpassed him in all aspects, he did not feel that Duan Peng was great. He just felt that Duan Peng had a good teacher and Duan Peng's talent was good enough. But after listening to Duan Peng's words, he realized that the hard work he used to think was nothing. Duan Peng is really hardworking and keeps learning at any time.

"Xiaopeng, didn't Uncle Liu show you the graphics of the robot when you were in the mecha factory?" Although it was a question, there was a trace of respect in Li Tong's words.

Duan Peng was stunned. As for Li Tong's tone, he didn't notice it at all. Soon Duan Peng came to his senses and quickly rushed to Li Tong's side, grabbed Li Tong's arm and said, "Robot graphics? Is there any such as these in the mecha factory?

"Hmm!" Li Tong nodded, "Of course, I haven't seen these robots. The reason why I can call out the model of the robot is also what we learned when we were young. I have seen its graphics in previous learning, and it is not just SD mountain model robots, as long as it is not the previous top-secret model, mecha. Almost all of them are preserved in the factory.

"Ah!" Duan Peng's eyes widened, and he didn't know how important he had missed until now. "Why didn't the master mention it to me, Brother Tong, let's go back quickly!" With that, Duan Peng pulled Li Tong to leave, and even the SD56 on one side was forgotten by him.

"Xiaopeng, you forgot that the coming-of-age ceremony has only been three days, and we still have four days to return to the village." Li Tong smiled bitterly, but he had more respect for Duan Peng, not only talent, but also Duan Peng's learning attitude that he could not compare with.

"Uh!" After listening to Li Tong's words, Duan Peng realized that although it is more important to go back to see the robot graphics than the results of the coming-of-age ceremony, this is the first activity he came to the village to participate in. Even if he does not value the results of the activity, he has to abide by the rules of the village. Stretching out his hand and scratching the back of his head, Duan Peng smiled and said, "It's not Brother Tong. I forgot that you mentioned it!" But it's not bad these days."

After saying that, Duan Peng returned to SD56. Now he can't go back, but there is also a physical robot that he can observe. After looking at it for a while, Duan Peng said with emotion, "It's a pity, if only there was a set of tools!"

Duan Peng's learning attitude affected Li Tong, which not only showed a little respect for Duan Peng, but also changed his own learning attitude. The prey is already available. All they have to do is to take the robot back on the day of return. While Duan Peng was studying the robot, Li Tong also went aside and began his exercise.

"Brother Tong, come and take a look for me!" Suddenly, Duan Peng seemed to have discovered a new livable planet.

"What's wrong?" Although the mecha knowledge is far less than Duan Peng, Li Tong has seen the graphic analysis of SD56 at least, and he quickly walked to Duan Peng's side and asked.

"Brother Tong, look, the central brain of this robot beast has been destroyed by me. Why is the red light in his ear still flashing?" Duan Peng pointed to SD56 and then asked with a flashing red light.

"Red light? Behind the ear? Because of the injury, Li Tong's face was a little pale. When he heard Duan Peng's question, his face suddenly turned pale. He quickly looked at the place pointed by Duan Peng, but when he looked at Li Tong, he couldn't help saying in horror, "Xiaopeng, let's go quickly. If we don't leave, it may be too late."

"What's wrong?" Duan Pengqi looked at Li Tong's panicked look.

"The red light behind the ear is the signal light of the robot. When it flashes, it means that it is connected to a nearby robot. There must be other robots nearby." Li Tong's voice trembled a little and said as he pulled Duan Peng's body and ran to the forest next to him.


Updated to ask for red tickets for collection............