
Chapter 32 The Last

Cheng Xudong sat on a big tree branch, and the thick leaves almost completely covered his figure. Through the gap between the leaves, Cheng Xudong's eyes kept scanning the forest with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

It's almost noon. After a morning's rest, except for the injury in the abdomen, the physical fatigue has completely recovered. However, the fatigue has recovered, but it has become more nervous mentally.

Cheng Xudong has been sitting on this big tree for nearly a morning. Under the tree are the traces left by Wang Xing and others when they set out to track Duan Peng early yesterday morning. Cheng Xudong also carefully covered up the traces he left, but after waiting all morning, he still did not see Wang Xing's figure.

"Has he returned to the village?" Cheng Xudong asked himself softly, but as soon as he asked, Cheng Xudong couldn't help shaking his head. It was impossible. All the children were still here, and Wang Xing could not go back alone, otherwise he could not follow the punishment after going back.

After sitting on the tree for a while, Cheng Xudong finally couldn't help standing up, leaving only Wang Xing. As long as Wang Xing is killed, no one will know that he shot Xiao Wu. As for Duan Peng, although Duan Peng's ability and outstanding ability are outstanding, Duan Peng has only been in the village for a little more than half a year. Even if Duan Peng testified, it cannot affect the trust of the rest of the village in him in Cheng Xudong.

After hesitating for a while, Cheng Xudong sat back. Wang Xing's most powerful place is trace tracking, and people who are good at trace tracking are generally also good at trace removal. Although Cheng Xudong's trace tracking is stronger than Wang Xingdu, it is not much stronger. Wang Xing removed the traces of movement, and he also can't find it. So even if he goes down, he can't find the trace of Wang Xing. The only thing he can do is to wait.

As time passed, Cheng Xudong became more and more anxious and moved his legs. Cheng Xudong was about to stand up again. Suddenly, there was a 'rustling' footsteps in the distance.

Is it a human or an animal? Cheng Xudong was about to stand up and immediately stopped. He quickly raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound. Unfortunately, the leaves covered his figure and also covered his vision. The place where the sound came was still a little far away. Looking from his position, he could not see it at all.

The footsteps slowly approached Cheng Xudong's position. The closer they approached, the more hesitant the footsteps became, and they couldn't even hear the sound of footsteps moving for a long time. However, as time went by, a figure still appeared in Cheng Xudong's sight, and it was indeed Wang Xing.

Wang Xing did not know that there was a murder waiting for him in front of the forest. Since Duan Peng let them go last night, they began to run away in a panic. No one noticed whether there were other companions behind them. Wang Xing also forgot the direction of moving forward. It was not until the middle of the night that he calmed down that he remembered to return to the battlefield according to the route he left behind, and then He walked all the way back.

But he hesitated and was afraid that Duan Peng would regret letting them go. Wang Xing did not dare to walk directly on the previous route, but walked next to the previous route. Because he has seen Duan Peng's ability to clean up traces, Wang Xing also kept cleaning up the traces he left on the way.

Now, he is getting closer and closer to the camp, and Wang Xing's nervousness finally relaxed, but soon he was troubled by another thing. Yesterday, eleven people went out, but now he comes back alone. He doesn't know how to explain to the people in the camp. After all, Ten-year-old young people are an unacceptable loss in the village. More importantly, Wang Xing has never seen any traces of other people's return. He doesn't know what happened to other partners at all. He can't face the inquiries of the rest of the others in the camp.

Looking up at the direction of the camp in front of him, Wang Xing took two steps and stopped. The pace under his feet became more and more hesitant. Finally, he simply stopped against a big tree.

Cheng Xudong slowly stood up and stared at Wang Xing's figure. He was about to kill Wang Xing when he walked under the tree. Unexpectedly, Wang Xing stopped moving forward by a tree.

A trace of doubt flashed between his eyebrows. Cheng Xudong did not know whether Wang Xing had known anything, so he stopped his pace, but just hesitated for a while, and Cheng Xudong made a decision. Wang Xing's specialty is only good at tracking. The force between him and Wang Xing is not at the same level. Even if Wang Xing finds anything, he can't escape his pursuit.

Cheng Xudong jumped directly from the tree, and the long sword on his waist was also held in his hand.

As an expert on traces, he will always pay attention to the movement in the whole forest. Even if he is in a trance, Wang Xing has not given up his attention to the forest. Cheng Xudong just moved, and Wang Xing has reacted quickly.

"East...Cheng Xudong?" Originally, I wanted to call Dongge, but when I thought of what Cheng Xudong had done, he took back the words he shouted. His hand also reached into his arms and looked at Cheng Xudong, who fell not far in front of him. Wang Xing's face was full of vigilance. It was not until the hand reached into his arms grasped the handle of the energy gun that Wang Xing's heart panic calmed down a little, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Cheng Xudong slowly approached Wang Xing step by step, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to appear now."

"Wait for me?" Wang Xing's hand tightened and almost took out the energy gun from his arms, "What are you waiting for me to do?"

"Hey." A gloomy smile appeared on Cheng Xudong's face. As he said, he waved the sword in his hand, which was still covered with blood. "What do you think I'm waiting for?"

"Instruction?" Wang Xing reacted instantly, and the energy gun was also taken out of his arms and pointed straight at Cheng Xudong: "What about them? What about them? Have you been silenced by you?

Seeing Wang Xing's energy gun, Cheng Xudong's face changed. The killing in front of him was too easy. He forgot that Wang Xing still had an energy gun in his hand, and the energy gun was still given by him, barely making his smile gentler. Cheng Xudong said, "How come, you misunderstood? They have passed. , I just didn't see you. I'm a little worried, so I'm waiting for you here.

"Will you be so kind?" I have seen the ferocious face of Xudong in the process. No matter what Cheng Xudong said, how can Wang Xing believe Cheng Xudong again, not to mention that Cheng Xudong's acting skills are not good. Looking at Cheng Xudong still approaching, Wang Xing shook the energy gun in his hand and said, "Stop before you talk."

"Okay, okay, don't be nervous." Cheng Xudong stopped according to his words.

Seeing that Cheng Xudong really stopped, Wang Xing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Cheng Xudong's force value was too high than his. As long as he was close to a certain range, even if he had an energy gun in his hand, he could not do anything to Cheng Xudong.

While Wang Xing was relieved, Cheng Xudong's footsteps started again. He would not let go of the opportunity to kill Wang Xing, especially now that he has killed nine of them. If Wang Xing is released alive, he will face more serious consequences. Closer, closer, the distance between the two sides has narrowed to Cheng Xudong's attack range in the blink of an eye. Without hesitation, the sword in Cheng Xudong's hand stabbed Wang Xing's neck with a cold light.

Finally, a smile appeared on Cheng Xudong's face, and until this moment, all the problems left by Duan Peng to him were finally solved. He seemed to have seen Wang Xing looking at him with an unbelievable expression, and his neck was sprayed with blood arrows that could not even cover his hands.

Just when Cheng Xudong thought that the dust had settled, a white light lit up, and the energy gun in Wang Xing's hand fired an energy bomb. Although Cheng Xudong had stopped, Wang Xing had not relaxed his vigilance. The trace of tracing was carefulness. As the most outstanding person in this respect among his peers, how could he give up observation? Cheng Xudong's expression and movements. Only at the moment when Cheng Xudong put out his sword, he had pulled the trigger. Even if he died, he would pull Cheng Xudong as a cushion.

The death is by no means the result that Cheng Xudong wants. Almost at the moment when the white light shines, Cheng Xudong has made a move and his body quickly rushed to the side. However, even so, the energy bomb still passed by his arm holding the sword. Although it did not hit directly, the high heat of the energy bomb was held by Cheng Xudong. A deep wound was left on the sword's arm.

"Wang Xing!" Rolling on the ground, Cheng Xudong gritted his teeth and shouted. He couldn't believe that Wang Xing really dared to shoot and hit him. He raised his head and looked at Wang Xing. Because of anger, Cheng Xudong's eyes were full of blood, and his whole eyes turned horrible blood red.

However, at this look, it seemed that a basin of cold water was drenched down his head. Cheng Xudong's anger suddenly disappeared, and his heart was full of panic. Wang Xing disappeared, and a big living man disappeared in front of his eyes. The important thing is not Wang Xing's disappearance, but the consequences after Wang Xing's disappearance. Wang Xing is not Duan Peng. What he said can still affect many people. If Duan Peng testified from the side, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

It was just stunned. Cheng Xudong quickly rushed to the position where Wang Xing had just stood. Fortunately, although Wang Xing moved quickly and there was no sight of him in the forest, the traces left on the ground clearly indicated the direction of his departure.

"Can you run away? No one can stop me from what Cheng Xudong wants to do!" Cheng Xudong muttered softly, and a gloomy smile appeared on Tieqing's face again. As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Xudong gritted his teeth and chased Wang Xing in the direction.

Just by bypassing the two big trees, Wang Xing's panicked figure had fallen into Cheng Xudong's eyes and smiled. Cheng Xudong even deliberately slowed down his pace and even found fun in watching Wang Xing's panic flight.

"I'm coming!" Cheng Xudong shouted with a grim smile and walked around a big tree. Although Wang Xing used a big tree to cover his figure every time, he could not hide the gap between the two, and the distance between the two sides was constantly narrowing.

As soon as his body flashed from behind the tree, a white light almost lit up at the same time as he flashed. Cheng Xudong didn't expect that Wang Xing did not run and stood behind the big tree. An energy bomb was waiting to welcome his arrival. He flashed in a panic, but this time he was not so lucky. The seat fired by the energy bomb was low, unexpectedly from him. After wiping his legs, Cheng Xudong fell to the ground and could not stand up for a long time. He could only watch Wang Xing's figure disappear into the depths of the dense forest.


Xiao Chu tried his best. Today's two update, friends, collect +++ Do you have any extra tickets for your aunt? Xiao Chu also wants *^_^*

Cheer up for Xiao Chu, come on, Xiao Chu!!! Come on!!! Ha ha, I'm entertaining myself!!